The Process of Choosing Themes, Sequencing and Scoring Systems in Fun With English Application



Job ฀raining Report in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat ฀ubmitted to fulfil one of the course requirements

฀LI TOP฀N R฀M฀DH฀N 63707742











1.1 Background of the Topic 1

1.2 Scope 2

1.3 Objecti฀es 3

1.4 Significant to Knowledge 3

1.5 Research Method 4


2.1 The Description 6

2.2 The Process 6

2.2.1 Choosing Themes 7

2.2.2 Sequencing 11

2.2.3 Scoring System 16




3.2 Suggestions 18







Dawson, Catherine, 2002, ฀ractical Research Methods. New Delhi, UBS Publishers’Distributors.

Ramadhan, Ali Topan, 20฀4, “Fun With English Application”. Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat, Bandung.




Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, praise be upon to Allah SWT and our last prophet Muhammad SAW that I ha฀e finally completed my job training report. I am fully aware that this paper would not be done without the assistance and support from many people. Therefore, I wish to dedicate my deepest thanks and appreciation to the following:

1. Mr. Bakti Gunawan and Mrs. R. Siti Fatimah, as my belo฀ed parents who always gi฀e me support in e฀ery aspect of my life.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Tadjuddin, M.A., as the Dean of Letters Faculty in Indonesia Computer Uni฀ersity, for gi฀ing appro฀al of conducting the job training.

3. Dr. Juanda, as The Head of English Department in Indonesia Computer Uni฀ersity for gi฀ing appro฀al to all the requirement documents of this job training, and as my guardianship lecturer who supports and gi฀es me ad฀ices related to my academic progress.

4. Mr. Muhammad Rayhan Bustam, S.S, M.Hum., as the coordinator of job training program, for guiding and urging the students who conducted the job training to finish their responsibility on time.

5. Mr. Tatan Tawami, S.S., M.Hum., as my ad฀isor who guides me in writing the report.



6. Mr. Yusup Irawan M.Hum., as my super฀isor at ฀alai ฀ahasa Provinsi Jawa ฀arat, who ga฀e me ad฀ices in finishing the application.

7. My belo฀ed Sanny Komalasari, my younger brother and sister, Big family of Menez 1, Nursari, Ferra, Aldo, Wildan and all friends that could not be mentioned one by one, who always support and moti฀ate me in preparing this job training report.

Hopefully, this job training report is expected to gi฀e the benefit for the readers and also the writer on the future.

Bandung, No฀ember 2014




This chapter describes the general part of my job training report entitled “฀he Process of Choosing ฀hemes, Sequencing and Scoring Systems in Fun With English Application”. This chapter also consist some sub-chapters that explain why, how, what and when concerning the process of making the “Fun With English” application or game. First, background to the topic describes the reason for making the game, while the scope describes the limitation of this report. In addition, objective describes the report’s goal. Then, significance to knowledge describes the use and advantage of this report to the readers and the writer itself. Finally, research method describes the way the data was gathered and how it was composed in this writing.

1.1 Background to the Topic

To observe the surrounding, especially how people speak and react to each other is an obligation of an English student. In my daily activity, I found many mispronounced English when people do their conversation. This problem could happen for some reason and the lack of learning process since the children stage might be the cause of their unfamiliarity with English.



To see many mispronounced English in my daily activity has triggered me to create an application in my job training that would help them improve their English, particularly for children. However, to design and to create an application that would attract children to use or play it was not an easy thing to do. There are things to consider with when making the application, such as the themes restriction, the length of the sequences and the reward for playing the application.

As mentioned above, there are things to consider when making the application such as themes restriction that involves decision in choosing the appropriate themes when making the application. Then, the length of the sequences that involves decision in determining the required duration on the application. Finally, the reward for playing the application or game involves decision in attracting the children to play the application by giving them a reward within the system. This general description is further described in the Chapter 2 of the report; therefore, the name of the report is “฀he Process of Choosing ฀hemes, Sequencing and Scoring System in Fun With English Application”.

