The Influence Of Cooperative Learning In Teaching Descriptive Writing : An Experimental study at the Second Year of SMPN 5 Bekasi

J-;?DD /t?/q,e/ 」セ@
(An Experimental Study at the Second Year ofSMPN 5 Bekasi)


Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiya and Teachers' Training in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education



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(An Experimental Study at the Second Year ofSA1PN 5 Bekasi)


Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiya and Teachers' Training in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree ofS.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English
Language Education

Approved By Advisor

Drs.H.A.Munir Sonhadji,M.Ed
NIP:l50 050 682











Study at Second Year of SMPN 5 Bekasi) written by Uun Husnah, student's
registration number 104014000386 was examined in the examination session of
the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic
University Jakaita on December 5th

2008. The skripsi has been accepted and

declared to have fullfilled one of requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of
Arts) in English Language Education in the Department of English Education.

Jakaita, December 5th 2008

Examination Committee


: Ors. Syauki, M.Pd
NIP. 150.246.289




: Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd
NIP. 150.293.236




: Ors. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd
NIP. 150.041.070



:;Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd
NIP. 150. 299.480


Dean ofTarbiyah and Teachers' Training


Prof. Dr. Ded OS ada M.A
NIP. 15 231.356





In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, who gives His blessing and grace: to the writer so that
she can finish writing this skripsi. Peace and blessing be npon to the
prophet Muhammad SAW, the man who had brought us from the darkness
to the lightness and for his families, his companions and followers.
The writer would like to give her gratitude, respect and
appreciation to:

1. Ors.I-I.A.Munir Sonhadji,M.Ed. who has patiently given
valuable advice, suppo1t and guidance to finalize this skripsi.
2. All lecturers in the English Education Department and all its

staffs for their encouragement to her.
3. Her beloved parnnts (H.M.Ummm and Siti Adlah)

and all

members of her family who always gives their suppo1t and
motivation to encourage her to finish this skripsi.
4. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, the Chief of the English Education
5. Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd, the Secretary of the English
Education Department.
6. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya
and Teachers' Training.
7. I-I. Saiful Bahri, M.Pd the School Principal ofSMPN 5 Bekasi.
8. Salasatul Fatiqiyah, A.Md lmd Rumini, S.Pd the English
teacher and all the teachers and staffs of Sl\1PN 5 Bekasi.
9. The students of the second year (2008-2009) of SMPN 5
Bekasi especially VIII4•6•7 who have helped the writer to get the
cfat• for thi< riter wants to apply an alternative
technique in teaching English writing that can improve students' ability in

learning English writing.
Cooperative learning 1s a learning model, it is adopted by
constructivists, it uses small group that consist of 4 until 6 members of
student in group. Cooperative learning is required to work together, to
maximize students' problem in learning. In coopt:rative learning, the
students work an assignment into their small group. Cooperative learning
has manv kinds of techniaue: one of the coonerative technim1e• i• TPS


TPS (Think Pair Share) technique is an effective way to make
condition of classroom discussion has more time to think, to respond and
to help each other in pairs.3 It means that student ca:n work together with
their partner and make the classroom condition more enjoyable.
The applied technique hopefully can help students to organize and
to produce the sort of descriptive writing. By using TPS technique the
students have opportunity t-0 discuss their own writing, share their
mistakes that they will be made in their writing, make them easier in
learning descriptive writing and also they can improve their achievement
in learning descriptive writing.

As the explanation above, the writer hopes both of teacher and
students feel easily to apply and to praci;ice mis technique in teaching and
lea.ming descriptive writing. Moreover, the influence of TPS technique is
not merely to help students to improve their achievement in English
writing skill. At the same time it can also improve students' ability in
writing. The writer would like to choose a · title under" THE
DESCIUPTIVE WIUTING". (An Experimental Study At the Second
Year of SMPN 5 Bekasi).

