”model sekolah” ”model magang” ”model ”model sekolah” ”model magang” ”model

1. ”model sekolah”

2.”model sistem ganda”

3. ”model magang”

4. ”model

school-based- enterprise .

1. ”model sekolah”

2.”model sistem ganda”

3. ”model magang”

4. ”model

school-based- enterprise . How VET should be responsive to the trend and challenges of globalization, localization, and individualization? How curriculum, instruction, and learning was developed to respond to these challenges? • BAGAIMANA BENTUK ISI KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN VOKASI ke DEPAN? • APAKAH PERUBAHAN KURIKULUM DAPAT MERUBAH DAMPAK HASIL BELAJAR MAHASISWA? Individual characteris tics Student Learning Experienc e Curriculum characteris tics Classroom Workshop Environment Teacher Performanc e School Organizatio nal Environme nt Teacher Competenc e External Teacher Education Training School- based Teacher Education Pre- existing teacher characteris tics STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Teacher Certificatio n Learning Resources equipment I C T 1. Apakah tujuan pendidikan yang ingin dicapai sekolah ? 2. Pengalaman belajar apakah yang harus disediakan untuk dapat mencapai tujuan pendidikan tersebut ? 3. Bagaimanakah pengalaman-pengalaman belajar tersebut dapat diorganisasikan dengan efektif ? 4. Bagaimanakah untuk mengetahui tujuan pendidikan tersebut telah tercapai? Tyler PEMBELAJARAN • mencakup semua pengalaman peserta didik di sekolah, sedangkan pembelajaran menyangkut strategi penyampaian berbagai pengalaman belajar yang melibatkan doseninstruktur dan mahasiswapeserta didik. • dalam pembelajaran terjadi proses belajar learning dan mengajar teaching PBM. • Menurut Oliva 1992 kurikulum dapat dinyatakan sebagai apa what dan pembelajaran sebagai bagaimana how. • Kurikulum terkait dengan rencana atau program sehingga disebut programatik, sedangkan pembelajaran berhubungan dengan implementasi atau metodologik. develop students with multiple development in technological, economic, social, political, cultural, and learning aspect based on characteristics of technological, economic, social, political, cultural, and learning aspect maximizing development oportunities for student’ individualized, localized, and globalized learning hybrid, integrative, common core of workforce education for all, and interactive with the support of ICT, networking, local and global exposure, and field experience and virtual reality, meet the diverse needs of students and the society in the future development. relevan to the globalization of technology, economy, social development, political development, culture, and learning includes local resources, material, and concerns to ensure the local relevance and community involvement for maximizing opportunities for student’ localized learning. New Paradigm of Teaching New Paradigm of Learning  Teacher is the Facilitator or Mentor to support Students’ Learning  Individualized Teaching Style  Arousing Curiosity  Facilitating Process  Sharing Joy  As Lifelong Learning  Multiple Sources of Teaching  Networked Teaching  World-Class Teaching  Unlimited Opportunities  Local and International Outlook  As World-Class and Networked Teacher  Student is the Centre of Education  Individualized Programs  Self-Learning  Self-Actualizing Process  Focus on How to Learn  Self Rewarding  Multiple Sources of Learning  Networked Learning  Lifelong and Everywhere  Unlimited Opportunities  World-Class Learning  Local and International Outlook Teacher’s Roles Teaching Learning Process Student’s Roles Likely Student Quality as Outcomes

1. Appreciator 2. Partner