Previous Research Class conflict in film in time: an analysis using marxism literary criticism


A. Previous Research

In doing this research, the writer is also looking for other research, or article, and other academic writing that having similar theories and method of research or similar object that used in a research or academic writing but with different point of view. There are some of academic writings that analyzing using Marxism Literary Theories on their research or academic writing. There are also some of researcher and writer that using In Time by Andrew Niccol as their object of the research but analyzes it with different point of view. First academic writing is a thesis which analyzed using Marxism Literary Theory as tool to analyze issues in the object of the research. The title of thesis research is An Analysis of Class Struggle in Sydney White film by Joe Nussbaum written by Sarah Nur Afifah, one of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah’s Alumni. Her thesis research is about analysis class struggle through character Sydney White in Sydney White film. She focused on two thing; character of the film and the issues about Marxism which is class struggle that portrayed by character Sydney White. Her thesis research has similar form and method with this research which is focus on character and class conflict of Marxism that seen implicitly by character Sylvia Weis’ experience. Her thesis research also becomes one of many references to compose this research. Even though this thesis research has same theories and method to analyze, the object of my 10 research and her research is different. She using Sydney White film as the object while I using In Time film as object of research. The second academic writing is an article that using the same object of research, In Time film. The title of this article is Eight Hours of Writing about Two Hours of Film: A Review of In Time by Gary Westfahl. This journal was posted on Saturday, 29 October 2011 at . This journal analyzes film In Time only the surface according to writer’s opinion such as, the future of 2011 is not drawn as future but looks like America in 1920s, lack of modern technology, and miscellaneous tiny detail. The deepest thing about Marxism Literary Theory that stated in this journal is about ―Darwinian capitalism‖. This article focused on detail of future in film and Darwinian Capitalism on set of Will Salas life which is different with the writer’s research that put the point of view on character Sylvia Weis and class conflict that seen from her experience along the story. Those paper-works are having similar points with my research but with different characteristic of research. First research has similar theory, method and form of analysis with my research. Second academic paperwork has similar object, which is In Time film. Although this second academic writing is not a research, the article can be counted as one of academic writings that can concluded as comparator research. Another reason is this is the only academic writing that uses In Time film as object of research. Despite of same object and theory, this article and my research have differences such as focus character to analyze object, point of view theory that lead to different focus research and different conclusion.

B. Marxism Theory