Submitted to the English Applied Linguistic Study Program in a
Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora

Registration Number : 8116112016



First and foremost, praise and thank to be Allah SWT for all blessing, who has
granted countless opportunity, strength and knowledge to the writer so that she has been
finally able to accomplish her thesis.

Though only my name appears on the cover of this thesis, a great many people have
contributed to its production. I owe my gratitude to all those people who have made this
thesis possible and because of whom my graduate experience has been one that I will
cherish forever.

My deepest gratitude is to my first advisor, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd.,. I have
been amazingly fortunate to have an advisor who gave me the freedom to explore on my
own, and at the same time the guidance to recover when my steps faltered. He taught me
how to question thoughts and express ideas. His patience and support helped me
overcome many crisis situations and finish this thesis. I hope that one day I would
become as good an advisor to my students as he has been to me.

My second advisor, Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd., has been always there to listen and
give advice. I am deeply grateful to him for the long discussions that helped me sort out
the technical details of my work. I am also thankful to him for encouraging the use of
correct grammar and consistent notation in my writings and for carefully reading and
commenting on countless revisions of this manuscript.


She would like to give her special thanks to her reviewers and examiners Prof. Dr.
Sri Minda Murni, M.S.,

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan,M.Hum., and Dr. Siti Aisyah

Ginting, M.Pd., for their valuable suggestions, corrections and inputs for completing of
this thesis. She also wishes to express thanks to all lecturers who have given her the
valuable knowledge and science during her study at the English Applied Linguistic Study
Program of Postgraduate School, State University of Medan.

In particular, special thanks is extended to the headmaster of SMP Nurul Islam
Indonesia Baru who permits her to conduct the research in the school. Thanks to the
teacher of SMP Nurul Islam Indonesia who helps her in conducting the treatment in the
school. And those teachers and students of SMP Nurul Islam Indonesia Baru who gave
supports to this study and for their cooperative attitude and work during the research.

Many friends have helped me stay sane through these difficult years. Their support
and care helped me overcome setbacks and stay focused on my graduate study. I greatly
value their friendship and I deeply appreciate their belief in me.

Most importantly, none of this would have been possible without the love and
patience of my family. My immediate family to whom this thesis is dedicated to, has been
a constant source of love, concern, support and strength all these years. I would like to
express my heart-felt gratitude to my family. My extended family has aided and
encouraged me throughout this endeavor. I have to give a special mention for the support
given by parents (Ratmo Miarjo and Ngadimi), sisters (Sumiati, Suyanti, Sunarti), brother
(Sukamto, S.Km., M.Kes.,), and beloved (M. Ali Subhan Harahap, Amd.,). I warmly
appreciate the generosity and understanding of my extended family.

Finally, the researcher admit that this thesis is still far from being perfect so any
constructive ideas and critics to improve this thesis are warmly welcomed. She hopes this
thesis will always be beneficial for the readers.


June 2016

The writer

Registration Number 8116112016



Sutarsih. Registration Number: 8116112016. The Effect of Teaching Strategies and
Learning Styles on Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension. A Thesis.
English Applied Linguistic Program. State University of Medan, June 2016.

The objectives of this experimental research were to find out whether: 1) students’
achievement in reading comprehension taught by using Advance Organizer Strategy was
higher than taught by using Question-Answer Relationship Strategy, 2) students’
achievement in reading comprehension with visual style was better than that students with
auditory style, 3) there was interaction between teaching strategies and learning styles on
students’ achievement in reading comprehension.The population of this research was the
students in grade VII of SMP Nurul Islam Indonesia Baru Medan in 2013/2014 school year.
The total number of population of thisresearch was 154 students. There were 4 classes and

two classes were choosen as sample. The two classes consist of 35 students,so 70 students
were selected as sample of this research by applying cluster random sampling. The research
design was experimental research by using factorial design 2x2. The VII-1 was taught by
using Advance Organizer and VII-4 was taught by using Question-Answer Relationship
Strategy. The questioner was administrated for classifying the students upon the visual and
auditory learning style. Students’ achievement in reading comprehension text was measure by
using reading comprehension test. The data were analyzed by applying two-way analysis of
varience (ANOVA) at the level of significance α = 0.05. The result of the data analysis
proved that; 1) students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using Advance
Organizer Strategy was higher than taught by using Question-Answer Relationship Strategy,
with 10.91 > 0.05, 2) students’ achievement in reading comprehension with visual style was
better than that students with auditory style, with 3.38 > 0.05, 3) there was interaction
between teaching strategies and learning styles on students’ achievement in reading
comprehension, with 76.99 > 0.05. Moreover, Tuckey-test result also showed that visual style
students got better achievement if they were taught by using Advance Organizer Strategy
while auditory style students got better achievement if they were taught by using QuestionAnswer Relationship Strategy.