B. The Limitation and Formulation of Problem
I. Limitation of Problem

According to the background above, the writer limited the study
focuses on the teaching English writing concerning with the
descriptive writing about animal by using TPS (Think Pair Share)
2. Formulation of Problem
The writer formulated the problem of stuc\y as follows: "How
influence TPS (Think Pair Share) tecl.r1ique in teaching descriptive


C. The Use Of Study
The result of this study is expected to be useful for:
1. Teacher
The result of this study is to give the iufonnation for th.e English
teacher that TPS (Think Pair Share) teclmique is able to improve student
ability in learning descriptive writing.
2. Student
The result of this study is to give an easy technique for students in
learning and understanding descriptive writing and they can reinforce their
knowledge of English or all aspects of English language that they have
been learned.

D. Method of Research
To support this study, the writer used some reference books and
other resources that related with the subject from library. In the field
research the writer conducted an experimental study at the second year of
SMPN 5 Bekasi which consists of two classes, they are experiment and

control class.

E. The Organization of Paper
The writer divides this paper into four chapters; Chapter I is
Introduction, including background of the study, the limitation and
fommlation of problem, the use of study, method of research and
organization of paper.
Chapter II is Theoretical framework, this chapter discusses about
Theoretical Description, it consists of Writing, definition of writing, the
purpose of writing, kinds of writing, the steps in writing process.
T"I. - - Mセ@

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Learning, background of cooperative learning, purpose of cooperative
learning, basic elements of cooperative learning, steps of cooperative
learning. Conceptual Framework. Hypothesis.
Chapter III is the research methodology and findings, it consists

of the objective of research, place and location of research, the subject of
research, Population and Sample, Instrument of research, technique of data
collecting, technique of analyzing the data, the description of data, the
analysis of data, test of hypothesis and interpretation of data.
The last, the conclusion and suggestion will be described m
Chapter IV.

A. Theoretical Description
1. Writing
The ability to write in English language is impo1iant in global
communication because English is an international language. Advance in
transportation and technology allow people to interact with each other.
Communication across language becomes more essm1tial; as a result, the
ability to write a foreign language is widely recognized as an imp01iant
skill for education, business, Science and technology.
I. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of four languages skills such as listening, speaking
and reading. It has always formed part of syllabus in teaching English at
the Junior and Senior High School. There are a Jot of definitions about
writing that have been given by experts: some of them are Penny Ur. She
said that: writing is a learned skill. 1 It can be taught and learned. From this
definition the writer get a meaning that writing is a learned skill like
driving, cooking and typing. It can be learned. S1udents who want to
master it, they must take the intensive practice because writing is not an
automatic skill. It is need some knowledge such as vocabulary, grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
Marianne Celce Murcia and Elite Olshtain viewed that "writing is a
language skill used for communication.


It means that writing used for

communication when someone wants to commtmicate in different

• Penny Ur, ," A C'ourse in language Teaching",(United Kingdon1:
University Press, 1996), P. 161



As Penny Ur, Marianne Celce Murcia and Elite Olshtain points of
view about writing.

Tricia Hedge said that, V.'Titing is process of

composing. 3 It means that Miting has given certain process. When
students at the first time write something down,


have already been

thinking and finding the idea, putting idea into sentences, organizing
sentences into paragraph, revising and reviewing writing with correct
punctuation and grammatical function.
Meanwhile, Sandra Cornbleet and Ronald Carter in their book "the
Language of Speech and Writing". They said that" \li/riting is planned". 4 It
means that writing takes time. As the students write a sentence, they can
think each word before they Mite it and then they can always go back and
correct it until they were satisfied. Before they can write anything, they
need time to think.
Based on the definitions above, it can be said that Miting is a
complex process, it is done in a series of steps, such as preMiting, writing,
revising, reviewing and editing.

