Yuyun Bahtiar UNWAHA Tambakberas


Abstract: Vocabulary is important aspect of language that uses in

  communication. In Indonesia, English has been taught since in elementary school even just as local content subject. The background of the research is the low score of student’s vocabulary among fourth grade students of MI DARUL ULUM Widang

  . The result of fourth grade students average score was 40.2. Total

  • – Tuban Physical Response with work book (LKS) and real object as media can improve fourth grade students’ vocabulary significantly. At the first cycle, the result of student average score was 54.1. Thus, the researcher changes the scenario of learning that used for the second cycle in order to the students easy to memorize the vocabulary taught, make all students active and enjoy learning activity. Average score after implementing the second cycle was significance improve become 100% and it means that the target was achieved. By using this method, the research found the advantages of the use of TPR such as the learning process becomes more enjoyable, the students find it easier to memorize the vocabulary taught, all students were active involved in teaching learning process, and both students and teacher enjoy teaching learning process.

  Key words : Vocabulary, Total Physical Response, Classroom action research.

  Language is one of very important things to be ruled by everyone, including students. It is meant that everyone should capable to communicate with other around them. Emanuel Alfarez-

  Sandofal, (2005: 3) stated, “To study other languages and be able to communicate with native speakers of other language is not a luxury but necessity especially today,” So that, by mastering the language, it is hoped we can easily interact with others. It is meant for the future we are able to compete with other nations in everything especially by using English, to compete with them that are more advanced now.

  By vocabulary, the students are expected to able in speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Based on Adam Robinson (2001: 1) opinion, “your vocabulary is your foundation of your ability to think and your ability to share your thought with other people. When you improve your vocabulary, you improve your ability to bring your intelligence to bear on the world around you.”

  Based on the statement above, it is obvious that vocabulary takes a crucial role due to the fact that it is one of the components of language that should be owned in the language learning included in learning English. Vocabulary is very important in effective communication so that, students who have a lot of vocabulary would be easier to express their ideas and feeling. The process of teaching vocabulary need good technique and well preparation from teacher vocabulary is a component from language material in learning English. In teaching English vocabulary is one of the important language skills besides the other language skills such as reading, listening and speaking. According to Christina Lacie’s (2008: 256) statement, “ the more vocabulary we learn the more our language skills will improve in reading, writing, and speaking.

  In fact, weoften have encountered various obstacles in the teaching and learning English process. Difficulties often experiences by students, especially at the elementary school students or for those who are new in learning English, is about the vocabulary that most of them have difficulties to memorize vocabulary, so this is causing difficulties to continue learning English. Vocabulary is a key in mastering a language, including English. Based on John Read (2000: 1), “vocabulary can be seen as a priority area in language teaching.” So if someone learns English but do not master the vocabulary, it is certain he /she will have difficulty in mastering the English.

  The researcher chooses MI DARUL ULUM Widang

  • – Tuban as place to do research because in that school the students were very poor in mastering English, especially in mastering vocabularies. In the other hand, English should be mastered by students, including elementary school students to become a stepping-stone to continue learning at the next level because in our state graduation standards for junior and senior high school using Indonesian language’s value and also English in elementary schools is also very important, because if students do not have master in English they would be greater difficulties in the next level. The researcher chose the fourth graders as target of the research because the students are most active, and commonly the children in their age, already capable to understand and follow the teachers’ instruction well.

  Young children can learn a second language particularly effectively before puberty because their brains are still able to use the mechanisms that assisted first language acquisition.

  In teaching English to children, the teacher has the challenging task to motivate them. He or she has to make his teaching interesting for the students and it will be very helpful to encourage them to learn English, so that the expected results will be reached.

  WA Scott and Ytreberg (1990: 2) stated the characteristics of children are: They are competent users of mother tongue. And can tell the difference between fact and fiction loving to play and learn best when they enjoy themselves. But they also take themselves seriously and like to think that what they are doing is real work and enthusiastic and positive about learning and they rely on the spoken word as well as the physical world to convey and understand meaning and can work with others and learn from others. Their own understanding comes through hands, eyes, and ears; the physical world is dominant at all times and has very short attention and concentration on span to ask questions all the time From the characteristics of young learners stated by Scott and Ytleberg above, the researcher concludes that young learner is exactly different from adult, and they have their own characteristics. The characteristics cover their ways of thinking, attitude, aptitude, etc. They also prevail to the children's ways of learning language. Of course, this also influence of teaching them. To give the best quality of teaching English to the children, the teacher should know and understand them. They learn a language through their daily activities like when they are playing games, seeing something new and touching new things.

