Scientific Writing Skills Understanding Logical Thinking

Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-IV, Sept 2014 Special Issue w w w . o i i r j . o r g I S S N 2 2 4 9 - 9 5 9 8 Page 55 of Cahyani 2005: 7, there are several causes of difficulties for students to pour an idea in a papers, namely the fear and start making mistakes write a topic. In addition, students are less capable of organizing essay, developing paragraphs, arranging language effectively, especially sentences, placing the appropriate vocabulary, and use writing mechanism, especially writing techniques. The Success in learning to write, one of which is determined by the selection of learning methods, since the application of learning methods adapted to the students conditions , the material being taught, learning objectives to be achieved, as well as students involvement in the learning process, it would be more effective in the formation of student writing competence. Each learning method from a variety of existing methods have the accuracy or the usefulness of certain advantages and drawbacks when used in the practice of the learning process. In order to develop competence in the form of a scientific work writing skills, can be identified the presence of several learning methods that may be used effectively and efficiently, to be assessed in relation to the goal of improving scientific writing skills, describes methods: 1 Problem Based Learning PBL ; 2 Mind Mapping MM; and 3 Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition CIRC. Another aspect of thinking, writing skills of scientific work is essentially an implementation of thinking skills, particularly in terms of the ability to think logically. Logical thinking is thinking with logic or thinking by using reasoning. Meanwhile, the logic itself can be classified into two kinds, namely inductive logic and deductive logic. Thus, the ability to think logically be defined as the ability to think by using inductive logic and deductive logic. By such a background, it can be considered that the importance of research on the application of PBL method, MM, and CIRC to develop the skills of writing scientific work in the review of the factors the ability to think logically. As for the fundamental problem of this study are as follows: 1. Are there any differences of scientific writing skills between groups of students who attend the learning of PBL methods, MM, and CIRC?; 2. Are there any differences of Scientific writing skills between groups of students who have the ability to think logically good and less good?; and 3. Are there any interactions between learning method with the ability to think logically on writing skills? MATERIALS AND METHOD Literature review in this study include those related to: the definition of a scientific work writing skills, logical thinking skills, and methods of learning Mind Mapping MM, Problem Based Learning PBL, Integrated cooperative composition CIRC

1. Scientific Writing Skills

Writing skills is one of the productive language skills and expressive that is used to communicate indirectly and not face to face with the other party Tarin, 2008: 3, further scientific work is scientific essay that presents facts and written according to the methodology of writing the good and true Brotowidjoyo, 2002: 46

2. Understanding Logical Thinking

Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-IV, Sept 2014 Special Issue w w w . o i i r j . o r g I S S N 2 2 4 9 - 9 5 9 8 Page 56 Logical thinking is the thinking goes according to certain patterns and use reasoning Suriasumantri, 1985: 43, by ordering, comparing, contrasting, evaluating, and selecting Stevens, 1996 : 6 3. Learning Method a. Mind Mapping Learning Method MM Mind map is a method that makes it easy to record creative can remember a lot of information, it means that the mind map is an outline of the main categories and tiny thoughts which is described as a branch of a larger mind De Porter, et al., 2005: 175 - 176 b. Learning methods of Problem Based Learning PBL PBL learning method is a method of learning that exposes students to authentic problems that can lead students in inquiry and the inquiry Arends, 2004: 391 c. Integrated Learning Method Cooperative Composition CIRC Cooperative learning method that integrates a thorough reading and compositing later become an important parts Slavin, 2010: 20. CIRC is a method for learning to read and to write. Reading can enhance vocabulary mastery indirectly, while very useful vocabulary mastery for writing skills Nagy and Herman, 1987: 24. RESEARCH METHODS 1. Type of research This study is experimental. The design used in this study was a 3x2 factorial design, and involves two factors, each of which consists of 3 and 2 levels. Independent variables, namely manipulative learning method which includes 3 levels: 1 Problem Based Learning PBL; 2 Mind Mapping MM; and 3 Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition CIRC. Independent variables, namely attributive Logical Thinking Ability which includes 2 levels: 1 high logical thinking; and 2 a low logical thinking. Dependent variable: Scientific Writing Skills. 2. Research Procedure This research has four research procedure as follows: 1 Do a test of logical thinking ability of high and low for the entire population of 245 students, and 100 students were taken as a sample; 2 Form a group of three members of the sample of 100 students with the details of each of the 36 students who have the ability to think logically high and low and follow the method of learning with MM, 33 students who have a high ability to think logically and follow the method of learning PBL, 31 students who have the ability to think logically high and followed the method of learning by CIRC; 3 Each group was given treatment with the material to write scientific papers. The treatments were given in accordance with predetermined learning methods; and 4 Once treated, then students are given a test to make a scientific paper in the form of paper.

3. Locations