English borrowings in indonesian entertainment terminology

A Thesis
Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty
in Partial to Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Strata I Degree

NO. 103026027629

1428 I-I I 2007 M


Nabilah Alawi, English Borrowings in Indonesian Entertainment Terminology.
Paper. Jakarta : English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State

Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, July 2007.
This research is aimed to know the English Borrowed word into Indonesian
language in Entertainment terminology, the important purpose in this research is to
know the change of meaning that is happened in the borrowing word from English
into Indonesian Language in Entertainment tem1inology.
The writer uses descriptive qualitative method, where she describes one by
one the borrowed words from English, and analyzes those words in Indonesian
Entertainment terminology which are experienced the change of meaning, such as in
Extension, Narrowing, and in the same of meaning. To support the analysis the writer
uses some dictionaries and the other related references.
The writer uses some theories that are the definition oflanguage, terminology,
borrowing and the change of meaning. To find the words which are borrowed from
English, the writer uses three different magazines as the unit of analysis. They are

Cita Cinta, Intisari, and

Spice!. The writer has been already found fourty

terminologies from those magazines and analyzed them one by one.
As the conclusion, the writer found the borrowed words from English in

Indonesian entertainment terminology that are presented in this change of meaning
are extension, narrowing, and in the same of meaning on the other hand the change of
meaning does not happen in regeneration and degeneration.



A Paper
Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Strata I Degree

NO. 103026027629

Approved by

NIP. 150 299 481

1428 HI 2007 M


A Paper entitled "English Bon-owings

in Indonesian Ente1iainment

Tenninology" has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty's
Examination committee on November 12, 2007. The paper has already been accepted

as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Strata 1 degree.

Jakarta, November 12, 2007

Examination Committee


Chair Person,


Drs. A. Saefuddin, M. Pd
NIP. 150 261 902

Examiner II

Examiner I

Drs. H. Abd. Hamid, M. Ed.
NIP. 150 181 922

Sholikatus Sa'diyah, M. Pd
NIP. 150 370 230

I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by
another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the
award of any other degree or diploma of the university or the other institute of higher
learning, Except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

. Jakarta, September 24, 2007


In the name ofAllah, !he A-1ost Gracious, the Most Mercifiil.
All praise be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe, who has bestowed upon the

writer completing this paper. Peace and blessing of Allah be upon our prophet
Muhammad SAW, his families, his companions and his followers.
In this occasion the writer would like to convey her heartfelt thanks to these
amazing people, especially to Dr. Frans Sayogie, M.Pd., as the writer's advisor for
his time, guidance and kindness in correcting and helping her to finishing this paper.

I. Her beloved parent H. Alawi Zen, 1\1.A and Hj. Farhiah Thoyyib, for their

prayers, trust and support to the writer. They have been and still are ready and
patient to assist her education morally and materially until finishing this paper
with their various ways, she conveys her truly grateful to have them
2. Dr. H. Abd. Chair, M.A., the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty
3. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Depaitment,
and Drs. A. Saefuddin, l\lPd., the Secretary of English Letters Department
4. All lecturers in English Letters Department, especially to Mr. Zaharil Anasyi,
S.Pd., who has give his advices and ideas to the writer.
5. The library staff of Letters and Humanities Faculty, the library staff of
Cultural Faculty of Indonesia University, and the library staff of 'PKKB'
6. Her beloved sisters (K'o, Kk Uwa, Suhe, Ndu' and Dende) and also her

brothers (A Cory and Oeton) for their support, compassion, contribution, and
moral encouragement that they always give to the writer.
7. Her special thanks to her beloved person, Maz Rang Ga, for his advice, time to
accompany, helping and editing her paper.

8. And also all her friends and classmates in English Letters Department
especially to Yoentze, Paul, Yuni, Emma, and Maz Dew
9. All who have given their support for the writer.
The words are not enough to say any appreciation for your help and
contribution on this paper. May Allah SWT always guides you and gives all
happiness throughout your life.

Jakarta, September 24 2007

The Writer


ABSTRACT .............................................................................. .








TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................



A. Backgrouud of the Study ................................ .
B. Focus of the Study.........................................