Beside that, writing is a skill that is

needed a lot time to practice and need some knowledge to produce a
coherent writing.
2. Purpose of Writing
Students frequently have more time to think in writing, they can go
through what they know in their minds, consult dictionaries, grammar
books or other reference material to help them to make a good Miting.
The purpose of Miting is not only to teach someone to convey idea
to the readers but also to reinforce all aspect of languages that have been
learned by students. There is some additional and very important reason
why Miting is needed in teaching English. According to Penny Ur in her


book, "A Course in Language Teaching" she explained that " the purpose
of writing, in principle is the expression of ideas, the conveying of a
message to the reader, so the ideas themselves should arguably be seen as
the most aspect of the writing ". 5
Tricia Hedge mentioned the purpose of writing as follows "A good
deal of writing in English language classroom is undertaken as an aid of
learning for exan1ple: to consolidate the learning of new strnctures or
vocabulary or to help student remember new items of language". 6
Jeremy Harmer on his book, "How to Teach 'Writing" he said that:
"writing has always been used as a means of reinforcing language that has
been taught ". 7 It means that teacher asked students to write sentence by
using grammar that the students have been learned, for example, students
can be asked to write a sto1y about something that happened to them. It is
a good way for students to practice their knowledge of language aspects
that they have been learned besides that writing can encourage students to
focus on accurate language use. Clearly, the aim of writing activity i8 to
give students opportunities to think about grammar and vocabulary.
Afte1wards Jeremy Harmer stated on his book, "How to Teach
English", " the reasons for teaching English WTiting to students of foreign
language. They are reinforcement, language development, learning style
and most importantly, writing as a skill in its 0Vv11 right". 8 All is clearly
explained in the following points:



Penny Ur," ........................ , P. 163

Tricia Hedge,. ..................... .,P.7


1. Reinforcement
Some students easily requirt' language items through oral way
but most of them find it easier when they see it. Thus, when
they write down, writing reinforces students to acquire
language indirectly.
2. Language Development
The actual writing process helps students to learn the language
3. Learning Style
For many learners, writing gives the time to think to produce
language in a slower way.
4. Writing as skill
Because the writing is an important skill, it can be learnt,
students learn to know how to use it for a daily life.
From the description above, it is clear that the writing can help
students to acquire the abilities of the foreign language that they are
studied. When students do writing activity, at the same time they leamed
many things in the target language beside that they can express the ideas
and convey some written infonnation to the readers.
3. The Types of Writing
Generally, writing divided into five types; they are narrative,
descriptive, expository, persuasive, and argumentative:. 9
I. Narrative
Narrative writing is a type of writing which present events
in a related series. It is a story which can be real and imagined. 10 It
can be a personal experience or it can be the experience of another
person. It is to amuse, to entertain and to deal with actual or
various experience in different ways.
Nan·ative writing must have a good plot that can attract
readers' attention, it has interesting characters that appear alive and

P. 82

John E. Lincoln," Writing A College Handbook:',( NewYork: Norton Company,1986),


credible in order to hold the readers' attention and it also uses the
lively and humorous dialogue, at the same time the readers does
not feel that the dialogue is monotonous.
2. Descriptive
Descriptive writing


a writing which make the readers'

see things, or to perceive the special quality of them. It makes them
see in the sense of visualizing.


Descriptive writing serves only to describe. It is to describe
a pmiicular person, place, animal or thing. It is required to give the
reader a detailed, vivid picture of a person, place, scene, object or
anything that is described.
3. Expository
Expository writing is a 'witing orderly setting out of facts
and ideas. 12 It is not imagination or dramatizes writing because the
exposition writing is presented in a clear, accurate and factual facts
and ideas. It is a form which explains a subject. Its purpose is to
make the reader understm1d.
4. Persuasive
Persuasive writing is used to convince.


It is the art of

getting other people or readers to do and believe something. It may
attempt to convince something to follow a certain action or accept
a belief position.
Persuasive writing relies on reasoning and clear logic. It
aims is to persuade the readers of the reasonable of the writers

• Richard. W. Weaver, "Composition: A Course in Writing and Rhetoric",(United State
of America: Rinehmt and Winston Inc, 1960),P. 27


5. Argumentative
Argwnentative is a logical way that the writer's belief,
position, conclusion is valid and that ofuers are not.


