Client Considerations When Redeploying a Web Service

6-20 Getting Started With JAX-WS Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server The following excerpt from an Ant build script shows an example of setting Java system properties when invoking a client application called clients.InvokeMyService : target name=run-client java fork=true classname=clients.InvokeMyService failonerror=true classpath refid=client.class.path arg line={http-endpoint} jvmarg line= -Dhttp.proxyHost={proxy-host} -Dhttp.proxyPort={proxy-port} -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts={mydomain} java target

6.8 Client Considerations When Redeploying a Web Service

WebLogic Server supports production redeployment, which means that you can deploy a new version of an updated WebLogic Web service alongside an older version of the same Web service. WebLogic Server automatically manages client connections so that only new client requests are directed to the new version. Clients already connected to the Web service during the redeployment continue to use the older version of the service until they complete their work, at which point WebLogic Server automatically retires the older Web service. You can continue using the old client application with the new version of the Web service, as long as the following Web service artifacts have not changed in the new version: ■ WSDL that describes the Web service ■ WS-Policy files attached to the Web service If any of these artifacts have changed, you must regenerate the JAX-WS stubs used by the client application by re-running the clientgen Ant task. Note: In this case, the proxySet system property must not be set. If the proxySet system property is set to proxySet=false, proxy properties will be ignored and no proxy will be used. Table 6–3 Java System Properties Used to Specify Proxy Server Property Description http.proxyHost=proxyHost or https.proxyHost=proxyHost Name of the host computer on which the proxy server is running. Use https.proxyHost for HTTP over SSL. http.proxyPort=proxyPort or https.proxy.Port=proxyPort Port to which the proxy server is listening. Use https.proxyPort for HTTP over SSL. http.nonProxyHosts=hostna me | hostname | ... List of hosts that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy. Separate each host name using a | character. This property applies to both HTTP and HTTPS. Invoking Web Services 6-21 For example, if you change the signature of an operation in the new version of the Web service, then the WSDL file that describes the new version of the Web service will also change. In this case, you must regenerate the JAX-WS stubs. If, however, you simply change the implementation of an operation, but do not change its public contract, then you can continue using the existing client application.

6.9 Client Considerations When Web Service and Client Are Deployed to the Same Managed Server