Liz’s Bali Journey Ends In Love In Elizabeth Gilbert’s Novel “Eat Pray Love”







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Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip, Appl. Ling., M.Hum NIP. 19490423197412 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera in partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatra As a Paper for the Diploma (D-III) Examination


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III of Examination of the Diploma III of English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on June 20, 2011

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera Dean,

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A

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2. Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum. (Supervisor) 3. Drs. Mohammad Syafi’i, M.A (Reader)



I, LENNI SIMANJUNTAK, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Kertas karya yang berjudul “Liz’s Bali Love Ends With Love in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Novel Eat Pray Love”. Ada tiga tokoh utama dalam novel tersebut, yaitu: Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe dan Ketut Liyer. Elizabeth Gilbert berusia 31 tahun yang berstatus janda dan bekerja sebagai seorang penulis di New York. Liz mengalami masa-masa sulit setelah beberapa kali mengalami putus cinta dan merasa tidak pernah menemukan pria yang cocok baginya.Hal ini yang membuat dia melakukan pencarian jati dirinya. Liz melakukan perjalanan seorang diri mengarungi tiga Negara. Walaupun awalnya sangat berat baginya, namun akhirnya dia menemukan pria yang sesuai dan mereka saling mencintai. Felipe adalah lelaki yang menjadi pujaan hati liz. Felipe adalah pria berusia 52 tahun yang bekerja di bagian usaha eksport-import batu. Felipe adalah lelaki yang dewasa dan baik hati. Sikapnya yang santun mampu membuat hati Liz bahagia. Felipe sangat menyayangi Liz yang sangat cantik dan ramah. Ketut Liyer adalah seorang kakek tua yang bekerja sebagai dukun di Bali berusia 112 tahun. Ketut adalah sahabat Liz yang selalu membantunya apabila Liz dalam kesusahan dan mereka bersahabat baik. Liz akhirnya menikahi Felipe karena mereka sama-sama dewasa dan bisa saling melengkapi satu sama lain dan Liz juga tetap menjadi sahabat baik Ketut sebagai tempat berbagi cerita di saat sedih dan senang. Novel ini berkisah tentang kisah cinta yang berakhir bahagia dan mengambil lokasi di Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode perpustakaan. Penulis juga mencari informasi dari internet mengenai biografi dari pengarang novel tersebut. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti jalan cerita yang disampaikan dan mengetahui karakter-karakter tokoh utama dalam novel Eat Pray Love.



This paper entitled "Liz's Bali Love Ends with Love in Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love". There are three main characters in the novel, namely: Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe and Ketut Liyer. Elizabeth Gilbert is 31-year-old who is a widow and worked as a writer in New York. Liz experienced hard times after having broken up several times and felt could never find a man who is match for her. All this makes her to search her true identity. Liz traveled alone across in the three countries. Although initially very hard for her, but eventually she finds a suitable man and they loved each other. Felipe was the man who became Liz lover. Felipe is a 52-year-old man who worked in the export-import stone business. Felipe is a grown man and a good man. Felipe manners are able to make Liz happy. Felipe was in love with Liz who is very pretty and friendly. Ketut Liyer is an elderly grandfather who worked as a healer in Bali, 112 years old. Ketut is a friend of Liz who always helped him when Liz in distress and they are a good friends. Liz finally married with Felipe because they are both adults and can complement each other and Liz also remains a good friend Ketut as a place to share stories on the current sad and happy. This novel revolves around a love story with a happy ending and takes place in Bali. The method used is the library research. The authors also see the information from the internet about the biography of the author. The author expects the reader to understand the way the story in delivering and know the main character in the Eat Pray Love novel.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise Jesus Christ, for His amazing grace, blessing and giving me health, strength and capability to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to thank Dean of Faculty of Letters Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A, for allowing me to study in Faculty of Letters and the secretary of English Study Program, Dra. Persadanta boru Karo-Karo as the secretary. I would also like to thank my supervisor Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum, for her guidance, time, attention, critics and advice in the process of doing this paper for completeness. I also thank to all beloved lecturers of the English Study Department who have contributed their knowledge in teaching me and for every supportive guidance during my academic years.

I am particularly grateful to my beloved family. My father R. Simanjuntak and my mother B. Sirait for their love, support, patience, moral encouragement and for the financial during my study. My gratitude also goes to my sister Rosenni Simanjuntak for her love, attention and guidance in completing this paper. To my lovely aunt Rosdiana Simanjuntak for helping me and being around me every time I need.


all your support and prayers. Thanks for cheers me up.

Finally, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect; therefore, constructive suggestions from the readers will be pleasantly accepted. Hopefully this paper can inspire and give advantages for anyone in the future.

Medan, June, 2011

The writer,

Lenni Simanjuntak





ABSTRAK ... iii





1.1. Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. Problem of the Study ... 3

1.3. Scope of the Study ... 3

1.4. Purpose of the Study ... 3

1.5. Significance of the Study ... 3


2.1 Character ... 5

2.2 Setting ... 7



3.1 Elizabeth Gilbert...10

3.2 Filipe ...19

3.3 Ketut Liyer ...22


4.1. Conclusions ... 27

4.2. Suggestions ... 28 REFERENCES


Summary of Eat Pray Love Biography of Author



Kertas karya yang berjudul “Liz’s Bali Love Ends With Love in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Novel Eat Pray Love”. Ada tiga tokoh utama dalam novel tersebut, yaitu: Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe dan Ketut Liyer. Elizabeth Gilbert berusia 31 tahun yang berstatus janda dan bekerja sebagai seorang penulis di New York. Liz mengalami masa-masa sulit setelah beberapa kali mengalami putus cinta dan merasa tidak pernah menemukan pria yang cocok baginya.Hal ini yang membuat dia melakukan pencarian jati dirinya. Liz melakukan perjalanan seorang diri mengarungi tiga Negara. Walaupun awalnya sangat berat baginya, namun akhirnya dia menemukan pria yang sesuai dan mereka saling mencintai. Felipe adalah lelaki yang menjadi pujaan hati liz. Felipe adalah pria berusia 52 tahun yang bekerja di bagian usaha eksport-import batu. Felipe adalah lelaki yang dewasa dan baik hati. Sikapnya yang santun mampu membuat hati Liz bahagia. Felipe sangat menyayangi Liz yang sangat cantik dan ramah. Ketut Liyer adalah seorang kakek tua yang bekerja sebagai dukun di Bali berusia 112 tahun. Ketut adalah sahabat Liz yang selalu membantunya apabila Liz dalam kesusahan dan mereka bersahabat baik. Liz akhirnya menikahi Felipe karena mereka sama-sama dewasa dan bisa saling melengkapi satu sama lain dan Liz juga tetap menjadi sahabat baik Ketut sebagai tempat berbagi cerita di saat sedih dan senang. Novel ini berkisah tentang kisah cinta yang berakhir bahagia dan mengambil lokasi di Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode perpustakaan. Penulis juga mencari informasi dari internet mengenai biografi dari pengarang novel tersebut. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti jalan cerita yang disampaikan dan mengetahui karakter-karakter tokoh utama dalam novel Eat Pray Love.