It is to

persuade reasonable people to agree with the writer's belief and
position. Argwnentative writing usually requires proving that a
statement is true so the argument must be logical; bofu of points
and facts are relevant.
Argumentative and persuasive are related, but they are not
the san1e. Persuasive getting other people to change their minds
relies on appeals to emotion, to self interest, and to reason.
Argumentative in its form is the appeal to reason and refutes
opposing opinions.
4. The Process of Writing

Writing is a complex process which is neither easy nor
spontaneous for many students. To make a good writing students need
strategies to manage fueir writing process. Although 'writing process is not
a set procedure, the writing process has been observed as having distinct
five stages. In general, every writing process includes prewriting, drafting,
revising and editing. 15
I. Prewriting
In fue prewriting stage, the students take time to think about
their topic and generate ideas. In this stage, sometimes the students
are frustrated because they cannot think of anything to say about a
topic. To make students feel easy in this stage, there are some


Laurie G. Kirszher and Stephen R. Mandell, "Patterns for College Writing: A

Rhetorical Reader and Cuidel "_ ( NP.w York'. セエ@



1 QRhl 1rd Pilitinn P Ll.".t1


techniques like brainstorming, free writing, WH Question, and
clustering. 16 The following points explained clearly:
a. Brainstorming
It is a way to associate idea and stimulate thinking to

brainstorm. Start with a word or phrase. In this process, the
students do not attempt to think logically but they write a list of
ideas as quickly and possible.
b. Free Writing
It is writing without stopping. It means that the students

write whatever comes to their mind.. 'Without worry about
whether the ideas are good and the grammar is correct.
c. WH Question
The students can use who, what, when, where, why and
how questions to generate material for their writing. In this
process, the students write out as many WH question as they
can, then they answer them as fully as they can.
d. Clnstering
It is making a visual map of the students' ideas. It may
allow students to think more creatively. In this technique, the
students begin with their topic circled in the middle of a sheet
of paper. Then draw a line out from the circle and write an idea
associated with the topic. Continue to map or cluster m1til the
students can not think of any more ideas.
2. Drafting
Drafting is a way to discover more ideas about the topic. It
is a planning tool to expand outline into a text with full sentences.
Use full sentences whenever possible and don't worry abont
grammatically correct.


Drafting is also transforming the ideas into sentences. It
purposes are to let ideas develop and expand. Drafting is primarily
a stage of discovery and exploration.
3. Revising
Revising is one of the most important phases of the writing
process. It is focus on how well the ideas are expressed and
organized to sentence structure. It:; purposes are to rethink ideas,
refine and develop them. During this stage the students reshape
ideas, expanding, deleting and clarifying.
4. Editing
Editing is the last phase. It involves correcting all of
mistakes in writing. It is require examining ideas, details words,
grammar and punctuation. It also emphasizes not only accuracy but
also on correctness.

2. Descriptive Writing
1. Definition of Descriptive Writing
There are some definitions about descriptive writing. John
E. Lincoln stated that "descriptive is writing about way
persons, animals or things appear". 17
Laurie G. Kirszer and Stephen R. Mandell in their book
with the title "Patterns for College Writing:

A Rhetorical

Reader and Guide". They mentioned "Descriptive is writing
tells what something looks like, feels like, smells like, sotmds
like or tastes like. 18
According to J. B. Alter, M.A " Descriptive is a writing which
gives the readers vivid picture of a person, place, scene, object or anything


that they have been described clearly and use all five senses in order to the
description that is described alive and interesting to the readers. 19
As some Experts view about descriptive writing. Richard M.
Weaver stated that "Descriptive is a form of writing that makes the reader
sees in the sense of visualizing. It is focus on the appearance of an
object". 20
Based on the explanation from some experts about descriptive
writing, the writer concluded that descriptive writing is a writing that gives
readers the objects such as persons, animals or things that is described
alive and the readers feel interesting because it emphasizes imagery and
figures of speech such as see, hear, taste, smell and. feel.

2. Purpose of Descriptive Writing
Anyone write a descriptive writing is to give a description about an
object that they described clear and alive

because the purpose of

descriptive writing is to make the readers feel how the object looks, feels,
smells, tastes and sounds. Thus, in descriptive wTiting, the readers have
been given detailed object, vivid picture and use five senses or use
concrete words that will enable the readers to see, foe:l, hear, taste, touch or
smell what the object is describing.

