Sensor Planning Service SPS Web Notification Service WNS

Table 2 - SWE Framework Data Elements Document Name Searchable SectionsTags SOS Capabilities OWS common section like any other service For each observation in the offering list: - observation id, name and description - observed property association with OM phenomenon object - procedure id association with SensorML sensor object - feature of interest association with GML feature - time range - location if fixed - format SPS Capabilities OWS common section like any other service For each sensor system in the offering list: - phenomenon urn association with OM phenomenon object - sensor id association with SensorML sensor object - area of service SAS Capabilities OWS common section like any other service For each subscription in the offering list: - alert id, name and description - observed property association with OM phenomenon object - procedure id association with SensorML sensor object - feature of interest association with GML feature - time range - location if fixed - format SensorML Sensor, System and Process Most information is contained in the metadata group - description - identifiers - classifiers - time, legal and security constraints - characteristics - capabilities - contacts - inputs and outputs association with OM phenomenon - taskable parameters association with OM phenomenon eventually recurse for each sub components OM Phenomena A phenomenon is intended to be a pure dictionary entry, so it should be parsed in its entirety, including: - description - name - base phenomenon association with other OM phenomenon - constraint phenomenon association with other OM phenomenon - constraint value - component if composite association with other OM phenomenon Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 41 NITF Header Global Hawk SAR U2 – ASARS2 TM L Sen sorM L Processor Image Battlefield Theater Strategic NITF, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, etc. ? Exploitation Workstation Post AGI Processor NITF Header CCD Post Post Post IMINT SIGINT HUMINT Standard Data Exchange TML SensorML TML SensorML TML SensorML AAF STANAG 7023 STANAG 4545 Figure 13 - Notional Standard Driven Architecture SWE components depend on and extend core elements defined by the OGC’s GML conceptual model and schema. All components of the SWE Information Model, including the top-most application layer, use these common components. The swe:DataDefinition and swe:Data components, defined in the SWE Common schema, specify common ways in which data values are described, encoded and used as process inputs, parameters and observation results. SensorML, OM, SOS and SPS also use other GML elements such as gml:EngineeringCRS, gml:FeatureType and gml:Location.

5.4.11 Applicability to NSG

The SWE specifications are well suited for enabling efficient information collection, acquisition and management with in the NSG. SPS can serve as a standard interface that facilitates the optimization of available collection resources against user defined collection tasks. This is accomplished by having collection request submitted through a common SPS that can act as a central or distributed interface. This common interface allows request to be submitted, managed and scheduled in a regular manner regardless of the underling platform or sensor system. The service based interoperability provided by SPS supports fulfilling users’ temporal and spatial needs by synchronizing Multi-INT collection activities with DoD elements and other national security community components. This common interface also supports the coordination of collection capability planning by providing a standard means to assess the feasibility of a request and submit a request. A cascading SPS can be implemented to manage tasking and planning of multiple systems. 42 Copyright © 2007 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.