C. Research Question.........................................


D. Significance of the Study..................................


E. Research Methodology.............. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I. Objective of the Study.................................


II. Method of the Study....................................


III. Technique of Data Analysis..........................


IV. Unit of Analysis........................................


V. Instruments of the Research...........................




A. Language.....................................................


B. Terminology.................................................


C. Borrowing....................................................


D. Change of Meaning.........................................


A. Description of the Data..................................... 20
B. Analysis of the Data......................................... 23


A. Conclusions..................................................


B. Suggestions..................................................


BIBLOGRAPHY........................................................................... 50
APPENDIXES.............................................................................. 52


A. Background of the Study

Human uses language as communication device to interact each other, we use
language to ask for, give people infom1ation, and express our mind and feeling. The
simple definition of language is a set of signals by which we communicate. 1 In
linguistics, language is a sound system of signals which is agreed to use by part of
group in certain society to cooperate, communicate, and identify theirself. 2
In modem era, people communicate and cooperate with two or more
countries. Many people speak foreign language in their daily conversation.
Nowadays, educated people and scientists of every kind are induced to learn to read,
if not to speak several languages. It is not easy to see how a foreign language which is
learned and used by the most influential social classes of a nation may cease to be a
foreign language and become a common language which gradually eliminates the
ancient nation language, the process being one of dialectalization and fragmentation. 3
As a social creator, a person depends on another, enable them to complete
their deficiency, it is not impossible if one nation borrowed foreign terms from
another nation to complete their vocabularies. Moreover, perhaps it becomes their


Lorelo Todd, An Introduction to Linguistics, (Singapore: Longman York Press, 1987), p.6
Kushartanti , et.al. (ed), Pesona Bahasa: Langkah Awai Memahami Linguistik, (Jakarta: PT.
Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005), p.3
Andre Martinet, Element of General Linguistics, (london: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1964), p.168



national terms. By the development of culture, science and technology is definitely
think out the new concepts, with the new words or terminologies as the cross•



Indonesian language borrowed many foreign vocabularies from several
languages. Such as Chinese, Arabic, Latin, Dutch, Germany, and also English. As an
International language, many people speak English language in their conversation.
Because of that, English borrowing into Indonesian language is used in many fields,
such as, in Economic, Law, Education, Medical and also in Entertainment field.
Language has meaning and a meaning can experience to change, because
language has dynamic characteristic. A change of meaning happens because of time
and place in certain district or country which is urge the meaning changing. In
meaning, changes result from language contact, from cultural development requiring
new vocabulary, and from reshaping existing meanings. 5
Synchronically, meaning of word does not change, but in diachronically it
enables to change. It means, in a very short period meaning of a word is same does
not changed, but in a long periods it enables the meaning of word will be changed. 6
The words which are borrowed from foreign language will get the change of meaning
based on time and place.
In Indonesian Entertainment terminology which is borrowed from English
language, ·because English is International language in this world. Some of those

Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 1994), p. 54
Ronald Wardhaugh, Introduction to linguistics, (USA: Mc Graw-Hill, Inc, 1972), p. 185
Abdul Chaer (1994), op.cit, p. 310-311


terminologies which are borrowed experience to have the change of meaning. For
example, the word "artis" is taken from English language "artist.J. This word gets
the change of meaning in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, it means "ahli seni;

seniman; seniwati (seperti penyanyi, pemain film, pelukis dan pemain drama) ". 7 In
Oxford dictionary it means "a person who paints or draw picture, produces



Nowadays, Indonesian language calls the word of "artis" as a

person who acts in a film, drama or a singer than an artist (painter), as a person who
draws picture. It means that the word of "artist" in Indonesian Entertainment
terminology 'artis" gets the change of meaning, that is generalization or it is changed
from the narrow meaning into the general one. In this research, the writer will analyze
the English borrowings in Indonesian Entertainment terminology whether it has the
change of meaning or not.

B. Focus of the Study
The writer focused this research on Indonesian Entertainment terminology
which was borrowed from English into Indonesian language and the change of
meaning that happened in it.


Depdikbud, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: PT. Balai Pustaka, 2005), p. 57
A S Homby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, (New York: Oxford University Press,
1995), p. 57


C. Research Question
The question in this research is how does the change of meaning in English
borrowings into Indonesian language in Entertainment terminology happen?