3. The Characteristics of Descriptive Writiing
A descliptive writing serves only to describe an object. There are







characteristics of descriptive wliting such as:
1. Using of figures of speech (see, hear, taste, smell, touch). In this way
the description will appear alive and interesting.
2. Using vivid picture is to make the description clear and realistic.


3. Using variety of words. It means that use of variety of adjectives,
nouns, adverbs, and phrases to suggest colors, movements, expressions
and feeling.
4. Using any details. If anyone want to describe an. object. They should
not describe just its physical features but also its habit, its
characteristics and its relationship.
5. Using the simple present tense.
6. Using adjective to describe the feature ·:if the subject.

3. Cooperative Learning
1. Background of Cooperative Learning
The challenge in education today is to teach students the subject
matter effectively. Teachers expected to teach in a way that enables
students to learn assignment in the classroom cooperatively. The aim is to
be more concentrated of student centered. Cooperative learning is one of
learning model that focus on student centered. Essentially cooperative
learning represents a shift in educational paradigm from teacher centered
to a more students centered in a small group.


It creates opportunity for students to help the:ir group members to

solve their learning problems which in small group students feel more
comfortable asking for help. In cooperative learning students can work
their assignment together. Cooperative learning grounded in the belief that
learning is most effective when students are actively involved in sharing
ideas and work cooperatively to complete academic tasks.


Miswati, et al assumed that "cooperative karning is a learning
strategy that uses students grouping into small group which each student
have different achievement". 22
Cooperative learning is a learning process that emphasizes in social
aspect and use a small group which consists of 4 until 6 students. In
cooperative learning students will be easier understood their knowledge
about the subject matter because they can discuss their faced problem with
their pmtner. 23
Based on description above, the writer means that cooperative
learning is a learning model which focuses on students grouping. Each
group consists of 4-6 students. In group they can do their assignment
2. Purpose of Cooperative Learning

The cooperative learning model has been developed to achieve at
least three

important instrnctional



as academic

achievement, improved race relation a11d cooperative problem solving
skills. 24
1. Academic Achievement







performa11ce on important academic tasks. The belief is that the
model cooperative incentive structure raises the value placed on
academic learning and change the norm associated with
In addition to changing norms associated with achievement,
cooperative learning can benefit low achieving and high achieving


• Miswati, Nathun Hindarto and Hadi Susanto," Penerapan l'e1nbelajaran Koperative
Jigsaw II untuk meningkatkan kua/itas pembelajaran siswa", Volume JI, (Juli, 2004), P. 34


students who work on academic material together. High achievers
tutor low achievers. In the process, high achievers gain
academically because serving as a tutor requires thinking deeply
about the relationships and meanings of a particular subject.
2. Improved Race Relation
In the second effect of cooperative learning is the students
have wider tolerance and acceptance of people who are different by
virtue of their race, culture, social class and ability.
3. Cooperative Problem Solving Skills
A final effect of cooperat[ve learning is that students learn
skills of cooperation and collaboration. These are important skills
in a society where much adult work is carried out in large,
independent organization and where communities become much
more global in their orientation.
3. Element of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning organizes instruction according to the
principles of positive interdependence, individual accountability,
promotive interaction and group processing. 25 All of these points
explained clearly:
1. Positive Interdependence means that the success of the students is
linked with the success of their team members. The success one
learners is dependent on the other learners.
2. Individual Accountability means that teacher should assess the
amount of effort that each member is contributing these can be
done by giving an individual test to each student and randomly
calling students to present their group's work. The perfo1111ance of
each member is assessed and results are given to the team and the
individual so that the team members cannot get a free ride on the
efforts of their teammate.


