Definition of Writing Writing

between writing and thinking makes writing a valuable part of any language course. 8 Furthermore, Mackey stated that the actual teaching of a language may differ in the analysis of what is to be taught, in the planning of the lesson, in the teaching techniques used, in the type and amount of teaching done through mechanical means, and finally in the testing of what has been learned. 9 In the teaching techniques here the writer is using pictures to tell stories that might be used more effectively to develop and sustain motivation, to produce positive attitudes towards English, especially in writing. Most important, writer will emphasize the contribution that material aids can make in helping the students to communicate – that is understandable, to speak, to read and to write English. 10

1. Definition of Writing

There are some opinions about writing. James C Raymond gave some general opinion about what writing is: “Writing is a way of thinking. Writing is more than a medium of communication. It is a way of remembering and way of thinking well. Writing is also a way of finding out what we know and what we need to learn. 8 Ann Raimes, Ibid., p. 3. 9 William Frances Mackey, Loc. Cit. 10 Marry Finnochiaro, Visual Aids in Teaching English as a Second Language English Teaching Forum Part Two, Volume XXIX, 1975, p. 263. Spoken words disappear as soon as they are spoken; but writing freezes our thought, make them visible and permanent so we can examine and test their quality.” 11 The opinion above is supported by Rise B Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper on their book The St. Martin’s Guide to Write, they said: “Writing makes a special contribution to the way people think” 12 In many schools, writing is principally conducted to demonstrate knowledge or information from students to the readers. Jack C Richard states in his book, “Writing is used either as evidence of successful learning or as a means of learning.” 13 Moreover, Rise B Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper said that writing also the way of learning, “Writing also contributes uniquely to the way we learn.” 14 When students take notes during lecturer or as they read, writing enables them to store new information in memory. But writing makes another important contribution to learning. Because it is always a composing of new meaning, writing enables them to find and establish their own connection and network of information and ideas. Writing also enables students to clarify and deepen their understanding of a new concept and to find ways to connect it other ideas within discipline. 11 James C. Raymond, Writing is an unnatural act New York: Harper and Row Publisher 1980, p. 2. 12 Rise B Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, The St. Martin’s Guide to Write New York: ST Martin Publisher,1985, p. 2. 13 Jack C Richards, The Language Teaching Matrix Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, p. 100. 14 Ibid ., p. 2. Furthermore, the meaning of writing just not the way of thinking and learning, but writing also contributes to personal development, “Writing does still more, it contributes to personal development.” 15 As the students write, they become more potent thinkers and active learners, they come eventually to a better understanding of themselves through the recording, clarifying, and organizing of their personal experiences, and our innermost thought. More specific explanation that writing can contribute to personal development, Walter T and Julie M. Jensen gave their opinion about personal development:“ Writing is the mental and physical act of forming letters and words. But it is much more than that. It is putting words into sentences into paragraph, spelling word correctly, punctuating and capitalization in customary way, and observing convention in written form – and more. Writing is process of expressing thoughts and feeling of thinking and shaping experiences”. 16 Based on the opinions above, the writer would like to conclude that the meanings of writing are: a. Writing is the way of thinking b. Writing is the way of learning c. Writing can contribute to personal development including mental and physical act 15 Rise B Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper, Op.Cit., p. 2. 16 Walter T Petty and Julie M. Jensen, Developing Children’s Language New York: Allyn and Bacon INC, 1989, p. 362. d. Writing is a process of expressing thought and feeling.

2. The Forms and Types of Writing