This paper entitled "Liz's Bali Love Ends with Love in Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love". There are three main characters in the novel, namely: Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe and Ketut Liyer. Elizabeth Gilbert is 31-year-old who is a widow and worked as a writer in New York. Liz experienced hard times after having broken up several times and felt could never find a man who is match for her. All this makes her to search her true identity. Liz traveled alone across in the three countries. Although initially very hard for her, but eventually she finds a suitable man and they loved each other. Felipe was the man who became Liz lover. Felipe is a 52-year-old man who worked in the export-import stone business. Felipe is a grown man and a good man. Felipe manners are able to make Liz happy. Felipe was in love with Liz who is very pretty and friendly. Ketut Liyer is an elderly grandfather who worked as a healer in Bali, 112 years old. Ketut is a friend of Liz who always helped him when Liz in distress and they are a good friends. Liz finally married with Felipe because they are both adults and can complement each other and Liz also remains a good friend Ketut as a place to share stories on the current sad and happy. This novel revolves around a love story with a happy ending and takes place in Bali. The method used is the library research. The authors also see the information from the internet about the biography of the author. The author expects the reader to understand the way the story in delivering and know the main character in the Eat Pray Love novel.



1.1. Background of the Study

Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. "Literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction. Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact.

Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books. Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author's message. In academic circles, this decoding of the text is often carried out through the use of literary theory, using a mythological, sociological, psychological, historical, or other approach. Whatever critical paradigm we use to discuss and analyze literature, there is still an artistic quality to the works. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is universal, and it affects us. Literature is one of the most important things in life.

Literature attempts to make sense of all the experiences that we go through in life. It is not easy to always understand why we go through certain experiences. Every author helps readers articulate various life experiences. In fact, literature


includes novels, short stories, poems, movies, song lyrics, and artwork. Moreover, all types of literature contain various elements that the reader and viewer should learn to analyze in order to heighten his or her understanding of literature. Various types of literature such as story, novel and drama delight us through the elements of literature. In literature, theme is important to reveal the story. An author depicts the ups and downs of the protagonist with the help of characterization.

The writer chooses this novel because Eat Pray Love Novel is the masterpiece of Elizabeth Gilbert. The novel is the true story of Gilbert's journey to Italy, India and Indonesia in its efforts to reinvent self. Eat Pray Love was released on 2006 in United State of America. The novel was an international bestseller, translated into over thirty languages, with over 10 million copies sold worldwide. The novel became so popular that, in 2008, Time Magazine named Elizabeth as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. This novel has a common language that we can understand easily, simple plot and about true love that ends in Bali and this novel showing the beauty and make us as an Indonesian proud because taking a setting in our country.

The writer chooses the novel to improve in this paper. Therefore, by this chance, the writer would like to describe the main characters in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Novel Eat Pray Love because the writer really interested about this novel. That is why the writer chooses this topic to be presented in her paper.


1.2. Problem of the Study

This paper is telling about Liz doing her journey find her true love. Even tough her journey is full of challenges, but she can make it happy in the end. Liz finally finds her true love in Bali. This paper is also as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

1.3. Scope of the Study

This paper is focused on describing the main characters, they are Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe, Ketut Liyer, how they play the story in Elizabeth Gilbert’s Novel Eat Pray Love. This is obtained by the main character, another character the main character and narrator description.

1.4. Purpose of the Study

The writer wants to know more in detail about Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe and Ketut Liyer of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Novel Eat Pray Love and the true love o Elizabeth Gilbert finally find in Bali and they both got married and live together in happiness.

1.5. Significance of Study

The Significance of the study is to give a clear understanding about the characterization through Eat Pray Love’s novel especially for the study of literary insights. Besides characters, like what the writer present those other important elements are plot, setting, character, which are also interested to study. It is also to enrich and add new vocabulary especially in literary study and to enrich English comprehension through English literary text. The writer hopes this paper will give


more knowledge about novel. Especially to English Diploma Students of University of Sumatra Utara who want to present literature as their final assignment later.




Novel is a book of long narrative in literary prose. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novella. The latter supplied the present generic term in the late 18th century. Further definition of the genre is historically difficult. The construction of the narrative, the plot, the way reality is created in the works of fiction, the fascination of the character study, and the use of language are usually discussed to show a novel's artistic merits. Most of these requirements were introduced in the 16th and 17th centuries in order to give fiction a justification outside the field of factual history. The individualism of the presentation makes the personal memoir and the autobiography the two closest relatives among the genres of modern histories.

The fictional narrative, the novel's distinct "literary" prose, specific media requirements the use of paper and print, a characteristic subject matter that creates both intimacy and a typical epic depth can be seen as features that developed with the Western and modern market of fiction. Novel has major elements in developing the story Character and Setting.

Character is a person who is responsible for the thoughts and actions within a story, poem, or other literature. Characters are extremely important because they are the medium through which a reader interacts with a piece of literature. Character refers to one of the persons in the story-the end result of the author’s effort to create a fictional personality. Every character has his or her own personality, which a creative author uses to assist in forming the plot of a story or


creating a mood. The different attitudes, mannerisms, and even appearances of characters can greatly influence the other major elements in a literary work, such as theme, setting, and tone. With this understanding of the character, a reader can become more aware of other aspects of literature, such as symbolism, giving the reader a more complete understanding of the work. The character is one of the most important tools available to the author. According to Sandra Roy (1817:3), Character are closely related but essentially different concepts. Character refers to one of the person in the story the end result of the author’s effort to create a fictional personality. Characterization, on the other hand, refers to the means by which the writers creates the sum of the traits, thoughts, and actions which, taken together, constitute a character.

The characters represent human nature and human condition. Every character every book demonstrates the true capabilities of all humans. Every character and every human being is capable of good, evil, happiness, sadness, depression, laughter, love, losing, winning, and hurting. Furthermore, every character, no matter how big or small of a part, has a purpose. Just like real life, every character impacts another character one way or another. In real life, the people we meet, even if we meet them for a short time, impact us. According to Alan Kennedy (1979:2), Character in novels are not merely sentimental characters educated into accepted or again passively a pre-defined position in established society. Characters in novel will be seen to grow towards an active engagement


Characters also make the audience more aware of human nature; they make humans understand what other people are capable of doing, and they also make humans more aware of making a better decision in life. When a reader sees the outcome of some choices that characters make, it makes that reader want to improve his or her own life.