D. Significance of the Study

As one of the references in studying of the linguistic work, this research
dedicates as a requirement to finish undergraduate study in English Letters
Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty of State Islamic University Syarif
Hidayatullah. Generally, the writer hopes that the result of this research can be useful
for the readers and to get more understanding and knowledge about the borrowing
and the change of meaning that happen in Entertainment terminology. Such as on
music, film, and mode as the contents of Entertainment.

F. Research Methodology
I. Objective of the Study
The objective of this research is to know the Indonesian Entertainment
terminologies which are borrowed from English. Besides that, this research is also
aimed to know the change of meaning that happens in the English borrowing in
Indonesian Entertainment terminology.


II. Method of the Study
The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, the
writer will describes the data which are found in three different magazines about
English borrowing into Indonesian language in Entertainment terminology. After
that, the writer will classify the data that experience in the change of meaning.

III. Technique of Data Analysis
In this research, the writer uses the technique of analytic descriptive by
comparing the English borrowing into Indonesian Entertainment terminology with
the general tem1inology of Indonesian language. To support this research, the writer
will use some dictionaries, and books as reference.

IV. Unit of Analysis
The unit analysis that is used in this research is three different monthly
magazines that are CitaCinta ( May - June 2007, No. I !NII), Intisari (November
2006, No.250), and Spice! (June 2007). Because they are popular magazines, and
contains many words of Entertainment. The writer will analyze the Indonesian
Entertainment terminology that have the change of meaning in those magazines.


V. Instrument of the Research
In this research, the writer is an instrument of the research on as the subject
who is collecting, reading, and analyzing the data from some of reference books,
marking the words which are found in three different monthly magazines.


A. Language
Language is a sound system of signals which is agreed to use by part of group
in certain society to cooperate, communicate, and identify theirself.9 Victoria
Fromkin and Robert Rodman said in their book An Introduction to Language, that
when you know a language, you can speak and be understood by others who know
that language. This means, you are able to produce sounds which signify certain
meanings to understand or interpret the sounds produced by other. IO
From those statements, we know that a language is communication device.
People talk use a language because their live in a world of words because people talk,
communicate, and cooperate by others with a language every day, more than any
other attributes, distinguishes human from other animals.
The other definition about language is language as a finite system of elements
and principles that make it possible for speakers to construct sentences to do
particular communicative jobs. 11


Kushartanti, et.al. (ed), op. cit., p.3
Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Languge, second edition (Tokyo:
Holt-Saunders Japan Ltd, 1981), p. 1-2
Ralph Faso Id and Jeff Connorlinton, (ed), An Introduction to Language and Linguistics,
(UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 9


The most aspect of knowing a language is knowing that certain sounds or
sound sequences signify or represent different concept or "meanings". 12 Knowing a
language therefore knows the system which relates sounds and meanings. It means
that when you do not !mow a language, the sounds spoken to you from foreign tongue
mean nothing to you. So, you can not understand what the speaker's message is.
Language has many functions, there are five important communicative
functions of language:
I. Informational function

Language is used for giving information to another people
2. Expressive function
Language can be used to express our feelings
3. Directive function
Language can be aimed to influence the other behaviors or attitudes
4. Aesthetic function
Language can be used to sake the linguistic artifact, although with ulterior
5. Phatic function 13

In this function the communicative work is done by language, by keeping
commtmicative lines open and social relationship in good repair.

"Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, op. cit., p.2
"Geoffrey Leech, Semantics, (England: Penguin Book Ltd., 1974) p. 47-48


B. Terminology
Term is a lexical unit consisting of one or more than one word which
represents a concept inside a domain, and the terminology is the vocabulary of a
subject field. 14
Terminology is a word or the combination of words that express a concept
meaning, process, condition or special characteristics in a certain field and give the
term which is known generally or specifically. 15 Terminology is special terms or
vocabularies customarily used by those engaged in a specific activity or field of
endeavor. 16
It is necessary for every science to have its own terminology in its work.

