Edward Edward Bella Bella

Dat017031TW – S: Dr. Cullen

H: Bella

Cant I go back to school? I asked, imagining Charlie trying to be attentive. Maybe you should take it easy today. Context The conversation takes place in the hospital where Bella get a cure after the accident of Tyler‟s van. Dr. Cullen treats her in one room. After all of treat is done, Bella asks whether she can go back to school or not. As a doctor, Dr. Cullen insists Bella by suggest her to take a little rest till she gets well. Analysis of request strategy From the datum above, Dr. Cullen applies a request strategy of obligation. He exerts his authority as a doctor who gives advice to his patient, Bella. Dr. Cullen asks Bella “Maybe you should take it easy today” implies that he wants Bella to take a rest first. So, Bella should take a rest as an obligation that has to be fulfilled. g. Performatives It is a request strategy which explicitly states the requestive intent with inclusion of a performative verb, e.g. asks, request, order, demand, command, etc. This request strategy usually uses to ask someone to perform something. In conversation the speaker not always use the performative verb directly. The data are analyzed as follows: Dat052075TW – S: Edward

H: Bella

Headlights suddenly flew around the corner, the car almost hitting the stocky one, forcing him to jump back toward the sidewalk. I dove into the road —this car was going to stop, or have to hit me. But the silver car unexpectedly fishtailed around, skidding to a stop with the passenger door open just a few feet from me. Get in, a furious voice commanded. Context A group of four men follow Bella when she is lost in Port Angeles. They intend to flirt with Bella. Bella reaches the corner into blind drive. Then the guys approach her. But before they get Bella suddenly Edward co mes with his car and save her. As Bella‟s sweetheart, Edward commands her get to the car and stay away from that place. Analysis of request strategy Edward‟s command “Get in” is a request. He applies a request strategy of performatives. Performatives request explicitly mark the utterance as an order. By saying “get in” Edward orders Bella comes in his car and leave out the civilian. h. Imperatives It is a request strategy that is directly signaling that the utterance is an order. The order is issued by authority figures that must be obeyed, such as the order from parents to their children, from teachers to their pupils, or from officers to their soldiers, etc. The data are analyzed as follows: Dat059080TW – S: Edward

H: Waitress

Hello. My name is Amber, and Ill be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink? I didnt miss that she was speaking only to him. He looked at me. Ill have a Coke. It sounded like a question. Two Cokes, he said. Context Edward and Bella get dinner in Port Angeles. In the restaurant, they are served by the waitress. After the waitress takes the menu, Edward wants to order two cokes. The relation of conversation is between guests with his server. Analysis of request strategy From the utterance above, Edward applies a request strategy of imperatives. He asks “Two cokes” to the waitress means that he wants to order two cokes for the drinks. That utterance is directly signaling as an order. By his own authority as a guest, Edward asks the waitress to obey that request.

2. Discussion

Based on the analyzed data, the researcher finds 178 data of request strategy. Related to the theory of request by Trosborg, the researcher classified the types of request strategiy which is used in utterances of Twilight novel into eight: Hints, Questioningstatements of ability willingness, Suggestory formulae, Statements of speaker’s wishes and desires, Statements of speaker’s needs and demands, Statements of obligation and necessity, Performative and ImperativesElliptical phrases. The writer discusses the types of request strategy in Twilight novel and finds 175 includes 10.86 or 19 data of hints, 12.57 or 22 data of abilitywillingness, 6.29 or 11 data of suggetory formulae, 9.14 or 16 data of wishesdesires, 7.43 or 13 data of needsdemands, 14.86 or 26 data of obligationsnecessity, 17.14 or 30 data of performatives, and 21.74 or 38 data of imperatives. Then there are two types of strategy that becomes the fewest and the most data than the other. Request strategy by using suggestory formulae is fewest while imperatives request has the most number of data.


1. Conclusion

From 178 data of request strategy, request of suggestory formulae is the fewest than the other types of request and imperatives request has the most of the data. It probably occurs since the participant has hisher main position in action use in each request. It depends on the authority figures and context of situation. Some types ranks the average of the entire data such as statements of speaker‟s wishesdesires and statements of speaker‟s needsdemands.

2. Suggestion

Based on the research result of the adjective phrase translation in I Am Number Four novel, the researcher gives the following suggestions: