A Skripsi
Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain
the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Rini Ardiani



A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education
As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain
the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Rini Ardiani






My deepest gratitude goes to Allah the Almighty for all the blessing and
mercy. By His blessing, I finally could finish writing this Skripsi.
My great sincere appreciation goes to my skripsi supervisor Sri Rejeki
Murtiningsih, Ph.D. for being so persistent during the supervising process in
guiding me to keep in track in writing this Skripsi. Thank you for a lot of
knowledge, motivation, information and everything you provide me during this
almost one year supervising.
My grateful also belong to my two examiners of my skripsi, Gendroyono,
S.Pd.,M.Pd and Maryam, S.S.,M.H.Sc. Thank you for your valued feedback and
suggestion during the examination. I also would like to express my thankful to
the Language Education Faculty of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
family, especially for English Education Department, for all the lectures and staffs
who had been so kind and helpful providing me a nice atmosphere to learn during
this past four years.
My grateful is also for my beloved friends, the EED of UMY’s students of
batch 2012 especially class A members for the friendship during our 8 semester of
togetherness, thank you for becoming very nice pals during my study in this
Next gratitude and thanks go to the craziest and prettiest best friends, Kiki,
Putri, Ayum, Lisa, Mita, Dova, Ulan, Mba Ade. Amazingly, having you next to


me realize me that life is as easy as sharing the happiness and sadness through the
laughter and tears. Thank you for the supports, for all the positive vibes you
spread to me, and for the togetherness we share. I do hope it is going to be the
long lasting friendship though time and distance will definitely separate us.
Finally, I dedicate this Skripsi to my family, my parents, Slamet Waluyo
and Elianah for your never-ending support, courage and inspiration to me. I am
nothing without your present. You are my everything. The very last I thank to all
the people around me who I could not mention but give huge contributions to me
in finishing my study. I am blessed to be surrounded by all caring people such

Rini Ardiani


Table of contents
Cover ............................................................................................................


Approval Page ..............................................................................................


Statement of Work’s Originality ..................................................................


Acknowledgment .........................................................................................


Abstract ........................................................................................................


Table of Contents .........................................................................................


Chapter One
Introduction ................................................................................................


Research Background ......................................................................


Problem Statement ...........................................................................


Problem Limitation ..........................................................................


Research Questions ..........................................................................


Research Objectives .........................................................................


Research Significances ....................................................................


Chapter Two
Literature Review ......................................................................................


Speaking skill ...................................................................................


Aspects in speaking skill ...........................................................


Influencing factors in speaking skill .........................................


Difficulties in speaking skill .....................................................


Developing speaking skill .........................................................


Kampung Inggris Pare course profile ..............................................



Kampung Inggris Pare programs .....................................................


Method and strategy applied in Kampung Inggris Pare ...................


The influence of kampung Inggris Pare toward speaking skill ........


Previous Research ............................................................................


Theoretical Framework ....................................................................


Chapter Three
Methodology ...............................................................................................


Research Design ...............................................................................


Research Setting and Participants ....................................................


Data Collection Method ...................................................................


Data Analysis ...................................................................................


Chapter Four
Findings and Discussion ............................................................................


English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta’s students’ perception on their speaking skills ......


The EED UMY’s students’ speaking skills ..............................


The EED UMY’s students’ difficulties in speaking skills ........


Influencing factors in EED UMY’s students speaking skills....


English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta’s students’ perceptions on the influence of
kampung Inggris Pare course toward their speaking skills. ......


The influence of kampung Inggris Pare course toward EED
UMY’s students ........................................................................



The learning conditions in kampung Inggris Pare course .........


Chapter Five
Conclusions and Recommendations .........................................................


Conclusion .......................................................................................


Recommendations ............................................................................


References ....................................................................................................


List of Appendix ..........................................................................................



List of Appendix
Appendix 1: Interview Guideline.................................................................