3. Promotive Interaction means that individual can achieve promotive







challenging each other's conclusion, and providing feedback.
Beside that team members share, encourage and support each
other's efforts to succeed.
4. Group

Processing means

that teachers must also provide

opportunities for the class to assess group progress. The team
members perform group processing to reflect how well the team is
fw1ctioning. Group processing enable group to focus on good
working relationship, facilitates the learning of cooperative skills
and ensure that members receive feedback.
4. Steps of Cooperative Learning
Arends has identificated the general steps of cooperative
learning. Generally, there are five phases in cooperative learning. 26
See the following table below.
Table. 2.1
The Phases of Cooperative Learniing


Teacher's activity


Serving the object and

The teacher states the objective to motivate the

teaching materials

students to learn, to serve the object and make
the teaching materials


Giving the information

Teachers gives the information to the students
verbally and written



Organizing the students to

Teacher explains to the students how to

constrnct the group-work

construct the group work

Guiding the students to

Teacher guides the group work while they are


work and learn



working to do the task
Teacher evaluates the result of the discussion
about the materials they have learned or each
group presents the result of the discussion

In cooperative learning model, there are at least five techniques
that are commonly used in teaching and learning process. It is used as
a tool of learning at various levels of education and in various subject
matters. Cooperative learning has many kinds of technique. One of the
cooperative learning technique is TPS(Think Pair Share). TPS (Think
Pair Share) is one of the kinds of cooperative I.earning technique. In
this technique, the students do their assignment that is assigned by
teacher cooperatively.
Think Pair Share initially developed by Frank Lyman and his
colleagues at the University of Maryland. It is an effective way to
change the discourse pattern or condition of classroom discussion. It is
also give students more time to think, to respond and to help each
other. There are some steps in TPS (Think Pair Share) technique. The
following steps are:
Step I

: Thinking. The teacher poses a question associated with the
lesson and asks students to spend 5 minute thinking alone
about answer.

Step JI

: Pairing. The teacher asks students to pair off and discuss
what they have been thinking about. Interaction in this
period can be sharing answer if a question has been posed.
Teacher allow no more than 10 minute:s for pairing.

Step III

: Sharing. In the final step the teacher asks the pair to share


B. Conceptual Framework
In a traditional classroom, the teacher asks a question and only one
or two students have opportunities to respond. TPS (Think Pair Share)
technique offers all students an opportunity to express their response to a
question or topic discussion. By Using TPS (Think pair Share)teclmique
the teacher gives the students' time to think, share c01Tect answers with
partner, allow all students to respond then students are invited to share
their responses with the whole class.
Writing is one of the languages skills. In writing activity students
often face some problems because students challenged to organize ideas,
arrange writing into written form and they also do some mistakes in
vocabulary and tenses. To create English writing session in the classroom
more effective, the writer wants to apply TPS (Think Pair Share) teclmique
as a tool of teaching descriptive English writing. The purpose is to make
students enjoyable in learning descriptive writing beside that they can help
each others. They also can discuss some faced problems either to find
appropriate vocabulary or use a grammatical rule.
Because of some purposes about the TPS (Think pair Share)
technique in teaching descriptive writing, the writer applies it in the
following steps:

Step I
l. The teacher divided students into a small group
2. The students sit down with their group.
3. The teacher explains the descriptive writing material about animals
that involved their parts of body, colors, sizes, or shapes
vocabularies and another that they may be described in their object.
Then the teacher gives the exercises to know students'


Step II
I . Each student asked to think a:nd do the descriptive writing
exercises individually.
2. After 5 minute, the teacher asked to work the descriptive writing
exercises pair. And then they discuss their answer. In this session
the students was given for discussion I 0 minutes.
3. After that. The students share their answer with the whole class. Its
aim is to discuss their answer that they agreed in their partner.
During the some of groups present their answer; the other groups
can give their argument or opinion about the answer. In this point
the student have a long time to share their problem until they found
the correct answer.
Step HI
After applied step I and II then the students a:re given a test of
descriptive writing about animals by teacher and did this exercise

It aims is to measure the students' understanding about

material that they were lea:rned. To finish the exercise, the students do it
without asking for help from their partner.
C. Hypothesis
According to the theory and the objective of the study. It can be
formulated that:
H0 : There is no significance influence on students' achievement in
descriptive animal writing who taught by using TPS (Think Pair
Sha:re) technique.

