A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Registration Number : 8126112026




A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Registration Number : 8126112026



REZEKY ANA ASHAL, NIM : 8126112026. Politeness Strategies Used by
Customer Service Staff at Mandiri Bank. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan
Bahasa Inggris, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan 2014.

Kesantunan adalah aspek utama dari kepuasan nasabah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui apa dan bagaimana strategi kesantunan yang digunakan customer service
staff dan mengapa mereka menggunakannya ketika berinteraksi dengan nasabah
dengan menggunakan teori dari Brown dan Levinson. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian
kualitatif dengan metode deskripsi. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah petugas customer
service di Bank Mandiri cabang Lapangan Merdeka di kota Medan. Data
dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tape recorder untuk menemukan penggunaan
strategi kesantunan oleh mereka. Berdasarkan analisis data, ditemukan bahwa ada
strategi Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness, Bald on Record dan Off the record
walaupun tidak semua sub-strategi ditemukan. Positive politeness strategi adalah
strategi yang paling banyak ditemukan dan off the record adalah strategi yang paling

Kata Kunci: Strategi Kesantunan, Petugas Customer Service, Layanan Perbankan


REZEKY ANA ASHAL, NIM : 8126112026. Politeness Strategies Used by
Customer Service Staff at Mandiri Bank. Postgraduate School of the State
University of Medan 2014.

Politeness is an essential aspect of customer satisfaction. This study aims to find out
what and how to use politeness strategies by customer service staff and why they use
it when interact with the customers by using Brown and Levinson theory. This
research is a qualitative study. The data source of this study were three customer
service staff of Mandiri Bank Lapangan Merdeka branch in Medan city. The data
were gathered by using tape recorder in order to find the usage of politeness strategies
by them. Based on data analysis, it is found that there are Positive Politeness,
Negative Politeness, Bald on Record and Off the record strategies though not all the
sub-strategies were found. The Positive Politeness strategy is the most strategy used
by the customer service staff and the off record strategy is the least one on this
research. This implies the finding from this study suggest that an organization should
invest into teaching their front-line staff on specific core values of the organization
and highlight behavior requirements for competent intercultural polite behavior.
Keywords: Politeness Strategies, Customer Service Staff, Banking Service


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah SWT, the Lord of the Universe who has given me His
beneficent so that I am able to finish this thesis. Peace and Salam are always blessed and poured
down upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW as the last prophet that has shown us the right
ways, we will always be in the shelter of Allah until hereafter life. Amiieen. This thesis would not
have been completed without some supports from many people.
Firstly, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my advisers Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning,
M.Pd and Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd, thanks for the guidance, correction, great attention and
patience, which finally enabled me to finish my thesis successfully.
Secondly, the writer would like to thank Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning again as the Head of
English Applied Linguistics Study Program and his secretary, Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, and all the
lecturers that have given me encouragement and a lot of experience and knowledge.
Thirdly, the writer thanks to Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed
and Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd as the examiners for the valuable and precious suggestions in
completing this thesis.
Fourthly, the writer thanks to the Head of Mandiri Lapangan Merdeka Branch in Medan, Sir
Achmad Jefri Ardianto and my partners at that branch, such as Mak Eni, Kak Yuli, Kak Siska and
others who always support me to finish this thesis. Also, the writer thanks to Sir Zulfan Basir

Siregar, Bang Tunus, Kak Zika, Kak Santi and friends in my current office that also support me in
completing this thesis.
Last, the writer would like to express deep thankful to her beloved parents, H. Akrim Ashal
Lubis, S.E, M.A. and Hj. Siti Rapiah Pane, S.Pd., my brothers, AKP. Adam Sofyan Ashal, Farid
Fathony Ashal, Lc, M.A. and Amien Shaleh Ashal, and my sisters, Arini Ashal S.E, M.Si, Putri
Bunga Batahan Ashal and Tamara Munjihatutazkiyah Ashal who have always supported and prayed
the best for me.
Finally, the best one who always support me, help me, encourage me, my life companion,
my lovely husband, May Friza, S.Sos. Thank you so much dear for all of your attention and big
spirit so this thesis can be finished. And also my other soul, my love, my spirit, my pretty baby,
Alisha Luqyana, thank you baby, you really understand who your mom is. Both of you, and us, may
Allah SWT always blessed. Amin ya robbal ‘alamin.

