




A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8106112006











In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful, all praise for His mercy, guidance and loving care which have been given to the writer, so this thesis entitled “The Effect of Teaching Strategies and Self-Efficacy on Students‟ Achievement in Reading comprehension” could be completed. Blessing and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought human being from uneducated become civilized and educated in terms of science and technology.

In the process of writing this thesis, the writer would like to extend her sincere and special thanks. Her gratitude is intended for her beloved parents, Sumardi, S.Pd and Rosnelli, S.Pd. for their endless love, prays, and supports both moral and material before, during and after her academic years at Postgraduate School Program of State University of Medan and special thanks also for her beloved Husband, dr. Faizal Muslim, and her cute boy, Afif Khalfani Azzam who always give love, prays, motivation, support and also patience in assisting the writer in finishing this thesis.

On this special occasion, the writer would like to extend her sincere appreciation to her brilliant advisers, Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., who has given their precious time in giving the encouragement, guidance, suggestion, advices and valuable knowledge until this thesis appears in its present form.

The writer would like to give her special thanks to her reviewers and examiners Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd., Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum., and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. for their valuable input for completion of this thesis.



In particular, her enormous appreciation is addressed to the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Pd., the secretary Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., and administration staff Farid Ma‟ruf Harahap, for the suggestions and administrative assistance during the completing of this thesis and also all lectures who have given very valuable knowledge and science during her study at English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School of State University of Medan.

Special thanks is extended to Drs. H. Umar Bakri, the headmaster of SMA Swasta YAPIM Simpang Kawat who has given a golden opportunity for her to conduct the research in the school. Thanks to the English teacher, Mr. Sugianto Sinaga, S.Pd. who helps her in conducting the treatment in the classroom. To all students of SMA Swasta YAPIM Simpang Kawat, thanks for the cooperative attitude and work during the research.

Last but always forever, very special thanks to all her lovely friends in the executive class B LTBI XVIII as well and especially for her best friends Mam Delfina, Luhetri Muhdalifa Manalu, Julia Ratih, Hestika Ginting, K‟ Eka Dessy, Anastasia T Sibuea, Mam Hairani and the group members of line for their love, encouragement, supports, and unforgettable experiences in this thesis accomplishment.



to her closest friends, Miss. Elvida Wahyuni, S.Pd, M.Hum and Prianda Febri, M.Pd, who have given more than one friendship colors and have been good motivators and good listeners, for every questions and complaints in any discussions in this thesis accomplishment. For that, the writer can only say „thanks for the most precious friendship‟.

May Allah SWT bless you all...

Medan, February 2016 The writer,

Fitri Ayunisa



Ayunisa, Fitri. Registration Number : 8106112006. The Effect of Teaching Strategies and Self-Efficacy on Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistic Program. State University of Medan, January 2016.

The objectives of this experimental research were to find out whether: 1) the students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using PLAN strategy was higher than that taught by using QAR strategy, 2) the students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high self-efficacy was higher than that low self-efficacy, and 3) the interaction between teaching strategies and self-efficacy on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension. The population of this research was the students in grade XI IPA of SMA Swasta YAPIM Simpang Kawat of 2014/ 2015 academic year. The total number of population in this research was 157 students. There were 5 classes and two classes were chosen as sample. The two classes consist of 32 students, so 64 students were selected as sample of this research by applying cluster random sampling technique. The experimental group was taught by using PLAN strategy and the control group was taught by using QAR strategy. The research design was experimental research by using factorial design 2x2. The questionnaire was administered for classifying the students’ self-efficacy (high and low self-efficacy). The students’ reading comprehension achievement was measured by using reading comprehension test. The data were analyzed by applying two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the level of significance α = 0.05. The result of the data analysis proved that: (1) the students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using PLAN strategy was higher than that taught by using QAR strategy, with Fobs (17.77) > Ftab (4.00), (2) the students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high self-efficacy was higher than that with low self-efficacy, with Fobs (5.28) > Ftab (4.00), (3) there was interaction between teaching strategies and self-efficacy on students’ achievement in reading comprehension, with Fobs (20.23) > Ftab (4.00). Moreover, Tuckey-test result also showed that high self-efficacy students got higher achievement if they were taught by using PLAN strategy while the low self-efficacy students’ got higher achievement if they were taught by using QAR strategy.



Fitri Ayunisa. Nomor Registrasi : 8106112006. Pengaruh Strategi Pengajaran dan Keyakinan Diri Siswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Membaca. Thesis. Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.

Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah : 1) hasil belajar siswa dalam membaca yang diajarkan dengan strategi PLAN lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan strategi QAR, 2) hasil belajar siswa dengan efikasi diri tinggi lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang memiliki efikasi diri rendah, 3) terdapat interaksi antara strategi pengajaran dengan efikasi diri siswa terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam membaca teks. Populasi penelitian ini meliputi seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Swasta YAPIM Simpang Kawat tahun ajaran 2014/ 2015. Total keseluruhan populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 157 siswa, terdapat 5 kelas dimana 2 kelaslah yang terpilih sebagai sampel penelitian. 2 kelas tersebut masing-masing berjumlah 32, sehingga 64 siswa terpilih sebagai sampel pada penelitian ini melalui tekhnik cluster random sampling. Kelompok eksperimen diajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran PLAN dan kelompok control diajarkan dengan strategi pembelajaran QAR. Desain penelitian ini adalah factorial design 2x2. Angket diberikan untuk mengelompokkan efikasi diri siswa (tinggi dan rendahnya efikasi diri siswa). Hasil belajar siswa diukur dengan menggunakan tes pemahaman membaca. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan ANAVA 2 jalur pada taraf signifikansi α = 0.05. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa 1) hasil belajar siswa dalam membaca yang diajarkan dengan strategi PLAN lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar siswa yang diajarkan dengan strategi QAR dengan Fobs (17.77) > Ftab (4.00); 2) hasil belajar siswa dengan efikasi diri tinggi lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang memiliki efikasi diri rendah, dengan Fobs (5.28) > Ftab (4.00), 3) terdapat interaksi antara strategi pengajaran dengan efikasi diri siswa terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam membaca teks, dengan Fobs (20.23) > Ftab (4.00). Selain itu, hasil uji Tuckey-test juga menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan keyakinan yang tinggi memperoleh hasil belajar yang tinggi jika diajarkan dengan strategi dan siswa dengan keyakinan yang rendah memperoleh hasil belajar yang tinggi jika diajarkan dengan strategi QAR.





Table 2.1 Categories of Questions ... 27

Table 2.2 The Strengths and Weaknesses between PLAN strategy and QAR Strategy ... 30

Table 3.1 Factorial Research Design 2x2 ... 45

Table 3.2 The Treatment ... 47

Table 3.3 Students’ Self-Efficacy Questionnaire Indicators ... 50

Table 4.1 Summary of Research Data Description ... 62

Table 4.2 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension Taught by Using PLAN Strategy 63 Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension Taught by Using QAR Strategy 64 Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with High Self-Efficacy ... 66

Table 4.5 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with Low Self-Efficacy ... 66

Table 4.6 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with High Self-EfficacyTaught by Using PLAN Strategy ... 69

Table 4.7 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with Low Self-Efficacy Taught by Using PLAN Strategy ... 70

Table 4.8 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with High Self-Efficacy Taught by Using QAR Strategy ... 72

Table 4.9 Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with Low Self-Efficacy Taught by Using QAR Strategy ... 73

Table 4.10 Summary on the Result of Normality Test ... 75

Table 4.11 Result of Homogeneity Test on Groups of Teaching Strategies ... 76

Table 4.12 Result of Homogeneity Test on Groups of Self-Efficacy 77 Table 4.13 Result of Homogeneity Test on Groups of Interaction ... 77

Table 4.14 Result of Homogeneity Test on Each Group... 77

Table 4.15 Two-Way ANOVA with Factorial Design 2x2 ... 78

Table 4.16 Summary on the Calculation of Two-Way ANOVA ... 79




Page Figure 4.1 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension Taught by Using PLAN Strategy ... 64

Figure 4.2 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension Taught by Using QAR Strategy ... 65

Figure 4.3 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension with High Self-Efficacy ... 67

Figure 4.4 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension with Low Self-Efficacy ... 68

Figure 4.5 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension with High Self-Efficacy Taught by

Using PLAN Strategy ... 70

Figure 4.6 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension with Low Self-Efficacy Taught by

Using PLAN Strategy ... 71

Figure 4.7 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension with High Self-Efficacy Taught by

Using QAR Strategy ... 73

Figure 4.8 Histogram of the Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension with Low Self-Efficacy Taught by