  Based on the above condition, some methods and techniques are developed on teaching and learning in order to enable the students to use the target language. One of the teaching techniques that can be used to enable the students to improve their skill is with the introduction of communication approaches to language teaching. Burns (1999:20).

  One of appropriate methods used to teach young children is TPR (Total Physical Response). It is one of new methods developed by James Asher, a professor of psychology at San José State University, California, USA, to aid learning foreign language. TPR is a language learning method which is based on the coordination of speech and action. It is linked to the trace theory of memory, which holds that the more often or intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger memory will be. In TPR method classroom, students respond to commands that require physical movement.

  Richard and Rodgers (1986: 87) stated that Total Physical Response is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity.

  Garcia (2001: 1) explained that the two very important concepts in Total Physical Response are the notion of Total Physical Response involvement and the role played by the right hemisphere of the brain in learning a second language by action.

  Garcia (2001: 1) explained further that Total Physical Response approach is a right brain method of learning a language because the language is taught mainly through actions. In the other words, commands play as the core of the course. Total Physical Response is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program from acquiring any natural language in the world including the sign language of the deaf. Asher looks to the way that children combine both verbal and physical aspects. A child responds physically to the speech for the parent. The responses of the child are in turn positively reinforced by the speech of the parent. For many months the child absorbs the language without being able to speak.

  Larsen-Freeman (2000: 113) stated, Total Physical Response was develop in order to reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign languages and thereby encourage students to persist in their study beyond a beginning level of proficiency.

  Richard and Rodgers (1986: 91) said: “The general objectives of Total Physical Response are to teach oral proficiency at a beginning level. Comprehension is a mean to an end, and the ultimate aim is to give basic speaking skills. TPR aims to produce learners who are capable of an uninhibited communication that is intelligible to a native speaker”.

  From the statement above, there are some objectives of TPR:

  1. Teaching oral proficiency at a beginning level

  2. Using comprehension as a means to speaking

  3. Using action-based drills in the imperative form In the teaching learning process using Total Physical Response method, the learners and the teacher play different roles.

  1. Learners Role Learners in TPR have the primary roles of listeners and performers. They listen attentively and respond both individually and collectively. They have little influence over the content of learning since the content is determined by the teacher who must follow the imperative form for lesson (Richard and Rodgers 1986:93).

  Larsen and Freeman (2000: 113) stated, the students are imitators of teacher’s non verbal model. There will be a role reversal with individual students directing the teacher and the other students.

  In TPR, learners monitor and evaluate their own progress. They are encouraged to speak when they feel ready to speak that is when a sufficient basis in the language has been internalized.

  2. Teacher Role In the teaching learning process using Total Physical Response, teacher plays an active and direct role. Larsen and Freeman (2000: 113) stated that teacher was the di rector of all students’ behaviors.

  Asher (1977) as quoted by Richard and Rodgers, (1986: 93) stated “The instructor is the director of a stage play in which the students are the actors”. It means that teacher is the one who decides what to teach, who models and presents the new material, and who selects supporting materials for classroom use. Teacher is encouraged to be well prepared and well organized so that the lesson flows smoothly and predictable.


  The research design employed in this study is collaborative action research which consists of some steps namely: planning an action, implementing the action, observing the action, and reflecting. In conducting the research, the researcher worked together with the English teacher to solve the students' problem in learning English vocabulary in her teaching and learning process. In order to gain the maximum of the study the researcher used 2 instruments, observation checklists and Field notes

  .This study was conducted at MI DARUL ULUM Widang

  • – Tuban which is located in Jln. Raya No. 812 Widang . This research was conducted on the
  • – Tuban middle of March until June 2017 . The subject of this study is the fourth year students of that school which consist of 18 students. In the result of preliminary study, the teacher still uses the real English teacher method. The students' average score is 40.2 and there were only (1 successful students) or 14.7% successful students (see appendix 1: 78).

  Results A. Implementing of TPR to the MI DARUL ULUM Widang – Tuban. Cycle 1

  It was applied after preliminary study analyzed and it means to improve student’s vocabulary. Cycle 1 uses work book (LKS) that students just repeat all words that researcher words. Before doing the action, researcher has planning the activities in planning step of cycle 1 were: The first Researcher and the observer collaborate in observing learning and teaching method that teacher used before. The second Researcher and the observer collaborate in identifying the teacher’s obstacles in teaching English process. The third Researcher and the observer analyze the curriculum to know the based competence that would be inform to the students. The fourth Researcher and the collaborator collaborate in choosing the English material that would be done. The main source is taken from


  the students 4 grade work book. The fifth Researcher makes a planning to teach by using Total Physical Response. The researcher also prepare media or tool when teach in class. The sixth Researcher arranges the evaluation tool based on the students main source that is student work book (LKS).