Medan, January 2015
The writer,

Rezeky Ana Ashal

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………........... i

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………….. ii
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………….... iv
List of Table ………………………………………………………………………….vi
List of Figure ……………………………………………………………………......vii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………... 1
1.1 Background of the Study ………………………………………………………...1
1.2 Problems of the Study …………………………………………………………... 7
1.3 Objectives of the Study …………………………………………………………. 8
1.4 Scope of the Study ……………………………………………………………… 8
1.5 Significances of the Study ……………………………………………………… 9
2.1 Politeness Strategies ………………………………………………………….....10
2.2.Brown and Levinson´s Politeness Theory ……………………………………... 12
2.2.1 Face and face threatening acts ………………………………………...13
2.2.2 On record strategy without redressive action ………………………....14
2.2.3 Off record strategy ………………………………………….………...16
2.2.4 Negative politeness strategies ………………………………………....16
2.2.5 Positive politeness strategies …………………………………….........20
2.3 Process of Using Politeness Strategies ………………………………………….25
2.4 Reason of Using Politeness Strategies ……………………………………….....30

2.5 Customer Service Staffs at Mandiri Bank ……………………………………...33
2.6 Relevant Studies ………………………………………………………………..37
CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY……………………………………………..42

Research Setting ………………………………………………………………42
Subjects ……………………………………………………..............................43
Instruments of Collecting the Data …………………………………………....43
Technique of Collecting the Data …………………………………………......43
Technique of Analyzing the Data ……………………………………………..44
Trustworthiness of Study ………………………………………………..…….45



4.1 Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………...…….47
4.1.1 The Used of Politeness Strategies in Banking Service ………………….…….48 Positive Politeness ……………………………………………………….. ..48 Negative Politeness ………………………………………………….….......55 On Record Strategy …………………………………………………..….....56 Off Record Strategy ………………………………………………………..58
4.2 Research Findings …………………………………………………………….....60
4.3 Discussions …………………………………………………………………… ..62
5.1 Conclusions …………………………………………………………………… ..71
5.2 Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………...72
5.3 Implication ………………………………………………………………………72
REFERENCE ………………………………………………………………...…....74
APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………………76




Figure 1 ………………………………………………………………………………….. 14



Table 1 ………………………………………………………………………


Table 2 ………………………………………………………………………


Table 3 ………………………………………………………………………




1.1 Background of the Study
Language is an important tool of communication in human life to interact
with other. The existence of language makes us easy to communicate in society.
No society without language and no language without society. The usage of
language as a tool of communication has several rules that should be obeyed by
the speaker and listener. Every speaker and listener is responsible to the rules
deviation of linguistics in communication. Thus, speaker and listener should
cooperative in order to make good communication.
Everyone has certain intention in communication. The communication is
expected to be understood by people who are involved in the process of
communication. Communication process cannot always run smoothly because
some participants in communication do not understand the message received.
Therefore, the important of rules in language communication is needed to make
the good communication process so that the purpose of communication can be
In a banking environment, the front-line staff interacts the most with
customers which means that they have to ensure not only that information is
transmitted, but also that this is done in a way that complies with courtesy

expectations of different cultures (Kyriakidou & Gore, 2005).

Due to these different expectations, misunderstandings are very likely to
occur. Robertson (2003) points out that the front-line environment in any business
is unique and in most cases distinctively different to the management and
administrative divisions. Robertson proposes that there are a number of key
characteristics that can help in understanding the front-line work place. Thus, he
notes that front-line staff has very defined job roles and are in extensive
interaction with the customers or the public.
Furthermore, there is a very hierarchical management structure and any
communication follows this chain. Generally, the front-line environment has
rather junior positions and mostly non-professional staff, even though the
personnel often receive structured training when they are first employed. All these
aspects put front-line employees into an interesting position in the banking
environment and make them a group worthwhile to be researched. Even though
the setting of the proposed research is in the banking industry, the findings could
be relevant for any kind of front-line staff that deals with international customers.
The study focuses on communication techniques that front-line staff uses as well
as the effect of national and corporate culture on communication contexts in
relation to the employment of polite behavior, or as it is more commonly referred
to in the hospitality industry, courtesy.
In communication theory, there are two principles of language usage that
are cooperative principle and politeness principle. The cooperative principle
suggested that verbal communication is done straightforwardly, clearly, correctly
and relevantly to the context. Politeness principle suggested that verbal

