The Application of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin Hormone for Superovulation in Brahman Cross Cattle

Media Peternakan, Desember 2009, hlm. 163-170
ISSN 0126-0472

Vol. 32 No. 3

Terakreditasi B SK Dikti No: 43/DIKTI/Kep/2008

Penggunaan Follicle Stimulating Hormone dan Pregnant Mare Serum
Gonadotrophin untuk Superovulasi pada Sapi Persilangan Brahman
The Application of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Pregnant Mare Serum
Gonadotrophin Hormone for Superovulation in Brahman Cross Cattle
Adriani*, B. Rosadi, & Depison
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi
Jln. Jambi Muaro Bulian Km 15 Mandalo Darat Jambi 36361
(Diterima 12-01-2009; disetujui 13-10-2009)

Twenty cattle were used in this experiment to determine the effect of administration
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG)
hormones on superovulation of Brahman cross cattle. The experiment was designed into
completely randomized design with 5 treatments as follows. Treatments 1 (T1): 4 mg of

FSH was injected twice a day intra-ovary, T2: 8 mg of FSH was injected twice a day
intra-ovary, T3: 300 IU of PMSG was injected single dose intra-ovary, T4: 600 IU of
PMSG was injected single dose intra-ovary, T5: 40 mg of FSH was injected intramuscular.
All experimental cattle were oestrus synchronized using 15 mg of PGF2α twice at 11days intervals. Number of corpus luteum (CL) was detected by rectal palpation at day-7
after artificial insemination. Results showed that 19 cattle (95%) indicated oestrus sign.
Eleven cattle (57.9%) showed oestrus sign 2 days after PGF2α injection and the rest 8
cattle (42.1%) oestrus sign was detected at 3 days after PGF2α injection. FSH and PMSG
treatments increased significantly (P