A Study Of Conflict As Portrayed In Arthur Miller’s Death Of A Salesman





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Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum Drs. Parlindungan Purba.M.Hum NIP. 131 570 487 NIP. 130 365 143

Submitted to Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatera in partial fulfilment of the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Language/Literature






Approved by the English Department of Faculty of Letters

University of North Sumatera (USU) Medan as thesis the

Sarjana Sastra Examination.


Accepted by the Board of examinersin partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Satra from the English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera, Medan.

The examination is held on the Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatera on

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... ...





First of all, I would like to delivered my highest thankful and praise to the Jesus Christ, who has given her life, love, guidance, strength, and his blessing in all my life, particularly in completing this thesis.

The Dean of faculty letters, Prof. Syairifuddin, MA, Ph.D, the Chief of English Department, Dra.Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and the Secretary of English Department, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum.

My special gratitude to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum as my Supervisor and to Drs Parlidungan Purba, M.Hum as my Co-Supervisor, who have kindly Shared their knowledge and experience with me. All my lectures who have teach and guide me during my study.

And also my deepest and limited thankful to my family, my father, M. Togatorop and my mother, T. Siahaan thank you being such a loyal and great parent for me. My brother, David Jan Putra and Louisa Suryati, Srinovrita, Febry Yanti thank you for your support and spirit that given to me.

To my classmate in 2008, Febri, Onet, Hotma, Putri, Meli, Serti and all my friends that don’t mention one by one. Yes, I know you very well for me. That’s why we have to go for the next lunch together in Pajus.


To all my juniors in Campus, thank you very much, my friends Dian, Jeanery, Fernandes, Jemi, Jaya, and all friends. Thank you for your pray, spirit for me. I love you all…and especially for my love someone Harlan Sihombing thank you for your love, support, and pray to me. I love you so much.

This Thesis is still far being perfect. Before and after thank you very much.

Medan, Desember



Togatorop, Mei Ani Vinolia. A Study Conflict as Portrayed by Arthur Miller in “Death of A Salesman”. Thesis. English Department, State University of North Sumatera, 2009.

Saya memilih drama yang berjudul Death of A Salesman yang mana pada dasarnya adalah sebuah drama yang unik karangan Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller banyak mendapatkan hadiah Nobel atas karya-karyanya, lagipula dia adalah seorang pengarang drama terbaik. Saya suka membahas drama ini karena kebanyakan drama karangan Arthur Miller menceritakan tentang masalah atau conflict yang terjadi dalam keluarga. Didalm thesis ini saya mengambil masalah conflict dalam drama Death of A Salesman. Conflict terbagi dua yaitu inner confliict pada diri Willy Loman itu sendiri dan outer conflict yang terjadi antara Willy Loman dengan Biff Loman, Happy Loman, Howard, Charley and Bernard. Adapun conflict dengan Linda, istrinya sendiri tidak begitu menonjol sekali.

Itulah makanya saya senang membahas masalah conflict dalam drama Death of A Salesman karena ceritanya baik dan menarik untuk di simak dan dipelajari.







CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Background of The problem………...1

1.2. The Problem of the Study………. 3

1.3. The Scope of the Study………..3

1.4. The Objective of the Study………4

1.5. The Significance of the Study ………. 4

1.6. The Review of Related Literature………. 5


2.2. Kinds of Drama ... 8

2.1.1 Comedy. ... 8

2.1.2. Tragedy ... 10

2.3. Conflict ... ………..11

2.3.1 Inner Conflict………...12

2.3.2 Outer Conflict………..13

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research Method... 16

3.2 TheTechnique for Collecting Data…………. ... 16

3.3 The Technique for Analyzing Data ... 17


4.1.1 Willy Loman’s Inner Conflict ... 18


4.2.1 Biff’s Outer Conflict ... 22

4.2.2 Happy’s Outer Conflict………25

4.2.3 Howard Outer Conflict……….………28

4.2.4 Charley’s Outer Conflict………..31

4.2.5 Bernard’s Outer Conflict………..34


4.2.Suggestion ... 41





Togatorop, Mei Ani Vinolia. A Study Conflict as Portrayed by Arthur Miller in “Death of A Salesman”. Thesis. English Department, State University of North Sumatera, 2009.

Saya memilih drama yang berjudul Death of A Salesman yang mana pada dasarnya adalah sebuah drama yang unik karangan Arthur Miller. Arthur Miller banyak mendapatkan hadiah Nobel atas karya-karyanya, lagipula dia adalah seorang pengarang drama terbaik. Saya suka membahas drama ini karena kebanyakan drama karangan Arthur Miller menceritakan tentang masalah atau conflict yang terjadi dalam keluarga. Didalm thesis ini saya mengambil masalah conflict dalam drama Death of A Salesman. Conflict terbagi dua yaitu inner confliict pada diri Willy Loman itu sendiri dan outer conflict yang terjadi antara Willy Loman dengan Biff Loman, Happy Loman, Howard, Charley and Bernard. Adapun conflict dengan Linda, istrinya sendiri tidak begitu menonjol sekali.

