Procedure of Thinking-Aloud Data Collection

✫ In this study, two days were used as the research day. The researcher assigned different activity for each day. The information about data collection activity can be seen in the following research schedule. Table 3. 4. Research Schedule No Date Activity Time 1 2 July 26, 2011 July 29, 2011 Think-Aloud training Data Collection day 09.00 10.30 09.00 10.30 The more elaboration about data collection can be seen in the next explanation.

1. Day One

On the first day, the researcher introduced the using of Thinking Aloud Protocol among the students. This activity is important since the Thinking Aloud Protocol is not a common way in EFL writing for them. The students rarely verbalize their thoughts in the writing process. In the Thinking Aloud Protocol introduction, the students were guided by giving the sample. The researcher pretended he would be writing a descriptive text based on the prepared material picture. The students were asked to notice every activity conducted by the researcher. Then, the students were asked to write the descriptive text based on the picture. Brain storming was used to train Thinking Aloud Protocol TAP. Firstly, the researcher projected the picture on the white board by using LCD projector. He asked the students by using WH questions What, Where, When, Who, Why and How. ho are the ✬ ✭ The students were guided to verbalize their thinking naturally without realizing the type of verbalization. ho, When, Where, d them to verbalize their thoughts. Also, the use of WH questions made the students see the picture as a complete situation. The students were guided to think aloud when they saw the picture. After the students got thinking aloud practice they were required to do the exercise. By giving training about Thinking Aloud practice in the class, the students were familiar and ready to do Thinking Aloud effectively when the investigation was really conducted. Hopefully, the students did thinking aloud easily while the writing process for the study was carried out. 2. Day Two The second day was the data collection. The students were asked to create were recorded. The recording and writing process were done in the class for 15 minutes. The researcher recorded six students in the class while the other students also were verbalizing their thoughts. This situation could make the students feel comfortable because their friends were still in the class to accompany them. Hopefully, by using this, the subjects of research will think aloud naturally. As suggested by Ericsson and Simon 1996:256, the researcher should guard the subjects to make them think aloud. He should walk around the class to ✮ make sure they verbalized their thought. This situation could make the student were being noticed; therefore they vocalized their thought. After finishing their Thinking Aloud Transcription, the students were guided to have an interview session. The researcher asked the students some questions. The interview process was recorded to save the whole data. As Sanz et al 2009:53 suggest, the researcher used the clear writing and thinking aloud protocol instruction as follow: You are requested to write descriptive text dealing with the picture you see. You can write the descriptive text during fifteen minutes. There are some aspects that you should notice during the writing process, they are: 1. Write your text neatly 2. You can use your dictionary or ask your friend and teacher if you get difficulties during the writing. 3. You should verbalize everything that you think along the writing process. 4. You speak to yourself by using English or Bahasa Indonesia to say everything you think. It is allowed also to use both languages mixturing. 5. Just speak to your recorder as if you were alone in this room. Leave your work if you think everything you want to write has been covered in your writing and verbalization. ✯


5.1 Conclusions

Having the study, the researcher draws some conclusion related to results and discussions. Here are some conclusions and suggestions: 1. In producing a descriptive writing, including creating each sentence or line, several types of writing strategies are used by each subject of the research. 2. Regarding the occurrence, especially general average, the researcher has three categories; they are frequently used such as PLid 14.3, EV 10.0, RP 14.2, and L1 36.3, sometimes used which includes RD 3.5, rarely used PLpr 1.2, PLor 0.0, PLtx 0.2, TM 2.2, SM 2.8, REW 0.8, REV 0.5, ED 1.8, and RES 2.0. 3. Planning Strategies, generally, take 17.5 16 of PLid + 1.3 PLpr + 0.2 of PLtx out of 100 EFL writing strategies. PLid Planning overall content and ideas has big part that is 16, which shows that the subjects have many ideas that could be expressed in their writing. PLpr Planning procedures which is 1.3 represents that the subjects did not plan clearly what they should do after one activity to the next activity, they let themselves write directly what they wanted to write. The zero PLor Planning organization means unsystematic way of writing the idea or ✰✰ jumping from one idea to the next idea disorderly. 0.2 of PLtx Planning linguistic text shows that the subjects did not mind on the text version, they write the text as they want. 4. Monitoring Strategies which consist of TM Task-Monitoring strategies and SM Self-Monitoring strategies have 5.6 percentage. After using TM it means the subjects are sure what they have written were correct and they are ready to create new sentences by using other strategies. On the other side, SM can be used as the problem identification of writing process. 5. The lack of Evaluating Strategies 11.1 for EV, 0.9 for REW, 0.6 for REV and 2.0 for ED shows that subjects of the research were sure of what they had written. Unfortunately, the lower the Evaluating strategies are the poorer the writer is. 6. Though Resourcing Strategies have a small percentage 2.2, they indicate that the subjects had difficulty in the vocabulary selection because they have limited vocabulary in their mind. 7. Repetition Strategies have an process because it strengthens the memory about the intended meaning. 8. Reduction strategies occur because the students do not know how to express a specific word from L1 to L2. 9. Use of L1 is the most dominant strategy used; it takes 40.4. It indicates the effort to plan, generate ideas, solve problems or prevent cognitive overloads. It shows they have process in their cognitive to produce the composition.