Ha: There is significance influence on students' achievement in descriptive
animal writing who taught by using TPS (Think Pair Sha:re)

A. Research Methodology

Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to know the significance influence of
TPS (Think Pair Share) technique on students' achievement in teaching
descriptive writing of animal for the second year of SMPN 5 Bekasi.
2. Place and Location of Research
The research of this study was held at SMPN 5 Bekasi, where the
writer conducted the research from July 14th to August 28 111 2008. SMPN 5
is located at jln. raya Seroja Bekasi Utara and the phone number is (021.
8849355)/website. www. SMPN 5 Bekasi built in
1982. Previously, the name of SMPN 5 is SMPN 6. Then in 1996, the
name is changed to SMPN 5. Since it built in 1982, there are five schools
principal who led in.
1. 1986-1992 led in by Uci Sanusi.
2. 1992-1995 led in by Drs. Saju Juhana.
3. 1995-2000 led in by Drs. H. Zaenal Arifin.
4. 2000-2005 led in by Drs. H.



5. 2005- now led in by H. Saiful Bahri, M . Pd
SMPN 5 has a large amount ofland it is about 6.583 M 2• It also has
several rooms. First, the study room, it consists of library, Biology room,
language and computer laboratory room, art room, multimedia room and
sport yard. Second, the office room, it consists of school principal room,
vice of school principal room, teachers' room, administration room and
guest room. Last, the aid room, it consists of mosque, 3 toilet of teachers,
11 toilet of students, cotmseling room, health and school unit, boyscout
room, OSIS room and PMR room.


SMPN 5 has 71 teachers. such as 7 of nature education(IPA)
teachers, 9 of mathematic teachers, 8 oflndonesian language teachers, 6 of
English teachers, 5 of religion education teachers, 8 of social education
(IPS) teachers, 2 of computer teachers, 5 of counseling teachers, 4 of sport
and health teachers, and 9 is other teachers.
Now, the year of 2008-2009, SMPN 5 has 1137 students and 27
group of learning (Rombel). They are 371 students of VII class and the
group ofleaming is 9. 397 students of VIII class and the group oflearning
is 9. 369 students of XI class and the group oflearning is 9.
To support the teaching and learning process more effective, SMPN 5
has 29 classes. 456 tables. 1272 chairs. and 56 whiteboard. All of this
learning equipment is well condition.

3. The Subject of Research
The subject of the research was the second year of students SMPN
5 Bekasi. It consists of two classes. They are VIII 6 as called
experiment and VIII 7 as control class. The object of the research was
teaching descriptive writing using TPS (Think Pair Share) technique
and teaching descriptive writing without using TPS technique.

4. Population and Sample
In this research, the writer took the population from the second
year of SMPN 5 Bekasi. The population is 9 classes. They are

VIU 1•2•3•4•5•6•7•8•9 • The class of VIII 1•2.3·4• called as superior classes and
VIII 5•6•7•8 as regular classes. Each classes either superior or regular
class consists of 48 of students. To make tht) research easier in
calculation, the writer did not take the total number of population as
sample. The writer just chooses 44 students at VIII


as experiment

class and 44 students at VIII 7 as control class. The writer chooses 44
students either in experiment class and control class because there are
44 students who usually attend at the classroom. The sample was taken


5. Instrument of Research
The instrument of research used by the writer in data collecting is
taken from the application test of descriptive writing about animal. The
test consists of 24 items in testing of validity and reliability. The test of
validity and reliability was tried out by students of VIII4 class.
After the testing of validity and reliability was done, there are only
16 items left. The 16 items took as pre-post test. It used to know the
gain score of students' achievement in

animal writing. The

pre-post test will be done by students of VIII 6 as the experiment class
and VIII 7 class as control class.
a. Validity
Test of validity has been done to measure the purpose of
research. Its purpose is to measure how well it fulfills the
function for which it is being used.








appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness and usefulness of
the specific inferences researchers make based on the data the
research collect 1• Scarvia B. Anderson on Suharsimi Arikunto' s
book said that "A test is a valid if measure what it purpose to

1neasure "2.
In testing items of validity in this research, the writer used
the formula of coefficient correlation of pearson's product
moment3 . The formula as follow:


• Jack. R Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen," How To Design and Evaluate Research in
Education'", (New York: McGraw- Hill Companies Inc, 2003), P. 158



Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto," Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan", (Jakark1: 2008), P.