  In doing observation, researcher observe the classroom activity during the teaching learning process include the students observation, researcher observation, and students achievement observation.

  a. Observation on the students

  Observation on the Students in Cycle 1

  Step Activity Result

  st nd


  2 meeting meeting yes no yes no Pre-

  1. Give attention to the opening

  V V teaching activity

  V V 2. Prepare self to the material

  V V 3. Give attention to the teacher’s explanation about the material’s goal 1.

  Whilst The students careful to the

  V V teaching teacher ‘s explanation relates to the material

  V V 2. 50 % students are active

  V V

  3. The students repeat the teachers words well

  V V

  4. The students say the words

  V V correctly

  5. The students demonstrate their memorizing in

  V V vocabulary well and enthusiastically

  V V 6. The students answering teachers question correctly

  7. The students get point for their participation in the class


  1. The students make a

  V V teaching conclusion about the material

  2. The students ask if they do not

  V V understand yet about the material

  V V 3. Give attention to the teacher’s activity to motivate

  V V

  4. The students give attention to the closing activities 6 -

  • Score

  18 Note : The score for “yes” is 2 The score for “no” is 0

  The maximal score of the action was 28 and the formulation to find the mean was Average score = X 100%


  From the observation in 1 meeting, the researcher gave score 6. So that, the


  percentage of the mean score was = 21.4 %. The score in 2 was 18 so the percentage was = 64 %

  There was an improvement 42.6 % of the students’ observation in cycle

1. Open the meeting by greeting and praying 2.

  V V

  Average score = X 100%

  The score for “no” is 0 The maximal score of the action was 32 and the formulation to find the mean was:

  24 - 30 - Note : The score for “yes” is 2

  V V Score

  V V

  V V

  V V

  Closing the activities by greeting and saying hamdallah

  2. Do reflection with the student’s about the learning process

  1. Give reinforcement by giving conclusion about the material

  V V Post teaching

  V V

  V V

  V V

  1. From the researcher found the researcher found that the students felt more interested in learning English than before.

  V V

  Observation on the Researcher’s Activity

  Step Activity Result

  1 st meeting 2 nd meeting yes no yes no

  Pre- teaching

  Take the students attention 3. Give explanation about the material’s goal 4. Prepare the teaching media 5. Create the natural situation

  V V

  V V

  V V

  V V

  V V Whilst teaching

  1. active 2. Guide the students in learning process 3. Guide the students in repeating the teacher’s said well

  4. Help the students to say the words correctly

  5. Guide the students to demonstrate their memorizing in vocabulary well and enthusiastically 6. Respect to every effort from the students 7. Always say the positive word in every student’s activities

  V V

3. Giving motivation to the students 4.

  From the observation in 1

  60 C ✓

  11. A.Y

  40 D ✓

  12. A.R

  90 A ✓

  13. A.D

  45 D ✓

  14. A.W

  55 C ✓

  15. E.T

  16. E.L

  10. A.O.K

  50 C ✓

  17. H.A.F

  45 D ✓

  18. R.H.U.F

  40 D ✓

  Total of Students : 18 Total



  12 Mean

  95 A ✓

  60 C ✓


  3. A.S

  meeting, the researcher gave score 24. So that, the percentage of the mean score was = 75 %. The score in 2


  was 30 so the percentage was = 93.7 % There was an improvement 18.7 % of the researcher’s observation, but that still needs an improvement to make the students value reach the achievement class percentage.

  b. Observation on the Learning Result/Achievement Then researcher examined the result of the students’ vocabulary. Here the researcher and the observer decide to give standard score 70 based on the achievement class percentage. For further detailed score format can be seen in the table below.

  No Students Code Score Predicate Successful Not successful yet

  1. D.T

  70 B ✓

  2. T.B

  50 C ✓

  40 D ✓

  9. A.O

  4. A.L.R

  60 C ✓

  5. A.W

  75 B ✓

  6. B.A

  80 B ✓ 7.


  75 B ✓

  8. M.R

  40 D ✓

54.1 Note : The score for “yes” is 2

  The score for “no” is 0 Based on the achievement class percentage (prosentase ketuntasan belajar) the researcher got the data as follow:

  % X = = = 33.4%

  From the table above there was 33.4 % students get success and 66.6 % students did not get success yet. There is an improvement from the students test from the students test from the preliminary study and cycle 1. There is only 14.7 % successful students, average score is 40.2 in pre research and it increased 18.7 % to be 33.4 % successful students or (6 successful students). Average score is 54.1 in cycle 1.