Speaking is one of the skills mostly used by people to communicate with
others. That is why students need to take more attention to this skill. Students
should be aware on some aspects in speaking. This study has two aims. The first
is aimed at finding how students of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED UMY) perceive their speaking skills. It
discovers students’ perception about their speaking skills before the joining an
English course at kampung Inggris Pare. The second one is aimed at finding EED
UMY’s students’ perception toward the influence of kampung Inggris Pare course
toward EED UMY’s students’ speaking skills. To answer the two research
questions, the researcher designed this research as qualitative research by
descriptive qualitative as the approach of this research. The one-on-one interview
was done to gather the data. The participants were three students of EED UMY
batch 2013 and were chosen by using purposive sampling.
First, the result of the data gathered found that that EED UMY’s students’
speaking skills batch 2013 before joining kampung Inggris Pare course was not
good enough. This might be because of some difficulties and some influencing
factors that influence their speaking. They were accuracy (the use of vocabulary,
grammar, and pronunciation) and fluency, unsupported environment, the duration
of time for practicing speaking, and also teachers’ attitude in teaching English.
Second, the result presented that kampung Inggris Pare could influence
EDD UMY’s students’ speaking skills. Pare gave good impacts for students’


speaking skills. It was proven by the learning conditions in Pare that advocate
students to learn English there. The participants stated that Pare is the best place
for students to learn English. The environment out there supported the students to
learn English. Besides, Pare applied various strategies in the learning process. The
materials that were taught in Pare were from the basic, Pare used Students Centre
Learning (SCL) as the method in teaching process and sometimes it includes
game like role-play.
Keywords: speaking skill, aspects in speaking skill, influencing factors in
speaking skill, problems in speaking skill, developing speaking skill, kampung
Inggris Pare course.



Chapter One
Research Background
Speaking skill is one of the skills that are mostly used by people for
communication. In speaking English people should learn this language to
communicate with other people from other countries. This is proven by a lot of
foreigner from other countries that came to Indonesia. We communicate with
them through speaking. Moreover, most of them are using English to
communicate. That is way the researcher found speaking skill is important and
someone must have ability and skill to deliver information to others in order to
make a conversation reaches the goals. “Speaking is one factor that influences
someone’s ability in giving information orally” (Nurhayati, Hendrawaty &
Angkarini, 2013).
According to Harmer (2007) as cited in Nurhayati, Hendrawaty, and
SAngkarini (2013), “many people learn English because they have moved into a
target-language community and they need to be able to operate successfully
within that community” (p. 82). This means people will learn English if they need
the language. English as a foreign language is learnt by people nowadays because
they found that English is an International language mostly used by people from
all around the world. Thus, in Indonesia, English is learnt by students from junior
until senior high school level even at University. This agrees with Indonesian
vision that Indonesia desire to produce which students have knowledge and skills
that can be used in globalization era (Wati, 2011).


The fact is some learners are passive and have low motivation in learning
English. Motivation plays an important role in determining students’
achievements in language learning activity (Porkaew, 2004). Based on the
researcher’s observation at English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED UMY), the researcher found some students
with less of skill in speaking English. Some of them are less in speaking English
even though they were in English major. It is not appropriate with Indonesia’s
vision of 2020 above. English as a global language should be learnt by students
because they will use this language to fight with the globalization era.
Warrington and Jeffrey (2005) as cited in Chen and Chen (2009) found
that one major cause that makes students passive and de-motivation in learning
English is because they do not like the way it was taught. This means that a
teacher may influence students in being active in the learning process. A teacher
should take their teaching styles and teaching materials seriously and make it
interesting to motivate their students. Dornyei and Csizer (1998) as cited in
Porkaew (2004) mentioned some motivational strategies that teachers may use in
language learning activity that create a pleasant and relax atmosphere in the
classroom, present the task properly, make a good relation with students that can
increase students self confidence, make the language classes interesting with
teachers’ own style, promote learner autonomy, personalize the learning process,
boost students to reach the learning goals by giving achievement as a reward, and
familiarizes students with the target language culture.


In this globalization era, there are many ways to learn English alongside at
school. The atmosphere between learning English in school and English course is
quite different. Based on the researcher’s experience in learning English, the
researcher prefer to learn English at English course rather that at school. The
atmosphere in learning English at school is too stiff, different from the
atmosphere in English course that is usually fun. At school, the teacher always
does the same thing in the learning activity. The teacher explains the materials
first then gives students some exercises and homework about it. Whereas, the
researcher felt more pleasant in learning English at English course. At English
course, the teachers do not only explain the materials but also play games with
students related to the materials.
Nowadays, there are many English courses can be chosen by students to
improve their English skills, especially for speaking skills. The one of this English
course is Kampung Inggris Pare. The researcher interested to conduct a study
about this course because the researcher knew that Kampung Inggris Pare is a
well known English course in Kediri regency. There are a lot of people from
another country came to Pare. There are some of EED UMY’s students who have
been there to learn English. Some of those students even have good speaking skill
performance. In fact, people not only come to Pare to learn English but they come
and visit Pare to relax and having fun because there were also some beautiful
destinations can be visited by tourisms.
This study will focus more on the students’ speaking skill rather than
listening, writing, and reading skill. Based on researcher’s observation at EED