Using QAR Strategy ... 74

Figure 4.9 Interaction between Teaching Strategies and




Appendix A Lesson Plan ... 100

Appendix B 1. Self-Efficacy Questionnaire ... 109

2. Reading Comprehension Test... 111

Appendix C 1. Computation of Validity of Self-Efficacy Questionnaire ... 123

2. Reliability of Self-Efficacy Questionnaire ... 124

Appendix D 1. Computation of Validity of Reading Comprehension Test ... 125

2. Computation of Reliability of Reading Comprehension Test ... 126

Appendix E The Calculation of Self-efficacy Questionnaire ... 128

Appendix F Description of Students’ Score on Self-efficacy Questionnaire ... 129

Appendix G The Description of Students’ Score ... 131

Appendix H Description of Research Data ... 133

Appendix I Normality Test ... 148

Appendix J Homogeneity Test ... 157

Appendix K Hypotheses Testing ... 159




1.1Background of Study

In Indonesia, one of the objectives of TEFL is to develop the students’ reading skill. Only through reading the students acquire the speed, gaining a large information about the world which is considered as knowledge of the world, and understanding it from the written words. Reading as one of the four language skills, as receptive skill besides listening is a complex, cognitive process, a whole complex system of skills and knowledge, knowledge and activities in visually recognizing individual printed words are useless in and of themselves ( Smith,2004 : 4). It means that reading as one of the four basic language skills that must be mastered in language learning, especially in English learning.

The awareness of the importance of reading comprehension have encouraged the Indonesia government to make a policy in educational system; Reading is a subject that must be taught from Primary until Senior High School. The students are expected to be able to comprehend the written text they read well through teaching and learning. This is the line with the objectives of reading instruction in Senior High School is to develop the students’ reading skill so that the students can read, comprehend English text, summarize, and represent the text with their own words effectively and efficiently (Curriculum, 2013).

Although reading comprehension is very important, but reading is not an easy thing to do for the students. Nasution (2007 : 64) stated that Senior High School students are able to read without understanding the meaning. It was added



that apart from the internal problem the failure of teaching and learning program, students sometimes struggle in building their comprehension because of some external problems, such as their home circumstance, parental and family support, and their attitude toward reading. Referred to the previous evidence, the success or the failure of learning including reading lies on the strategies or techniques used and the personality of the learners themselves.

In fact, a research on reading skill in Indonesia has revealed that the students’ skills particularly in reading comprehension are far from satisfactory. It is as reported in Kompas, a daily newspaper, (2007) that around 37,6% of 15 years-old students are merely able to read the texts without understanding the meaning carried by the text. Only 24,8% out of them are able to correlate the tests with their prior knowledge. It means that many students still have insufficient ability to comprehend the text.

The same problem is also happened to the students of SMA Swasta YAPIM Simpang Kawat, the second grade students at SMA Swasta YAPIM Simpang Kawat during the first and the second semester in 2013/2014 academic year. It is found that from 109 students, there were 40 students got score 75 to 90 in the first semester and 48 students got score 75 to 90 in the second semester. Score 75 is a KKMstandard of English subject of the second grade. It means that it is only 37% students in the first semester and 44 % students in the second semester that got high score in reading comprehension. From the fact, the data should be used as a referencein enhancing students' reading skills, particularly in reading comprehension. One of possible reasons that the majority of the second grade students in SMA Swasta YAPIM are incompetent user of English, because



they do not learn the language effectively. So it is very difficultt to understand some English text without having the prior knowledge and certain strategy. Furthermore, the application of the strategy used during the teaching-learning process used by the teacher in conveying the reading materials to the students might be causing problem. In order to get the optimum result of teaching reading, the strategy used must facilitate the students to be active while reading and make them interact more with the text

In enhancing reading comprehension, the students need to learn particular strategies for reading so that they can be actively engaged in the text and get the meaning of the text. Teachers must instruct students in valid and accurate comprehension strategies in order to enhance reading comprehension. In general, most of the second year students of Senior High School can not master a certain text totally because inappropriate strategy of teaching learning process, particularly in teaching reading of English subject.

By having some facts related to reading comprehension, the researcher conclude that they need strategies in order to overcome their lack desire of reading comprehension. There are many strategies can be used in increasing students’ reading comprehension. Two of them are PLANstrategy and QAR strategy. By having those strategies, students’ are expected to achieve good comprehension in reading.

PLAN is an acronymfor four distinct steps of Predict, Locate, Add, and Note. This strategy is involved before, during and after reading activities.The PLAN strategy is defined as a great strategy intended to start with an evaluation of students’ prior knowledge and conclude with an appropriate culminating activity.



PLAN as a great strategy could help the students read informational texts actively and strategically (Caverly 1995). This strategy begins by first activating students’ prior knowledge, the students skim the assigned reading for main headings and then predict the content of the text (Predict), and then the students place the check marks next to topics that are known and question marks by topics are unknown (Locate). After that, they should explore the text and record the key words and phrases that applied to the topic (Add), and the last one the students must demonstrate reading comprehension by revising the concept map, writing a summary, or completing some other relevant tasks (Note). This step is important because students use their comprehension to complete the learning task. Through these steps, the students are pushed to use a number of strategies such as relating prior knowledge, predicting, questioning, summarizing, using imagery, and setting a purpose for reading.