communication is done tactly, easily to accepted, generously, humbly, suitably
and sympathetically.
Being polite is crucial to successful communication with other people and
impoliteness negatively influences the way a person is perceived, bringing
judgments of being “rude”, “uncooperative” or “offhand” (Watts, 2002, p. 2). The
importance of being polite is caused by the content of conversation, since often
what needs to be communicated is unpleasant and threatening to the hearer.
Moreover, linguistic politeness is not only employed to mitigate face threatening
acts, but the term is also often used for conventionalized forms of linguistic
behavior, words like “please”, that occur even if no FTA is present.
Although antagonistic positions are one of the characteristics of the
customers, the customer service still has to employ politeness to some extent,
whether to mitigate a face threat that his question introduces or to soften the
argumentativeness of his language in order not to be perceived as “rude” by the
customers. To investigate the politeness strategies of Banking service
communication, Brown and Levinson´s Politeness Theory is applied in this thesis,
as it is the most influential and comprehensive model of politeness. Special
attention is given to the choice between positive and negative strategies. Although
they are used to attend to positive or negative face respectively, one speech act
can threaten both faces at the same time (Huang, 2007) and thus the speaker must
choose to which face he should primarily attend.
Based on the preliminary study, the researcher found that some customer
services did not apply the politeness strategies while communicating to the

customers. This act made the service rank of the branch being decreased because
the customers did not feel comfortable with the customer service, like the
conversation below:
Customer Service (CS): Ada yang bisa dibantu Pak?
(What can I do for you Sir?)
Customer (C)

: Gak bisa dipakai ATM ku
(My ATM card is broken)


: Saya cek Pak
(May I check Sir?)


: Ini
(Here you are)


: Bapak salah masukkan PIN
(You entered wrong PIN)


: Masak sih? PIN saya 4578, gak mungkin salah!
(Really? My PIN IS 4578, It could not be wrong!)


: Bener Pak, Bapak salah
(No, you are wrong)


: Ah gak mungkin! Aku ingat kok PINku! Jadi kekmana ni?
(Impossible! I remember my PIN! So how about my ATM


: Kita ganti PIN saja Pak, kena biaya Rp. 5.000
(We change the PIN Sir, it charged Rp. 5.000)


: Aku gak salah, kena biaya pulak!

(I was not wrong! Why I must be charged!)

: Jadi gimana Pak? Kartu Bapak gak bisa dipakai kalau gak
(So, how about your ATM card Sir? It cannot be used if
the PIN is not changed)


: Terserahlah! Kekmana lagi! Aku ingat PIN ku kok salah!
(It’s up to you! What can I say! I remember my PIN, it
Should not be wrong!)


: Ok Pak
(Ok, Sir)
The choice of politeness strategy in a Banking service communication

depends also on the type of customer. One of the social variables that determine
the weightiness of an FTA is social distance. This relationship works also in the
opposite direction and by choosing certain politeness strategy, the customer
service can manipulate the perceived social distance. From the conversation
above, the customer service did not use the politeness strategies in delivering the
cause of customer’s problem, so it made the customer keep curious and confuse
about his ATM card problem. If the customer service can apply the suitable
strategies, the customer will be comfort and decrease his emotion. That’s why the
customer service should be informed the importance of politeness in
communicating to the customers in avoiding unsatisfying service. The other case
describes the politeness between Customer Service and Customer below:


: Pagi Bu, ada yang bisa dibantu?
(Morning Mam, what can I do for you?)


: Saya mau cetak rekening koran
(I want to print my account statement)


: Periode kapan bu?
(What period Mam?)


: Bulan September tahun 2012 mbak, ada yang mau saya lihat
(September 2012 miss, I want to see the transactions)


: Oh, kalau transaksi yang lama kali gak bisa disini bu, dicabang
sebelah, kesana aja ibu
(Oh, we cannot provide elder account statement here, it can be
gotten at next branch, you can go there)


: Aduh! Cape kali kesana lagi! Disini ajalah, kelen mintakanlah,
malas aku ngantri lagi!
(Ouch! I’m tired to go there! I want it can be done here, you ask to
them, I’m lazy to queue again!)


: Cabang sebelah ini loh bu, kalau disini nanti jadi lama bu
(The next branch Mam, if you ask here it takes a long time Mam)


: Tolonglah gak apa-apa lama
(Help me please, nevermind if it takes a long time


: Ok Mam, ini akan kami teruskan, nanti kalau sudah ada balasan,
kami kabari ibu
(Ok Mam, we will follow up the files and if there is the reply,

We will inform you)

: Ok, makasih ya
(Ok, thanks ya)


: Sama-sama bu
(You’re welcome)
As the current economic growth, the banking sector plays an important

role in advancing the economy of a country because almost all financial sectors
always need Banking service. Mandiri bank as one of BUMN engaged in the
national banking system always trying to prioritize customer satisfaction.
Customer service is an employee who on duty and deal directly with customers to
provide optimal services. They are responsible for serving all customers’ needs
satisfactorily, especially in terms of receiving complaints or concerns from
customers, as well as trying to find a way out to solve customers, problems.
Whereas the customer is a person or company that has a deposit account or loan
and the financial transactions at a bank. This is the main reason that a customer
service must be ethic in speaking especially to the customers.
As of September 2012, Bank Mandiri is the first largest bank in Indonesia
by total assets. Based on mystery shopper method done by surveyor, in 2011 Bank
Mandiri got average value 91.23 percent, a first time for a bank got more than 90
percent over 15 years survey. Bank Mandiri got Service Excellence Award for 7
times consecutives and got The Most Consistent Bank for 2 times. This is one of
the reasons for the researcher to find the politeness strategies that are used by the

customer service in giving best solutions to their customers which affect this Bank
service excellent.