UMY, there are some students who are good in speaking English. These students
have courage in speaking and they are really fluent in speaking English. They are
confident to tell their opinion at classroom even when they are talking with their
lecturers and their friends at EED UMY. Besides, there are also some students
who are not really good in speaking English. There are many of EED UMY
students who cannot speak English with correct pronunciation. These students
only speak English as necessary. Based on those facts the researcher found that
students who have good skill in speaking are students who have ever taken a
course in Kampung Inggris Pare. That is why the researcher was interested to
conduct a study on the students’ perception on their speaking skill.
Problem Statements
The problems that researcher found are students’ lack of awareness in
learning English and students’ competence in their speaking skill. Students’ lack
of awareness in learning English is most crucial problem usually found at EED
UMY. At EED UMY, students need to master the language. It is not only to know
the grammar structure or speaking the language fluently, but also to understand
and apply the language properly. In EED UMY students will be an educator or a
teacher who will teach their students after graduating from university. The fact is
they are not aware to this language and they only come to the class and just listen
to the material given by the teacher.
Based on the problem above, students should build up their motivation in
learning English. If students are concerned about the importance of English, they
will have motivation to learn it. An appropriate English course can be an


influencing factor that influences students’ motivation in learning English.
Students should find an English course appropriate with their learning style and
their will.
Another problem is some of students of EED UMY do not know their skill
level in English. Students should know their skill in learning English. If they
realize or know their skill level in English, they will take it more seriously to
improve their skill through the learning activity. This is important because if
students have a good skill in English, they will have a good performance. Students
that certain with their skill will be more confidence to convince their opinion.
Problem Limitations
There are a lot of areas of speaking skill that can be conducted as a
research based on the problem above. In this study the researcher wants to know
EED of UMY students’ perceptions on the influence of Kampung Inggris Pare
course toward their speaking skill. That is why the researcher focus only on EED
of UMY students’ competence in speaking. Although the researcher can get the
information from all students of EED UMY toward their speaking skill, the
researcher will focus on students who have ever been taking a course at Kampung
Inggris Pare course.
Research Questions
Based on the problems in this study, there are two research questions, as
the following:
1. How do students of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta perceive their speaking skills?


2. How do students of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta perceive the influence of Kampung Inggris Pare
course toward their speaking skills?
Research Objectives
There are two purposes of this research, as the following:
1. To investigate students of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta perceive their speaking skill.
2. To investigate students of English Education Department of Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta perceive the influence of Kampung Inggris Pare
course toward their speaking skills.
Research Significances
This study expects to give some benefits for the researcher, students,
teachers and other researchers.
For the researcher. This research can help the researcher in sharing some
ideas or information to the readers about the influence of an English course
toward speaking skills. This study contained much information of Kampung
Inggris Pare and speaking skills that can be used to improve readers’ knowledge.
For students. This research is hoped to give benefits for students as the
following. First, students can be more motivated or interested in learning English
especially in speaking. Then, this research may encourage students to not only
learn English at school or university but also at English course to get other


knowledge or skills and experiences. The last, students are encouraged to speak
English in front of class or another public speaking forum.
For teachers. This research is expected to help teachers to be a better
educator. This research contains some strategies of motivation and other aspects
of speaking skill that can be used by teachers to make their students, the classes
and themselves better than before.
For other researchers. This research expects to inspire the future
researchers in conducting the next research related to English course and speaking
skill. The future researchers may use this research finding as a guide to conduct
wider area in English course, especially for it relation to speaking skill. Besides,
the future researchers can also use this research’s literature as the references.


Chapter Two
Literature Review
As stated in the previous section, the aim of this research is to explore
students’ perception on the influence of Kampung Inggris Pare course to their
speaking skill at English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta. Therefore the discussion in this chapter will explain Kampung
Inggris Pare course and speaking skill.
Speaking Skill
While reading and listening are considered as receptive skills in language
learning and use, writing and speaking are the two productive skills included in
the development of effective communication. Of all four skills, speaking skill
seems to be the most important skill to communication. Speaking as a language
skill relates to the other language skill. Students’ ability in speaking will increase
specifically through listening comprehension. Speaking skill utilizes vocabulary
obtained by the students through the activities of listening and reading. (Patiung,
Tolla, Anshari, & Dolla, 2015).
“Speaking is a skill that students will be judged upon most in real-life
situation” (Liao, 2009, p. 11). Speaking is a part of everyday interaction and most
of people judge a person by his or her speaking ability. The purpose of speaking is
to communicate in order to convey thoughts, ideas, feeling, and expectation
effectively (Patiung et all, 2015). That is why in order to convey their idea,
students should know how to communicate and aware to some aspects and factors
in speaking skill.