1.2 Scope

This job training report describes the process of choosing the themes, sequencing and scoring system in Fun With English application to help the children improve or familiarize themselves with English. Therefore, the discussion involves the description of the process of elaborating the games to



comply the needs as suggested by the supervisor at Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat.

1.3 Objectives

Based on the scope of this report, the objectives are:

- To explain the process of making the application entitled “Fun With English“.

- To describe the application’s content that is used in this application.

1.4 Significance to Knowledge

The process of creating the game has significant benefit to my knowledge extensions. Through the process, I could learn how to create a game with not just only fun but also educating and how to operate Macromedia Flash 8 as a simple game engine and combined it with language element, as an English student, to help children familiarize themselves with English. Therefore, the report is expected to be able to give the reader understanding in making an application as educational tool and could help the children in improving their English by playing the application to reduce mispronouncing in the future. In addition, this report may help Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat as language institution in their researches in the future by showing the process so they could develop the



application further. This report could also be used as reference for English students in their job training as well as those who will make application in the future to be better and more sophisticated.

1.5 Research Method

The method used in this report is descriptive narrative. According to Dawson (2002), “Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or program, or provides information about, say, living condition of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue.” The data in this report are described descriptively based on the nature of the information. The data is also narrated based on the time of event since my first time making the application in my job training and put it all in chronological order.

Firstly, all gathered materials when making the game in my first try were put in the report and describe it. Then, all new materials that replaced the inappropriate one were put in the report with the reason behind the replacement, also the changes that were made in sequencing. Finally, the reason for making a scoring system and describe how it was made in this report.

The data is collected from “Fun With English” application that was created on Macromedia Flash 8 during my job training in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat, which was conducted from 2฀st July 20฀4 until ฀฀th September 20฀4



and started from Monday till Friday at 09.00 to ฀5.00 with two hours break from ฀฀.00 to ฀3.00.




2.1 The Descriptions

Humans are social beings and they use many ways to interact with each other. Conversations are one of the ways that mostly used in their activities. However, I still found many mispronounced English in my daily activities and this could happen for some reasons. The lack of learning process since the children stage might be the cause of their unfamiliarity with English. Therefore, in my job training at Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat, I decided to make an

application (an education game) to help children improve their English, especially their pronunciations. The game has five different themes and a scoring system. The process of making this game is described further in next sub-chapter.

2.2 The Process

In my job training, I was assigned by my supervisor to make a product that would help the institution in the future. After some discussions with my supervisor, I decided to make a game that would help children improve their English and it was approved by him. The first step for making the game was



collecting the materials such as words, pictures and sounds. Collecting the materials was not hard, but arranging them to be something desired was something else. Therefore, I came to my supervisor to discuss the next step that I should take. He suggested that I should make the game per-theme then arrange them according to something visually familiar to the children, and he suggested, too, that I should take the materials from within home’s perimeter.

Based on those suggestions, I made this game with 5 themes, 10 major sequences in total and a scoring system. Each theme has 5 words that were picked based on the familiarities to the children as approved by my supervisor. Meanwhile, there are two sections in the game sequences: phases and quizzes. The phases were made to be the learning center of the game that consist of words, picture and sounds; while the quizzes were made to test the player knowledge from what they have learned from the game that consist of pictures and sounds. The scoring system was made to attract the children, as a player, to play the game more until they reach their goal, which was to be able to familiarize themselves with English. The detailed process is described further below.

2.2.1 Choosing Themes

The first attempt in the process was choosing the themes when making the game. I chose every word within themes that easy to follow and remember. Therefore, I restricted myself in choosing the material to something they familiar



with, such as the name of body parts, fruits, furniture, transportations and environment. The details are described in the table below.

a. Step 1

The chosen data in this step were based on my own initiative and perception about things that seemed familiar with children.