Itulah makanya saya senang membahas masalah conflict dalam drama Death of A Salesman karena ceritanya baik dan menarik untuk di simak dan dipelajari.




1.1The Background of The Problem

Literature in the true sense of the term is that kind of writing which is charged with human interest, and concern of Mankind. Generally, Literature can be divided into play , novel, and poetry. But I focuses only play.

According to Wellek and Warsen (1956 : 15) literature is a creative activity and art without artistic values literature would be just another kind writing, along with scientific works, reports, etc. It means the literature as one of the imaginary works, literary performs various problems of human and humanity, live and life.

Drama is the literary form designed for the theatre, in which the illustration is the actors who posed a the character and dialogue. According to Styan (1923 : 19 ) states that drama is not made of words alone, but of of sights and sounds, stillness and motion, noise and silence, relationship and responses. These relationship and responses are not those between characters, rather those between actor and audience.

Drama means a performing art, designed to be presented by actors on a stage before an audience. There are two kinds of drama, tragedy drama and comedy drama. Tragedy drama is the drama with sadness ending and consists of the multiple abstract

images of words and physical movement that have to be spelt out by the readers. Comedy drama is the drama with happiness ending. Based on reality of life, I decides to


According to Stanford (2003: 319) character is the fictional people who are part of the action of a literary work. In literature, the role of characters is to bring the representation of the plot as a sequence of events and theme as a central idea of the whole story. In a play, the complexity of a role of the characters are revealed dramatically by comparing speeches and action as well as comparing characters itself with others in order to find out and understand what the author wants to convey in the whole story and dominant issue on the text. Without characters presence in a work, the story will be meaningfulness or useless.

Conflict is a fiction deals with human experience in everyday life. It is a made – up story which is mostly about human life and its affair and fells about the process of change in life, how the characters are confronted with various conflict and struggle between the opposing forces may be in form of a clash of action, idea, desire and will. This reality of life could also be found in drama which consists of problems and conflict. The problem might come from himself, family and society.

Collin’s English Language Dictionary (1974 : 70) states that conflict is an encounter between a characters purpose and obstade of others purpose, the forces of hostile environment. I conclude that conflict refers to the opposition or disagreement felt by someone that is related to his mind way of thinking and feeling.

Death of a Salesman is one of the greatest plays, written by Arthur Miller who was born on October 17, 1915 into German. Most of his play as well concentrate on the family and envision an ideal words as, perhaps enlarged family. The play shows us


many things concerning human problems, financial problem, dishonesty, hopelessness, etc.

I chooses one of Arthur Miller’s tragedy drama entitled Death of a Salesman

because tragedy drama has superiorities compared to other forms of drama, such as comedy drama. One of the superiorities is that the dramatic format present the readers or the audiences with images of human behavior, images which are more vivid and more shocking.

Another reason why I chooses Death of A Salesman, in the fact that, I wants to know and review messages delivered in the dialogues of the drama. That’s why the writer can catch the intention of the play, and will try to compare it to our real life. Those are all the reasons why the writer is interested to Arthur Miller and choose his drama Death of A Salesman for this thesis.

1.2 The Problem Of The Study

Conflicts are the soul of play. If there are no conflict, there would be no plot. The problem of study will be formulated in this study of the following :

1) What types of conflict are found in Arthur Miller’s drama “Death of a Salesman”?

2) How Arthur Miller are describe the portrayed of conflict in “Death of a Salesman” ?


Having read the Arthur Miller’s drama, Death of a Salesman , I discovers that there are many interesting aspect as the problem that can be discussed. However, the writer doesn’t discuss all of them, but I only discuss the main character’s conflict by Willy Loman and Linda Loman as a inner conflict and outer conflict in Death of a Salesman

1.4The Objectives of the Study

The writer hopes the problems above can be accomplishing by these objectives : 1) To explain types of conflict in Death of a Salesman and

2) To describe the portrayal of conflict in Death of a Salesman

1.5 The Significance Of The Study

At this point, I would give some of the significance of the study. This study gives a valuable lesson to the writer as well as the reader in enriching their mind about the bad effect of family conflict, the way to avoiding conflicts in life. The other significance is the thesis may be useful for the other students who plan to do further reasearches in the similar topic.

There are two the significances of the study are : 1. The Significance of Theoritically :

a) To add the glossary of literature especially in drama fields

b) To describe the portrayed of conflict in drama “Death of a Salesman” 2. The Significance of Practically :


b) To convince of the readers in so that they can be to continue the proposal that I made can be more expended again

1.6 The Review of the Related Literature

Death of A Salesman against the charge that Willy Loman the very name is a symbolic gesture of defiance lacks the “Statue” for the tragic hero. As far as death of salesman is concerned there is a difficulty here of which miller seems aware, but which he is unable to face completely. Death throws human values into relief. This is obviously true in ‘a society of faith’, but less obviously so, in a ‘secular society’ for the ‘tragic victory’ if there is to be one, must come out of the essential humanity of character. Death of a Salesman in his masterpiece that wins the Publitzer prize. I uses the play in order to make this analysis more accurate with the real sample of written form of language, besides he is sure it will be interesting to analyze this beautiful literary work.