Setting is the time, place, physical details, and circumstances in which a situation occurs. Settings include the background, atmosphere or environment in which character live and move, and usually include physical characteristics of the surroundings. Settings enable the reader to better envision how a story unfolds by relating necessary physical details of a piece of literature. A setting may be simple or elaborate, used to create ambiance, lend credibility or realism, emphasize or accentuate, organize, or even distract the reader. The setting of a story refers to the geographical location, time period, climate and socioeconomic characteristics of the characters' surroundings. The setting often provides social, historical or cultural context for the plot and/or theme of the piece, and descriptions of setting can sometimes symbolize a character's own emotional state. For some stories the setting is very important, while for others it is not. Eudora Welty said, "Every story would be another story, and unrecognizable if it took up its characters and plot and happened somewhere else. Fiction depends for its life on place. Place is the crossroads of circumstance, the proving ground of, what happened? Who's here? Who's coming? Writers describe the world they know. Sights, sounds, colors, and textures are all vividly painted in words as an artist paints images on canvas. A writer imagines a story to be happening in a place that is rooted in his


or her mind. The location of a story's actions, along with the time in which it occurs, is the setting. Setting is created by language. How many or how few details we learn is up to the author. Many authors leave a lot of these details up to the reader's imagination. There are three parts of setting: Setting of place, Time and Society. According to Burhan (1998:13), Portrayal seen in quantitative background story on the differences that stand out. Novels can only describe in detail the background circumstances to give in order to provide a clearer picture, concrete and definite. However, a good story is only just going to describe specific details are deemed necessary and will not fall on the depiction of prolonged so that it feels boring and reduce levels of tension

Setting of place is the locations where the story happen taking place. Setting can take place in a house, school, castle, forest, hospital or anywhere that the writers want to extend their scenes. According to R. S. Gwynn (2002:17), Setting is simply the time and the place of a story, and in most cases the details of description are given to the reader directly by the narrator. Description of place important to give the impression to the readers and make them knows where the story takes a place. This novel takes place in four different countries. They are USA, Italy, India, and Indonesia. This place really makes the story very good and makes the reader interest to read the novel. Setting of time is “when” the story taking place. The time is usually like historical period, time of day, and year. Time is also important to make the reader understand when the events take the


the society life, tradition, point of view of people, culture, way of thinking, and believes. Over all the setting of society is connected with other different setting elements; setting of place and setting of time.




The analysis is to prove that Elizabeth Gilbert really found her true love in Bali. This is done with physical descriptions, status, and morale in explaining these three main characters. The three main characters in Elizabeth Gilbert’s novel Eat Pray love are Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe and Ketut Liyer . In other words, they dominate the whole story. The main characters are as follows:



Elizabeth Gilbert is a 31-year-old woman. She has a beautiful face with long blond hair, oval face, sharp nose, blue eyes, white skin, and height about 170 cm and has a sweet smile across her face. Liz is a woman with a simple display, never appears in an excessive. This can be seen from her daily appearance when she is going to work, she always wears a shirt and skirt and a pair of shoes which are very simple but elegant. She is also wearing simple clothes after working. Liz is a very intelligent woman who lives in the United States. She is a rich and modern woman. Liz is a rich and modern woman. She has a big house and a bright career as a brilliant writer in New York. Liz has a very full life and is the desire of each woman. Liz is a woman who is actively participating in shaping the life of the household, she is making a living, cleaning the house, working as a social coordinator; taking a walk with her dog, and also as a wife who must serve her husband and her wants have a baby.


medicines in his shop alone and treat patients directly in their homes. Armenia is a dynamic girl, very nice, elegantly dressed, charismatic and sexy and alluring. Tuti is a child aged 4 years. She’s Wayan’s daughter. She was very active, good, cheerful and very smart in speak English. She was a bright child. All of her friends are very nice to Liz, because Liz was very kind to them.

Liz was a very generous and kind woman. This occurs when Liz helped Wayan families to buy a house in Indonesia for Wayan’s family. When Liz contributed to Wayan, Tuti was very pleased and they were designed and started building their house.

As quoted

“Wayan, it’s important that

we buy something. I’m leaving here in September, and I need to let my friends know before I

leave that their money actually went into a home for you. And you need to get a roof over your

head before you get evicted.” (Gilbert Elizabeth, 2006:103)

Liz can make people comfortable being around him because Liz is very easy to get along with others. A good attitude makes it very comfortable and polite friends with

Liz has a husband and they have been together for eight years, and have been married for six years. They have built their whole life with the same hope, but she is hoping for a well settled family and also dreaming of having children after passing the age of thirty, she realized that her life seems meaningless. They finally divorced because her husband is very busy with his school and Liz is bored with her life. Liz became a widow and she was depressed by the destruction of her


relationship. Liz was very down because of her divorce and feels disappointed. These failures really affect her life aspects totally, until she decided to leave everything she has, such as her house, job and all her wealthy. She was very frustrated and does not believe in love again. As a widow Liz is very tough, independent and mature. Liz has a lot of friends and keep socialize with every people around her.

Liz is so depressed because of her divorce. Because of that she decided to begin her journey and left her home for a period of one year. She is starts her journey by going around one of the cities in America, that is California. In order to calm down her heart which is in troubled and find out whom she was but that she would get sad, frantic and increasingly desperate because she could not find peace of heart. And at that moment she decided to leave America and start a trip to circumnavigate the globe within a year. But Liz did not fine the peace that she wants to. Because of that she decided to travel a round the world to recover her self. She went to three countries which is Italy; India and Indonesia. Liz travels began in Italy. Italy is one of the countries in Europe. Liz came to this country by plane, Liz lives in an apartment that is a quiet studio in the historic building, located a few blocks from the Spanish Steps, shielded by the shadow of the elegant beautiful Borghese Park, right on the road that leads to the Piazza del Appolo, where the Romans first entered the race buggy . Liz lived in Italy for four months. Liz also enjoyed it very much because she really finds a new culture that


meet someone. Because language is the introduction in knowing something of the new place we have never known. Similarly, it is done by Liz; she studied Italian language which is difficult to study. But she was determined to learn the language and very patiently trying to master the language. And she was able to understand even if only slightly. But it was enough to make her happy.

