DBS Group Holdings Ltd 43.2 28.4 4.2 8.3 44.5 Cost-to-income ratio 46.6 44.6 1.76 0.70 7.48 9.31 5.7 0.74 59.7 Loan and non trading debt 76.3

2 3Q 2003 change from 2Q 2003 Net profit attributable to members S 291 mn

70.2 DBS Group Holdings Ltd

Operating income S1.113 bn 13.1 Operating expenses S 458 mn 0.2 Provisions S 154 mn 17.6 a Before goodwill amortization and provisions Operating profit a S 655 mn 24.8 Highlights of third quarter 2003 results 3 T Improved financial performance T Integrated Hong Kong operations benefiting from rebound in local prospects T Progress in growing non-traditional banking income T Continued discipline in managing operating expenses T Stronger asset quality and capital adequacy Upturn across most businesses 4 S million nm : not meaningful a Operating profit before goodwill amortization and provisions b NPAM before goodwill amortization change 2Q 2003 3Q 2003 Net interest income Non-interest income Operating income Staff costs Other operating expenses Operating expenses Operating profit a Goodwill amortization Provisions NPAM Cash NPAM b change 9M 2003 9M 2002 Stronger results quarter-on-quarter 588 525 1,113 219 239 458 655 107 154 291 398 560 424 984 210 249 459 525 107 187 171 278

5.0 23.8

13.1 4.3 4.0

0.2 24.8

nm 17.6

70.2 43.2

1,747 1,398 3,145 648 711 1,359 1,786 320 459 733 1,053 2,003 1,089 3,092 685 693 1,378 1,714 206 389 766 972

12.8 28.4

1.7 5.4 2.6

1.4 4.2

55.3 18.0

4.3 8.3

5 a Excludes goodwill amortization b Annualized and excludes goodwill amortization c Earnings per share before goodwill amortization, annualized Operating ratios improving 3Q 2003 Non-interest inc. operating inc. 47.2

43.1 44.5

35.2 Cost-to-income ratio


41.2 46.6

43.2 44.6

Net interest margin 1.72

1.68 1.76

2.00 Cash ROA b

1.00 0.70

0.91 0.86

Cash ROE b

10.74 7.48

9.56 9.31

NPL ratio 5.7

5.9 5.7

5.7 Cash EPS S c

1.07 0.74

0.94 0.87

9M 2003 9M 2002 2Q 2003 Loan-to-deposit ratio 59.7

59.4 59.7

63.2 Loan and non trading debt

securities-to-deposits ratio 77.6

77.6 76.3

76.9 6 a Only applicable for non-bank corporate debt securities b Mainly unquoted securities and securities held to maturity Accounting policy change consistent with international practice Singapore Government Securities “SGS” Lower of cost or market value on an aggregate portfolio basis, with changes in carrying value charged to “Specific provisions” Trading securities Investment securities b Amortized cost less specific provision for permanent diminution in value and 1 general provision a Prior to revision Classification Accounting With revision Classification Accounting SGS - held - for trading Lower of cost or market value on an aggregate portfolio basis, with changes in carrying value charged to “Specific provisions” Trading securities SGS - held for reserves and investment purposes Investment securities available for sale Market value, with valuation gainloss charged to “Other Income” Amortized cost less specific provision for permanent diminution in value and 1 general provision a Investment securities held- to-maturity Trading Investment 7 a Operating profit before goodwill amortization and provisions S million 9M 2003 Net interest income 1,747 1,747 2,003 2,003 Non-interest income 1,398 1,495 97 1,089 1,015 74 Operating income 3,145 3,242 3,092 3,018 Operating expenses 1,359 1,359 1,378 1,378 Operating profit a 1,786 1,883 1,714 1,640 Goodwill amortization 320 320 206 206 Provisions 459 544 85 389 353 36 NPAM 733 742 9 766 735 31 NPAM YoY growth

4.3 1.0