2.1 Drama

Drama it got its start back in ancient Greece. Many of the plays written during the classical period, from 525 BC to 385 BC, are still performed today. Antigone, Oedipus Rex and Medea are among the plays written during this time. Not only are these plays still popular as theatrical productions, they also greatly influenced playwrights throughout history

According to Hatlen (1928 : 3 ) the historical background of drama are : In Greece, these objectives were centered in a single God whose relationship to fertility was not confined to vegetation, but included human fecundity as well, as is clearly evident from the phallic rites associated with Dionysus. The legend of this God tells of his death and subsequent rebirth as a young man – a symbolic representation of the calendrical cycle of the death of the seed as it is buried in the ground in winter and its rebirth with the coming of spring. Some scholars, in tracing the origin of drama, emphasize the seasonal celebrations of seed and harvest. Others suggest that the roots of drama are to be found in the commemorative rites honoring dead heroes. In any case, the rituals from which drama emerged carried the emotional fervor of man’s deepest


urges and gave symbolic representation to his longest thoughts as he sought to orient himself to the universe.

Just as Greek drama grew out of the rites performed in honor of Dionysus, so drama in the middle ages developed from the ritual performed in honor of the death and resurrection of Christ. Antiphonal singing was a part of the liturgy of the church as early as the fourth century, but genuine dialoque arose from the practice of inserting lines, known as tropes, into certain parts of the mass. An extant manuscript shows the introduction of a trope into the Easter service in the early part of the tenth century. From these tropes, which included mimetic action and the use of costumes and properties, serious plays developed through the addition of scenes, until long and complicated dramas were written and performed to dramatize the entire life of Christ. .

Drama is a dramatic composition in verse or prose that has been written for theatrical performance and tells a story of conflict and emotion using action and dialoque. It is one of three literary genres (drama, epic and lyric poetry) developed by the Greece. Drama is different from other genres because the author’s (dramatist’s intention is fulfilled by the presentation of actors and theatrical devices, not reading and reciting it is an oral and visual creation whose written form is first a preparation and aid to performance (the actor’s lines) , and lastly a printed text for critical and educational scrutiny.


According to Horstein (1968: 52) drama is a literary work written in dialoque and intended for presentation by actors. A play as a work of art composed of words spoken, or motion performed , by imagined characters and having subject, action, development, climax and conclusion essential.

2.2 Kinds of Drama

Drama can be divided into two main categories : 1) Comedy drama and

2) Tragedy drama

The classification will be formulated as the following :

2.1.1 Comedy

Comedy is the genre of dramatic literature that deals with the light and amusing or the serious and profound in a light, familiar , or satirical manner. Comedy thrives on human error, mistaken identity, awkward meetings, and verbal humor. It’s dialoque is usually prose with an abundance of verbal tricks such as punks and similes

According to Corrigan (1817 : 17) comedy is an escape, not from truth but from despair, a narrow escape into faith. It believes in a universal cause for delight, which leaves us to rest on out own buoyancy.

Cicero (1929 : 43) said that comedy is ‘a copy of life’, a mirror of custom, a reflection of truth’ Comedy, indeed, comprises action and speech since it is verse based upon a representation of life and on imitation of customs. According to Palmer (1984: 165), comedy is an imitation of the common errors of our life, which he representeth in the most ridiculous and scorenefull sort that may be; so it is impossible that any


beholder can be content to be such a one. The history of comic theory could be regarded as a series of variations on the basic conception that comedy involves a sense of triumph over whatever is inimical to human or social good, however this ideal is defined.

There are two kinds of Comedy : High comedy and Low comedy. High comedy is recognized as that which evokes intellectual laughter, usually through combats of wit and humor. High comedy is distinguished by the attitude of the author toward his subject.

Low comedy is that which evokes belly laughs. The main devices of low comedy are jokes, gags, slaptics humor , boisterous and clownish physical activity. Low comedy is best defined by farce. Farce is a light dramatic composition that uses highly improbable situations, stereotyped characters, extravagant exaggeration and violent horse play. It is generally regarded as intelectually and aesthetically inferior to high comedy because of its crude characterizations and implausible plots.

If the author’s intent is to ridicule, he/she develops a satirical comedy. Subdivisions of the satirical comedy include :

a) The Comedy of Character, which ridicules individuals. It means the comedy of character refers to eccentricities of the protagonist

b) The Comedy of Manners, which satirizes social conventions. Comedy of Manners similar to character and situation aristocratic and witty characters .

c) The Social Comedy, which ridicules the structure of society d) The Comedy of Ideas, which ridicules conventional thinking.


