2008 - US Denies Bird Flu Sample Ogllegtions (Kliping)

KlipingBerita sehatan

i I'lt:,0ft E$iA





Hari/Tanggal: SENIN,17 MARET2008



(us.deniesbird flu

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Tangan Tuhan di balik Ftr Bunng (tt's
n m e l a , t h e W o r l d . o C h o n s e ,D i D i l t e
H@(ts belind. Bird Flu), Sih $rites ol hof
fT.t hr UnrtedStarr ,'n SrnrlJ! tlatlv suspicionsaboul a conspiract behrlcn tir
d alLcgatrons
,r s!, frcclucing U S a n d t h . W H O .
| .t'1rj,

Jlriol"gj(al qeapons lr1,m b!d fLLl
t$r) c,)Lnirr1"srolicction of b:ri :'iu
san\tes sent by Indonesia to th( Rl,.l(i s":r:r):1., a:o.: dr\1.,,i.:::g countries I'ir!
ll€alth Organiza6on.
1..: ::,." a: ::r'prrilction of vaccrnfs
A stat€meni fronr Xlichrcl H. And!\,,I
:L-,: ..ra:r,rab:r and a conspiracv worni
C o u n s " l o rl o r f u l . . \ " , r r s a r r n ( t i
: . ( l n r t , , n , : r r r " I ' r \ , x D e ; s i v eb ' r d r . :
Embassv in Lnl,Dfsrx. slidr As a pan! b
laccLnes,accordjng to her
thc CoDll ntron ou tho Prohibition of rhc
The hcalth minister detied prctocol and
D' \c lr,.' n . It \1..(Lron
S r o r k p r n g r e f u s p dr o i h J r F \ u J s . c n p , c s w i t h W H O
''I 8

! . r I r " r L e c a u : . ej h c s - r d r h . p . d c l r c e\ ( o s
" , 1 . ' l u r r ' i l r l ] . , ' l u g , . a l rr n , l T " x r $'eapons and on Thcir Destruction, which unfair to developingcountries.
entered inlo lolcc on Marlh :16.1!l?5,the
Tall.s hosted b! \\tHO las! year in Gcnc
U.S. h"s undc,1"kn nor l, ,trv,toD pf^
v J f a r , € u. o r . , , r n J n ! 4 r e e m e n ro n . n . $
c l u c e ,s { o c l i p i h . o r u l h L r v s e
n r v t r u + s h r . . n e s v s r e m .b u r L h . i l " l - m a l e
r.t"in -i-a;.r
-.o*'ei triotoeicnt asenr.- shifted when Indonesia prcvided samptes
of toxins of 1.pcs and in qu;tiics'rhar
h.ve no justitication to. proph!t.c!rc, prc_
Indonesia has been worklna with lll!
tcclrfc, and oth€r leaccful pu.poses, ss nois-based Baxter Healthcar€ to devetoD
seu as weaponsand means of deliverr.
an HbNl lirus vaccine since Novehb.;
Bur Indonesian senior biodeiense 2005,andsigned a Nlemorandumof Under
rcsearcher Isro Samihardjo said the U.S. standjng in February last vear to provide
coukl use bid flu virus samDtes from samplesof the bird flu virus to Baxler

Indonesia to develop weapons ,i ihe Los
The agre.menr said sanples woutd be
Alamos LaboratoN
provided as long as Baxter save Indonesia
I s . o s a s s p c a k i n B ! t m e e t i n c a b o u t tectrnical help to produce a vaccine.
Health Mustc. Srtr FadrtahSuparis newlv
IDdonesiaalso gavepemilsion to Roche
reteasedbook herc Saturdav
Intemaiional in November 2005to prodrice
During his lisit to Jakarla on Feb. 25. a gene[c version of Tamiflu for bid fluU.S. DelenseSecretarvRobert cates rotd;
press conterence,.'I thinl< it! the nuttiest
Bird f1u has infected 129 Indonesiansso
idea I've ever heard,,
lar kiUine 10t of then, which is the hish
In her book SaatnAa Dunia Berubah,
€st death toll in the world.
