Hasil Uji Multikolinieritas Hipotesis Kedua Charts

Regression Standardized Residual 6 4 2 -2 -4 Frequency 60 50 40 30 20 10 Histogram Dependent Variable: abs_res8 Mean =1.28E-16฀ Std. Dev. =0.985฀ N =104 Regression Standardized Predicted Value 6 4 2 -2 R egressi on S tandardi zed R esi dual 6 4 2 -2 -4 Scatterplot Dependent Variable: abs_res8 Model Summary b .730 a .533 .519 2.06462 Model 1 R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Predictors: Constant, STVA, VAHU, VACA a. Dependent Vari able: ROA b. ANOV A b 487.165 3 162.388 38.096 .000 a 426.264 100 4.263 913.429 103 Regres sion Residual Total Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean S quare F Sig. Predic tors: Constant, STV A, V AHU, VA CA a. Dependent Variable: ROA b.

E. Charts

F. Regression

Coefficients a 2.041 .391 5.216 .000 1.366 .147 .645 9.314 .000 -.005 .002 -.139 -2.001 .048 1.161 .285 .279 4.074 .000 Constant VACA VAHU STVA Model 1 B Std. Error Unstandardized Coefficients Beta Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Dependent Vari able: ROA a. Residuals Statistics a -.8856 15.0331 3.9630 2.17480 104 -7.77034 7.15349 .00000 2.03433 104 -2.229 5.090 .000 1.000 104 -3.764 3.465 .000 .985 104 Predicted Value Residual Std. Predicted Value Std. Residual Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviati on N Dependent Vari able: ROA a. Regression Standardized Residual 4 2 -2 -4 Frequency 30 20 10 Histogram Dependent Variable: ROA Mean =-1.03E-15฀ Std. Dev. =0.985฀ N =104 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 104 .0000000 .07582187 .098 .081 -.098 1.001 .269 N Mean Std. Deviation Normal Parameters a,b Absolute Positive Negative Most Extreme Differences Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z As ymp. Sig. 2-tailed Unstandardized Residual Test distribution is Normal. a. Calculated from data. b. Observed Cum Prob 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 E xpect ed C um P rob 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Normal P-P Plot of Unstandardized Residual Model Summar y b 1.737 a Model 1 Durbin- Watson Predictors: Constant, STVA, VAHU, VACA a. Dependent Vari able: ATO b.

3. Pengujian Hipotesis Ketiga

A. Hasil Uji Normalitas Hipotesis Ketiga Y


B. Unstandardized Residual

C. Hasil Uji Autokorelasi Hipotesis Ketiga

D. Hasil Uji Multikolinieritas Hipotesis Ketiga