Creating a Username Token

Oracle Web Services Security 10-5 Creating a Username Token

First, create a UsernameToken and place it inside your WSSecurity header. The only mandatory field in the UsernameToken is the username: create a Username token WSSecurity ws = ... UsernameToken ut = new UsernameTokendoc; ut.setUserNameZoe; remember to put this inside your WSSecurity header. addUserNameToken puts it at the beginning, you can also use a regular DOM method appendChild or insertChild to put it in. ws.addUsernameTokenut; optionally add an wsu:Id, so you can refer to it ut.setWsuIdMyUser; Next, decide how to put the password into this token. There are several choices: 1. Add a clear text password. Consider using this technique only when the whole message is being sent over a secure channel like SSL. 2. Add a digest of the password or some other kind of derived password. A digest is not necessarily more secure than a clear text password, as it can also be replayed unless it is protected by a nonce and time. 3. Add a digest of the password using the digest mechanism given in the WS Security specification. This uses the nonce and the createdDate. 4. Do not add the password or its digest at all. Instead derive a key from the password and use that to sign the message, to demonstrate knowledge of the key. For options 1 and 2, use the setPassword method ut.setPasswordIloveDogs; With this mechanism, the reciever should simply call UsernameToken.getPassword to check if the password is as expected. For option 3, use the setPasswordDigest method, but before doing thatfor that you have to at first set a nonce and a created date. SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstanceSHA1PRNG; byte nonce[] = new byte[20]; random.nextBytesnonce; compute a 20 byte random nonce ut.setNoncenonce; ut.setCreatedDatenew Date; Set the date to now ut.setPasswordDigestIloveDogs; will compute the digest from this clear text password using SAML Assertion 1.1 ml.SAMLAssertionToken SAML Assertion 2.0 ml2. SAML2AssertionToken ■ holder_of_key ■ sender_vouchers ■ bearer For holder_of_key the subject’s key is used – this is, the key inside the saml:SubjectConfirmation which is inside the saml:Assertion. For sender_vouches, the key of the attesting entity is used. Keys are not extracted from bearer tokens. Table 10–2 Cont. Security Tokens for Oracle Web Services Security Type of Token Java Class Variations Keys 10-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Reference for Oracle Security Developer Tools nonce and createdDate For this mechanism, the reciever should use the following byte nonce[] = ut.getNonce; .. check against the used nonces, to make sure this is a new nonce Date createdDate = ut.getCreated; .. check that this createdDate is within an expected clock skew boolean valid = ut.isValiduserName, passwd, above call will recompute the digest from the passwd and the nonce and created date, and check if this digest matches the digest in the username token For option 4, set the salt and iteration count SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstanceSHA1PRNG; byte salt[] = new byte[15]; random.nextBytessalt; compute a 15 byte random salt ut.setSalt1, salt; ut.setIteration1000; SecretKey key = ut.deriveKeyIloveDogs; Now you can use this secret key to sign or encrypt data. Creating an X509 Token