Enriching vocabulary for the first grade students of MI Darul Ihya using total physical response method


A "Skripsi"
Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training
In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S 1)





r> t 1 = 4.77 > 2.02
SL 1% = t 0 > t, = 4.77 > 2.71


4. Data Interpretation

If we look at the average score of the experiment class and control
class, it is obtained that the experiment class got the higher average score than the
control class (83 > 67).
Another thing that can prove the success of teaching the vocabulary
through Total Physical Response method is by looking at the gained score of both
the experiment class and the control class. The experiment class has gained score
higher than the control class. The gained score indicates how far the students
mastering the material or the lesson. It means that the students that using Total
Physical response as a method in learning the vocabulary get more success than
the students that learning vocabulary without Total Physical Response method.
It can be concluded that teaching English using Total Physical

Response method can help students to enrich their vocabulary.

5. Hypothesis Testing

To prove the truth of the alternative hypotheses and the null

hypotheses that have been mentioned before in Chapter II, it necessary to compare
the'!' value resulted from the calculation ( !1) with the 't' value that in the table of
't' value (t1) as follows:
I. Ifto is equal or higher than critic value'!' that mentioned in the table (with

t,), so the null hypothesis which stated there's no difference of mean of
both sample is rejected: it means the difference of mean from both is
2. If to is lower than t1, so the null hypothesis which stated there is no
difference of mean from both sample accepted, it means the mean
difference of both sample is not significant difference of both samples is
not significant difference but a difference happens by chance because of
sampling error5 •


Anas Sudijono,Op. Cit. p.270


Based on the result of statistical calculation, it is obtained the value of
t 0 is 4.77 and the degree f freedom (df) is 38. In the table of significance 5% =

2.02 and 1% = 2.17. After comparing the values of lo= 4.77 and t1able = 2.02 and
2.17 it means that lo is higher than t,••1. : 2.02 < 4.77 > 2.17. It concludes the
alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. It means
there is a significant difference between using Total Physical Response and
without Total Physical Response in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, it is
empirically felt that using Total Physical Response in teaching vocabulary can
enrich the students' vocabulary.


A. Conclusion
Based on the data calcultion, it can be seen that the experiment class
(through Total Physical Respone) got higher score than the control class (without
Total Physical Respnse method). It can be seen from the differences of the score
between experiment class and control class, the value of to is higher than ti. So it
can be concluded that total physical resp

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