Request Requirements General Requirements

Copyright © 2002-2008 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 143 c A Request Method Block must contain Request Version, which indicates the version of the Request that it supports. d A Request Method Block must contain Response Version, which indicates the version of the Response that the Client Application supports. e A Request Method Block must contain a maximum of one Sub-Block that contains the XML payload the request parameters for the specified method. f Each Request Method Block must have a Request Identifier. The Request Identifier is a string that must appear in the Method Request Tag as an ‘ID’ attribute. A Request Identifier must be unique within the scope of a session.

1.3.7 Response Requirements

The XML Response Packet must include at least two main Blocks, a Header Block and one or more Response Method Blocks: 1 Response Header Block a A Header Block may include the status of the Response use a standard list of enumerations for status -- TBD. b A Header Block should contain a Session Identifier, which corresponds with the applicable Request Session Identifier. Note: The error list associated with the Header Block is for authentication errors and other errors generated for the envelop, whereas error lists associated with a Response Method Block are for individual responses. 2 Response Method Blocks a An XML Response must contain at least one Response Method Block. b The Response Method Block must contain zero or one Sub-Blocks that contain the XML payload for the specified method. c A Response Method Block must contain Response Version, which indicates the version used to encode the Response. d A Response Method Block may include the status of the Method Response use a standard list of enumerations for status -- TBD. e A Response Method Block may include zero or more Fault Error Elements, which indicate the error status use a standard enumerated list of errors -- TBD, code and description generated during the scope of the session. [Note: Error handling is based upon the SOAP Fault Element.] Copyright © 2002-2008 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 144 f Response Packets may have the same identifier as the Method Request Tag. The ‘ID’ is a must if this method employs a Request Identifier, and it must match the Request Identifier. Having more than one Response Method Block is usually a result of sending more than one Request Method Block. 1.3.8 HTTP Transaction Protocol Requirements HTTP Request Requirements 1 OpenLS Core Services must conform to HTTP1.1 Post Request according to IETF RFC 2616. 2 HTTP1.1 Post Requests must contain Two Blocks. The first Block must be the header that conforms to HTTP1.1. The second Block, the body, must contain the content payload of the Request. 3 HTTP1.1 Post Request Header Block: a Must include the Content-Length. b Must include the Content-Type. For the purpose of this test bed, the Content- Type must be textxml. c Must contain CRLF Carriage Return and Line Feed. 4 HTTP1.1 Post Request Body Block a The Request Block must include the XML payload of the Request. The following is an example of an HTTP1.1 Post Request: SLIR requestVersion=”1.1” responseVersion=”1.4” id=”1 InputGatewayParameters InputMSIDS InputMsInformation msIdType=msisdn msIDValue=” +12066741000” InputMSIDS InputGatewayParameters SLIR HTTP Response Requirements