Sutarsih. NIM: 8116112016. Pengaruh Strategi Mengajar dan Gaya Belajar Siswa
terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Membaca. Tesis. Universitas Negeri Medan, Juni

Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah: 1) hasil belajar siswa dalam
membaca yang diajarkan dengan strategi Advance Organizer lebih tinggi dari pada hasil
belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan strategi Question-Answer Relationship, 2) hasil belajar
siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar visual lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memiliki gaya
belajar auditory, 3)ada interaksi antara strategi mengajar dan gaya belajar siswa terhadap
hasil belajar siswa dalam membaca. Populasi penelitian meliputi seluruh kelas VII SMP
Nurul Islam Indonesia Baru Medan tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Jumlah siswa dalam penelitian
ini sebanyak154 orang. Ada 4 kelas dan 2 kelas diambil sebagai sample. Dua kelas ini
masing-masing terdiri dari 35 siswa sehingga ada 70 siswa yang diambil sebagai sample
dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan
desain factorial 2x2. Kelas VII-1 diajarkan dengan menggunakan strategi Advance Organizer
and kelas VII-4 diajarkan dengan menggunakan strategi Question-Answer Relationship.
Angket diberikan ke siswa untuk mengelompokkan siswa dengan gaya belajar visual dan
gaya belajar auditory. Hasil belajar siswa dalam membaca diukur dengan menggunakan tes
reading comprehension. Data analisis dengan menggunakan ANAVA 2 jalur pada taraf

signifikasi α = 0.05. hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa : 1) hasil belajar siswa dalam
membaca yang diajarkan dengan strategi Advance Organizer lebih tinggi dari pada hasil
belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan strategi Question-Answer Relationship dengan hasil
hitung 10.91 > 0.05 , 2) hasil belajar siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar visual lebih baik dari
pada siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar auditory dengan hasil hitung 3.38 > 0.05 , 3)ada
interaksi antara strategi mengajar dan gaya belajar siswa terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam
membaca dengan hasil hitung 76.99 > 0.05. setelah melaksanakan uji lanjut dengan
menggunakan uji Tuckey, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang memiliki gaya
belajar visual memperoleh hasil belajar yang tinggi dalam membaca jika diajarkan dengan
strategi Advance Organizer dan siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar auditory memperoleh hasil
belajar yang tinggi jika diajarkan dengan strategi Question-Answer Relationship.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................





The Background of the Study .......................................................


The Problems of the Study ............................................................... 6


The Objectives of the Study ............................................................. 6


The Scope of the Study .................................................................... 7


Significance of the Study ................................................................. 7





Theoretical Framework ............................................................. 9


Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension .............. 9

Reading Comprehension .........................................................11

The Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension ..............................13 Genre ..........................................................................................15

Assesment of Reading Comprehension ...................................18


Teaching Strategy .....................................................................22

Advance Organizer Strategy ...................................................24 Definition of Advance Organizer ...............................................24 Principle of Advance Organizer .................................................26

Design of Advance Organizer ..................................................27


Procedures of Advance Organizer .............................................28 Strengths and Weaknesses of Advance Organizer Strategy ......29

Question-Answer Relationship Strategy .................................30 Definition of Strategy.................................................................30 The Principle of Strategy ...........................................................31 The Procedures of Strategy ........................................................36 Strengths and Weaknesses of QAR Strategy .............................37

Learning Styles .........................................................................38

Visual Learning Style ..............................................................41

Auditory Learning Style ..........................................................44

The Differences Between Visual and Auditory
Learning Styles .........................................................................47


Relevant Studies .......................................................................47


Conceptual Framework .............................................................49


The Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension
of the Students Taught by Using Advance Organizer and
Question-Answer Relationship Strategies ...............................49


The Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension
with Different Learning Style .....................................................52


The Interaction between Teaching Strategies and Learning
Styles to the Students’ Achievement in Reading


Hypotheses ..................................................................................55




Research Design ............................................................................56


Population and Sample..................................................................57


Population ..................................................................................58


Sample ..........................................................................................58


Instruments for Collecting the Data ............................................58


Reading Comprehension Test ......................................................59


Questionnaire of Learning Styles .................................................60