In Italy Liz also studied the art of enjoying life there by enjoying a variety of Italian food which is very famous around the world for its delicious taste. Italy is a country which is very famous for pizza and spaghetti. These foods are very evocative to Liz appetite and she did not waste the chance to taste those foods. She loved to eat spaghetti very much. Spaghetti really makes her appetite arise highly. She eats spaghetti every day. This makes her gained weight for about 12 pounds and it did not make her aware of it. But ultimately this is enough to make her happy and peaceful. She also rediscovered her long lost appetite due to the complicated issues that she faces. Liz also made friends there. She is a type of person who is very easy to get along with the Italians. Liz was really enjoying the beauty of that country with all its beauty and its environmental friendliness


. continued her journey to India. Liz lived in the Ashram which is situated in a village in the remote outback. In this country she finds something new, too. She learned the art of devolution and self-surrenders at a Hindu ashram or hermitage. She also met a Yoga teacher and she studied yoga and yoga in depth which is very useful to soothe the soul and can get peace of mind. She also spent four months in India to deepen and explore the spiritual side. And this also helps Liz to find peace of soul. Liz ended her identity search in Bali, Indonesia. In Bali,


Liz lived in Ubud

Ubud is located in the center of Bali, particularly located in the mountains and surrounded by terraced rice paddies and innumerable Hindu temples, with rivers that cut fast through deep canyons of jungle and volcanoes visible on the horizon. Ubud has been considered as the cultural center of the island, the place where traditional Balinese paint, dance, carve, and do the religious ceremonies. Ubud is located far from any beaches, so the tourists who come to Ubud are a self selecting and rather classy crowd. They would prefer to see an ancient temple ceremony than to drink piña coladas in the surf. Regardless of what happens with her medicine man prophecy, this could be a lovely place to live for a while. The in a small and pretty hotel. The hotel has a sweet swimming pool and a garden crammed with tropical flowers with blossoms bigger than volleyballs tended to by a highly organized team of hummingbirds and butter-flies. The staff is Balinese, which means they automatically start adoring you and complimenting you on your beauty as soon as you walk in. The room has a view of the tropical treetops and there’s a breakfast included every morning with piles of fresh tropical fruit. In short, it’s one of the nicest places she has ever stayed and it’s costing less than ten dollars a day.

As quoted

“I am so free here in Bali, it’s almost ridiculous. I walk around and ride my

bike and sometimes talk to people and eat lunch. My new house is on a quiet road, surrounded in all directions by rice fields. It’s a little cottage”


good restaurant and bookstore, a nice little bookstore. Liz can easily spend all her time in Ubud by following classes are held is batik, playing drums, making jewelry, pottery, traditional Indonesian dance and cooking. There are good restaurants and nice little bookstores. Liz can easily spend all her time in Ubud by doing: batik, drumming, jewelry-making, pottery, traditional Indonesian dance and cooking. Bali has a lot of famous tourist attractions, namely Kuta and Sanur beach is famous for its beautiful beaches. The beauty of Bali is no doubt, starting with its beautiful beaches which are famous around the world with its blue beach, beautiful waves and white sand. In addition, the Balinese culture is very attractive to anyone who comes there because of the diversity and uniqueness of its culture. Cultural form of dance and traditional clothing that looks very unique. Dances such as Kecak dance which is showing a typical Balinese.

Bali is a fairly simple place to navigate. It’s not like Liz has landed in the middle of the Sudan with no idea of what to do next. This is an island approximately the size of Delaware and it’s a popular tourist destination. The whole place has arranged itself to help us, the Westerner with the credit cards, get around with ease. English is spoken here widely and happily. Liz feels guiltily relieved. Her brain synapses are so overloaded by her efforts to learn modern Italian and ancient Sanskrit during these last few months that She just can’t take on the task of trying to learn Indonesian or, even more difficult, Balinese—a language more complex than Martian. It is really no trouble being here. We can change your money at the airport, find a taxi with a nice driver who will suggest to us a lovely hotel—none of this is hard to arrange. And since the tourism


industry collapsed in the wake of the terrorist bombing here two years ago (which happened a few weeks after Liz had left Bali the first time), it’s even easier to get around now; everyone is desperate to help us, desperate for work.

Bali is a tiny Hindu island located in the middle of the two-thousand-mile-long Indonesian archipelago that constitutes the most populous Muslim nation on earth. Bali is therefore a strange and wondrous thing; it should not even exist, yet does. The island’s Hinduism was an export from India by way of Java. Indian traders brought the religion east during the fourth century AD. The Javanese kings founded a mighty Hindu dynasty, little of which remains today except the impressive temple ruins at Borobudur. In the sixteenth century, a violent Islamic uprising swept across the region and the Shiva-worshipping Hindu royalty escaped Java, fleeing to Bali in droves during what would be remembered as the Majapahit Exodus. The high-class, high-caste Javanese brought with them to Bali only their royal families, their craftsmen and their priests—and so it is not a wild exaggeration when people say that everyone in Bali is the descendent of either a king, a priest or an artist, and that this is why the Balinese have such pride and brilliance.

Balinese culture is one of the most methodical systems of social and religious organization on earth, a magnificent beehive of tasks and roles and ceremonies. The Balinese are lodged, completely held, within an elaborate lattice of customs. A combination of several factors created this network, but basically


operates, by necessity, with elaborate communal cooperation. Rice terraces require an unbelievable amount of shared labor, maintenance and engineering in order to prosper, so each Balinese village has a banjar—a united organization of citizens who administer, through consensus, the village’s political and economic and religious and agricultural decisions. In Bali, the collective is absolutely more important than the individual, or nobody eats. Religious ceremonies are of paramount importance here in Bali (an island, don’t forget, with seven unpredictable volcanoes on it—you would pray, too). It has been estimated that a typical Balinese woman spends one-third of her waking hours either preparing for a ceremony, participating in a ceremony or cleaning up after a ceremony. Life here is a constant cycle of offerings and rituals. You must perform them all, in correct order and with the correct intention, or the entire universe will fall out of balance. Margaret Mead wrote about “the incredible busy-ness” of the Balinese, and it’s true—there is rarely an idle moment in a Balinese compound. There are ceremonies here which must be performed five times a day and others that must be performed once a day, once a week, once a month, once a year, once every ten years, once every hundred years, once every thousand years. All these dates and rituals are kept organized by the priests and holy men, who consult a Byzantine system of three separate calendars.

There are thirteen major rites of passage for every human being in Bali, each marked by a highly organized ceremony. Elaborate spiritual appeasement ceremonies are conducted all throughout life, in order to protect the soul from the 108 vices (108—there’s that number again!), which include such spoilers as


violence, stealing, laziness and lying. Every Balinese child passes through a momentous puberty ceremony in which the canine teeth, or “fangs,” are filed down to a flat level, for aesthetic improvement. The worst thing you can be in Bali is coarse and animalistic, and these fangs are considered to be reminders of our more brutal natures and therefore must go. Liz is also a special visit to monkey forest is very popular as a reserve which is maintained and preserved its existence. Liz went to traditional markets of Bali, where she tried to taste the cuisine of Indonesia and rambutan fruit is very tasty.