Terminology is the expression which has certain meaning that is used in branch of
science. 17 Terminology is different from word, terminology have a meaning which is
certain, clear and unhesitatingly, although without context sentence. 18 The
terminology is free from context on the contrary word is not free from context. For
example, the word of tangan and lengan as the terminology in Medical term, both of
them have different meaning in medical field. Tangan is a part from circle until


Kyo Kageura, The Dynamic of Terminology, (Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing,

2002), p.9


John S. Hartanto, Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Jstilah dan Pedoman Ejaan Bahasa
Indonesia Yang di Sempurnakan (EYD), (Surabaya: lndah, 1995), p. 8
Mario Pei and Frank Gaynor, Dictionary oflinguistics (New Jersey: Littlefield,
Harimurti Kridalaksana, Fungsi Bahasa dan Sikap Bahasa, (Jakarta: PT. Nusa lndah, 1982),
"Abdul Chaer, op.cit., p. 295


fingers, and lengan is a part from circle until shoulder. Whereas in word, tangan and
lengan is have the same meaning.

In development of language there are numbers of terminology which are often
used become general vocabulary. It means, that terminology is not only used in its
own science field but also used generally outside the field. 19 For example the
terminology of spiral, and virus have been become general vocabulary.
There are seven sources of terminology according to John S Hartanto, as
I. Indonesia vocabularies

This source has to fulfill one or more requisite that is concise, the meaning is
not deviate, there is no bad meaning (connotation), pleasant to hear and by
generalization or specialization of the origin meaning. Such as: Garis !bu and

2. Family language vocabularies
If the terminology in Indonesian language is not found, it is desirable to find
the terminology in family language vocabularies. Such as: Nyeri from Sunda,
Pain from English.
3. Foreign language vocabularies
If the terminology is not found neither in Indonesia nor family language
vocabularies, foreign language vocabulary can be used as the source to find
the terminology. Such as: Music in English and music in Indonesia.



4. Absorbed the foreign terminology
The process of absorbed can be done with or without change in adaptation
spelling and pronunciation. Such as the term of Kimia in Indonesia and
Chemistry in English, it means ilmu urai but we do not use this terminology
in the dialogue, we often use the term ofKimia only.
5. Types of absorption
These types are the context of situation and bound of sentence, easy to learn
language and practicality. Such as the term of electron, in Indonesia language
is e!ektron.
6. Common foreign terminology usage
The usage of common foreign terminology can be used as the Indonesian
terminology. Such as fabriek becomes pabrik
7. Constants foreign terminology spelling.20
We can use it with requisite give italics or underline the word. Such as Cum
Loude means graduated from university with cumulative achievement index

between 3.50 without C value until 4.00
Word with general meaning have a function as the te1minology. George Yule
in his book The Study of Language explained that the processes to fonn the word.
There are etymology, coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping,



John S. Hartanto, op. cit., p. 11-14


backformation, conversion, acronyms. Derivation, prefixes and suffixes, infixes and
multiple processes. 21 These are the explanation about the word formation:
I. Etymology
It is known as the origin and history of a word. For example: the word of
etymology itself
2. Coinage
It is by invention the totally new tenns, it is used for commercial products or
for any version of that product. For example: aspirin and teflon
3. Borrowing
It is by taking over the words from other language. For example: yogurt
(borrowed from French)
4. Compounding
It is joining or compounds the two separate words to produce a single form.
For example: wallpaper
5. Blending
It is combination the two separate forms to produce a single new term.
For example: infotainment (information I entertainment)
6. Clipping
It is happened when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter
form. For example: flu (influenza)
7. Backformation
The process is by reduced one type of word to form a word of another type.
For example: televise (verb) into television (noun)
8. Conversion
It is changed the version n of word. As when a noun comes to be used a verb
without any reduction. For example chair (noun) become verb in someone has
to chair the meeting.
9. Acronyms
It is formed a new word from the initial letters of a set of other words.
For example: CD (compact disk) and radar (radio detecting and ranging).
I 0. Derivation
It is accomplished affixes of the English language. For example: unhappy
with affixes tm.
11. Prefixes and suffixes.
Prefixes is added .the affixes in the beginning of the word. For example:
Suffixes is added the affixes in the end of the word. For example: foolishness


George Yule, The Study oflanguage, (UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p.53-59