1) Comedy of Situation:

Character and ideas are minor hidden identities, discoveries, reversals, etc. similar to farce, but less unrealistic

2) Romantic comedy struggles of love, sympathetic characters, ludicrous devices lovers use.

If the author chooses to chart the progress of trouble to the triumph of love in a happy outcome i.e., marriage, he/she develops a Romantic comedy. If his/her intention is to provide amusement and excitement with an intricate plot of reversals, the author developes a comedy of intrigue. Occasionally, an author will combine the elements of comedy and tragedy, thus producing a tragic comedy.

2.1.2 Tragedy

Between 600 and 500 BC, the dithyramb had evolved into new forms, most notably the tragedy and the ‘satyr’ play. Tragedy, derived from the Greek words tragos (goat) and ode (song), told a story that was intended to teach religious lessons. Much like Biblical parables, tragedies were designed to show the right and wrong paths in life. Tragedies were not simply plays with bad endings, nor were they simply spectacles devised to make 'laugh’ and make ‘ cry ’.

Tragedy is the genre of drama that evokes pity and terror from the audience as it deals with serious themes and dignified characters. It typically describes the development of a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force i.e : destiny, circumstance and society. With the death of one or more of the principal characters, it reaches a sorrowful, disastrous or violent conclusion.


The protagonist of a tragedy is a tragic heroine. This character should be of high social and moral standing, but not perfect. What makes the hero tragic is that he/she has a tragic flaw, weakness, transgression or excess of arrogant ambition that leads to his/her downfall.

Sometimes thought of as low tragedy, is the Melodrama. Melodramas feature stereotypical characters and can be characterized by their improbable plots, sensational incidents, predominance of physical action and spectaculer staging.

2.3 Conflict

Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs, conflict can be internal (within oneself) to individuals. Conflict as a concept can help explain many aspects of social life such as social a can refer to in the term social settings can result in or tensions among stakeholders. When an interpersonal conflict does occur, its effect is often broader than two individuals involved, and can affect many associate individuals and relationships, in more or less adverse, and sometimes even humorous way.

As said by Brooks (1964:128) , conflict is a necessary element in a story. Without any conflict, a story is considered to have no plot ; as a result, conflict is one of the essential tools in fiction in creating and developing a plot.


All of us face constant conflict in our daily life, and most of them are easily resolved. For example : whenever a person has to choose a shirt that he has to wear every morning, the person simply pick one of the shirt according to which or what occasion that he would go to. Sometimes, people are faced with conflict which have some kind of a human nature, or which modify their character, values, ideals or concepts in some way.

According to Stanford (1999: 40), conflicts means a struggle between to opposing forces may be in form of a class of action, idea desire and will. Conflict is also a struggle between desires within a person or struggle of a character against him or herself conscience, his or her guilt or simply to decide what he is going to do. In other words, the opponent is he or herself. In daily life, a person is confronted with many problems and obstacles. In process of achieving and maintaining his or she often involve in his or her own conflict.

In this kinds of conflict, he or she is facing a kind of complicated situations in which he or she should choose the best alternative according to his/her own consideration.

2.3.2 Inner Conflict

Inner conflict is the conflict which goes on with in the mind of the hero and between him and a goal he has set himself. Inner conflict provides an unstable basis for positive results in the outside world, as he self often chooses some aspects of the outer environment to match the group within they self. People who notice that they have repeated negative aspects, may find that understanding they self is a basis for better results.


Thus, inner conflict is more important than the outer conflict since inner conflicts that take place within one person’s mind. Inner conflict are those obstacles that prevent a character from achieving any kind of inner development, growth or even self-worth. In this case, the character faces a physical or emotional problem or struggle. Inner conflict uses up a great deal of energy. There is a drive to do something and a brake on it at the same time. It is like having a herd of wild horses jumping around in a little pen. That energy has to move- or it will explode or make us tense and sick.

A character’s inner conflict is not just being in two minds about something, not just being torn between obvious incompatibles but is about being in a new situation where old attitudes and habits war with delay the need for change. A character’s inner conflict can be between what people thinks they want and what they really want. Conflict must always be resolved, and everything people creat need its conclusion. Internal conflict as a struggle between competing elements within the character, aspects of his/her personality may struggle for dominance. These aspects may be emotional, intellectual and moral. For example : an “ emotional” conflict would occur if the protagonist choose an unworthy lover over someone who is devoted. An “intellectual” conflict could entail accepting or rejecting one’s religion. A “moral” conflict might pose a choose between honoring family or country. Such conflict typically leave the character indecisive and agitated. When such conflict are resolved, the resolution may be succesful or unsuccesful.

All of the explanations above are very essential for me to analyze play. In this analyzes, I uses the outer and inner conflict.


2.3.2 Outer Conflict

Outer conflict indicates conflicts affecting two or more parties in the physical world. Outer conflict is the conflict between two persons or group, in one of which the hero is the kind person.