  Then researcher asks the students difficulties in her teaching learning process during the action research. Based on that interview, researcher finds that some students are still confused about memorizing word using The Total Physical Response because they have not accustomed to learn by repetition words. Some of them also feel boring in repeating teacher only.


  From the observation step, researcher gets some problems faced in applying Total Physical Response in this cycle as below: a. Total Physical Response is a new method for the students so that they have not adapted it yet.


  There are some students that still did not give attention to the teacher’s explanation in motivation term. They were still busy with another activity. Moreover, the class position is strategy to look outside, so every people who walk on the doorstep can be seen by the students of the class.


  There are still many students did not do the test completely. The majority of the students only did some numbers, and waited for researcher or teacher help them to answer the question.


  There was 33.4 % students got success and 66.6 % students did not get success yet. There was an improvement from the students test in preliminary study. There was an only 14.7 % successful student, average score was 40.2 in pre research and it increased 18.7 % to be 33.4 % successful students. Average score was 54.1 in cycle 1

  It needs some plans to revise the treatments to be better and to maintenance the success treatment in cycle 1 e. The researcher has to give a motivation by another way. It was in coloring media or poster on the wall, it means the students can see it every time, so they can get motivation every look at the wall, because the poster makes them move alive and motivation in one of the factors in achievement.


  Researcher has to give a clear explanation about activities that have to do by students in teaching learning process. So that, it make the activity in teaching learning be able to be controlled.


  The researcher gave more opportunities than in cycle 1 so all of the students get the more opportunity to be active.

  Cycle 2

  It was applied because the learning process in cycle 1 was not successful yet to solve students’ difficulties in memorizing vocabulary by Total Physical Response so that the students achievement still low. Based on that condition, cycle 2 had to do to sharpen the right thing in cycle 1 that is the use of Total Physical Response. I am evidenced by the improvement of students’ achievement from preliminary research. This cycle also aimed to repair the lack of implementing cycle 1. So, the problems in cycle 1 could be solved and of course the students could achieve the base value of the researcher.

  In doing observation, researcher observed the classroom activity during the teaching learning process, including the studen ts’ observation, researcher observation, and students’ achievement observation.

  a. Observation on the students

  Observation on the Students

  Step Activity Result st nd


  2 meeting meeting yes no yes no

  Pre- Give attention to the opening activity

  V V 1. teaching

  2. Prepare self to the material

  V V 3.

  V V Give attention to the teacher’s explanation about the material’s goal


  V V 1. The students careful to the teacher ‘s teaching explanation relates to the material


  50 % students are active 3.

  V V The students repeat the teachers words well

  V V 4. The students say the words correctly 5.

  V V The students demonstrate their memorizing in vocabulary well and enthusiastically

  V V 6. The students answering teachers question correctly

  7. The students get point for their participation in the class

  V V

  Step Activity Result

  1 st meeting 2 nd meeting yes no yes no

  Pre- teaching

  1. Open the meeting by greeting and praying 2.

  Take the students attention 3. Give explanation about the material’s goal 4. Prepare the teaching media 5. Create the natural situation

  V V

  V V

  The observation sheet the researcher’s activities in observing teacher of cycle 2 was showed below.

  V V

  V V Whilst teaching

  1. Give opportunities to the students to be active

  2. Guide the students in learning using drill 3.

  Guide the students in repeating the teacher’s drilling well

  V V

  V V

  Observation on the Researcher’s Activity in Cycle 2

  Observation on the researcher’s activity

  V V

  V V

  V V Post teaching

  1. The researcher and the students make a conclusion about the material

  2. The students ask if they do not understand yet about the material

  3. Give attention to the teacher’s activity to motivate

  4. The students give attention to the closing activities

  V V

  V V

  V V Score


  24 - 28 - Note : The score for “yes” is 2

  The score for “no” is 0 The maximal score of the action was 28 and the formulation to find the mean was

  Average score = X 100% From the observation in 1


  meeting, the researcher gave score 24. So that, the percentage of the mean score was = 85.7 %. The score in 2


  was 28 so the percentage was = 100 % There was an improvement 14.3 % of the students observation in cycle 2, and researcher found that students had done all of activities well.

