Teachers’ Effort to Develop Their Knowledge about the 2013

7 Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mrs. N. A, the obstruction faced by her is some students complained the English subject, they considered the English subject was hard to get. Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mrs. S. R, the obstruction faced by her that is some students considered the English subject was difficult, so they felt boring. Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mr. W. B, the obstruction faced by him is the less confidence of the students, poor vocabulary and grammar.

2. Teachers’ Effort to Develop Their Knowledge about the 2013

Curriculum Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mr. A. W, he said that the efforts to develop his knowledge about the 2013 Curriculum are increasing the cooperative teaching ability among teachers, monitoring the students’ ability intensively, increasing the communication with students’ representative. Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mr. S, he said that the efforts to develop his knowledge about the 2013 Curriculum are increasing the cooperative teaching ability among teachers, monitoring the students character intensively, providing the adequate facilitates of teaching- learning process. Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mrs. N. A, she said that the efforts to develop her knowledge about the 2013 Curriculum are increasing the cooperative teaching ability among teachers, monitoring the students character intensively, evaluating the teaching-learning process in a routine. Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mrs. S. R, she said that the efforts to develop her knowledge about the 2013 Curriculum are increasing the cooperative teaching ability among teachers, monitoring the students’ ability intensively, evaluating the teaching-learning process in a routine, increasing the quality of learning process. 8 Based on the direct interview with the English teacher, Mr. W. B, he said that the efforts to develop his knowledge about the 2013 Curriculum are increasing the quality of teaching-learning process, increasing the cooperatively in MGMP Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran forum, monitoring the students’ character intensively, increasing the communication with the students’ representative, studying Garis Besar Program Pengajaran Main Point of the Teaching Program. From the research finding it is indicated that the English teacher in SMP Negeri 2 Colomadu has knowledge about the 2013 Curriculum. The writer describes the teacher’s perspective on the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in teaching English, including the changes of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum, the method of teaching-learning, the purpose of the 2013 Curriculum. The changes of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum based on interview with five English teachers in SMP N 2 Colomadu are the teacher’s creativity is necessary to interest the teaching-learning process, designing Lesson Plan is more detail and it refers to syllabus designed by the government. According to Mulyasa 2014:4 “teacher must perform optimally classroom management to realize a productive, creative, innovative, and character learning. For these purposes, teachers are required to understand a variety of models and approaches to learning in supporting the implementation of the active learning, with the scientific method, integrative themes, and contextual approach”. Based on the theory and the research finding, it is correlated that the teacher must have more creativity in the teaching-learning process. The English teachers in SMP N 2 Colomadu find it helpful with the syllabus provided by the government. Based on Minister of Education and Culture Number 58 Year 2014 about Junior High SchoolMadrasah Tsanawiyah of the 2013 Curriculum chapter 9, that is the syllabus is designed by the government and the reseach finding is in line. The approach of teaching-learning process in implementing the 2013 Curriculum based on interview with five English teachers in SMP N 2 9 Colomadu is scientific approach. Scientific approach includes observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and networking. According to Minister of Education and Culture Number 103 Year 2014 about Learning of Elementary School and High School chapter 2 point 8, that is the method of teaching-learning process. Based on Minister of Education and Culture Number 103 Year 2014 about Learning of Elementary School and High School chapter 2 point 8 and the research finding is in line. The purpose of the 2013 Curriculum based on interview with five English teachers in SMP N 2 Colomadu is building students character, having good spiritual and social attitudes, ready to face the globalization era. The 2013 curriculum completes the approximation method based on the students’ creativity. Based on Minister of Education and Culture Number 81A, Year 2013 appendix IV about Curriculum Implementation, the new curriculum fulfils three main components of education: knowledge, skill, and attitude. Teachers’ efforts to develop their knowledge about the 2013 Curriculum in SMP N 2 Colomadu based on interview of five English teachers are increasing the cooperative teaching ability among teachers, monitoring the students ability intensively, increasing the communication with students representative. According to Mulyasa 2014:53 “d eveloping the learners creativity in accordance with the potential optimally”. The relation with the 2013 Curriculum and its implementation, the teachers should act as a facilitator, provider of ease learning for all learners, in order to develop the potential optimally”.


Based on the research finding, teacher’s perspective on the implementation of Curriculum 2013 at SMP N 2 Colomadu Karanganyar, the writer can draw some conclusions as follows: 1. The Teachers’ Perspective on the Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in Teaching English

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