Outer conflict may also place between a person and a force beyond that person. the outer conflict is always won by the hero at the end and the opposite group is always the loser.

The outer conflict is mostly found in the Greek and modern tragedy. In Greek tragedies, the heroes like unequal battles with the faith and destiny that drives them relentlessly on to their fate. Outer conflict are those obstacles that prevent a character from achieving an outer goal. In modern tragedy, the heroes fight for the hopelessness, the battles with the society like its age old customs, convention and rules.

Outer conflict can be divided into four :

1) The conflict between character and other characters 2) The conflict between character and society

3) The conflict between character and nature 4) The conflict between character and his God.

As stated above, I recognizes that external conflict may be classified into three groups, they are : conflict between man versus man, conflict between a man versus his environment or social force (community, school, church, workplace, society, etc) and conflict between man and natural forces (disease, fire, flood, cold, famine, etc) and conflict between man and God. However, the conflict between characters and other characters appear with their own images and attitudes which may lead them into a


conflict. Many popular fictions are based on this conflict. For example : two men trying to win the love of a girl, the competition of businessman.

The conflict between character and society is in which a character’s , or group of main character’s : main source of conflict is social traditions or concepts. It is a struggle between man and social values in his society. In this kind of conflict, the character can come into conflict with the moral principles of society such as traditions, customs, laws, moral codes and accepted beliefs. A struggle against society occurs when a character is at odds with a particular social force or condition produced by society, such as poverty, political revolution, a social convention or set of values.

The conflict between character and nature place is a character against forces of nature and also means a character has from himself separated from nature. It is also strong about struggling for survival in remote locales. In this case the character faces a problem with some force of nature such as cold, strom, radiation. The world seems to be outside, and people seem to be strangers in this world. The world is not going to be reconciled, if they are not going to obey it laws. Because of a conflict of our individuality with the universal nature, people suffer various pains – hunger and thirst, heat and cold and death. For example : a struggle of a character against wild beast in the jungle is constant obstacles to mankind.

The conflict between character and his God. In this case the character faces a problem with a force such as fate, God, or luck (good and bad)




3.1 Research Method

This study applied descriptive method, because I want to analyze and describe the conflict on Arthur Miller’s drama entitled “Death of A Salesman “ . Data collected can be analyzed using statistical technique and would also be considered quantitative descriptive research. Descriptive research involves describing and interpreting events, conditions or situations of the present. Generally, findings and conclusion only apply to the sample studied. Descriptive research can use qualitative or quantitative methods to describe or interpret a current event, condition and situation.

The research was conducted by two ways ; the first way is library research which is done by reading some references related to it and the second way is field research which is done by analyzing the drama.

3.2 The Technique for Collecting Data

Firstly I read the play for many times as the main source of inspiration to write this thesis to collect the data, I evaluated the way the characters speak that expresses their personalities, actions and all related aspects of their communication in the play.


Most of the data presented in this thesis to support the analyze are relevant collected sentences for the drama. Other significant information is from literature books and some other books of related topics.

3.3 The Technique of Analyzing Data

The analysis will be conducted after getting the data formulated as the following:

Miller’s plays Death of A Salesman (1949), was written in six weeks. It’s concern were rooted in the American ideal of business success, and its conclusions were a challenge, to standard American business valusion. Willy Loman became a symbol for American in the post war period of growing wealth and affluence. The life of the Salesman has given Willy a sense of dignity and worth, and imagines that the modern world has corrupted that sense by robbing salesman of the value of their personality.

Death of A Salesman has been given a privilaged position in American drama because it is a modern tragedy. Willy wants to be well liked but as an audience we find it difficult to like a person who whines, complains and accepts petty immorcibility as a normal of life.







The Inner Conflict

As explained in the previous chapter, internal conflict is a conflict that a person struggles against some elements which are in his or her own personality. Internal conflict involves the struggles between a man against forces within himself, his own physical or emotional limitations (man confronted by inner doubts, fears, inhibitations; man overwhelmed with physicological, spiritual or intellectual dilemmas).

4.1.1 Willy Loman’s Inner Conflict

Willy Loman is a salesman and he has worked for the company of Howard Wagner for 36 years. He spends most of his time on the travelling from New York to Boston. Although he is a road man but he earns a small amount of money every week and of course his salary is not enough to fulfill the family’s need. Because of it, he always thinks that he is not a good husband and father for the family.

Willy : “ But I gotta be at it ten, twelve hours a day. Other men I don’t know, they do it easier. I don’t know Why I can’t stop my self, I talk to much. A man ought to come in with a few words one thing about Charley. He is a man of few words and they respect him (Miller, Act I, 967)”.


From the statements above, we understand that Willy is mad to himself. He has worked hard but why he cannot get the best. He regrets himself by saying that he is a man that talk too much and it makes the people don’t respect him anymore. If he has a lot of money, the people will respect him although he is a talk active man. Willy also lost his confidence because of his low income and status.