Aspects in speaking skill. As language education learners, students
should be able to master the four language skills, especially speaking skill.
Speaking is a way for people to communicate and express their feeling to others.
So that, students should master this language skill in order to help them in their
learning process. Harmer (2010) as cited in Mart (2012) mentioned that speaking
has many different aspects including two major categories that are accuracy and
fluency. In accuracy, students must pay attention on the correct use of vocabulary,
grammar, and pronunciation. Vocabulary knowledge and grammar are two
important factors that are leading in speaking and may influence students’
performance (Mart, 2012). Then in speaking fluency, students must show their
best speaking performance. The ability of speaking that students have will make
them to keep going when they are speaking spontaneously.
Goh and Burns (2012) as cited in Nurani (2015) also mentioned some
aspects of speaking skill. They mentioned that a good speaker has good
pronunciation, confidence, speak standard English, speak fluently with few or no
grammatical mistake, has an ability to communicate, the speaking can be
understood by others easily and they can communicate in any situation. A good
speaker with good ability in speaking will have a big confidence to express their
feeling or opinion.
Based on those aspects above, the researcher concludes that vocabulary,
grammar and pronunciation are the most important aspects in speaking skill.
Students always worry about their grammar and pronunciation mistakes when
they are speaking. This problem sometimes make students do not perform better


when they are speaking in front of the class or in any other public speaking. So, if
students have good vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, they will have a big
confidence to speak. It will also influence their speaking performance.
Influencing factors in speaking skill. Besides some aspects above,
speaking skill also influence by some factors. According to Zhang (2009) as cited
in Darwanto (2014) listening skill can also be a factor that can influence students’
speaking skill. The ability to listen to English effectively helps students to familiar
with the words. If students get familiar with the words, they will not get stuck in
speaking. Furthermore, this activity will make students more focus in their
learning. In order to hear what the teachers or speakers say, students must focus
on it.
Other experts Tuan and Mai (2015) explained that speaking skill can be
influenced by students speaking performance. In order to overcome the problems
in speaking, students should know some factors that influence their speaking
performance. Students’ speaking performance can be influenced by the factors
that come from performance condition, affective factors, listening ability, and
topical knowledge, and feedback during speaking activities.
Performance condition. Students perform a speaking in many conditions.
Nation and Newton (2009) as cited in Tuan and Mai (2015) mention four types of
performance conditions that may influence students’ speaking skill. These
performance conditions including time pressure, planning, the standard of
performance, and the amount of support are factors that usually hard to be handled
by students in their speaking performance. Even some students that are usually


perform in front of the class and they do not prepare well, they still can be
affected by those aspects.
Affective factors. Affective factors is very important in determine student
successful or failure. Affective factors including motivation, self-confidence, and
anxiety are factors that usually influence students speaking performance (Tuan
and Mai, 2015). Those aspects are connected each others. Students speaking
performance can be developed if students have motivation and opportunity to
express or convey their opinion in public.
Listening ability. The same as the explanation before that listening can be
an influencing factor in speaking skill, in this part Littlewood (1984) also
mentioned that listening skill may influence students speaking skill. Students must
understand what is said to develop a good conversation. When one person speaks,
the other responds the meaning through conversation which is call as the listening
Topical knowledge. Topical knowledge is the speakers’ knowledge of
relevant topical information. This topical knowledge relates with students’ long
term memory. The information in topical knowledge enables students to use
language with reference to the world in which they live. Students that have topical
knowledge will easier in doing some task than students who do not topical
Feedback during speaking activities. Feedback is very important for
students speaking performance. Most students want their teacher to give feedback
on their performance. Besides feedback is good to increase students’ performance,