1.2 Problems of the Study
Based on the background presented before, the problems of study are
formulated as follows:
1.) What politeness strategies are used by Customer Service Staffs?
2.) How are the politeness strategies used by Customer Service Staffs to
communicate with their customers?
3.) Why do the Customer Service Staffs use Politeness Strategies the way
they do?

1.3 Objectives of the Study
In accordance with the problem of study, the objectives of the study are as
1.) To find out the politeness strategies used by Customer Service Staffs
to communicate with their customers.
2.) To find out how the politeness strategies used by Customer Service
Staffs to communicate with their customers.
3.) To find out why the politeness strategies used by Customer Service
Staffs to communicate with their customers.

1.4 Scope of the Study
In order to be focus, the writer makes the scope of the study. The writer
focuses on politeness strategy used by Customer Service in communications
between Customer Service and customer. The writer uses the combination of
politeness strategy of Brown and Levinson, and Leech’s politeness maxims to
analyze the politeness strategy.

1.5 Significances of the Study
The writer hopes this study will be significant theoretically and practically.
The theoretical significances are:
1.) To show the readers the types of politeness strategies used in conversation
2.) To show that people usually use the politeness strategy in their daily
conversation whether they realize it or not, especially in Banking Service.
The practical significance of the study is to encourage another study of
politeness strategy in other created discourses like novels, short stories or even
field research about politeness strategy. The writer hopes this thesis can be one of
the references.


5.1 Conclusion
After analyzing the data, the conclusions were stated as follow:
1. There were seven politeness that were found, they are, greeting, selfintroduction, question, command, request, declaration and offer.
2. The customer service staff used positive politeness strategy such as Strategy
1- Notice, attend to H, Strategy 2- Exaggerate (interest, approval, sympathy
with hearer), strategy 3 - intensify interest to hearer, Strategy 5 - seek
agreement, Strategy 8 - joke, Strategy 11 - be optimistic and Strategy 15 - give
gifts to hearer (goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation). Strategy 1 is
the most often one that had been used by customer service staff in interacting
to customer. The staff also used negative strategy, they are Strategy 1 – be
conventionally indirect and Strategy 6 – Joke. These findings based on Brown
and Levinson politeness strategies theory.
3. Give hints and be vague are parts of off record strategy that are less found on
this data. Whereas task oriented, welcomes and offer are the most strategies
that used by customer service staff in interacting to customer. A customer
service staff must deliver information clearly; therefore those sub strategies
are often used.

4. Based on data, the seven findings, greeting, self-introduction, question,
command, request, declaration and offer are also parts of Brown and Levinson
politeness strategies.
5. The customer service staff used politeness strategies because politeness
promotes the mutual understanding and harmonious relationship between
customer service and customer. It also contributes to the effective interaction
and friendly, lively atmosphere in banking service.

5.2 Suggestion
In connection with the conclusions made, some suggestions are presented
as follows:

The customer service staff suggested considering the importance of
politeness strategies involving the use of terms of address related to local
cultural values in their interaction with customers. The importance of
conveying messages correctly using the proper terms of address has a
direct influence on the success of solving problems or selling new


It is suggested to the next front-line staff to have good communication
skill in order to give excellent service to the customers related to
politeness in communication.


It is suggested to other researchers to research the politeness strategy by
other scientists in classifying politeness since it can be found in any other

5.3 Implication
To conclude, in order to optimize customer service staff interaction, the
management of an organization (especially Mandiri Bank) has to be aware of the
pushing and pulling that a front-line employee experiences in customer service
situations. The knowledge from this research could be implemented in current
training programs to create more in depth training, focused on intercultural
communication that is relevant to front-line staff. In order to enhance customer
experience, the findings from this study suggest that an organization should invest
into teaching their front-line staff on specific core values of the organization and
highlight behavior requirements for competent intercultural polite behavior. An
organization should also ensure that their staff understand why certain rules have
been implemented and provide employees with ways to negotiate common
situations that could be potentially face-threatening not only for the guest but for
the company as well.


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