Based on this Willy’s statement, we know that he is not as confidence as the most American. He always thinks that his neighbor is mocking him suspicious by laughing at him when he walks and passes them.

The feeling of Willy is really hard and it makes the inner conflict begin to occur in his mind. Willy is also a person who likes to accuse himself. He envies to his brother ben because ben gets success but why he doesn’t.

Willy : “I got an awful scare, nearly hit a kid in Yonkers! Why didn’t I go to Alaska with my brother Ben that time! That man was a genius, that man was success incarnate! What a mistake! He begged me to go.” ( Miller, Act 1, 970)

This sentences proves that Willy regret that he hasn’t gone to follow Ben to go to Alaska at this time. If he has gone to Alaska at this time maybe he is a rich man not as a road salesman who spends a plenty of time and energy only to earn a little of money. Desperation has a big effect in someone’s mind and also in Willy’s mind.

Willy faces many kinds of problem in his life and this really disturb him. He thinks that death is the solution of the problem. Sometimes person who is always in the problem, they think death is the easiest solution. Because of the opinion, the only way is they decide to commit suicide and it also happens to Willy Loman. Willy Loman tries to


commit suicide many times with some ways. We know it from Linda dialoque to Biff, her son.

Linda : “ He’s been trying to kill himself.”

Linda : “ Remember I wrote you that he smashed up the car again? In February.”

Linda : “ The insurance inspector came. He said that they have evidence that all these accidents in the last year weren’t- werent’t accidents.” (Miller, Act 1,981)

From the statements, Linda knows how the feeling of Willy Loman is. Willy is really desperate and he decide to take the easy way, committing suicide by smashing his car and makes it really like an accident but the accident don’t cause him die.

Willy is a salesman and as a salesman, he needs more and more customers. The more costumers he has, he will get more commisions. Willy is always proud of himself., because he thinks he knows a lot of people in America. The mayor of province is also one of his friends. Although he has a lot of friends, but his income is not increase. His friends are not good customers for him, because never brought something from Willy. Willy regrets to them. The feeling of Willy makes the conflict between Willy and the societies begins to occur.

Linda : “ Well, next week you’ll do better.”

Willy : “ Oh, I will knock and dead next week. I’ ll go to Hartford. I’m very well-liked in Hartford. You know, the trouble, Linda. People don’t seem to take to me.” (Miller, Act 1, 967). Willy regrets that he is a man that talk to much and it makes the societies don’t respect him. Willy says to Linda that they will laugh when they pass by Willy. Willy hates their actions that always laugh at him.

Willy : “ I know it when I walk in. they seem to laugh at me.” Linda : “ Why? Why would they laugh at you? Don’t talk that way Willy.”

Willy : “ I don’t know the reason for it, but they just passs me by. I’m not noticed.”


Linda : “But you’re doing wonderful, clear. You’re making seventy to a hundreds dollars a week.”

Willy : “ But I gotta be at it ten, twenty hours a day. Other man- I don’t know- they do it easier. I don’t know why – I can’t stop myself talk too much. A man ought a come in with a few words, and they respect him”.

Linda : “ You don’t talk too much, you’re just lively.”

Willy : (Smiling) “ Well, I figure, what the hell, life is short, a couple of jokes. (to himself) I joke too much!” ( the smile goes). Linda : “ Why? You’re…”

Willy : “ I’m fat. I’m very-foolish to look at Linda. I didn’t tell you, but Christmas time I happened to be calling on F.H. Stewarts and a salesman I know, as I was going in to see the buyer I heard him say something about – Walrus. And I cracked him right across the face. I won’t take that. I simply will not take that. But they do laugh at me. I know that.” ( Miller, Act 1, 967)

Willy Loman is also a type of person that always proud of himself when he has been young. He always says to his children that he knows well every person including the mayor of province. He thinks that he is the most known road man in city.

Willy : “ Well, I got on the road and I went north to province, met the mayor.”

Willy : “ (he said “morning!”) and I said “you got a fine city here, Mayor” and then he had coffee with me.” Willy : “ You and hap and I and I’ll show you all the towns, America is full of beautiful towns and fine up standing people. And they know me boys, they know me up and down New England, the finest people. And when I bring you fell as up, there’ll be open as same for all of us, cause one thing boys, I have friends, I can park my car in any street in New England and the cops protect it like their own. This summer, hh!” ( Miller, Act 1, 963-964)

Willy : “ Don’t say! Tell you a secret, boys. Don’t breathe it to a soul. Someday I’ll have any my own business and I’ll never have to leave home anymore.”

Biff : “ Like uncle Charley, heh!”