feedback can also de-motivate students. If students are corrected all the time, they
can find this very de-motivating and become afraid to speak.
In line with this, Shumin (1997) as cited in Boonkit (2010) has mentioned
some elements of speaking skill that influence students’ effectiveness in speaking.
“For effectiveness of speaking, Shumin (1997) pointed out a number of
elements involved, including listening skills, sociocultural factors,
affective factors, and other linguistic and sociolinguistic competence such
as grammatical, discourse, sociolinguistic, and strategic competence. In
order to convey meaning, EFL learners must have an understanding of
words and sentences; that is, they must understand how words are
segmented into various sounds, and how sentences are stressed in
particular ways. This grammatical competence enables speakers to use and
understand English language structures accurately and unhesitatingly,
which contributes to their fluency, which, in turn, develops confidence in
speaking (Shumin, 1997 as cited in Boonkit, 2010, p. 1306).”
Difficulties in speaking skill. Many experts argue that speaking is the
difficult skill to learn. Zhang (2009) as cited in Mart (2014) explained that
“speaking remains the most difficult skill to master for the majority of English
learners, and they are still incompetent in communicating orally in English” (p.
23). It is difficult because there are many aspects that learners should learn in
speaking skill. According to Ur (1996) as cited in Hosni (2014), there are many
factors that cause difficulties in speaking that are inhibition, nothing to say, low or
uneven participation, and mother-tongue use.


Inhibition. Inhibition relates to learners speaking performance. Many
learners are not satisfied with their speaking performance. Learners are usually
worried in making mistakes, worry about being criticized, and shy when they are
speaking. These problems effectively influence their speaking performance.
Nothing to say. The researcher has previously described that motivation is
very important to encourage students in the learning activity. In other word
nothing to say is a problem that cause by students’ motivation. In nothing to say,
learners must have motivation in learning in order they can convey their feeling
and opinion confidently. Motivation can encourage learners to be an active
student and an active student usually talks active in the class.
Low or uneven participation. This problem relates to the condition of
teaching and learning process where there are some active/dominate student in the
class. Learners usually learn in a group or big classes to discuss some tasks and
there are usually one or two students who always present the findings of
discussion. Because of many participants in the class and the tendency of students
who dominate the class, it makes some learners think that it is not really important
to get involved in the class. Only students who talk active who dominant the class
while others speak very little or not at all.
Mother-tongue use. Many learners who share the same mother tongue
tend to use it because it is easier and because students feel less exposed if they are
speaking their mother-tongue. For example, when students are asked to have a
discussion about topic that they do not understand, they will use their own


language to communicate with others about the topic. Besides that, mother-tongue
is a natural thing to do.
Mother-tongue use is a problem that is mostly used by foreign language
learners. Because of mother tongue or first language is a natural thing to do, in the
learning activity students will often to use mother-tongue than foreign language,
especially English. Whereas, the use of English in the speaking activity is a must
for foreign or second language learners. The limited of vocabulary and grammar
knowledge make students prefer to use mother-tongue (Sinta, 2011).
Other expert, Rababa’h (2005) as cited in Hosni (2014) mentioned that
there are many factors that cause difficulties in speaking English among EFL
learners. Some of these factors are related to the students themselves, the teaching
strategies, the curriculum, environment, and motivation.
“Many learners lack the necessary vocabulary to get their meaning across,
and consequently, they cannot keep the interaction going. Inadequate
strategic competence and communication competence can be another
reason as well for not being able to keep the interaction going” (Rababa’h,
2005 as cited in Hosni, 2014).
The environment can also cause difficulty toward students’ speaking
skills. Students usually get easily to get involved with the environment around.
This environment may come from their teachers or their friends. A good
environment will bring good effect for students themselves and vice versa.
Students should learn in good environment that can help them to improve their


Then, motivation is another factor that causes difficulty in students’
speaking skills. The researcher has mentioned before that some learners are
usually lack of motivation in learning English. According to Littlewood (1984) as
cited in Hosni (2014), “motivation is the crucial force which determines whether a
learner embarks in a task at all, how much energy he devotes to it, and how long
he preservers” (p. 24). The motivation is important for both students and teachers.
For teachers, motivation determines whether students take the learning seriously
or not. Then teachers should find a way to increase their motivation.
Developing speaking skill. There are many ways in developing speaking
skill. The one is through reading (Mart, 2012). Through reading, learners may
develop their vocabulary and grammar knowledge which effectively contribute to
their speaking skills. Through reading students can improve their vocabulary
knowledge which will facilitate their speaking performance and the usage of
structure in the target language will develop. Reading will help learners to acquire
vocabulary and grammar.
Oradee (2012) stated that speaking skill can be developed using three
communicative activities that are discussion, problem-solving, and role-playing.
These activities will create interaction in the classroom. Besides that,
communicative activities will encourage students to be an active learner.
Additionally, communicative activities can motivate learners to establish good
relationship between teachers and students.
In developing speaking skill, students must have strategy to reach the goal.
Speaking strategy can be define as the on how students express something