All these experiences become complete when she finds her soul mate, a man named Felipe who is a Brazilian and who has settled in Bali. They met for the first time at a Brazil themed party in Ubud. They also began to make such an approach out to dinner and start to know each other deeper. Liz is a broken hearted who is not easy to believe in a man. This was proven when Felipe proposed her; Liz refused because she is still fragile and did not believe Felipe. Felipe did not give up so easily, he continues struggling to convince Liz about his love. And finally Liz was convinced and believed Felipe, after thinking over and over and also because Liz’s friends supported her. Her friends convinced Liz that Felipe is a man who is very kind and lovable. In the end Liz receives Felipe’s love and they live happily. Finally Liz's life is full of happiness because of her efforts succeeded in finding sobriety and her love and Bali was the place where truly makes her fall in love again and bringing happiness.


cm and has a sweet smile across her face. Liz is a woman with a simple display, never appears in an excessive. She is very simple but elegant. He has bright career as a brilliant writer in New York. Liz was a very generous and kind. This occurs when Liz help Wayan families to buy a house in Indonesia for Wayan’s family. Liz really loves her boyfriend, Felipe, wholeheartedly.


Felipe is an adult male aged fifty-two years. His hair was white and grey, brown eyes and a warm, friendly face and aromatic, Felipe is a grown man and very well established. Felipe is a widower. He worked with the Balinese silversmiths to create jewelry of precious stones from Brazil to be exported to America. Felipe has been living in Bali for about 5 years. Felipe is very affectionate and friendly. Felipe is also very kind to his children. He raised his children well, and they loved him. He is a parent who likes to take care of his children himself when they were little. He saw his children growing up since they were still very young to adults and devoted all affection to these children. He treats his children lovingly and tenderly, even though his children as adult but Felipe still treat them very well, by always kissing them if they want to come and go for a vacation

Felipe is also very friendly to his friends. He has a friend named Armenia who is also a Brazilian. They had been friends since they both lived in Bali and through their friendship Liz and Felipe met when they both attended the party with the theme of Brazil. There they became acquainted and were telling each


other one another. They shared stories about their marriage. Not in the way of petty, but just to sympathize. They compared about the depression that they experienced during their post-divorce. They drank wine, ate together and exchanged their wonderful stories they could remember about the former spouse, to exclude from such pain. Felipe is also able to speak in four or more languages. But he does not speak Indonesian. Felipe also has traveled to more than fifty countries in his life, and that he sees the world as a place that is small and easy to handle

Felipe is really serious with Liz. Felipe had twice led through the front door Liz Liz's house to say good night, and now two times Liz has done the same, Liz let themselves be drawn into his arms, but then lowered his head least not at the last moment and put her cheek to his chest Felipe. Liz allowed herself a moment in his arms. Liz kissed a nice linen shirt. Liz really pleased with his body odor.

. Felipe is a man who desperately needs a woman in his life-but not so that he can be considered, but for him to have people who can sees, someone who can he gives his full attention. Since his marriage ended his life without a relationship, life without purpose, but now he's set his life with good self around Liz.

As quoted

“Having lived without such a relationship ever since his marriage ended, he’s been adrift in life recently, but now he is organizing himself around me”

(Gilbert Elizabeth, 2006:155)

Felipe invites Liz to spend a day at the beach with him. And they went along with the jeep and drove for an hour to a small island that lies hidden in


conversation with a swim, nap and read, sometimes read aloud to each other. The women of Bali with a cottage in the back of the beach to burn fresh fish caught, and they see themselves bringing a cold beer and chilled fruit. They talked about the things they have not told at the time they spent the night at a restaurant samadi Ubud, by drinking bottles of wine. And at that moment Felipe said if Liz wants to be his love. But Liz refused him. Felipe was able to receive Liz answer with a big heart. He understands the circumstances that befell Liz and her trauma with a man.

Felipe is really serious with Liz. Felipe had twice led through the front door Liz Liz's house to say good night, and now two times Liz has done the same, Liz let themselves be drawn into his arms, but then lowered his head least not at the last moment and put her cheek to his chest Felipe. Liz allowed herself a moment in his arms. Liz kissed a nice linen shirt. Liz really pleased with his body odor.

As quoted

“Come and live with me now, let me take care of you forever.’ But you aren’t a lost

little girl. You’re a woman with a career, with ambition. You are a perfect snail: you carry your home on your back. You should hold on to that freedom for as long as possible”

(Gilbert Elizabeth, 2006:202)

Felipe always tries to convince Liz that he has sincere and serious love to Liz. Liz was invited to dinner at his house. Felipe keep trying to impress her and make her believe that he really love her. And finally Liz received Felipe’s love because Liz was impressed and felt happy to bee with him. They were living together happily. Finally Liz finds her love again in Bali.


Felipe is an adult male aged fifty-two years old. His hair is white and grey. He has brown eyes and a warm, friendly face and always smells good. Felipe is a widower and a rich man. He is active and creative person. He works with the Balinese silversmiths to create jewelry of precious stones from Brazil to be exported to America. Felipe is a kind, friendly and

We both sit down. With no hesitation, he takes Liz palm in his hand— assuming that, like most of his Western visitors, a palm-reading is what Liz come

lovable person.


Ketut liyer is a male aged a hundred and twelve year old. Ketut keeps his chin lifted all the time, his head held a little bit back, sort of quizzical and elegant at the same time. Like a curious old king, he looks at the whole world from above his nose. His skin is lustrous, golden brown. He’s almost totally bald, but makes up for it with exceptionally long and feathery eyebrows which look eager to take flight. Except for his missing teeth and his burn-scarred right arm, he seems in perfect health. He is wearing his sarong and his golf shirt. Ketut Liyer the elderly medicine man and he is a married man.

Liz is going to Ketut’s house. Ketut really welcome Liz in his house. It can be seen in this quotation:

“Come, come,” he says, and I’m ushered to the porch of his little house, where woven bamboo mats serve as furniture”.


the middle and a temple in the back. Several generations live out their lives together in the various interconnected small homes within these walls.

