




Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number 2113220038







The greatest gratitude is expressed to God, the Almighty and Most Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honor, and Mercy that has been given to the writer so that he finally accomplishes his thesis entitled: “Techniques of Translating Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University”.

In completing this thesis, the writer realized that he faced some problems and he had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to express his gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature Department. Dra. Meisuri, M.A. the Secretary of English and Literature Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Program. Syamsul Bahri, S.S., M.Hum. the Head of English Literature Program and also his

Thesis Examiner.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., his Thesis Consultant who has given her precious time, guidance, suggestions, and comments to finish this thesis.

Mahmud Layan Hutasuhut,S.Pd.,M.hum., his Academic Adviser. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., his Thesis Examiner.

Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., his Thesis Examiner.

All lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and advised him throughout the academic years.

Mam Euis, Mam Enda and Mr.Pantes, the Administration Staff of English Department, for their attention, assistance, and information.

• His special sincere gratitude goes to his beloved parents, all his families and the Sunday School Teachers for their endless love, prayer, inspiration, motivation that makes the writer so blessed to know each and everyone of them.

• His beloved friends, ELIT-A for their endless support, attention, prayer and love which they have been giving to the writer not only during the term of the writers’ study, but also in everyday life and for being the second home and family for the writer.


The writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity; he conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. He hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who read and are interested in the field of this study.

Medan, September 2015 The writer,

Sofyan Fernandes H Reg.No. 2113220038



Fernandes, Sofyan. 2113220038. Techniques of Translating Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University. A Thesis. English Literature Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2015

The study deals with the techniques of translation on thesis abstracts in Economic Department. The objectives of the study were to identify the types of translation techniques, to find out the most dominant type of the translation techniques used, and to find out the reasons of the translation techniques used in translating thesis abstract. The study used descriptive qualitative design. Descriptive qualitative is a method of research that makes the description of the situation or events or occurrences clearer. It is understood that descriptive qualitative method is a method of research which provides the description of situation or events or occurrences, so this method is an intention to accumulate the basic data. Qualitative research involves analysis of data such as words and phrases in abstracts. The data were taken from twenty translated thesis abstracts of Economic Department. The findings show that there were eight techniques of eighteen techniques used in thesis abstracts. The most dominant type was established equivalent due to the translator intention to avoid misunderstanding by using dictionaries. It’s recommended that in doing any translation, the most essential thing is to keep the meaning or the message of the source language remains the same when it’s being translated into the target language.


Keywords: Translation, Translation Tehniques, Thesis Abstracts.




Table 2.1: The Diagram of Translation Process by Bell (1991:21) ... 12

Table 4.1: Data Collection of the Abtracts of Economic Department.. ... 31

Table 4.2: Data identification of the Abtracts of Economic Department ... 35

Table 4.3: Adaptation ... 39

Table 4.4: Amplification ... 40

Table 4.5: Compensation ... 41

Table 4.6: Discursive Creation ... 42

Table 4.7: Established Equivalent ... 43

Table 4.8: Literal Translation ... 44

Table 4.9: Modulation ... 46

Table 4.10: Particularization ... 46

Table 4.11: Reduction ... 47





Table 2.1: The Diagram of Translation Process by Bell (1991:21) ... 12

Table 4.1: Data Collection of the Abtracts of Economic Department.. ... 31

Table 4.2: Data identification of the Abtracts of Economic Department ... 35

Table 4.3: Adaptation ... 39

Table 4.4: Amplification ... 40

Table 4.5: Compensation ... 41

Table 4.6: Discursive Creation ... 42

Table 4.7: Established Equivalent ... 43

Table 4.8: Literal Translation ... 44

Table 4.9: Modulation ... 46

Table 4.10: Particularization ... 46

Table 4.11: Reduction ... 47



APPENDIX A The Data Identification of Translation Techniques

in Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University

APPENDIX B The Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department

Students in Medan State University





A.The Background of The Study

Language is essential, not only for linguists, students, and lecturers or in education, but also for politician, and other subjects that need language as a medium to communicate. In another word, language actively manages the life of people to get on with. Kramsch (in Rahyono 2011:21) states that language is the principal means whereby we conduct our social lives. When it is used in contexts of communication, it is bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways. As an example of the application of Kramsch’s definition about language; for instance, some international events are put on air on the television, the Internet or the newspaper require language as the medium to communicate the message or information as well as possible. Therefore, we couldn’t deny the existence of the language which occurs in our social lives.

Unfortunately, we are not living in the world which unites humanity in one language. Stephen Juan, Ph.D., an anthropologist of University of Sydney, states (via that more than 6,800 living languages spoken in the world. With that huge number of languages, humanity needs a solution to prevent the misunderstood meaning while communicating; therefore, translation is the only way to solve the language problem.

The beneficial effect of translation could be seen many ways; for instances, in various written text, such as books, magazines, newspaper, poem, etc. Translation truly helped people to know about information which at the



beginning, we did not know at all because of the language problem, and then we knew everything because the text was translated or transferred into our native tongue.

