POST method GET method

20 Copyright © 2009 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. csw:Query typeNames=wrs:ExtrinsicObject rim:Association_a1 csw:ElementSetName typeNames=wrs:ExtrinsicObjectfullElementSetName csw:Constraint version=1.1.0 ogc:Filter ogc:And ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyNamea1associationTypeogc:PropertyName ogc:Literal urn:ogc:def:ebRIM-AssociationType:OGC:OperatesOn ogc:Literal ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyNamea1sourceObjectogc:PropertyName ogc:Literal urn:uuid:86084c6a-292f-4687-bf52-aef49b5ff2d6 ogc:Literal ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyNamewrs:ExtrinsicObjectidogc:PropertyName ogc:PropertyNamea1targetObjectogc:PropertyName ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:PropertyName wrs:ExtrinsicObjectobjectType ogc:PropertyName ogc:Literal urn:ogc:def:ebRIM-ObjectType:OGC:Dataset ogc:Literal ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo ogc:And ogc:Filter csw:Constraint csw:Query Clause in OGC 07-006r1 describes how representations of records in a query result set are presented. If the ‘outputSchema’ parameter specifies the ebRIM namespace URI, then a predefined or an ad hoc custom view of resulting registry objects may be requested. Within a csw:Query context, the value of the typeNames attribute shall be a list of one or more registry object type names either rim:RegistryObject or an allowable substitution thereof. The value of an ElementName request parameter must be an XPath 1.0 expression that refers to the desired infoset item see cl. 7.10.1. In constructing an ad hoc view, the registry object representations included in the response shall satisfy all applicable constraints. EXAMPLE 3 Specifying a custom ad hoc view csw:Query typeNames=rim:Service rim:Association csw:ElementNamerim:Servicerim:Descriptioncsw:ElementName csw:ElementNamerim:ServiceaccessURIcsw:ElementName csw:ElementName rim:Servicerim:Slot[name=http:purl.orgdctermsspatial] csw:ElementName csw:Constraint version=1.1.0 ogc:Filter -- query predicates --