12. Infixes
It is incorporated inside another word and possible to see in certain
expression. For example: unfuckingbelievable! With infixes fucking
13. Multiple processes
It is can be done by trace the operation of more than one process at work.
For example: problems with the project have snowballed. The word snow and
ball were combined to form the nom1 snowball, the tum in the verb through

C. Borrowing
Languages often change as a result of contact with a speaker of another
language. Language contact occurs when there is increased social interaction between
people from neighboring territories who have traditionally spoken different
language. 22 Borrowing is one of the language contact studies that overlaps with the
discipline of historical linguistics.
According to Ronald Wardhaugh m his book, Introduction to Linguistics
borrowing is another way of adding new vocabulary items to a language.23 Borrowing
is a technical term for the incorporation of an item from one language into another. 24
Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman said that borrowing occurs when one
language adds to its own lexicon a word or morphemes from another language, often
altering its pronunciation to fit the phonological rules of the borrowing language.25
A language may borrow a word directly and indirectly. A direct borrowing is
the borrowing items of native word that language from which it is borrowed. For

Rajend Mesthrie, et.al., Introduction to Sosiolinguistics, (Edinburg: Edinburg University
Press, 2000), p.248
"Ronald Wardhaugh, op.cit., p.181
Rajend Mesthrie, et.al. op.cit., p.249
Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman, An Introduction to Languge, sixth edition (USA:
Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998), p. 459


example: the word feast was borrowed directly from French and can traces back to

Latinfestum. Indirect borrowing is the borrowing items of native word that language
from which it is not borrowed. For example the word algebra was indirectly borrowed
from Arabic with Spanish as an intermediary.
Grosjean (1982) distinguishes between speech and language borrowing. 26
Speech borrowing is when an individual speaker spontaneously uses a form from
another language in his utterance, perhaps by adapting phonologically and
morphologically. Language borrowing is when word from one language have been
borrowed by another and used by monolingual speakers of that recipient language.
Leonard Bloomfield, classifies three types of borrowing, they are:
1. Cultural borrowing
It is happened where the borrowed features come from different language. For

example: garage and camouflage that borrowed from French
2. Imitate borrowing
It is occurs when two languages are spoken in what is topographically and

politically a single community. For example: the word Jury was borrowed
from English language from French in Law tenninology.
3. Dialect borrowing
Where the borrowed features come from within the same speech area. For
example: the native London development of Old English [y] is probably [i] as


Fredric W. Field, Linguistic Borrowing in Bi/lingual Context, (Amsterdam: JohnBenjamin
Publishing Company, 2002), p. 4


in fill and kiss. 27
There are two different factors why one language borrows other language:
I. Social factors
a. the intensity and length of contact
b. the relative number of speakers of each variety
c. cultural, political and economic dominance of one group of speaker.
2. linguistic factors
a. frequency
a. I. contact items. Such as: noun, verbs and adjective.
a.2. vocabulary items. Such as: word for certain basic parts of body.
a.3. particular content items
b. equivalence. 28

Borrowing is a technical term for the incorporation of an item from one
language into another, the items could be words, grammatical elements or sounds.
Borrowing usually involves the adaptation of a word into the phonetic and
grammatical system of the other language.

D. Change of Meaning

Change of meaning means change of references. 29 The reference which has
changed with the new reference, meaning can be changed based on the times and
places. A known word with the origin meaning by all language society, once time
will have shift of meaning in a certain area.


Leonard Bloomfield, Language, (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1935), p. 444 & 461
"Fredric W. Field, op.cit., p. 4-6
J.D. Parera, Teori Semantik, Edisi Kedua, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004), p. 107


Leonardo Bloomfield said in his book Language is the innovation which
change the lexical meaning rather than the grammatical function of a form, are
classes as the change of meaning. 30
The vocabulary of language always add and develop, one of the meaning of
vocabulary in language is not static but dynamic, so it can be changed appropriate
with period development and the human which is used. Changes in the meaning of a
speech form is merely the result of change in the use of it and use the other speech
form that related semantically. For example, the word "canggih" is used to means
"suka mengganggu (ribut, bawel, dsb) ", But now "canggih" is changed become
"sangat rumit dan ruwet dalam bidang teknologi karena keterikatan antar komponen
atau unsur". 31

There are five factors that caused the meaning of word changed:
I. The science and technology development
The development of science and technology can caused the origin word
changed to a different meaning from its origin word. The meaning of words in
the science and technology based on the general word in society, then
experience reducing, restriction and constriction that appropriate with its field.