properly as accurate as possible. According to Brown (2007) as cited in Sinta
(2011), in his book explain that speaking strategies are the skill that require
students on how to asking for difficulties (what), asking someone to repeat
something (pardon me?), using filler (uh, emm, err), get time to process using
conversation cues (uh-uh, right, yeah, ok, hmm), getting someone’s attention (hey,
so). Speaking strategies use more non-verbal than verbal expression like above.
Kampung Inggris Pare course profile.
Kampung Inggris is a name of Tulungrejo village, Pare district, and Kediri
regency. It was named Kampung Inggris because its region ability to develop
English. The existence of Kampung Inggris can change Tulungrejo village
become a new land of investment in Pare district and surrounded. Before the
existence of Kampung Inggris, the livelihood of people in Tulungrejo village is as
farmer and cow breeder (Anitasari, 2012). Besides known as kampung Inggris,
Pare is also known as language village. It is because not only English course that
have been there but also there are any another language courses like Arabic,
Mandarin, Japan, and Korea course (Wiyaka, Kusumawardhani, Susanto,
Setyorini, & Fani, 2012).
Nowadays, Pare as an English language centre in learning English has
known almost in around java even outside java. It is because the courses in Pare
are cheap, effective and efficient. Besides the surrounding citizen who live there,
many experts who teach in Kampung Inggris Pare course and staff who take care
the course. LC is very selective in recruit the instructors or teachers for the course.
Besides that, the facility in Tulungrejo village is quite easy to adequate. There are


many boarding houses for students and staff. That is why many people want to go
to Pare (Wiyaka et al., 2012). In line with this, kampung Inggris Language Center
website also mention that kampung Inggris Pare is well known as the biggest
English language center in Indonesia with a thousand students and strong with the
learning activity.
Kampung Inggris Pare programs
In Kampung Inggris Pare, there are so many course institutes and course
programs. There are so many course institutes in kampung Inggris Pare that are
LC Language Centre, Pare-dise, The Master, DC Two English Course, Mahesa
English Course, Universal English, Access ES, Brilliant English Course, Mr. Bob
English Club Pare, Elfast Pare, Global English, The Daffodils, Kresna, Test,
International Language Academy, Webster, and Alfalfa Camp (Kampung Inggris
website). Students should choose an appropriate course institute based on the
program they want to take. An appropriate course program will determine
students’ success in learning.
For speaking program students can choose LC Language Centre, Paredise, The Master, DC Two English Course, Mahesa English Course, Universal
English, Access ES, Brilliant English Corse, Mr. Bob English Club Pare, Global
English, and The Daffodils course institutes. For grammar program students may
choose Mahesa English Course, Elfast Pare, Global English, and Kresna course
institutes. Then, students can take Test, Elfast Pare, Global English, Mahesa
English Course, Oxford ILA, and Kresna course institutes for TOEFL program.
For IELTS program students may choose Test, Elfast Pare, Global English, and


Webster course institutes. Students can take DC Two English course and Global
English course institutes for pronunciation program. For vocabulary program
students can choose DC Two English Course, Webster, and Global English course
institutes. For the last program that is camp program, Alfafa Camp course institute
is more appropriate (Kampung Inggris website).
Method and strategy applied in kampung Inggris Pare.
Method and strategy used is important to determine a successful of an
institution. It also should be appropriated with the language learners’ needs. In
Kampung Inggris Pare, there is an alternative learning method for enhancing
students’ speaking skill. This alternative method is called English base camp.
English base camp is one of programs in kampung Inggris Pare. The course
instructors use varied teaching methods in English base camp, especially for
regular class. One of the methods used is “repetition and drilling”. This method is
quite appropriate with the learning atmosphere in the base camp since the method
focus on the learners’ understanding and memorization (Ahsanu, Februansyah,
Handoyo, 2012). Henceforth, the students are also trained to memorize some
common words and phrases on daily basis.
Another strategy applied in kampung Inggris Pare is using communication
strategy. This is important for the successful learning process. In kampung Inggris
Pare, learners’ use some speaking strategy like word coinage (to say something in
English followed by a simple description), asking for help, using translation, and
use code switching (a mixture of the source and the target language phrase)
(Mariana, Kencanawati, Kurniawan, 2012).