Instrument Validation..................................................................62


Validity of Reading Comprehension ............................................62


Reliability of the Test ..................................................................63


The Procedureof Treatment.........................................................63


Control of Treatment ...................................................................64


Internal Validity .........................................................................64


External Validity ........................................................................66


The Technique of Analyzing the Data ........................................67


Statistical Hypothesis ..................................................................68




Research Finding.........................................................................70


The Description of Research Data .............................................70

Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension
Taught by Using Advance Organizer Strategies ......................71

Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension
Taught by Using Question-Answer Relationship Starategy.......73

Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with
Visual Learning Style Taught by Using Advance Organizer

Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with
Auditory Learning Style Taught by Using Advance Organizer
Strategy ................................................................................ 76

Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with
Visual Learning Style Taught by Using Question-Answer
Relationship Strategy .................................................................78


Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with
Auditory Learning Style Taught by Using
Question-Answer Relationship Strategy ....................................80


Analysis Requirement Testing ...................................................82

Normality Testing ....................................................................83

Homogenity Testing ..................................................................83 Groups of Teaching Strategies and Learning Style ..................84 Groups of

Interaction ..............................................................84


Hypotheses Testing ....................................................................85

Reading Comprehension Achievement of Students was
Taught by Advance Organizer Strategy and Question-Answer
Relationship Strategy ...............................................................86

Reading Comprehension of Students with Visual Style and
Auditory Style ........................................................................87

Interaction between Teaching Strategies and Students’
Learning Style on Students’ Achievement in Reading






Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension of the
Students taught by Using Advance Organizer and
Question-Answer Relationship Strategies...................................90


Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension
of the Students who have visual learning Style better
than those who have Auditory Learning Style
................................................................................................... 91


The Interaction between teaching Strategies and Students’
Learning Styles on Students’ Achievement in Reading


The Limitation of Research .......................................................92


5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................94
5.2 Implications ............................................................................................95
5.3 Suggestions ....................................................................................... ...96





Figure 2.2 Question-Answer Relationship (QAR) Classroom Poster ..........................34
Figure 4.1 Bar chart on Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Students
Taught by Using Advance Organizer Strategy ...........................................73
Figure 4.2 Bar chart on Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Students
Taught by Using Question-Answer Relationship Strategy .........................75
Figure 4.5 Bar chart on Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Students
Taught by Using Advance Organizer Strategy with Visual Learning
Figure 4.6 Bar chart on Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Students
Taught by Using Advance Organizer Strategy with Auditory Learning
Figure 4.7 Bar chart on Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Students
Taught by Using Question-Answer Relationship Strategy with Visual
Learning Styles ..............................................................................................81
Figure 4.8 Bar chart on Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Students
Taught by Using Question-Answer Relationship Strategy with
Auditory Learning Styles ...............................................................................83


1.1 The Background of the Study
Reading comprehension is a good way to develop and understand English.
However, most of the students still find reading comprehension difficult even though they
have done it for many years. They do not know how to comprehend a text and get some
information from the text. Consequently, the students become slow down and bored.
Therefore, reading comprehension is in fact not as easy as some people think. Most
people read a text without comprehending on how they do it since assume reading
comprehension is not very important. For them, reading comprehension is a task of little
concern. So, it is a problem for the teacher in teaching reading in the classroom.
In teaching reading, most students cannot comprehend English text well. There
are some factors why they cannot comprehend the text. There are students who do not
have good motivation to read because the text is not interesting, they believe that when
comprehending the text, they must comprehend every word in the text, so they keep on
looking up the words in a dictionary to find out the meaning of the words, and they have
every limited techniques and strategies in reading. It means that inability of students in
reading comprehension is influenced by some factors. These factors make them feel bore
and uninterested in reading comprehension.
Teaching English in junior High School is aimed at enabling the students to
express their idea or thoughts, purpose, and to give information to others orally in other

words by their English. They are expected to be able to use English communicatively in
their daily life.
In reality many students do not like to learn English. Students who want to learn a
language, especially English, have great number of reason for doing something. And also
most of students learn English to follow the curriculum only. Generally they have not
motivation to learn it. That’s why the quality of students in English is still lower and it
would be important to consider the students’ learning style and teaching strategies in
English learning.
Comprehension is the essential goal of reading, because without good
comprehension, reading doesn’t provide with reader with any information and without
comprehension reading is nothing more than tracking symbol and fact, the knowledge
will not be reached by students if they lack of comprehending a text. It is because the
reading is not only as the process of communication between the reader and the writer
through written symbol in the text but also as an activity which must enable the students
as the readers to grasp the information implied in the text by activating their thinking
process so that the reading comprehension is earned.
In fact, the significance of reading comprehension is really realized by government
so that in the state- examination (UN), the government inserts some questions which are
based on reading comprehension activities from text. Even, the reading comprehension
takes dominant point among the other kinds of questions starting from number sixteen
until forty.
Those all the effort done by government expects that students will read many texts
as their preparation before facing the national examination. In further effect, it will train