  V V

  4. Help the students to say the words correctly

  V V

  V V

  V V

  V V

  V V Post teaching

  1. Give reinforcement by giving conclusion about the material

  2. Do reflection with the student’s about the learning process

  5. Guide the students to demonstrate their memorizing in drilling vocabulary well and enthusiastically 6. Respect to every effort from the students 7. Always say the positive word in every student’s activities

  V V

  V V Score

3. Giving motivation to the students 4.

  V V

  80 B ✓

  70 B ✓

  6. B.A

  75 B ✓ 7.


  70 B ✓

  8. M.R

  9. A.O

  70 B ✓

  70 B ✓

  10. A.O.K

  90 A ✓

  11. A.Y

  85 A ✓

  12. A.R

  85 A ✓

  5. A.W

  4. A.L.R

  24 - 30 - Note : The score for “yes” is 2

   Observation on the Learning Result/Achievement

  The maximal score of the action was 32 and the formulation to find the mean was Average score = X 100%

  From the observation in 1


  meeting, the researcher got score 32 the value was the same as the 2


  meeting so that, the percentage of the mean score was = 100 % Based on the observation result above from the real English teacher, all of the researcher’s activities in applying Total Physical Response in cycle 2 were more maximal than before.


  In observing from the learning result, it was measure by test. It was a test in the end of every cycle. The score of cycle 2 was:

  75 B ✓

  Observation on the Learning Result in Cycle 2

  No Students Code Score Grade Successful Not successful yet

  Closing the activities by greeting and saying Hamdallah

  70 B ✓

  2. T.B

  95 A ✓

  3. A.S

  1. D.T

  13. A.D

  95 A ✓

  14. A.W

  70 B ✓

  15. E.T

  90 A ✓

  16. E.L

  75 B ✓

  17. H.A.F

  85 A ✓

  18. R.H.U.F

  80 B ✓

  Total of Students : 18 Total 1430

  18 Mean

  79.4 % X =

  = = 100 %

  There was significant improvement 66.6 % of the total successful students. It was from 33.4 % (6 students) who got success in cycle 1 to become 100 % in cycle 2. The average score was 54.1 in cycle 1 also improves to become 79.4. So that there was 25.3 improvement in students’ achievement.


  In reflection of cycle 2, the researcher and the observer made a conclusion for the implementation of The Total Physical Response for the fourth grade of MI DARUL ULUM Widang

  • – Tuban in improving the students’ achievement of English subject especially in vocabulary.

  1. Learning activities became more alive and had more variation

  2. The students were more enthusiasts to learn so it made them got good achievement.

  3. The students socialization feeling also grew up better 4.

  There were full of motivation to experiencing their live to be better than before 5. From observing the students in the first meeting of cycle 2 the observer gave score 24 for their activities and score in the second meeting was 28.

  6. From the students test score there were 33.4 % successful students (6 students ) in cycle 1 and it increase 66.6 % to be 100 % successful students (18 students ) in cycle 2. The average score improved also from 54.1 in cycle 1 become 79.4 in cycle 2.

  So that the Total Physical Response that applied for the fourth grade of MI DARUL ULUM Widang

  • – Tuban was qualified to be “the students achievement in English vocabulary improve and that be applied can improve the students’ achievement in English vocabulary successfully.

B. Improving of TPR to the MI DARUL ULUM Widang – Tuban

  From the result of research, it shows that there is significant improvement in vocabulary achievement of students before and after treatment. There was 33.4% students get success and 66.6 % students did not get success yet in cycle

  1. It shows that there is an improvement from the students' test from the preliminary study and cycle 1. There is only 14.7 % successful students, average score is 40.2 in pre research and it increased 18.7 % to be 33.4 % successful students or (6 successful students)in cycle 1, average score is 51.47 in cycle l.

  Then, in cycle 2 researcher get the improvement data of students result in vocabulary test. There was a significant improvement 66.6 % of the total successful students. It was from 33.4 % (11 students) who got success in cycle 1 to become 100 % in cycle 2. The average score was 54.1 in cycle 1 also improve to become 79.4. So that there was 25.3 improvement in students' achievement. So, here researcher has enough evidence to say that TPR can make students' achievement in memorizing vocabulary.


  The researcher informed and explained what is Total Physical Response that will be used in teaching learning English. The researcher tells the materials that will be learned. And the researcher taught English using The Total Physical Response. It means that the researcher says a word and students repeat the researcher's word by using pictures in teaching using Total Physical Response to help the students easy in memorizing words. And then checks the students' memorizing by shows the pictures randomly and asks them to say the words based on the showing picture. Then researcher repeats vocabularies again to strength the students' memorizing.


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