: Coefficient con-elation between X variable and Y


: Score of tried out items.


: Total of score for each student that was tried out.


: Number of tried out students
The conclusion of testing validity on 24 items which done

by students of VIII


class showed that 8 items is invalid

because score of Thitung is smaller than Ttabel. Meanwhile 16
items is valid because the score of T1iitung is higher than TtablcThe valid items are number 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 15, 18, and 20. From 16 valid items; the writer takes the
items as the instrument of research.
b. Reliability
Reliability refers to the consistency of score or answer
from one administration to another. Reliability is defined
as the extent to which the results can be considered
consistent or reliable. Reliability refers to the consistency of
the score obtained. It means that if it is used every time, it
has the same results.
The formula to be used to find out reliability is K-R 20
formula ( Kuder Richarson 20). The formula is:


: Reliability coefficient for all ir.ems



Variance of items



: Proportion of students' wrong answer
The interpretation of reliability coefficient is follow:

0.00-0.20 : Bad.
0.21-0.40 : Satisfacto1y.
0.41-0.70 : Good.
0. 71-1.00 : Excellent.

Negative : The entire item is not good (deleted).
According to the calculation of reliability score, the writer
gets R


0. 753 I. It means that the test is reliable and it

category is excellent.

Difficulty Power
The difficulty power show how easy or difficult the
particular item proved in the test. The difficulty power of a test
is indicated by the percentage of pupils who got the item right4 .
The calculation is based on the upper and lower group only.
Difficulty item may be necessary to motivate the good students
and easy item will encourage and motivate the poor students.
The formula of difficulty power as follow:



: Difficulty power.

B : Number of students who give the conect answer.
JS : Number of examinees.
The classification of difficulty power is:
0.00-0.15 : Very strong
0.15-0.30 : Strong
0.31-0.70 : Moderate
0.71-0.85 : Low
0.86-1.00 : Very low


d. Discrimination Index
The discrimination index of an item indicates the extent to
which the item discriminates between examinees, separating
good testees from the poor examinees. The discrimination
index refers to the degree of which it discriminate between
pupils with high and low achievement or the difference
between the number of pupils in the upper and lower groups
who got the item right 5• To know the discrimination index of
the test, the writer used the formula as follow:

D= BA - Bii



= pA -




: Number of upper group


: Number oflower group


: Number of upper group who give the correct


: Number of lower group who give the wrong


: Proportion of upper group who give the correct


: Proportion of lower group who give the wrong

The classification of discrimination index score is:

: Poor.


: Satisfactory.




: Excellent.


: The entire item is not good (deleted).


6. Technique of Data Collecting
To get the data for this skripsi, the writer used some techniques of
data collecting. They are:
1. Observation

Before doing the research, the writer first observed the
location where the research was cairied ont to ask penuission of
school principal to do research in that place and to know whether
the population and the object ofresearch is suitable or not.
After getting permission, then the 1.vriter continue with
giving a test to try out whether the test is valid and reliable or not.
The test of validity was done by students of VIII 4 class.
Beside that the writer also observed about school facility
and some students activity to fulfill the data of research.
2. Teaching and learning Activity
The writer did the teaching ai1d learning process six times,
3 times in control class and 3 times in experiment class. Before the
writer did the teaching and learning activity for each class, the
wTiter did the pre-test.
3. Test
The writer gave the students posMest. The post-test was
given after the writer gave 3 times of the instruction about
descriptive of animal writing. The form of pre-test and post-test
items is similai-.
7. Technique of Analyzing the Data
Before analyzing the data, the writer arranged the data into
table of frequency distribution. It aims is to know whether the
score can be seen from higher score to lower score and whether the
score was normalized distribution or not.
After the data was collected, then the writer aiialyzed the


A. Normality and Homogeneity Testing
I. Normality Testing
The testing of normality was done to kno

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