Ketut told Liz that he was a dancer in his youth, for the temple ceremonies, and that he was beautiful back then. Liz believes it. He eats only one meal a day—a typically simple Balinese dish of rice mixed with either duck or fish. He likes to drink one cup of coffee with sugar every day, mostly just to celebrate the fact that he can afford coffee and sugar. He keeps his body strong by meditating every night before sleep and by pulling the healthy energy of the universe into his core. He says that the human body is made of nothing more or less than the five elements of all creation—water (apa), fire (tejo), wind (bayu), sky (akasa) and earth (pritiwi) and all we have to do is concentrate on this reality during meditation and we will receive energy from all of these sources and we will stay strong.

Ketut was so busy today, crowded with Balinese patients who were stacked up all over his courtyard like cargo crates, all of them with babies or offerings in their laps. He had farmers and businessmen there, fathers and grandmothers. There were parents with babies who weren’t keeping food down, and old men haunted by black magic curses. There were young men tossed by aggression and lust, and young women looking for love matches while suffering children complained about their rashes. Everyone out of balance; everyone needing equilibrium restored. The mood of the courtyard of Ketut’s home is always one of total patience, though. Sometimes people must wait for three hours before Ketut gets a chance to take care of them, but they never so much as tap


their feet or roll their eyes in exasperation. Extraordinary, too, is the way the children wait, leaning up against their beautiful mothers, playing with their own fingers to pass the time.

Ketut treated all the patients obligingly, one after another, seemingly unconcerned by the passage of time, giving all exactly the attention they needed regardless of who was waiting to be seen next. He was so busy he didn’t even get his one meal at lunchtime, but stayed glued to his porch, obliged by his respect for God and his ancestors to sit there for hours on end, healing everyone. By evening, his eyes looked as tired as the eyes of a Civil War field surgeon. His last patient of the day had been a deeply troubled middle-aged Balinese man complaining that he had not slept well in weeks; he was being haunted, he said, by a nightmare of “drowning in two rivers at the same time.

As quoted

“Ketut did his job well, and the baby did her job well, too. She was fully present for her transformation ceremony from god-status to human-status. She was handling the responsibilities marvelously” (Gilbert Elizabeth, 2006:268)

Ketut has never been off the island of Bali in his life. He has spent very little time, actually, off this porch. He once went on a pilgrimage to Mount Agung, the biggest and most spiritually important volcano on Bali, but he said the energy was so powerful there he could scarcely meditate for fear he might be consumed by sacred fire. He goes to the temples for the big important ceremonies and he is invited to his neighbors’ homes to perform weddings or coming-of-age


encyclopedias, taking care of people, mollifying demons and occasionally treating himself to a cup of coffee with sugar.

Ketut Liyer has all these piles of old, lined notebooks and ledgers, filled with tiny little handwriting, of ancient Balinese-Sanskrit mysteries about healing. He copied these notes into these notebooks way back in the 1940s or 1950s, sometime after his grandfather died, so he would have all the medical information recorded. This stuff is beyond invaluable. There are volumes of data about rare trees and leaves and plants and all their medicinal properties. He’s got some sixty pages of diagrams about palm-reading, and more notebooks full of astrological data, mantras, spells and cures. The only thing is, these notebooks had been through decades of mildew and mice and they’re shredded almost to bits. Yellow and crumbling and musty, they look like disintegrating piles of autumn leaves. Every time he turns a page, he rips the page.

At the moment, the person Liz is enjoying the most is Ketut. The old man—truly one of the happiest humans I’ve ever encountered—is giving Liz his full access, the freedom to ask any lingering questions about divinity, about human nature. Liz likes the meditations he has taught me, the comic simplicity of “smile in your liver” and the reassuring presence of the four spirit brothers. The other day the medicine man told Liz that he knows sixteen different meditation techniques, and many mantras for all different purposes. Some of them are to bring peace or happiness, some of them are for health, but some of them are purely mystical—to transport him into other realms of consciousness. For


instance, he said, he knows one meditation that takes him “to up.” It can be seen in this quotation:

“To up?” I asked. “What is to up?”

“To seven levels up,” he said. “To heaven.”

Hearing the familiar idea of “seven levels,” I asked him if he meant that his meditation took

Him up through the seven sacred chakras of the body, which are discussed in Yoga.

“Not chakras,” he said. “Places. This meditation takes me seven places in universe. Up

and up. Last place I go is heaven.” (Gilbert Elizabeth, 2006:280)

He goes on to say that he’s been very busy with his Balinese patients, always a lot to do, have to give much magic for new babies, ceremonies for dead people, healing for sick people, ceremonies for marriage. Next time he goes to Balinese wedding. He has a lot of work to do and he never feels tried.

Ketut liyer is a male aged a hundred and twelve year old. Ketut keeps his chin lifted all the time, his head held a little bit back, sort of quizzical and elegant at the same time. Like a curious old king, he looks at the whole world from above his nose. His skin is lustrous, golden brown. He’s almost totally bald, but makes up for it with exceptionally long and feathery eyebrows which look eager to take flight. Except for his missing teeth and his burn-scarred right arm, he seems in perfect health. He is wearing his sarong and his golf shirt. Ketut Liyer the elderly medicine man and he is a married man.



4.1 Conclusions

After doing some analysis, then proves that Elizabeth Gilbert truly found her love in Bali. A Brazilian man makes her falling in love, and they got married and live together as a happy family. And the writer would conclude the analyze of the novel as following:

Eat Pray Love has three major character; they are Elizabeth Gilbert, Felipe and Ketut Liyer. Elizabeth Gilbert is described a 31-year-old woman. She has a beautiful face with long blond hair, oval face, sharp nose, blue eyes, white skin, and height about 170 cm and has a sweet smile across her face. Liz is a widower. Liz is a woman with a simple display, never appears in an excessive. This can be seen from her daily appearance when she is going to work, she always wears a shirt and skirt and a pair of shoes which are very simple but elegant. Liz was a very generous and kind. Felipe is an adult male aged fifty-two years. His hair was white and grey, brown eyes and a warm, friendly face and aromatic, Felipe is a grown man and very well established. Felipe is a widower. He worked with the Balinese silversmiths to create jewelry of precious stones from Brazil to be exported to America. Felipe is very affectionate and friendly. Felipe is also very kind to his children. He raised his children well, and they loved him. Felipe is also very friendly to his friends. Ketut liyer is a male aged a hundred and twelve year old. His skin is lustrous, golden brown, almost totally bald, missing teeth and burn-scarred right arm. Ketut Liyer the elderly medicine man and he is a married man. Ketut is a friendly and smart person.


4.2 Suggestion

Eat Pray Love is a very good novel to read and best seller novel. The novel tells the story of the struggle to find happiness in life. This novel also shows that we should not give up in life and teach us to be kind to people, helping people in need and to socialize with the new environment we are familiar. This novel also invites us to know the culture of other countries and certainly add to our knowledge of the country. And teach us to find our true love that will make us happy because without love our lives will be meaningless.

