The case with deterministic return on investments

G. Wang Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 28 2001 49–59 53 Similar to Proposition 2.1, we have the following proposition. Proposition 2.2. Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then Ψ s u is continuous on [0, +∞.

3. The case with deterministic return on investments

Let B t = σ R t exp{−rs} dW s , B t is Itˇo’s stochastic integral, its variance process is hBi t = σ 2 2r1−exp{−2rt}. Let vs = inf{t : hBi t s}, then vs = 1 2r ln σ 2 σ 2 − 2rs . 3.1 For s σ 2 2r, set W s = B vs , it is well known that W s is a local Brownian motion starting from the origin and running for an amount of time σ 2 2r. Let T u = inf{t ≥ 0 : R t 0} and defining T u = +∞ if R t ≥ 0 for all t ≥ 0. Denote by Ψ u the ruin probability of the risk process 1.4, then Ψ u = P T u +∞. For u 0 we assume E[R t ] = exp{rt}[u + 1r1 − exp{−rt}c − λµ] 0 see Lemma 2.1 in Wang and Wu 1998, i.e., we assume c − λµ 0 so that we have Ψ u 1. For the risk process 1.4 we denote by Ψ d u and Ψ s u the ruin probability caused by oscillation and the ruin probability caused by a claim, respectively. We still have Ψ u = Ψ d u + Ψ s u. 3.2 Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, similar to 2.4 and 2.5 we have Ψ d u = P T u +∞, R T u = 0, 3.3 Ψ s u = P T u +∞, R T u 0. 3.4 From 3.3 and 3.4 we get that Ψ d u = 0, u 0, 1, u = 0, 3.5 Ψ s u = 1, u 0, 0, u = 0. 3.6 Theorem 3.1. Let u 0, suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then the probability Ψ d u satisfies the following integral equation: Ψ d u = Z +∞ λ exp{−λs} ds Z u −u H u, v −1 s, x dx × Z exp{rs}[u+x+cr1−exp{−rs}] Ψ d exp{rs} h u + x + c r 1 − exp{−rs} − z exp{−rs} i dF z + 1 2 Z σ 2 2r h Ψ d exp{rvs} h 2u + c r 1 − exp{−rvs} i + Ψ d c r exp{rvs} − 1 i ×exp{−λvs}hu, s ds. 3.7 54 G. Wang Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 28 2001 49–59 Proof. Let τ u = inf{vs : |B vs | = u}, τ u = inf{s : |B vs | = u}, then τ u = vτ u . Put T = T 1 ∧ τ u . Similar to formula 2.9 we have Ψ d u = E[Ψ d R T ]. 3.8 Thus, Ψ d u = E[Ψ d R T ] = E[Ψ d R T 1 I T 1 ≤ τ u ] + E[Ψ d R τ u I T 1 τ u ] = I 1 1 + I 1 2 . 3.9 We now present the expressions for I 1 and I 2 . I 1 1 = E Ψ d exp{rT 1 } u + Z T 1 exp{−rs} dR s I T 1 ≤ τ u = E h Ψ d exp{rT 1 } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT 1 } + B T 1 i − Z 1 I T 1 ≤ τ u i , and I 1 2 = E Ψ d exp{rτ u } u + Z τ u exp{−rs} dR s I T 1 τ u = E h Ψ d exp{rτ u } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rτ u } + B τ u i I T 1 τ u i . Then exactly similar to the calculations of I 1 and I 2 in Theorem 2.1 in Wang and Wu 1998, we can verify that I 1 1 and I 1 2 are equal to the first term and the second term on the right-hand side of 3.7, respectively. The proof is completed. h Similar to Theorem 2.2, we have the following theorem. Theorem 3.2. Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then Ψ d u is twice continuously differ- entiable in 0, +∞. Theorem 3.3. Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then Ψ d u satisfies the following integro-differential equation: 1 2 σ 2 Ψ ′′ d u + ru + cΨ ′ d u = λΨ d u − λ Z u Ψ d u − z dF z, u 0. 3.10 Proof. Let ε, t, M 0 such that ε u M and T ε,M t = inf{s 0 : exp{rs}[u + cr1 − exp{−rs} + B s ] ∈ ε, M} ∧ t. Note that Ψ ′ d u and Ψ ′′ d u are bounded on [ε, M] and therefore R S∧T ε,M t Ψ ′ d exp{rv}[u + cr1 − exp{−rv} + B v ]exp{rv} dB v is a martingale. Put T = T ε,M t ∧ T 1 , similar to the equality 3.8 we have Ψ d u = E[Ψ d R T ε,M t ∧T 1 ]. 3.11 G. Wang Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 28 2001 49–59 55 Therefore, by a standard use of Itˇo’s formula, we get Ψ d u = exp{−λt}E h Ψ d exp{rT ε,M t } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT ε,M t } + B T ε,M t ii + Z t λ exp{−λs} n E h Ψ d exp{rT ε,M s } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT ε,M s } + B T ε,M s i I T ε,M s s i + Z +∞ E h Ψ d exp{rT ε,M s } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT ε,M s } + B T ε,M s i − z I T ε,M s = s i dF z ds = exp{−λt} Ψ d u + E Z T ε,M s Ψ ′ d exp{rs} h u + c r 1 − exp{−rs} + B s i × exp{rs} h u + c r 1 − exp{−rs} + c + r exp{rs}B s i + σ 2 2 Ψ ′′ d exp{rs} h u + c r 1 − exp{−rs} + B s i ds + Z t λexp{−λs} n E h Ψ d exp{rT ε,M s } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT ε,M s } + B T ε,M s i I T ε,M s s i + Z +∞ E h Ψ d exp{rT ε,M s } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT ε,M s } + B T ε,M s i − z I T ε,M s = s i dF z ds. Dividing by t gives 1 − exp{−λt} t Ψ d u = exp{−λt} E 1 t Z T ε,M s Ψ ′ d exp{rs} h u + c r 1 − exp{−rs} + B s i × exp{rs} h u + c r 1 − exp{−rs} + c + r exp{rs}B s i + σ 2 2 Ψ ′′ d exp{rs} h u + c r 1 − exp{−rs} + B s i ds + 1 t Z t λ exp{−λs} × n E h Ψ d exp{rT ε,M s } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT ε,M s } + B T ε,M s i I T ε,M s s i + Z +∞ E h Ψ d exp{rT ε,M s } h u + c r 1 − exp{−rT ε,M s } +B T ε,M s i − z I T ε,M s = s i dF z o ds. Letting t → 0 we get that 3.10 holds in ε, M and therefore in 0, +∞. The proof is completed. h Similar to Theorems 3.2 and 3.3 and Propositions 2.1 and 2.2, we have the following theorem. Theorem 3.4. Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then Ψ s u is twice continuously differ- entiable in 0, +∞. Theorem 3.5. Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then Ψ s u satisfies the following integro-differential equation: 1 2 σ 2 Ψ ′′ s u + ru + cΨ ′ s u = λΨ s u − λ Z u Ψ s u − z dF z − λ1 − F u, u 0. 3.12 Proposition 3.1. Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then Ψ d u is continuous on [0, +∞. 56 G. Wang Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 28 2001 49–59 Proposition 3.2. Suppose F z has continuous density function on [0, +∞, then Ψ s u is continuous on [0, +∞.

4. Examples

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