Themes Words

Body parts

Ear Nose Mouth

Eye Chin


Apple Banana

Cherry Mango Grape


Fork Spoon

Plate Chair





Car Bus Ship Train Airplane


Sky Tree Rock Ocean Mountains

However, my supervisor in my job training revised these data after some discussion for the next step I should take. He asked me to eliminate two themes from my data: environment and transportations. The reason for eliminating these two themes was that these materials are too advanced for children who still in the early stage of their education. Therefore, he asked me to restrict myself in taking the materials only from inside their house. Finally, I replaced these two materials with other themes: vegetables and kitchenware, because these themes are house properties and more visually familiar to the children, which they could see them in their daily life as well as their early stage of education.



b. Step 2

Following my supervisor advice, I decided to add these two themes (vegetables and kitchenware) in my next step.

Themes Words


Carrot Potato Tomato Cucumber



Fork Plate Spoon

Bowl Glass

Adding the words fork, spoon and plate to the kitchenware themes has made me consider adding new words in the furniture themes. I decided to choose something visually familiar in children early stage of education and was approved by my supervisor, as described in step 3.



c. Step 3

After the approval, I added the final theme to complete the process of choosing themes for the game.

Themes Words


Chair Lamp Table Door Wardrobe

The game was half completed by including these data. However, to stimulate children brains, I still had more work to do to reach the game’s goal, which was to help children improve their English by maximizing their brains activity. Therefore, sequencing would be another way to stimulate, which is discussed in next sub-chapter.

2.2.2 Sequencing

As mentioned before in previous sub-chapter, sequencing is needed to stimulate children’s brain. I decided to make the game by including two sections, phases and quizzes, for each theme. Phases were created as the learning center of



the game, where children could learn and memorize the given material repeatedly until they move to quiz sections. Quizzes were created to test or evaluate the children knowledge from what they have learned from the game.

On the first attempt, a final test was included to test or evaluate their whole knowledge while playing the game. However, after some discussion, my supervisor did not agree with the idea of putting the final test in the game. He mentioned that the sequences would take too long to play for the children if the final test was included. He was worried that the children will get bored before completing the game. Therefore, following the advice, I eliminated the final test when completing the application.

The images below are the examples of phases and quizzes sections that were taken from the game.



Image 1 is a representation of phase section as the learning center of the game. As mentioned before that the game was designed to help children improve their english, especially their pronounciation, the game has pictures and audio as supporting features. The players can take their time to learn, familiarize and memorize the given materials in this phase section. As can be seen from the pictures, this section has forward and backward arrows button to help player in choosing the materials that they would like to learn or just simply for progressing forward to the quiz section. Meanwhile, the replay button is for helping the player in familiarizing themselves on pronouncing the given words.



Image 2 is a representation of quiz section as the evaluation center of the game. Similar to phase section, quiz section has pictures and audio features only without the word related to the theme. In this section, the players are expected to test or evaluate their knowledge after passing the phase section. The players have to play the sound by clicking play button to hear the audio related to the theme before choosing the right answer. The players can continue the test by clicking go button until the last part of this section.

Image 3

Image 3 is the scoreboard of the game. This part shows how many total score the player would get after finishing quiz section. Although, it is still part of



quiz section, this part only has a total score number and two buttons. The total score number shows how many right answers that player’s get and then converted to a score number. The retry button is for players that want to repeat the sequence from phase section, while the next button is for advancing towards next sequence.

In addition to that, the table below illustrate the complete or final data about sequences, including themes and sections.



Themes Sections

Body Parts

Phase 1 Quiz 1


Phase 2 Quiz 2


Phase 3 Quiz 3

Kitchen Set

Phase 4 Quiz 4


Phase 5 Quiz 5



2.2.3 Scoring system

I used a scoring system as a reward to avoid the problem that the children will get bored while playing the game. The scoring system I used is quite simple. There are five questions in each quiz and every correct answer will get one point, which will be multiplied by ten for total point, and two as a bonus will multiply the player’s total point if the player gets all-correct answers for the final score. However, when the player misses a question, the point remains multiplied by ten in final score.