Let’s see some examples of translation techniques that are taken from thesis abstracts Medan State University:

No Source Text Target Text Kind of Translation Technique

1 Volume Volume Borrowing

Borrowing is one of the techniques of translation, which takes a word or expression straight from another language. Borrowing basically consists of two types, first pure borrowing, which means the translation is transferred without changing the writing system and the pronunciation in SL form, and second, naturalized which means the translation is adapted with the TL translation or made as natural as possible to TL. This type changes as close as possible to the TL writing system and pronunciation.

Volume is purely borrowed from the terminology of SL ‘volume’ without changing the writing system and the pronunciation after rendered in TL form.

No Source Text Target Text

Kind of Translation Technique

3 Pemberitahuan Notification Established Equivalent

Established Equivalent is one of technique translation, which its term expression is recognized (by dictionaries or language in use) as an equivalent in the TL.



source language (SL) andEnglishas target language (TL) was able to indicatea form of translation and demonstrates the use of technique of translation within technical terminology.

Related to analysis, the technical terminology became main object of this analysis, because it showed changes that occur when a term in Indonesian translated into English. Some changes were indicated by a change in the structure and form ofthe word; some words were translated longer than SL, and some word were shortened after translated, some word also showed meaning shift; nevertheless, the changes that occured still referred to the technique of translation which applied by the translator.

Furthermore, this study would open the reader's mind about how important the translation from SL to TL in giving comprehension and understanding about the shifting proccess in Thesis’ Abstract.

B. The Problems of the Study

There were three problems to be analyzed as follows:

1) What techniques were applied in the translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University?

2) What was the most dominant technique of translation in Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University?

3) Why that dominant technique was used in Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University?



C. The Objectives of the Study

There were three objectives of the study in this analysis as the answers to the problems which had been mentioned before, they are:

1) to find out the techniques applied in translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University into English. 2) to find out the most dominant technique which the translator used in

translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State Universityinto English.

3) to explain why that most dominant technique was used in the translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University.

D.The Scope of the Study

The scope of the analysis was only focused on the translation of technical terminology and techniques of translation Words and Phrases in 20 thesis abstracts of economics department students in Medan State University from Indonesian Into English based on Molina and Albirtheory(2002:509-511).

E.The Significances of Study

The Significances of the study were as follows.

1) As the reference and the guidance for students and the teachers of translation in general; and the translator in particular to enlarge the



comprehension about the translation, especially about the technique of translation and to do other related researches about translation.

2) As a reference and the guidance for students and the teachers of translation in general; and the translator in particular, especially about the implementation of technique of translation applied in technical terminology or other objects theoretically and practically.





Having collected and analyzing the data, some conclusions were given below:

1. The study revealed that there were three dominant techniques used in translating abstracts, they were established equivalent, particularization, and adaptation since the translator tried to render the meaning by domesticating the words and phrase to be relevant to the target language. The translator believed that the product of the translation should become a part of the society and represent the existence of the target language.

2. The result showed that the most dominant type of translation was 42 (fourty two) Established Equivalent (40, 38 %).

3. The reason of implementing and using established equivalent technique was the intention of the translators to avoid misunderstanding in target language by using dictionaries or particular equivalent.




The writer would like to recommend that in doing any translation, the most essential thing is to keep the meaning or the message of the source language remains the same when it is being translated into the target language.

Specifically, the research can be suggested as follows:

1. All information in the text is very essential; since it’s informative text and contains technical terminology which is only a few people comprehend the real meaning within. It is suggested that the translator should be careful in choosing suitable word to the Target Language before implementing the translation process, because it needs full of awareness to establish the right meaning, so the result can prevent the misunderstanding.

2. It is suggested that the translator look for relevant technical terminology dictionary to find the equivalence of foreign term.

3. It is suggested that the researcher can analyze about either its translation methods, translation approaches, or the ideology of its translation with the various scope of research, such as sentence, phrase, language style, etc.



Baker, M. 1992. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Sage Publication.

Bell, Roger T. 1991. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. New York: Longman.

Beekman, J.and Callow, John. 1974.“Translating the Word of God,” in Terjemahan Teks Medis Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. Britain: Oxford


Gerloff, P. 1986. “Second Language Learner’s reports on The Interpretive Process: Talk aloud Protocols of Translation,” in R. Silalahi. 2012. Terjemahan Teks Medis Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Larsson, Mildred L. 1984. Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to

Cross-Language Equivalence. New York: Univ.Press.

Muchtar, M .2013.Translation: Theory, Practice and Study. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Molina, L and A.H. Albir. 2002. “Translation Tecnique Revisited: A Dynamic

AndFuncionalist Approach,” in Meta, Vol XLVII, No. 4, p 499-512. Nababan, M. R. 1999. “Teori Menerjemah Bahasa Inggris,” in M. Muchtar. 2013.

Translation: Theory, Practice and Study. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. Britain: Prentice Hall.

Nord, C. 1994. “Translation as a Process of Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation,” in R. Silalahi.2012.Terjemahan Teks Medis Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Bartong Jaya.