Willy : “ Bigger than uncle Charley! Because Charley is not liked. He is liked, but he’s not well liked (Miller, Act 1, 963)


From the statements, we know that Willy Loman is a dreamer. His dream is also the big opponent in his mind. As a human being, we may not dream the impossible thing because it will make us desperate if we can’t get it. If he always stay at home, he may share it with his family Willy began to dream of the impossible things when he is young but until he is old the dream don’t come true. Sometimes financial problem will make person depressive and of course when someone is depressive, he needs someone but when he is far from his family, he will find out somebody else to share it. That happened to Willy Loman : he is a roadman, he spends almost his not at his home and finally he finds a woman to share his problem. He and this woman have an affair and his affair known by Biff, that’s why he hates his father.

Willy : “ Cause I get so lonely, especially when business is bad and there is nobody to talk to, I get the feeling that. I will never sell anything again that I won’t make a Living for you or a business, a business for the boys. There is so much I want made for (Miller, Act I , 968)”.

Willy rememorizes all of his false in past and he regrets why his affair can be known by biff. Willy also seems like a grazy person, he will angry to his wife and his friends when he is remembering about something. He also mad to Linda when Linda is mending a pair of silk stockings. The silk Stockings are the symbol of his affair to the woman.

Willy : “ (angrily taking them from her) I won’t have you mending stockings in this house! Now throw them out.” (Miller, Act I , 969)


Outer conflict is the conflict between two persons or group, in one of which the hero is the kind person..

4.2.1 Biff’s Outer Conflict

The outer conflict in act 1 between Willy and Biff. Biff is the oldest son of Willy. Biff and Willy hasn’t got any good relation although they are father and son. Willy thinks that actually biff can do everything well because he has the ability to do it but he doesn’t want to do it.

Willy : “ The trouble is he’s lazy good admit!” Willy : Biff is a lazy bum” (Miller, Act 1, 954)

When Biff has been at a senior high school, Biff has done a big mistake, he has stolen something and of course it makes Willy hates him. Willy is a disciplines and honest man. He never teach his son to steal something. Willy is angry to him.

Willy : ‘Loaded with it. Loaded! What is he stealing? He’s giving it back, isn’t he? Why is he stealing? What did I tell him? I never in my life told him Anything but decent things.”(Miller, Act 1, 970)

All the fathers in this world love his son and Willy Loman also loves biff and proud of him.

Willy : “That’s just what I man. Bernard can get the best marks in school, Y ‘ understand, but when he gets out in the business world, Y’ understand. You are going to be five ahead of him…” (Miller, Act 1, 965)

Biff is his idol when he is at senior high school but later they don’t like each other because of some problems. Biff has left the home years and at the time Willy is all


right and there is no fighting at the Loman house. But as soon as Biff comes back to home, the fighting starts.

Linda : “But you no sooner come home in the door than you’re fighting.” (Miller, Act 1, 978)

Linda also knows that Biff and Willy can’t be together so Linda as a mother asks Biff to do her favor.

Linda : “Biff dear, if you don’t have any feeling for him, then you can’t have any feeling for me!” (Miller, Act 1, 979)

Biff and Willy are not easy to get along. They will fight as son as they meet they look like a dog and a cat.

Biff : “ What the hell is the matter with him?” Linda : “ Don’t , don’t go near him!”

Biff : “Stop making excuses for him! He always, always wiped the floor with you. Never had an ounce respect for you.”

Biff : “ He’s got no character. Charley wouldn’t do this not in This not in his own house sweeping out that vomit from his mind.”

Biff : “ People are worse off than Willy Loman. Believe me, I’ve seen them.”

Linda : “Then make Charley your father, Biff. You can’t do than, can you? I don’t say he’s a great man. Wily loman never made a lot of money. He’s not the finest character that ever lived. But he’s a human being and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attential must be paid. He’s not to be allowed to fall like an old dog. Attention must be finally paid to such a person, you called him crazy…”


Willy likes to compare Biff and Bernard but Biff doesn’t like the way his father comparing him so he tries to argue to abort it to his father. The ways of their speaking also create a conflict.

Willy : “… You never grew up. Bernard doesn’t wistle in the elevator, I assure you.”

Biff : “(as though to laugh Willy out of it) Yeah, but you do, pop.” (Miller, Act 1, 982)

The conflict in act one, Death of A Salesman is when Biff and Willy meet after a long time they have never met each other.

4.2.2 Happy’s Outer Conflict

Biff : “ (starting to go out after Willy). What the hell is the matter with him ?” (Happy stops him)

Linda : “Don’t. Don’t go near him!”

Biff : “Stop making excuses for him! He always , always wiped the floor with you, never had an ounce of respect for you.“ Happy : “He’s always had respect for…”

Biff : “What the hell do you know about it!” Happy : ”(Surlily) just don’t call him crazy!”

Biff : “ He’s got no character. Charley wouldn’t do this. Not in his own house sweeping out that vomit from his mind.”

Happy : “ People are worse off than Willy Loman. Believe me, I’ve seen them!”