Leonardo Bloomfield, op.cit., p. 425


2. The social and cultural development.
The change of meaning also can cause by the social and cultural development,
a user of Indonesian language caused the word of meaning to describing their
3. The using of word development
Every science fields have their own vocabularies, but the vocabularies of
theirs can be used to other fields with the new meaning or different with the
origin meaning. Finally, the vocabulmy become general and has several
meaning because its use not only in one field but also another fields, it means
that the meaning can be general from one vocabulary changes from its
original meaning.
4. The conception of sense exchange
All of the conceptions of sense have their own function to feel what happen
with them. In development of language using, many cases of the conception
of sense exchange from the one sense into another. Such as sweet taste, it
should be received by the sense of seeing.
5. Because of Association. 32
There is a relationship between forms of utterance with something else that is
related with its fonn of utterance.


Abdul Chaer, op.cit., p. 311-313


According to Albert C. Baugh in his book A story of English language stated
that there are four kinds of the change of meaning:
I. Extension of meaning
That is a process of word experience the change of meaning from specific into
general meaning. It is also called widening or generalization, it means the
word is widening from the special meaning. When the word became widening
its meaning, that word means have several meaning, not only in one field of
science but also in another field. For exan1ple: the word of putera and puteri
used to mean King's sons or daughters, but now boy also can called putera
and girl also can called puteri.
2. Narrowing of meaning
Narrawing also called specialization. This is a process of word experience of
meaning from general into specific meaning, In narrowing, the general word
change became narrow meaning. For example: The word of sarjana used to
mean a smart person, but now sarjana have a meaning university graduated.
3. Regeneration of meaning
Regeneration is a process of meaning change, the new meaning go up more
higher or better then the old meaning, regeneration is also called ameliorative,
the positive and pleasant meaning is aimed in it. For example: the word of

wanita is better to use than perempuan.


4. Degeneration ofmeaning33
Degeneration also called pejorative is aprocess of meaning changes where the
new meaning changed go down more lower than the old meaning.
Degeneration aim to the negative or unpleasant meaning. For example: the
word of hastes now have negative or lower meaning whereas originally the
meaning of hos/es is was not low.


Albert C. Baugh, A History of The English Language, Fourth Edition, (London: Routledge,
1993), p. 302-303


In this data description, the writer takes the Indonesian Entertainment
terminologies which are borrowed from English language, those terminologies taken
from three different magazines as the unit analysis ofresearcher, as follow:
a CitaCinta (May - June 2007, No.l lNII)

b. Intisari (November 2006, No.250)
c. Spice! (June 2007)
In this research, the writer uses three dictionaries to support her research to
find the meaning of each word, the dictionaries are;
a The meaning is collected from the current English dictionary (Homby AS,

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Fifth edition, 1995)
b. The meaning is collected from Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Departemen
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Edisi ketiga, 2005)
c. The meaning is collected from Kamus Kata-Kata Serapan Asing dalam Bahasa
Indonesia (J.S. Badudu, 2003), and Kamus Kata Serapan (Surawan Martinus,

From those magazines above, the writer collects fourty Indonesian
Entertainment terminologies, and then the writer tries to analyze them.


There are eleven terminologies which get the change of meaning in extension
of meaning or generalization:
Table. J. The terminologies which get the change of meaning in extension.
Indonesian Words

English Words






















There are seven terminologies which get the change of meaning in narrowing
of meaning or specialization:
Table. 2. The terminologies which get the change of meaning in narrowing.
English Words

Indonesian Words















There are twenty two terminologies which do not get the change of meaning
or have the same of meaning:
Table. 3. The terminologies which have the same of meaning
Indonesian Words

English Words

















Drum er




























From the data description, the writer tries to analyze the Indonesian
Entertainment terminology by giving the meaning of words from each terminology.
Then, the writer will classify the data by categorizing based on the kind of meaning
changing. Such as extension of meaning, narrowing of meaning and no changing of