students about how to gather knowledge from a text. This activity must be started from
the daily teaching- learning process. So in hope, the students will not have difficulties in
comprehending the text when they are in national examination.
The reality is that there are so many students who are able to read out loud some texts
in the class with the appropriate pronunciation but they do not know what they are
reading about. It is because they do not apply the way they use when reading in their
native language to reading in foreign language they are learning. They just spent their
time to earn the meaning word by word, then consult the unknown vocabularies, continue
with the meaning of each sentences (Mc.Neil,1992).

Actually, what it is done by them

just touch the linguistic knowledge. This is actually the phenomenon teacher faced in the
class included in SMP Nurul Islam Indonesia Baru. The phenomenon is seen in the table:


Table 1.1
The Mean of the Students’ Score in English Subject on
UN Examination at SMP Nurul Islam Indonesia Baru
Students’ Score
Academic Year
Lowest Score
Highest Score


The result shown by the table above indicates that the students’ achievement in
reading comprehension is still low.

From 2010 to 2011, the score of English subject

is 6,40 in 2012 academic year. The lowness of students’ achievement in comprehending a
text is influenced some factor, they are internal and external. Internal factors, called

reader variable, refers to everything related to the readers that includes cognitive ability
and strategy, background knowledge, and affective characteristics such as willingness,
motivation, interest, curiosity, and learning style. External factors, called text variable,
content variable, and writer variable, refer to all factors external to the reader. It is
includes teachers, environment, materials, strategy and other factors.
The harmonious of interaction between internal and external factors that affecting
reading comprehension achievement will lead the readers to interaction conception
regarded meaning as a product of the information encoded in text and the knowledge and
experience of the reader.
Due to the concept above, there are two teaching strategies which encounter
interactive perspective of students’ achievement in reading comprehension, namely
Advance Organizer strategy and Question-Answer Relationship strategy.
The advance organizer is chosen as the strategy used in this research because it is so
challenging and meaningful in learning by touching some concern in reading a text such
as how knowledge is organized, how the mind works to process new material with the
previous one. It emerges as a proof that reading is not passive activity because there are
some processes happened when one is reading a text. While, Question-Answer
Relationship is a teacher-centered strategy. It designed to teach students how to
distinguish questions with answers that are found “in the book” and questions with
answer found “in my head”. Raphael (1986), research with QAR has proven that when
students are taught to use the strategy their ability to answer questions correctly improves.
Raphael also found that through QAR, students developed a language for talking about
the strategies they use to answer questions.

Guthrie (2004:56) in Alben asserts that there must be serious attention from the
intructor to see the personal behavior of the learners to read to activate their motivation.
One of the personal behaviors of learners are named learning style. There are some kinds
of learning styles, two of them are visual and auditory learning style. Visual tends to learn
through seeing such pictures, symbols, etc. While auditory learner tends to listen to the
lecture then take notes afterwards or rely on printed notes.
Basically, every students has their own ways in learning something. Especially in
teaching learning process. The way they know their way in understanding will imply to
the result of their learning.
Based on the explanation above, it is believed that teaching strategies and learning
styles significantly affect reading comprehension achievement of students. That is why in
this research, Advance Organizer and Question-Answer Relationship strategies will be
assosiated with students who have different learning style.

1.2 The Problems of the Study
With reference to the background of the study, so the research problems
formulated as follows:


Is the achievement in reading comprehension of the students taught by using
Advance Organizer strategy higher than that of the students taught by using
Question-Answer Relationship strategy?


Is the achievement in reading comprehension of the students who have visual
learning style better than those who have auditory learning style?


Is there any interaction between teaching strategies and learning styles to students’
achievement in reading comprehension?


The objectives of the Study
Related to the research problem specified before, this study attempts to find out


The achievement in reading comprehension of the students taught by using
advance organizer strategy is higher than that of the students taught by using
Question-Answer Relationship Strategy.