We need to know about literary theory. Thus we are able to focus on the elements of everything I want exposed and novel elements that have not yet presented to the inspiration for the study. Hopefully this paper will give some advantages to the readers.



Burhan, Nurgiyantoro. 1998. Teori Pengkajian Sastra. Bulaksumur. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

Gilbert, Elizabeth. 2006. Eat Pray Love. New York: All Right Reserved.

Gwynn, S.R. 2002. Fiction A Pocket Anthology. New York: Whesley Educational Publisher Inc.

Kennedy, Alan. 1979. Meaning and Signs in Fiction. London and Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press Ltd.

Novakovich, Josip. 1995.Fiction Writer’s Workshop. Cincinnati, Ohio: Story Press.

Roy, Sandra. 1817. Studies in Fiction, New York: Harper & Row, Publisher. Sanger, Keith.1998. The Languge of Fiction, London: Routledge II New Fetter


Stanton, Robert. 1965. An Introduction to Fiction. New York, Chicago, San Fransisco, Toronto, London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,inc.




This novel tells the story of a woman named Elizabeth Gilbert who entered the age of thirty years and has been getting the entire desired modern American woman. Besides a husband, a house, an ambition and education, Liz also had a brilliant career as a writer. Previously, she also has foster home but later divorced. Failure after failure in love life makes this rich and well-established career woman decided to leave her home in California. She travels on the streets for a year, with the aims of calming, finding self identity of herself, and finding meaning in life. But she was unhappy, sad and felt uncertain to face her life. She was panicked in facing her life. Liz felt the pain of divorce, depression, failure in love, and loss of grip in his life.

To recover herself, Liz had taken a fairly extreme decision. In the way of searching for her true identity, she sold all his possessions, left her job and the people who loved and care for her. She started a one year trip around the world alone. For a woman who looks attractive, it is clearly a solo travel adventure. Eat, Pray, Love is a record of events in the search. Elizabeth Gilbert's desire to visit three places where she could examine one aspect of life, with cultural backgrounds that have traditionally been realizing these aspects of life very well.


From Italy, Liz leaves for India. In this country she learned the art of devotion or surrender in a Hindu ashram, or hermitage, she met a yoga teacher, and she spent four months to explore her spiritual side.

Finally, Bali becomes final destination. On the resort of this island resort, this mature woman found her life goal, namely a balanced life between earthly joy and peace of mind and she also fell in love with a very beautiful way without being planned. She met a kind hearted widower who worked with the Balinese silversmiths to create jewelry of precious stones which was imported from Brazil and to be exported to the United States. He has stayed for a long time in Bali. Gilbert who had been apathetic and felt would never be related to romantic relationship with any other man, finally found her true love back on this man named Felipe.

This novel is presented with clear, thoughtful, thrilling and funny. It is about the search for identity. Eat Pray Love describes something that can happen to someone who have responsibility for the happiness of their lives. This novel particularly describes a journey of life that can occur when a woman does not live her life according to the rules that exist in society, the complexities of human relations which are not only about good or bad and right or wrong. This is a story that touches anyone who is aware of the need for change. One thing that is interesting is the background making Bali as one of the places visited during the search because Liz is very influential in demonstrating the beauty of Bali.



Elizabeth Gilbert was born in Waterbury, Connecticut, on July 18, 1969. She is the daughter of John Gilbert, a chemical engineer, and Carole Gilbert, a nurse; the family also farms Christmas trees at their isolated country home and as a child Gilbert lived without conveniences such as television. She grew up on a small family tree farm, with her sister, novelist and historian Catharine Gilbert Murdock (author of Dairy Queen, the first in a series for teens). Elizabeth attended New York University, where she studied political science by day and worked on her short stories by night. After college, she spent several years traveling around the country, working in bars, diners and ranches, collecting experiences to transform into fiction.

Liz explorations eventually formed the basis of her first book - a short story collection calle award. When Elizabeth Gilbert's first story, "Pilgrims," was published in 1993, the


creative nonfiction, drama, and journalism--and the awards she has garnered include several prizes for best new fiction writer, a National Magazine Award, and a nomination for a National Book Award. Whatever the genre, however, there is a consistency of theme and subject matter in almost all of Gilbert's writing: hers is a distinctive voice in contemporary American letters, mixing antisocialist working-class heroes with antiliberal frontier values, in service of a feminism that is anything but antimale. Her 1997 GQ article, "The Muse of th basis for the feature film naturalist, The Last American Man. It received a nomination for the by GQ in 2000, was included in Best American Magazine Writing 2001.

In addition to writing books, she has worked steadily as a journalist. Throughout much of the 1990’s she was on staff at SPIN Magazine, where she chronicled diverse individuals and subcultures, covering everything from rodeo's Buckle Bunnies (reprinted in The KGB Bar Reader) to China’s headlong construction of the Three Gorges Dam. In 1999, Elizabeth began working for GQ magazine, where her profiles of extraordinary men – from singers Hank Williams III and Tom Waits (reprinted in The Tom Waits Reader) to quadriplegic athlete Jim Maclaren – earned her three National Magazine Award Nominations, as well as repeated appearances in the “Best American” magazine writing anthologies.


She has also written for such publications as The New York Times Magazine, Real Simple, Allure, Travel and Leisure and O, the Oprah Magazine (where her memoir "Eat, Pray, Love" was excerpted in March, 2006.) She has been a contributor to the Public Radio show "This American Life", and -- perhaps most proudly -- has several times shown up at John Hodgman's Little Gray Book Lecture Series, most notably during Lecture Four on the subject "Hints for Public Singing." She was a three-time finalist for The National Magazine work, and an article she wrote in GQ about her experiences bartending on the Lower East Side eventually became the basis for the movi

In 2000, Elizabeth published her first novel brutal territory wars between two remote fishing islands off the coast of Maine) which was a New York Times Notable Book. In 2002, Elizabeth publishe Conway. This book, her first work of non-fiction, was a finalist for both the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. Much of her writing has been optioned by Hollywood. Her GQ memoir about her bartending years became the Disney movie "Coyote Ugly"; and Paramount Pictures has acquired screen rights to the Eat, Pray, Love. The memoir was on the after 88 weeks, the book was still on the list at number


optioned for a on August 13, 2010, wit

She is at work in 2006, Gilbert publishe chronicle of her year of "spiritual and personal exploration" spent traveling abroad. She financed her world travel for the book with a substantial publisher's advance. Elizabeth is best known, however for her 2006 memoir after a difficult divorce. The book was an international bestseller, translated into over thirty languages, with over 10 million copies sold worldwide, and a movie version in the making, starring Julia Roberts. The book became so popular that, in 2008, Time Magazine named Elizabeth as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Elizabeth published a follow-up to EAT PRAY LOVE called institution of marriage in 2010. The book immediately became a number one New York Times bestseller, and was also received with warm critical praise. Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage, was released by Viking in January 2010. The book is somewhat of a sequel to Eat, Pray, Love in that it takes up Gilbert's life story where her bestseller left off. Committed also reveals Elizabeth Gilbert's decision to marry a Brazilian man named Felip a thorough examination of the institution of marriage from a multitude of historical and modern perspectives — including that of people, particularly women, reluctant to marry. In the book, Gilbert also includes perspectives on


Newsweek wrote, COMMITTE Elizabeth Gilbert's decision to marry a Brazilian man named Felipe whom she met in Indonesia. Elizabeth Gilbert lives in rural New Jersey with her husband, her garden, and far too many beloved pets.


