Theory of Metaphor Review of Related Theories

15 mystical floating island and his catastrophe. These theories are based on the life background of the main character in Life of Pi.

a. Myth

According to Satchidanandan 2010, a myth is a part of a general theory of human expression. There is a paradox about myth which are false but they have power in transcending their inaccuracy. Myths are believed, which is not the same way with history. People who believe in a myth may assert that the myth is true based on what they believe. They imply a valuable meaning on the myth. No matter how many people believe in a myth, the myth itself has the function to help people understand the basic questions about human meaning. As cited by Satchidanandan 2010, the meaning of myths has been historically evoked through many versions of its main themes. Myths is the source of history or as religion and morality or an expression of psychological origins. There is a mythic form in which the structural significance of myths is said to be in its metaphorical word-play. Satchidanandan 2010 states myths are essentially about the way of people interpret their meaning. Myths are the synthesis of unique values, which means reason and unreason, logic and fantasy, archetype and metaphor, origin and end.

b. Religion

According to Geertz 1965, religion is separated in five points. Firstly, religion has meaningful symbol. Secondly, as a system of symbols religion has 16 acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations. Thirdly, religion formulates concepts of existence. Fourthly, religion clothes the conception with an aura of factuality. Lastly, religion makes the mood and motivation become uniquely realistic. In the first point, Geertz 1965 mentions that religion is a system of symbols. All these symbols have meanings. Symbols convey some messages about the nature of the world, and help to understand the world in a particular way. In religious symbols, people should live in a certain way because the world has a certain way. These symbols explain how perfect connection between the way the world is and how people live. The second point is about religion as a system of symbols, which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations. Geertz 1965 points out that having moods and motives, people can respond to the world and to the values that people hold. These moods and motives can give positive meaning to the experience of life that people have. The third point is about religion formulating concepts of existence. The concept makes a meaningful order between the nature of reality and the way people live. These concepts of existence will appear to people in their suffering. According to Geertz 1965 religious symbol do not take away the pain of suffering, but it makes people believe that the suffering will end. The religious symbols tell people that there will be an explanation for the suffering. Geertz 1965 states the fourth point is about religion clothing the conception with an aura of factuality. People do not face the suffering directly