INTRODUCTION isprsarchives XXXVIII 8 W20 129 2011

129 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF BIOME-BGC MODEL FOR DRY TROPICAL FORESTS OF VINDHYAN HIGHLANDS, INDIA Manoj Kumar a and A. S. Raghubanshi b a Ecosystem Analysis Laboratory, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221005, India. b Institute of Environment Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221005, India. E-mail: KEYWORDS: Biome-BGC model, Dry deciduous forest, Net primary productivity, Sensitivity index, Vindhyan highlands. ABSRACT: A process-based model BIOME-BGC was run for sensitivity analysis to see the effect of ecophysiological parameters on net primary production NPP of dry tropical forest of India. The sensitivity test reveals that the forest NPP was highly sensitive to the following eco- physiological parameters: Canopy light extinction coefficient k, Canopy average specific leaf area SLA, New stem C : New leaf C SC:LC, Maximum stomatal conductance g s,max , C:N of fine roots C:N fr , All-sided to projected leaf area ratio and Canopy water interception coefficient W int . Therefore, these parameters need more precision and attention during estimation and observation in the field studies.


There are various types of models that may be used in ecosystem analysis. Ruimy et al. 1994, categorized the NPP model into three groups: 1 statistical models Lieth, 1975, 2 parametric models Potter et al., 1993 and 3 process models Foley, 1994. Traditional types of models are regression models, which are based on empirically derived statistical relationships. Such models may be used for predicting stand development under stable conditions and in regions where the built-in relationships were derived. Naturally, such models are not so useful for incorporating changing growth conditions and for spatial extrapolation. Moreover, such models remain descriptive and do not offer much explanatory power for ecosystem analysis. For this, so-called process-based models must be deployed. These models simulate ecosystem development as a result of ecophysiological processes described mechanistically and usually incorporate the effect of environmental change on ecosystem functioning and are able to quantify effects of, e.g., change in climate, elevated CO 2 , nitrogen deposition and land use scenarios Cienciala and Tatarinov, 2006. Sensitivity analysis is the study of how the variation uncertainty in the output of a model can be apportioned, qualitatively or quantitatively, to different sources of variation in the input of the model Xu et al., 2004. It can be used to examine which variablesparameters have the largest effect on the model output. Sensitivity analysis determines what level of accuracy is necessary for a parameter to make the model sufficiently useful and valid. If the sensitivity tests reveal that the model is insensitive to a particular factor, then it may be possible to use an estimate rather than a value with greater. For ecological analysis Biogeochemical BGC model is most preferred. BIOME-BGC Running and Coughlan, 1988; Thornton, 1998 is such model which employs a simplified biochemical model of photosynthesis, environmentally regulated stomatal conductance, and explicit calculations of respiration for various plant pools to calculate NPP. It is a process-based model requiring a considerable number of ecophysiological and site parameters. Therefore, application of this model requires parameterization, including sensitivity analysis of model output to the input data. Parameters Symbol Allocation current growth proportion cg Allocation new coarse root C : new stem C CRC:SC Allocation New fine root C : New leaf C FRC:LC All-sided to projected leaf area ratio LAI all:pro Annual fire mortality fraction m f Annual leaf and fine root turnover fraction m l m fr Annual live wood turnover fraction m w Annual whole-plant mortality fraction m t autotrophic respiration Ra Boundary layer conductance projected area basis g bl C:N of dead wood C:N dw C:N of fine roots C:N fr C:N of leaf litter, after retranslocation C:N lit C:N of leaves C:N leaf C:N of live wood C:N lw Canopy average specific leaf area projected area basis Canopy light extinction coefficient SLA k Canopy water interception coefficient W int Carbon C Cuticular conductance projected area basis g cut Vapor pressure deficit VPD Fraction of leaf N in Rubisco N R Gross primary productivity GPP Leaf Area Index Leaf water potential: complete conductance reduction LAI LWP f Leaf water potential: start of conductance reduction LWP i Litter fall as fraction of growing season T lf Maximum stomatal conductance projected area basis g s,max New live wood C : new total wood C LWC:T WC New stem C : New leaf C SC:LC Nitrogen N Ratio of shaded SLA:sunlit SLA SLA shd:su Transfer growth period T t Vapor pressure deficit: Complete conductance reduction VPD f Vapor pressure deficit: Start of conductance reduction VPD i Table 1: List of abbreviations International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXVIII-8W20, 2011 ISPRS Bhopal 2011 Workshop, 8 November 2011, Bhopal, India ISPRS Archives XXXVIII- 8W20; Workshop Proceedings: Earth Observation for Terrestrial Ecosystems 130 Previously, sensitivity analysis for BIOME-BGC BioGeochemical Cycles model has been conducted by White et al. 2000 and Tatarinov and Cienciala 2006 for temperate biomes. Reassessment of model sensitivity for dry tropical forest of India is needed because effect of parameters for different combinations of site and eco-physiological parameters may differ. Therefore, the aim of the present study is i to collect ecophysiological and site parameters for dry tropical forest of India from available literature and observations and ii to reveal the effect of ecophysiological parameters on NPP and also identify critically sensitive input parameters.