There are several contributions of using PLAN in teaching reading. Seagrave (2006) found 5 contributions when use the PLAN strategy in teaching reading. First, PLAN strategy facilitates active reading. It means that the students interact more with the text they read while creating their predictions into a map. Then, it engages students’ background knowledge of the topic that simultaneously build their interest and motivation to read. This strategy also encourages students to take responsibility of their comprehension by requiring concrete evidence of their reading. Creating concept map helps the students to visualize the ideas in the text that will monitor their comprehension. It is also helps the students to recognize text construction easily.



Another strategy that can be applied in teaching reading is QAR strategy. Question Answer Relationship strategy (QAR) is one of the strategies in contextual teaching and learning that provide some question in order to demand the students know well about the text. QAR creates a way of thinking about the types of questions that are most appropriate for different points in guiding students through a text.

Raphael divides QAR strategy in to two categories the QAR strategy divides questions into two broad categories; "In the Book" (Right There and Think and Search) questions and "In My Head" (Author & You and On My Own) questions. Through the types of questions of QAR, the students will be able to search for key words and phrases to locate the appropriate information whether or not information is present in the text and, if not, that is necessary to read “between or beyond the lines” to answer questions. Furthermore, the Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy presents a three-way relationship among questions, text content, and the student’s knowledge about text.

The researcher is interested in these kinds of reading strategies under the considerations that PLAN provides strategies in which the students comprehend the text by activating their background knowledge and experiences while learning. Furthermore, PLAN strategy encourages the students to self-assess what they know about a topic and provides them with an opportunity to organize and summarize what already know or have learned through their reading. In contrary, the QAR provides strategies in which the students must comprehend kinds of question conveyed and they make categories based on the questions. In other



words, this strategy invites the students to think more before answering the question.

Guthrie (2004:56) stated that there must be serious attention from the teacher to see the personal behavior of the learners to read to activate their motivation. To give motivation to the students, it is not enough by applying the teaching strategies, to improve the quality of teaching process in the classroom it is important to include the students’ internal factors, in this study the researcher will discuss about self-efficacy.

According to Pajares (1996), self-efficacy as a persons’ confidence to perform a specific task successfully and is linked closely to initial task engagement, persistence, and achievement. In other word, self-efficacy is the belief and confidence that students have about their capacity to accomplish meaningful tasks and produce a desired result in academic setting. To improve the quality of teaching process in the classroom, it is also important to know the students’ internal factors, such as efficacy.By knowing the students’ self-efficacy, it is hoped that the teacher can exercise their students to control over events that are likely to affect their lives, and their beliefs in their capabilities to put together the motivation.Students with high self-efficacy are more engaged and motivated than students with low self-efficacy in learning, especially in teaching reading comprehension.

Therefore, in this study the researcher is going todiscover the effect of Predict, Locate, add, Note (PLAN) strategy and Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy in improving the students’ reading comprehension for those who have high and low self-efficacy of SMA Swasta YAPIM Simpang Kawat.



1.2 Problems of the study

The problems of this study are formulated in question form as follows :

1) Is the students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using PLAN strategy significantly higher than that taught by using QAR strategy?

2) Is the students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high self-efficacy significantly higher than that low self-self-efficacy?

3) Is there any significant interaction between teaching strategies and self-efficacy on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension?

1.3 Objectives of the study

In carrying out the research, it is necessary to state the objectives of the study clearly. So, the objectives of this study are:

1) to find out whether the students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using PLAN strategy is significantly higher than that taught by QAR strategy;

2) to find out whether the students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high self-efficacy is significantly higher than that low self-efficacy; 3) to find out whether there is significant interaction between teaching

strategies and self-efficacy on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.



1.4 Scope of the Study

Reading comprehension is influenced by many factors such as attitudes, motivation towards reading, self-efficacy, language uses, background of knowledge, reading purpose, reading strategy, thinking abilities and text variables. All of the factors are affected in successful reading.

Considering the fact that reading comprehension is influenced by many factors, so the writer only focuses her research on the students’ self-efficacy. In this case, the students’ self-efficacy in learning English especially in reading activity. Besides, there are many strategies that teacher can use in enhancing students achievement in English especially in reading comprehension. This study is focused on the application of PLAN strategy and QAR strategy which is assumed can help students in reading comprehension.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful for teachers of English in overcoming the students’ problem in reading comprehension. Theoritically, it is hoped that the result of the study will add what has been found in the era of teaching English as a foreign language.Meanwhile, practically the result of this study will inform The English teachers in their attempts to decide which of the best strategies in helping the students or learners to read comprehensively.

This study is also expected to be useful as a trigger and as the grounds for further research in conducting a research related to the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension to reach the highest level of comprehension.





5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research findings and discussion, it can be concluded that:

1. The students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using PLAN

strategy is higher than that taught by using QAR strategy. Hence PLAN strategy is more effective to be used in teaching reading than QAR strategy in improving the students’ achievement.

2. High and low self-efficacy give different influence to the students’

achievement in reading comprehension. The students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high self-efficacy is higher than that low self-efficacy; and

3. There is significant interaction between teaching strategies and self-efficacy

on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension. The students’ achievement in reading comprehension is influenced by teaching strategies and self-efficacy. The high self-efficacy students showed significant effect on their reading comprehension achievement if they were taught by using PLAN while low self-efficacy students showed significant effect on their reading comprehension achievement if they were taught by using QAR strategy.



5.2. Implications

Based on the previous findings, It can be known that PLAN is more effective to be used in teaching reading comprehension than QAR strategy. In this research, the researcher has tested the two teaching strategies in reading comprehension, they are applied on high and low self-efficacy students in order to know which the teaching strategies are appropriate for the students in improving their achievement in reading comprehension. Based on this research, It can be seen that the students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using PLAN strategy is higher than taught by using QAR strategy.

Furthermore, in this research the strategies had attempted to be matched with the students’ self-efficacy. Although the conclusion from data analysis, research findings and discussions indicate that the students’ achievement taught by using PLAN strategy is higher than by using QAR strategy especially when it is taught for the students with high self-efficacy. It is because the students with high self-efficacy are more curious and have deeper interest in learning something new through what they have known about the text, what they want to know about the text and listing what they have learned after read the text so that they feel challenged when they are asked to make their own knowledge. In this case, the students will be as creative as possible in getting new information which contains all the information in the text through some key words or paraphrase.

However, it does not mean the QAR strategy is not as good as PLAN strategy. It is proven by the students’ achievement taught by QAR strategy can also achieve satisfactory score when it is taught for students with low self-efficacy. It is because


94 the way of comprehending a text suited for students with low self-efficacy is through questions word in some phases such as predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing. That is why QAR strategy is suitable to be applied for students with low self-efficacy.

Finally, the fact explained above also proves that actually the students who have high or low self-efficacy had been able to achieve satisfactory score. Therefore, as the teachers should pay more attention to their students, always try to find eligible strategy for the students who have high or low self-efficacy so that they can obtain good motivation and better learning achievement, especially in reading comprehension.

5.3 Suggestions

In connection to the conclusions, there are some suggestions staged as the following:

1. The English teachers are recommended using PLAN strategy in teaching

reading comprehension in improving the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

2. The English teacher should identify their students self-efficacy level before

doing the teaching process and match the teaching strategy used with the identified levels so that they can obtain good motivation and better learning achievement, especially in reading comprehension. . It is suggested for the English teacher using PLAN strategy for the class dominated by the students


95 with high self-efficacy, and for the class dominated by the students with low self-efficacy the English teacher are suggested using QAR strategy.

3. Other researchers can develop further study in the area of PLAN strategy and

QAR strategy in order to improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.




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Reading Psychology,25, 121-148.

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the way of comprehending a text suited for students with low self-efficacy is through questions word in some phases such as predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing. That is why QAR strategy is suitable to be applied for students with low self-efficacy.

Finally, the fact explained above also proves that actually the students who have high or low self-efficacy had been able to achieve satisfactory score. Therefore, as the teachers should pay more attention to their students, always try to find eligible strategy for the students who have high or low self-efficacy so that they can obtain good motivation and better learning achievement, especially in reading comprehension.

5.3 Suggestions

In connection to the conclusions, there are some suggestions staged as the following:

1. The English teachers are recommended using PLAN strategy in teaching reading comprehension in improving the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

2. The English teacher should identify their students self-efficacy level before doing the teaching process and match the teaching strategy used with the identified levels so that they can obtain good motivation and better learning achievement, especially in reading comprehension. . It is suggested for the English teacher using PLAN strategy for the class dominated by the students


with high self-efficacy, and for the class dominated by the students with low self-efficacy the English teacher are suggested using QAR strategy.

3. Other researchers can develop further study in the area of PLAN strategy and QAR strategy in order to improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.



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