Themes: Body’s part

Quiz section: 5 questions (5 points)

If the player answers the entire question correctly, the score is: 5 x 10 x 2 (bonus) = 100


4 x 10 = 40

All-correct answers Points x 10 x 2 = final score

Missed answer Points x 10 = final score




3.1 ฀onclusions

Based on the description in Chapter 2, several conclusions can be made: The application’s materials have to be chosen based on the target’s condition, such as:

a. The themes have to be chosen properly to match target’s age, in this report, the target is children. For example, choosing a theme because of its familiarity to the children is a proper material for the application to match the target’s age.

b. The things that have to be considered important while making the application are deciding the application’s duration or sequences to give the target time to familiarize themselves with the given materials and to prevent boredom while playing the application. c. A scoring system has to be created to reward the player in playing

the application. The player’s knowledge of given materials that they have learned while playing the application is reflected in the score, therefore, the player will be attracted to play the application repeatedly until they reach a desirable score. It may accidentally result in the improvement of the pronunciation.



3.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions, this report has some suggestions for future developments:

฀. The next researchers are suggested to create an application that is more advanced with different purposes and different targets. For example, create an application that would help high school students in improving their skills in grammar.

2. The next researchers are suggested to do some detailed research that is related to the target as the reason before designing or creating an application. For example, to see how many high school students using their English grammar improperly would affect their progress in using English.

3. The next researchers are suggested to consult every action that will be taken when making the application with their assigned supervisor or book or references and more advanced computer application by using programming language on their job training.




1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Ali Topan Ramadhan 

b. Address : Jl. Dewi Sartika no.062 Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi 4฀฀64 

c. Place and date of birth : Bandung, 2 Mei 1987 

d. Sex : Male 

e. Religion : Islam

f. Phone : 085721฀85109 

g. E-mail :,


2. Educational Background a. Formal Education

No. Year Institution

1 1992-199฀ TK Merpati Bandung

2 199฀-1995 SDN Babakan Surabaya II Bandung ฀ 1995-1999 SDN I Palabuhanratu

4 1999-2002 SMPN I Palabuhanratu



6 2007-2010 UNIKOM Bandung (Teknik Informatika) 7 2010-present UNIKOM Bandung (Sastra Inggris)

b. Informal Education

No. Year Institution

1 2004 Spirit English and Arabic Course at CLID(Certified) 2 Kursus Pembina Pramuka Mahir Tingkat Dasar (Certified) ฀ 2005 Computer Course (Certified)

4 Penataran TPA/TKA (Certified)

5 2007 Workshop on Video Editing (Certified) 6 Workshop on Design Grafis (Certified) 7 Pelatihan Penanganan Virus (Certified)

8 2008 Kuliah Bersama Teknik Informatika (Certified) 9 2011 Evaluasi Belajar Mengajar (Certified)

10 Seminar and Workshop on Copywriting (Certified) 11 Seminar and Workshop on Semiotics (Certified) 12 Seminar on Technology Information (Certified) 1฀ Seminar on Technology (Certified)

14 Seminar on Feminism (Certified) 15 Seminar on Speech (Certified) 16 2012 Talkshow on Writing (Certified) 17 Hari Sastra (Certified)



18 Character Building Training (Certified)

19 Workshop on Building and Installing PC (Certified) 20 201฀ Workshop on Translation (Certified)

21 Seminar on Copywriting (Certified) 22 Seminar on Copywriting (Certified) 2฀ Hari Sastra (Certified)

24 2014 Seminar on Postcolonialism (Certified) 25 Seminar on Writing (Certified)

c. Competency

No. ฀ompetency

1 Operates Personal Computer (Software & Hardware)

2 Uses three languages: Bahasa (major), English (active), Arabic (minor)

฀ Video & Audio Editing

4 Flair in Art: Music (vocal & instrument), Drawing, Design (non-digital), Hand Craft, Act-Directing



d. Organizational and work experiences

No. Organization Work Experience


Art Division of Student Organization at PM Assalaam (2004/2005)

Teacher at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Palabuhanratu (2006/2007)


