Research Model see Figure 1 RESEARCH METHOD Data Collection Method

2016 Novriansa and Sugiyanto 71 on a trial and error approach to meet the expectations of the role Rizzo et al., 1970. Smith 1957, as cited by Rizzo et al. 1970, conducted experimental studies on group behaviour related to the effect of role ambiguity on problem solving. The results show that role ambiguity is associated with decreased perfor- mance on problem solving. The efficiency of the groups performance was significantly lower when the group was asked to solve the problem without the clarification of the role than when the role was made clear Smith, 1957 as cited by Rizzo et al., 1970. Smith 1957, as cited by Rizzo et al. 1970, concluded that the members in the group who experience role ambiguity would spend a lot of time defining and under- standing the various roles and so they paid less attention to solving the problem, and as a result their performance became less effective. Role ambiguity makes local government internal auditors’ lack understanding about audit tasks which they should to carry out, so they will feel less confident and less focused in per- forming the audit. Consequently local govern- ment internal auditors will find it difficult to achieve a good job performance. Therefore, the sixth hypothesis of this study states that: H 6 : Role ambiguity has a negative relationship with job performance.

8. Research Model see Figure 1 RESEARCH METHOD

1. Data Collection Method

The research data were collected through hand delivery survey and mail survey. Question- naires were distributed to 248 local government internal auditors from 12 Regional Inspectorates in the provinces of Yogyakarta, South Sumatra, and East Java. The sample was selected from these three provinces to get more extensive research samples and based on the evaluation report of performance accountability District City Government in 2013, it shows that the districtcity governments in these three provinces received grades in the range of ‘less well’ and ‘well enough’ so improvement of the role of local government internal auditors was still needed. The criteria for inclusion in the sample for this study was local government internal auditors that have position as Functional Auditor JFA and Supervisory Operation of Government Affairs at the Regional P2UPD because these two functional position are tasked with conduct- ing audit oversight activities in government agencies and regional institutions. The number of questionnaires returned was 176 response rate 70.97. There is one Regional Inspectorate where all respondents gave the same answers to the entire questionnaire so it was excluded from analysis in this study. A total of 52 responses from 176 were determined to be unusable for analysis in this study because respondents did not answer all questions in the questionnaire completely or had the same answer for all question in the questionnaire. The final number of questionnaire responses that were analysed in this study was 124 response rate 50 from 11 Regional Inspectorates in three provinces. These 11 Regional Inspectorates were those in Yogya- karta, Sleman, Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo, Palembang, Prabumulih, Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumenep, Gresik and Tuban, while the Regional Inspectorate which was excluded from analysis in this study was the one in Surabaya. These 11 Regional Inspectorates were represen- tative for results generalization of this research in the public sector organizations because it represented medium-size districtacities and big- size districtscities in Indonesia. The researchers tried to get high response rate in this study by making the questionnaire looks attractive and easy to read, providing a souvenir in the form of a pen for the respondents to use when filling it out, enclosing empty envelopes that has been labelled with the address of the researchers and including some money to cover the cost of returning the questionnaire by post, and following up by contacting the Regional Inspectorate by phone every week. However, there were still some respondents who were not willing to fill out this study questionnaire. 72 Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business January Figure 1. Research Model Most of the respondents in this study were aged over 36 years 79.03, male 62.10 and female 37.90, with bachelor’s degrees 66.94 with a major in accounting 24.19 and with experience as an auditor or investigator for more than 6 years 65.32. Most of the respondents in this study were internal auditors of local government that were certified as Functional Auditors 83.06 with functional hierarchy as expert auditors 70.16, Super- visory Operation of Regional Government Affairs 16.94. Most of the respondents of this study were local government internal auditors that had been involved in audit assignments more than 15 times 95.16.

2. Variables and Measures