Rahyono,F.X. 2011.”The Concept of Fairness As Expressed in Javanese Propositions: A Study of Cultural Wisdom” in Makara, SosialHumaniora, Vol. 15 No. 1 Page 21-28.

Reiss. K. 1971. “Type, Kind and Individuality of Text, Decision Making in Translation,” translated by S. Kitron. In L. Venutti. (ed). 2000. Translation Studies Reader. London: Rouledge.



source language (SL) andEnglishas target language (TL) was able to indicatea form of translation and demonstrates the use of technique of translation within technical terminology.

Related to analysis, the technical terminology became main object of this analysis, because it showed changes that occur when a term in Indonesian translated into English. Some changes were indicated by a change in the structure and form ofthe word; some words were translated longer than SL, and some word were shortened after translated, some word also showed meaning shift; nevertheless, the changes that occured still referred to the technique of translation which applied by the translator.

Furthermore, this study would open the reader's mind about how important the translation from SL to TL in giving comprehension and understanding about the shifting proccess in Thesis’ Abstract.

B. The Problems of the Study

There were three problems to be analyzed as follows:

1) What techniques were applied in the translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University?

2) What was the most dominant technique of translation in Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University?

3) Why that dominant technique was used in Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University?


C. The Objectives of the Study

There were three objectives of the study in this analysis as the answers to the problems which had been mentioned before, they are:

1) to find out the techniques applied in translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University into English. 2) to find out the most dominant technique which the translator used in

translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State Universityinto English.

3) to explain why that most dominant technique was used in the translation of Thesis Abstracts of Economics Department Students in Medan State University.

D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the analysis was only focused on the translation of technical terminology and techniques of translation Words and Phrases in 20 thesis abstracts of economics department students in Medan State University from Indonesian Into English based on Molina and Albirtheory(2002:509-511).

E. The Significances of Study

The Significances of the study were as follows.

1) As the reference and the guidance for students and the teachers of translation in general; and the translator in particular to enlarge the



comprehension about the translation, especially about the technique of translation and to do other related researches about translation.

2) As a reference and the guidance for students and the teachers of translation in general; and the translator in particular, especially about the implementation of technique of translation applied in technical terminology or other objects theoretically and practically.



A. Conclusions

Having collected and analyzing the data, some conclusions were given below:

1. The study revealed that there were three dominant techniques used in translating abstracts, they were established equivalent, particularization, and adaptation since the translator tried to render the meaning by domesticating the words and phrase to be relevant to the target language. The translator believed that the product of the translation should become a part of the society and represent the existence of the target language.

2. The result showed that the most dominant type of translation was 42 (fourty two) Established Equivalent (40, 38 %).

3. The reason of implementing and using established equivalent technique was the intention of the translators to avoid misunderstanding in target language by using dictionaries or particular equivalent.



B. Suggestions

The writer would like to recommend that in doing any translation, the most essential thing is to keep the meaning or the message of the source language remains the same when it is being translated into the target language.

Specifically, the research can be suggested as follows:

1. All information in the text is very essential; since it’s informative text and contains technical terminology which is only a few people comprehend the real meaning within. It is suggested that the translator should be careful in choosing suitable word to the Target Language before implementing the translation process, because it needs full of awareness to establish the right meaning, so the result can prevent the misunderstanding.

2. It is suggested that the translator look for relevant technical terminology dictionary to find the equivalence of foreign term.

3. It is suggested that the researcher can analyze about either its translation methods, translation approaches, or the ideology of its translation with the various scope of research, such as sentence, phrase, language style, etc.



Bell, Roger T. 1991. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. New York: Longman.

Beekman, J.and Callow, John. 1974.“Translating the Word of God,” in Terjemahan Teks Medis Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. Britain: Oxford


Gerloff, P. 1986. “Second Language Learner’s reports on The Interpretive Process: Talk aloud Protocols of Translation,” in R. Silalahi. 2012. Terjemahan Teks Medis Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Larsson, Mildred L. 1984. Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to

Cross-Language Equivalence. New York: Univ.Press.

Muchtar, M .2013.Translation: Theory, Practice and Study. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Molina, L and A.H. Albir. 2002. “Translation Tecnique Revisited: A Dynamic

AndFuncionalist Approach,” in Meta, Vol XLVII, No. 4, p 499-512. Nababan, M. R. 1999. “Teori Menerjemah Bahasa Inggris,” in M. Muchtar. 2013.

Translation: Theory, Practice and Study. Medan: Bartong Jaya. Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. Britain: Prentice Hall.

Nord, C. 1994. “Translation as a Process of Linguistic and Cultural Adaptation,” in R. Silalahi.2012.Terjemahan Teks Medis Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Bartong Jaya.

Rahyono,F.X. 2011.”The Concept of Fairness As Expressed in Javanese Propositions: A Study of Cultural Wisdom” in Makara, SosialHumaniora, Vol. 15 No. 1 Page 21-28.

Reiss. K. 1971. “Type, Kind and Individuality of Text, Decision Making in Translation,” translated by S. Kitron. In L. Venutti. (ed). 2000. Translation Studies Reader. London: Rouledge.