The achievement in reading comprehension of the students who have visual
learning style better than those who have auditory learning style


There is any interaction between teaching strategies and learning styles to
students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

1.4 The Scope of the Study
There are many strategies used by the teachers in teaching reading comprehension
to improve students’ achievement. In this study, the researcher restricts the study to two
teaching strategies, namely Advance Organizer and QARs (Question-Answer

Relationship). Dealing with strategieswill be used, the researcher also limits reading
materials. The students, in this study will be given descriptive and recount texts will be
taken from UN which consist literal, inferential, and evaluation questions.
Besides, the researcher

will be identified the students’ learning style. The

learning styles that will be identified by the researcher are visual and auditory. This
learning style is acquired by the human since they were born to the world. That’s way the
measurement of learning styles will be done before the treatment of both strategies
(Advance Organizer and QARs) will be implemented to the students. By knowing the
students’ learning style, it is expected that this research will give clear description on the
effect of teaching strategies and learning style in students’ achievement in reading

1.5 The Significance of the Study
The research findings are expected to be useful for the development of theory and
practice, especially in the focus to improve the students’ reading comprehension.
Theoretically, it can add valuable finding in the area of teaching reading and give positive
contribution for teachers of English in overcoming the students’ problem in reading
comprehension. Students can use the strategies in developing their reading
comprehension and English teachers as giving contribution to improve their ability in
reading comprehension..
Practically, teacher may decide the best strategies and students take benefit being
taught. It is also expected that this thesis will give contribution for those who are
interested in performing further study in other fields of researcher.


1.1 Conclusions
Based on the research findings and discussion, it can be concluded that:
1. The students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using Advance
Organizer strategy is higher than of the students taught by using
Question-Answer Relationship strategy.
2. The students’ achievement in reading comprehension who have visual learning
style is better than those who have auditory learning style.
3. There is significant interaction between teaching strategies and learning styles to
students’ achievement in reading comprehension. There is an interaction
between Advance Organizer and Question-Answer Relationship strategies and
learning styles to students’ achievement in reading comprehension. Students
who have visual learning style showed significant effect on reading
comprhension, if they were taught by using Advance Organizer strategy.
Whereas students who have auditory learning style showed significant effect in
their reading comprehension, if they were taught by using Question-Answer
Relationship strategy.



1.2 Implications
The finding of this study gives implication to the English teacher and the students
who want to improve their achievement in reading comprehension. This study has tested
reading comprehension teaching strategies; they are Advance Organizer and
Question-Answer Relationship. They are applied on visual and auditory learning styles in
order to know which strategies are suitable for them in improving the students’
achievement in reading comprehension.
The first findings of this research reveals that the students taught by using
Advance Organizer strategy is higher than that of the students taught by using
Question-Anwer Relationship strategy. Thus, implies that English teachers to apply
Advance Organizer and Question-Answer Relationship strategies because it designed for
students to add their reading comprehension. English teacher can use various teaching in
order to enhance the students’ reading comprehension since the successful of reading
influenced by many factors.
Second findings of this research reveals that the achievement in reading
comprehension of the students who have visual learning style is better than those who
have auditory learning style. It gives the implication to the English teachers that they
should be aware of their students’ learning styles. The identification of students’ learning
styles can be a positive step in achieving learning goal. Understanding that students have
different learning styles is the key to success of the teaching since the teacher decide
which teaching strategy is suitable to be applied for the students.


Finally, the third research finding of this study if there is significant interaction
between teaching strategies and students’ learning styles in students’ achievement in
reaing comprehension. It leads to the implication that teaching strategies that applied by
teachers should relate to students learning styles. By knowing the students’ learning
styles, which is divided into visual and auditory learning styles, the teachers can help
their students overcome their problem in teaching learning process. English teachers are
suggested using Advance Organizer strategy for students who have visual learning style
in order to improve ttheir achievement in reading comprehension. For students who have
auditory learning style, English teacher are suggested using Qustion-Answer

1.3 Suggestions
In connection to the conclusions, there are some suggestions staged as the
1. English teachers are recomended using Advance Organizer and Question-Answer
Relationship strategies in teaching reading comprehension since these two strategies
can improve students’ achievement in reading comprehension.
2. For class dominated by visual learning style students, English teachers are
recomended using Advance Organizer strategy. For class by auditory learning style
students, English teachers are advisable using Question-Answer



3. English teachers should encourage auditory learning style students to participate in
study English in order to get better achievement in reading comprehension.
4. Other researcher can develop further study in the area of Advance Organizer and
Question-Answer Relationship strategies that will improve students achievement in
reading comprehension.

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