From Italy, Liz leaves for India. In this country she learned the art of devotion or surrender in a Hindu ashram, or hermitage, she met a yoga teacher, and she spent four months to explore her spiritual side.

Finally, Bali becomes final destination. On the resort of this island resort, this mature woman found her life goal, namely a balanced life between earthly joy and peace of mind and she also fell in love with a very beautiful way without being planned. She met a kind hearted widower who worked with the Balinese silversmiths to create jewelry of precious stones which was imported from Brazil and to be exported to the United States. He has stayed for a long time in Bali. Gilbert who had been apathetic and felt would never be related to romantic relationship with any other man, finally found her true love back on this man named Felipe.

This novel is presented with clear, thoughtful, thrilling and funny. It is about the search for identity. Eat Pray Love describes something that can happen to someone who have responsibility for the happiness of their lives. This novel particularly describes a journey of life that can occur when a woman does not live her life according to the rules that exist in society, the complexities of human relations which are not only about good or bad and right or wrong. This is a story that touches anyone who is aware of the need for change. One thing that is interesting is the background making Bali as one of the places visited during the search because Liz is very influential in demonstrating the beauty of Bali.



Elizabeth Gilbert was born in Waterbury, Connecticut, on July 18, 1969. She is the daughter of John Gilbert, a chemical engineer, and Carole Gilbert, a nurse; the family also farms Christmas trees at their isolated country home and as a child Gilbert lived without conveniences such as television. She grew up on a small family tree farm, with her sister, novelist and historian Catharine Gilbert Murdock (author of Dairy Queen, the first in a series for teens). Elizabeth attended New York University, where she studied political science by day and worked on her short stories by night. After college, she spent several years traveling around the country, working in bars, diners and ranches, collecting experiences to transform into fiction.

Liz explorations eventually formed the basis of her first book - a short story collection calle award. When Elizabeth Gilbert's first story, "Pilgrims," was published in 1993, the editors at Esquire subtitled it "The Debut of an American Writer." A decade into her professional writing career, her diverse résumé included short fiction, a novel,


creative nonfiction, drama, and journalism--and the awards she has garnered include several prizes for best new fiction writer, a National Magazine Award, and a nomination for a National Book Award. Whatever the genre, however, there is a consistency of theme and subject matter in almost all of Gilbert's writing: hers is a distinctive voice in contemporary American letters, mixing antisocialist working-class heroes with antiliberal frontier values, in service of a feminism that is anything but antimale. Her 1997 GQ article, "The Muse of th basis for the feature film naturalist, The Last American Man. It received a nomination for the by GQ in 2000, was included in Best American Magazine Writing 2001.

In addition to writing books, she has worked steadily as a journalist. Throughout much of the 1990’s she was on staff at SPIN Magazine, where she chronicled diverse individuals and subcultures, covering everything from rodeo's Buckle Bunnies (reprinted in The KGB Bar Reader) to China’s headlong construction of the Three Gorges Dam. In 1999, Elizabeth began working for GQ magazine, where her profiles of extraordinary men – from singers Hank Williams III and Tom Waits (reprinted in The Tom Waits Reader) to quadriplegic athlete Jim Maclaren – earned her three National Magazine Award Nominations, as well as repeated appearances in the “Best American” magazine writing anthologies.


She has also written for such publications as The New York Times Magazine, Real Simple, Allure, Travel and Leisure and O, the Oprah Magazine (where her memoir "Eat, Pray, Love" was excerpted in March, 2006.) She has been a contributor to the Public Radio show "This American Life", and -- perhaps most proudly -- has several times shown up at John Hodgman's Little Gray Book Lecture Series, most notably during Lecture Four on the subject "Hints for Public Singing." She was a three-time finalist for The National Magazine work, and an article she wrote in GQ about her experiences bartending on the Lower East Side eventually became the basis for the movi

In 2000, Elizabeth published her first novel brutal territory wars between two remote fishing islands off the coast of Maine) which was a New York Times Notable Book. In 2002, Elizabeth publishe Conway. This book, her first work of non-fiction, was a finalist for both the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. Much of her writing has been optioned by Hollywood. Her GQ memoir about her bartending years became the Disney movie "Coyote Ugly"; and Paramount Pictures has acquired screen rights to the Eat, Pray, Love. The memoir was on the after 88 weeks, the book was still on the list at number discuss the book and her philosophy, and to discuss the film


optioned for a on August 13, 2010, wit

She is at work in 2006, Gilbert publishe chronicle of her year of "spiritual and personal exploration" spent traveling abroad. She financed her world travel for the book with a substantial publisher's advance. Elizabeth is best known, however for her 2006 memoir after a difficult divorce. The book was an international bestseller, translated into over thirty languages, with over 10 million copies sold worldwide, and a movie version in the making, starring Julia Roberts. The book became so popular that, in 2008, Time Magazine named Elizabeth as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Elizabeth published a follow-up to EAT PRAY LOVE called institution of marriage in 2010. The book immediately became a number one New York Times bestseller, and was also received with warm critical praise. Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage, was released by Viking in January 2010. The book is somewhat of a sequel to Eat, Pray, Love in that it takes up Gilbert's life story where her bestseller left off. Committed also reveals Elizabeth Gilbert's decision to marry a Brazilian man named Felip a thorough examination of the institution of marriage from a multitude of historical and modern perspectives — including that of people, particularly women, reluctant to marry. In the book, Gilbert also includes perspectives on


Newsweek wrote, COMMITTE Elizabeth Gilbert's decision to marry a Brazilian man named Felipe whom she met in Indonesia. Elizabeth Gilbert lives in rural New Jersey with her husband, her garden, and far too many beloved pets.