The influence of kampung Inggris Pare toward speaking skill
As kampung Inggris Pare has a lot of course institutes, students should
adjust the course institute with the course program. Kampung Inggris Pare can
influence students’ speaking skill in some reasons. Kampung Inggris Pare has
many programs and a lot of course institutes that has mentioned by the researcher
before. The one of the program is speaking. The course institutes like LC
Language Centre, Pare-dise, The Master, DC Two English Course, Mahesa
English Course, Universal English, Access ES, Brilliant English Corse, Mr. Bob
English Club Pare, Global English, and The Daffodils course institutes relate to
speaking program. Each course institute delivers a different way in teaching the
students but with the same goal that is for speaking improvement.
Besides that, the learning atmosphere in kampung Inggris Pare is relaxed
that make students enjoy in the learning process (Setiawan, 2014). With this
condition students do not need to worry about the effectiveness of the learning
process. Even the atmosphere in learning activity is likely at home condition, but
the teachers have had some way in reach the goal of the course. The teachers are
the experts in English language teaching. In line with this, there is a course
institute that really selective in recruit the instructors or teacher for the course in
Pare that is LC or Language Center. LC has experts which have experienced in
managing English course. Only those who have quality that can be the teacher
(Kampung Inggris Language Center website).


Previous Research
There are some previous researches which conduct a study about kampung
Inggris Pare. In the study which title of Communication Strategy used by English
Learners in Kampung Inggris Pare in Speaking Activity, the researcher of the
study wants to find out about the communication strategies used by the English
learners in Kampung Inggris Pare especially on BTC program and the reasons of
the English learners in Kampung Inggris Pare on BTC Program used
communication strategies. The approach of the research is descriptive qualitative
using natural setting. The participants in the research were students who live in
Kampung Inggris Pare for one program, data collected from the implementation
of communication strategies for the BTC program. Data drawn from three
sources, namely: activities, informant, and documentation. In analyzing the data,
the researcher used the Constant Comparative Method. The results of the research
showed that students in Kampung Inggris Pare at BTC Program applied
communication strategies by doing word coinage, literal translation, code
switching, and appeal for help, without the knowing. That was happed
autonomous (Mariana, Kencanawati, & Kurniawan, 2012).
Another study with title English Basecamp: An Alternative Learning
Method for Enhancing Speaking Skill (A Case Study in Kampung Inggris, Pare,
Kediri, East Java), the research was aimed at disclosing further on the base camp
method employed in English courses in Kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri. The
focuses of this research were the process of base camp learning, the effectiveness
of base camp method and the obstacles in its implementation. The approach of the


research is descriptive qualitative using survey method. The populations were the
participants of English courses in three English courses elected by purposive
sampling. The techniques of data collection were observation, interview,
questionnaire and test. The result of the research showed that there was a
significant improvement of the participants’ speaking skill after joining the course
for a month. This conclusion indicated that English base camp is an effective
method and can be used as an alternative method in English learning particularly
speaking (Ahsanu, Februansyah, & Handoyo, 2012).
Those two previous studies are also conducted about kampung Inggris
Pare course in which about speaking skills. The first previous research is titled
Communication Strategy used by English Learners in Kampung Inggris Pare in
Speaking Activity and the second previous research is titled English Basecamp: An
Alternative Learning Method for Enhancing Speaking Skill (A Case Study in
Kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri, and East Java). Those two previous studies have
the similarities with this study in which to reveal the influence of kampung
Inggris Pare course toward students’ speaking skills. Besides, those two previous
study were using qualitative as the research design.
In the first previous study, the results of the research showed that students
in Kampung Inggris Pare at BTC Program applied communication strategies by
doing word coinage, literal translation, code switching, and appeal for help,
without the knowing. Then, in the second previous study, the result showed that
there was a significant improvement of the participants’ speaking skill after
joining the course for a month. Meanwhile, the result of this study showed that


kampung Inggris Pare course can influence students’ speaking skills because of
some conditions in Pare. Those conditions brought good impacts for students.
Theoretical Framework.
The researcher has revealed some theories previously. It has been declared
that speaking skill is more difficult than the other skill. There are many aspects
and influencing factors of speaking skill that students must aware. Vocabulary and
grammar is the most important aspect in speaking skill. As a language education,
students should master some skill in order to help them in the learning process
even for daily conversation. However students usually find problems in speaking
skill including inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and mothertongue use. Moreover, speaking skill can be influenced by an English course.
Kampung Inggris Pare course is a key for students’ difficulties in learning
English. Besides the experts who teach in Pare, there are other reasons why
Kampung Inggris Pare course can influence students’ speaking skill. First, almost
all the people in Pare are speaking English in the daily life. The second, English
speaking drill is done intensively with regular classes and some additional classes
(Muzakkar, 2012). The learning process is done every Monday until Saturday.


