Menggunakan tombol radio Menggunakan kotak cek Menggunakan kotak drop-down Kotak drop-down sebagai menu Kotak teks yang otomatis berpindah fokus bila batasan masukan terpenuhi

55 document.forms[0] document.forms[0].field.focus } script head body form input type=text name=field size=30 value=input text input type=button value=Selected onclick=setfocus form body html

7. Menggunakan tombol radio

html head script type=textjavascript function checkbrowser { document.forms[0].answer.value=browser } script head body form Which browser is your favoritebr input type=radio name=browser onclick=checkthis.value value=Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorerbr input type=radio name=browser onclick=checkthis.value value=Netscape Netscape Navigatorbr input type=text name=answer form body html

8. Menggunakan kotak cek

html head script type=textjavascript function check { coffee=document.forms[0].coffee answer=document.forms[0].answer txt= for i = 0; icoffee.length; ++ i { if coffee[i].checked { 56 txt=txt + coffee[i].value + } } answer.value=You ordered a coffee with + txt } script head body form How would you like your coffee?br input type=checkbox name=coffee value=creamWith creambr input type=checkbox name=coffee value=sugarWith sugarbr input type=text name=answer size=30 input type=button name=test onclick=check value=Order form body html

9. Menggunakan kotak drop-down

html head script type=textjavascript function put { option=document.forms[0].dropdown.options[document.forms[0].dropdown.selec tedIndex].text txt=option document.forms[0].favorite.value=txt } script head body form p Select your favorite browser: select name=dropdown onchange=put optionInternet Explorer optionNetscape Navigator select p p Your favorite browser is: input type=text name=favorite value=Internet Explorer p form body html

10. Kotak drop-down sebagai menu

html 57 head script type=textjavascript function goform { location=form.selectmenu.value } script head body form select name=selectmenu onchange=gothis.form option--Select page-- option value=http:www.telkom.netTelkomNet option option select form body html

11. Kotak teks yang otomatis berpindah fokus bila batasan masukan terpenuhi

html head script type=textjavascript function toUnicodeelmnt,content { if content.length==elmnt.maxLength { next=elmnt.tabIndex if nextdocument.forms[0].elements.length { document.forms[0].elements[next].focus } } } script head body pThis script automatically sets focus to the next input field when the current input fields maxlength has been reachedp form name=myForm input size=3 tabindex=1 name=myInput maxlength=3 onkeyup=toUnicodethis,this.value input size=3 tabindex=2 name=mySecond maxlength=3 onkeyup=toUnicodethis,this.value input size=3 tabindex=3 name=myThird maxlength=3 onkeyup=toUnicodethis,this.value form body html 58

12. Deteksi browser yang digunakan