Pembantu Pembina at Scout Movement GuDep PM Assalaam (2004/2005)

Data Analyst at eBdesk Indonesia (August 8th – August 26th 2011)

฀ Secretary of Syaljuman at IKPMA (2005/2007)

Junior Translator at Global Linguist (2010/201฀)


Head of HIMA-SAIS at English Department UNIKOM



Chief of j4nn1s4r1฀s Clan at Gamers Community Bandung (2009/2011)




3.2 Suggestions

Based on the conclusions, this report has some suggestions for future developments:

฀. The next researchers are suggested to create an application that is more advanced with different purposes and different targets. For example, create an application that would help high school students in improving their skills in grammar.

2. The next researchers are suggested to do some detailed research that is related to the target as the reason before designing or creating an application. For example, to see how many high school students using their English grammar improperly would affect their progress in using English.

3. The next researchers are suggested to consult every action that will be taken when making the application with their assigned supervisor or book or references and more advanced computer application by using programming language on their job training.


฀8 1. Student’s Profile

a. Name : Ali Topan Ramadhan 

b. Address : Jl. Dewi Sartika no.062 Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi 4฀฀64 

c. Place and date of birth : Bandung, 2 Mei 1987 

d. Sex : Male 

e. Religion : Islam

f. Phone : 085721฀85109 

g. E-mail :, th0nk฀

2. Educational Background a. Formal Education

No. Year Institution

1 1992-199฀ TK Merpati Bandung

2 199฀-1995 SDN Babakan Surabaya II Bandung ฀ 1995-1999 SDN I Palabuhanratu

4 1999-2002 SMPN I Palabuhanratu



6 2007-2010 UNIKOM Bandung (Teknik Informatika) 7 2010-present UNIKOM Bandung (Sastra Inggris)

b. Informal Education

No. Year Institution

1 2004 Spirit English and Arabic Course at CLID(Certified) 2 Kursus Pembina Pramuka Mahir Tingkat Dasar (Certified) ฀ 2005 Computer Course (Certified)

4 Penataran TPA/TKA (Certified)

5 2007 Workshop on Video Editing (Certified) 6 Workshop on Design Grafis (Certified) 7 Pelatihan Penanganan Virus (Certified)

8 2008 Kuliah Bersama Teknik Informatika (Certified) 9 2011 Evaluasi Belajar Mengajar (Certified)

10 Seminar and Workshop on Copywriting (Certified) 11 Seminar and Workshop on Semiotics (Certified) 12 Seminar on Technology Information (Certified) 1฀ Seminar on Technology (Certified)

14 Seminar on Feminism (Certified) 15 Seminar on Speech (Certified) 16 2012 Talkshow on Writing (Certified)


18 Character Building Training (Certified)

19 Workshop on Building and Installing PC (Certified) 20 201฀ Workshop on Translation (Certified)

21 Seminar on Copywriting (Certified) 22 Seminar on Copywriting (Certified) 2฀ Hari Sastra (Certified)

24 2014 Seminar on Postcolonialism (Certified) 25 Seminar on Writing (Certified)

c. Competency

No. ฀ompetency

1 Operates Personal Computer (Software & Hardware)

2 Uses three languages: Bahasa (major), English (active), Arabic (minor)

฀ Video & Audio Editing

4 Flair in Art: Music (vocal & instrument), Drawing, Design (non-digital), Hand Craft, Act-Directing



d. Organizational and work experiences

No. Organization Work Experience


Art Division of Student Organization at PM Assalaam (2004/2005)

Teacher at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Palabuhanratu (2006/2007)


Pembantu Pembina at Scout Movement GuDep PM Assalaam (2004/2005)

Data Analyst at eBdesk Indonesia (August 8th – August 26th 2011)

฀ Secretary of Syaljuman at IKPMA (2005/2007)

Junior Translator at Global Linguist (2010/201฀)


Head of HIMA-SAIS at English Department UNIKOM



Chief of j4nn1s4r1฀s Clan at Gamers Community Bandung (2009/2011)
