Picture Data Analysis Procedure


2. Real Object Realia

Teacher A and Teacher B explained the topics of magnet, food coloring, and water vs. oil by bringing real objects realia. Besides using picture, realia was used to teach concrete vocabulary as well. Intended for Teacher A’s topic which was magnet, she brought key, eraser, rulers, marker, fork, candy, pencil, paper clip, safety pin, and magnet to introduce the concept of magnet. Then, for explaining food coloring, she brought food coloring, suji leaf, and carrot. Teacher B in water vs. oil also brought objects which were oil, water, and food coloring to introduce the concept of density which was water and oil cannot be mixed. If Teacher A used real object side by side with using picture, Teacher B used real object only. As reported in the interview: “ It will be more remarkable if we use real object, the students are better- off if use object. We ever used picture on the book barely and there where students who said, “It is not the same with mine.” At that time we taught about water, and some students said that the water in the picture was not the same with the water that they knew. It is simple actually, we only discuss about water but the students have different argument. From that experience, I think it will be better if we have picture and real object as well so that we can make sure that the picture and the real one are the same.” Teacher A, interview, March 10, 2015 Teacher A has similar concept with Allen 1983 who claims that real objects are better than pictures whenever the teacher has them in the classroom 19 since the students can look at them, walk to them, and touch them. Yet, from the interview with Teacher A, she perceived that she still needed picture to make the students understand the vocabulary distinctly. Using real objects are also necessary in science class, especially while explaining concept using hands-on experiment, as stated in the interview with Teacher B, “Real objects used if we have hands-on experiment, it will be more fun to have own experiment rather than use video especially if the objects are easy to be found. Usually, students remember what they see easily rather than what they listen to.” Teacher B, Interview, April 10 th , 2015. This is in line with the recommendation by Allen 1983 that is, “For showing the meaning of an English noun, use real object whenever possible.” p.25. Real object is useful in teaching vocabulary, especially if the object is easy to be found or possible to be brought. The teacher is better to use real object in classroom. Based on the observation and interview, real object has similar function to picture. The students are not only look at them; they can touch them and used them to do the hands-on experiment.

3. Translation

Both Teacher A and Teacher B delivered the meaning of concrete vocabulary and special vocabulary using translation. For example, when Teacher 20 A showed pictures or objects one by one to the students while asking ‘what it is?’ Then, the students answered it one by one. If the students answered in their first language, the teacher translated it into target language. After that the teachers reviewed by asking, for example ‘what ‘garpu’ in English?’, ‘what is ‘air’ in English?, and so on. As Cameron 2001 stated that the new word is first explained in the foreign language or with pictures, but it is then immediately translated in the first language. This also happened in this class since the students are bilingual students who didn’t use English all the time. Translation also used when the students and the teachers try to draw conclusion in hands-on experiment. For example in water vs. oil Teacher B said, “From this experiment we can see that water and oil cannot be mixed.” Teacher B translated as “Jadi air dan minyak tidak bisa jadi satu, tidak bisa bercampur.” Moreover, to explain the meaning, translation is the simple way and to make them remember the vocabulary. Translation is always used in every topic which delivered by both of the teachers during my observation. Teacher A explained in her interview: “Basically, we are in bilingual school, for translation we have percentage in using English target language and Bahasa Indonesia first language. Sometimes we don’t use English all the time, we need