These are the 40 Indonesian Entertainment terminologies, which one
presented by alphabethical order, these analyses are as follows:
B.1. Extension of Meaning.
I. "Album" is taken to Indonesia language "Album"

a. A book in which a collection of photograph, stamps, etc can be kept (Oxford

b. Buku tempat menyimpan kumpulan Joto a/au potret, gambar-gambar,
perangko dan sebagainya (KBBI)
c. Sekumpulan lagu yang direkam dalam kaset atau CD atau piringan hitam

From three different meanings, we can know that this terminology gets the
change of meaning in extension of meaning or generalization, because the
terminology of Album refers to the collection of songs which are recorded in a
cassette, CD, or phonograph record. Such as in example:
Album (n)

= "We can put our picture in this album."

Album (n)


"Album debut Norah Jones terjual sebanyak 20 juta keping."

2. "Artist" is taken to Indonesia language "Artis"
a. A person who paints or draws pictures, produces sculpture (Oxford

b. Ahli seni; seniman, seniwati (seperti penyanyi, pemain film, pelukis, pemain
drama) (KBBI)


c. Seniman dan seniwati (penyanyi, pemain film atau sinetron, dramawanlwati) (KKSABI)
This terminology gets the change of meaning that is widening or extension
meaning or generalization. The terminology of Artis changes into general meaning,
because in Entertainment terminology this term means not only a painter but also it
could be a celebrity, a movie star, a singer or an actor. Such as in example:
Artist (n)

="Leonardo Da Vinci was a great artist."

Artis (n)


"Agnes Monica adalah seorang artis multi talenta. "

3. "Collaboration" is taken to Indonesia language "Kolaborasi"
a. The action of collaborating (Oxford Dictionary)

b. Kerjasama dengan musuh (KBBI)
c. (Perbuatan) Kerja sama dengan musuh (KKSABI)
The terminology of Kolaborasi gets the change of meaning in generalization
or extension of meaning, because the word of Kolaborasi just refers to cooperation.
Such as in example:
Collaboration (n)

= "He was suspected of collaboration with the enemy."

Kolaborasi (n)

= "Album kolaborasi Melly dengan Krisdayanti terjual habis. "

4. "Lyric" is taken to Indonesia language "Lirik:'
a. Expressing the writer feeling (Oxford Dictionary)
b. Puisi yang berisi curahan perasaan pribadi (KBBI)


c. Lagu yang dinyanyikan dengan perasaan yang ringan atau bebas dengan

iringan lira (syair lagu) (KKS)
Based on those meanings, this tenninology gets the change of meaning in
generalization or extension of meaning, because the meaning of Lirik becomes
general not only means the poem contains of personal feeling but also means the
poem of song. Such as in example:
Lyric (adj)

="As a good artist, he able to compose a good poem lyric. "

Lirik (n)

= "Anang adalah pencipta lirik lagu itu. "

5. "Model" is taken to Indonesia language "ModeI"
a. A representation of something, usually smaller than original (Oxford

b. Pola (contoh, acuan ragam dsb) dari sesuatu yang akan dibuat atau
dihasilkan (KBBI)
c. Gadis-gadis cantik yang memamerkan pakaian-pakaian bercorak baru
The specialization or narrowing of meaning happens in this tenninology,
because the meaning is change into narrow from general meaning. In Entertainment
tenninology the word of Model means beautiful girls who display the new design
clothes. Such as in example:
Model (n)

="We use this picture for the model of our design."

Model (n)

= "Baju-baju rancangan Oscar diperagakan oleh para model
yang cantik-cantik. "


6. "Musical" is taken to Indonesia language "Musikaf'
a. Usually attribute of or for music (Oxford Dictionary)
b. Berkenaan dengan music (KBBI)
c. Cerita atau pentas yang sering kali jenaka dan sentimental, menggunakan
nyanyian, tari dan dialog (KKS)

This terminology gets the change of meaning that is extension of meaning or
generalization, the word of Musikal is widening into general meaning that means
humorous or funny and sentimental story which is shown used song, dance and
dialogue. Such as in example:
Musical (a