Chapter Three
This chapter discussed the methodology used in this study. There are
four discussions in this chapter. They are research design, research setting and
participant, data collection method and data analysis. Research design
discusses the approach used in this study. Setting and participants explain the
participant involved in the research as the participant and time and place in
conducting the data collection. Data collection method discusses the
methodology applied in collecting the data. Last, data analysis explains the
process of analyzing the result of the data collection.
Research Design
The approach of this research is descriptive qualitative and the research
design is qualitative research. Qualitative research is aimed to reveal or explain
participants’ experience or opinion (Creswell, 2012). Furthermore, descriptive
qualitative is appropriate in collecting the data because the researcher wants to
know more about students’ perceptions. Lambert and Lambert (2012, p. 25) as
cited in Karlinawati (2015), “the goal of qualitative descriptive studies was a
comprehensive summarization, in everyday terms, of specific experienced by
individuals or groups of individuals.” This means the researcher will get the
information deeply through students’ experience. Qualitative design is appropriate
with this research which is conducted to know the students’ perception on the
influence of Kampung Inggris Pare course toward the speaking skill.


Research Setting and Participants
Setting. The researcher conducted the study in English Education
Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED UMY)
environment. The study was conducted from October of 2016 until November of
2016. The reason why the researcher chooses EED UMY as the setting of this
research is because the phenomenon of Kampung Inggris Pare exists in this
department. There are a lot of students of EED UMY who have ever taken course
at Kampung Inggris Pare. Another reason is the accessibility of the interview
location. The researcher is in EED UMY. That way, it is quite easy to gather the
data if the researcher and the participants are in the same department. Besides,
students learn some skills including reading, listening, writing, and speaking skill.
Speaking is almost used in all academic process at EED UMY. That is why the
researcher found that students’ speaking skill at EED UMY need more attention.
Moreover, based on the researcher’s observation, the researcher found there is
some of EED UMY students with less speaking skills.
Participants. The participants of this research were the students of
English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (EED
UMY). The researcher took three students of EED UMY batch 2013 to be the
representative of all students in batch 2013. The researcher did a consideration in
choosing the participants. The researcher did not choose the students of EED
UMY batch 2012, 2011, and 2010 because they have already graduated from
university. It can reduce the validity of the data if the researcher asks them to be
the participants. There were about ten students of batch 2013 who have ever taken


a course in Pare, but the researcher only took three students of them. The
researcher took three participants in order to answer the research questions in the
interview. According to Creswell (2012) the number of the participants is
undetermined as long as the data gathered has answered the research question, the
small number of participant is adequate.
The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. The
standard criterion of being the participant of this research is the EED of UMY’s
students who have ever taken course at Kampung Inggris Pare at least for one
month. The students who experiencing the course at Kampung Inggris Pare can
give adequate information needed by the researcher. Another criterion of being
the participant was the EED of UMY’s student’s batch 2013 that choose speaking
Data Collection Method
In order to explore students’ perception toward the influence of Kampung
Inggris Pare course toward their speaking skills at English Education Department
of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, the researcher collected the data
using interview. Interview is a process of asking open-ended questions to
participants then record the answer (Creswell, 2012). So, the researcher used
interview in order to get some deep information from the participants by asking
some questions. Besides, interview was usually used to expose students’
perception about their specific experiences. Then, the type of interview that
researcher used in the interview was one-on-one or individual interview. “One-onone interviews are ideal for interviewing participants who are not hesitant to


speak, who are articulate, and who can share ideas comfortably” (Creswell, 2012,
p. 218). This type of interview enables participant feel freely to speak. This
condition helped researcher in getting sufficient information from participants.
The researcher must speak clearly to make the participants understand with the
researchers’ questions.
The process of collecting the data was recruiting the participants first then
conducts the research by doing an interview. The interview was done in bahasa
Indonesia in order the participants can understand each question given by the
researcher and the interview was running about five until