Losses relating to house damage show that in spite of being affected slightly by circulation of typhoons, people’s houses were also damaged considerably because of unsolid construction. Observation shows that in mainland areas most of houses are concretized, but few of them have stable roofs or are tied up carefully to improve their stand against the storms fig.26. On Khuong and Son islets, unsolid houses with leafy-roof or thatched houses area popular fig. 27. Some of poor households in mainland areas also have only temporary houses. It is not possible for these kinds of houses to stand against the typhoons, the loss will be severe if typhoons hit directly. In recent years, there have been some programs supporting poor households to build 12 houses. In 2009, the program keeps supporting funds for 14 households through projects and associations: i Great Unity House; ii Women and Veteran Associations and iii Ngoc Thach church and benefactors as well. However, the number of poor households living in thatched houses is still high. Every year, each poor household has to spend about 500, 000 VND up to 1 milion VND on repairing house after flood or cyclones, which makes households poorer and poorer. The reasons for living in thatched houses of poor household are: iron roofs of houses in Bùi H ữu Ngh ĩa . Thatched or leafy houses are common on islets of S ơn and Kh ương • Not enough money for building solid house many childrean, lack of farming land, illness, unemployment, bankruptcy, no funds for bussiness • Saving money for children to school, so they cannot build solid house. • Unstable jobs hired labour lead to uncertain income. • Living style and inhabitants’ perceptions of houses are simple. • Houses are not carefully reinforced before cyclone and flood season because of being short of propaganda and guide on technology in strenthening houses propagandists didnot have knowledge on hazards and coping methods as well as propaganda skills. Semid solid houses are not cyclone resistant due to the lack of techniques and local people do not tie up their roofs before rainy season. Local people still build their houses at the edge of theriver which are prone to being eroded lack of knowledge, lack of land for housing