Linda : “ Then make Charley your father, Biff. You can’t do that, can you? I don’t say he is a great man. Willy Loman never made a lot of money. His name was never in the paper. He is not the finest character that ever lived. But he is a human being and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid. He is not to be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog. Attention must be finally paid to such a person you called him grazy…” ( Miller, Act 1, 979)

Statements as can be seen above show how their relationship. Willy doesn’t do anything he just call his son, “Hey, hey Biff” with laugh but Biff doesn’t feel happy


show us that Biff like to compare his father with his neighbor, Charley. Biff thinks that Charley is the best father for his family because he has good behaviour and Charley never done the things that make his family unhappy. The statements of Biff really make willy stress. Biff seems like to blame Willy because of his failure to attend the university. Actually, willy has seen stressed because he only earns a small amount of money and he owes much money to other people.

Willy : “ What do we owe? “

Linda : “Well, on the first there’s sixteen dollars on the refrigerator…”

Linda : “ Well, there’s nine sixty for the washing machine. And for the vacuum cleaner there’s three and a half due on the fiftenth. Then the roof you got twenty one dollars remaining.”

Linda : “ No, they did a wonderful job. Then you owe frank for the carburetor.

Linda: “ Well you owe him three and a half, odds and end comes to around a hundred and twenty dollars by the fifteenth.” Willy : “ A hundred and twenty dollars! My god, if business

does pick up I don’t know what I’m gonna do!” (Miller, Act 1, 966-967)

Willy goes of the Frank chop’s house, the place where he and his sons will get the dinner after he meets charley at his office. Willy with hope has some conversation with his older son, Biff and he’s sure that his son already gets something from Bill Oliver. Willy asks his son about this morning when Biff meet Oliver.

Willy : “You had a couple already, didn’t you?” Biff : “Just a couple, yeah.”

Willy : “Well, what happened, boy? (nodding affirmatively, with a smile) everything go alright?” (Miller, Act 2, 1010)

Willy : “ On the edge of his chair) “what kind of a welcome did he give you?”

Biff : “He won’t even let you work on commission?” Willy : “I’m out! (driving) so tell me, he gave you a warm welcome?


happened? It’s great news, Biff. Did he take you into his office or did you talk in the waiting room?” Biff : “Well, he came in, see, and…”

Willy : “(With a big smile)”what’d he say? Betcha he threw his arm around you?”

Biff : “Well, he kind a…”

Willy : “(To Biff) ”is that where you had the drinks?” Biff : “Yeah, he gave me a couple of no, no

(Miller, Act 2,1011-1012)

In the middle of their speeches about the day, the conflict between Willy and Biff occur but the confllict doesn’t continue because Willy tells them thet he has been fired this morning so Biff takes pity to him.

Willy : “(angrily) “All right, now listen to me…” Biff : “Why don’t you let me finish?”

Willy : “I’m not interested in stories about the past or any crop of that kind because the woods are burning, boys, you understand? There’s a big blaze going on all around, I was fired today.”

Biff : “(shocked) “How would you be?”

Willy : “I was fired, and I’m looking for a little good news to tell your mother, because woman has waited and the woman has suffered. The gistt of it is that I haven’t got a story left in my head, Biff. So, don’t give me a lecture about facts and aspects. I’m not interested. Now, what’ve you got say to me?” (Miller, Act 2, 1011)

Willy thinks that biff has a good talk with Oliver, so he asks Willy many kinds of question about how is Oliver to him. Firstly, Biff tries to cheat him by saying that Oliver is very kind to him but finally he can’t continue it and biff become angry again. The question of his father makes him bored and frightened because he steals something in Oliver’ office.

Biff : “His answer was (he breaks off, suddenly angry) Dad, you’re

not letting me tell you what to tell you!”

Willy : “(accusing angered) “you didn’t see him, did you?” Biff : “I did see him!”


him, didn’t you?”

Biff : “Listen, will you let me out of it will you just let me out of it!” (Miller, Act 2, 1012)

In the Death of A Salesman, Arthur Miller uses the style of flashback. The flashback is found when Willy is dreaming to the past and it happens for many times. When Willy is talking to Biff and Happy, he suddenly remembers what Bernard says to him about Biff’ failure in his life. The conversation between them becomes very strange because Willy mentions about the math.”

Willy : “(Wildly) “Math, math, math!” Biff : “Take it easy, pop!”

Biff : (at the table, now audible, holding up a gold fountain pen)… So, I’m washed up with Oliver, you understand?

Are you listening to me?”

Willy : (at a loss) “Yeah, sure. If you had flunked…” Biff : “Flunked what? What are you talking about?”

Willy : “Don’t blame everything on me! I didn’t flunk math, you take what pen?”

Willy : (seeing the pen for the first time) “You took Oliver’s pen?” ) (Miller, Act 2, 1013)

The conflict in this play is when Biff knows that his father has other woman in Boston. He hates his father because his mother has done the best thing in the family but why his father does it to her. Miller doesn’t put the root of playwright. The root of conflict is found when rememorizes about his false that make his son doesn’t attend the universities because he has been flunked of math. Willy also promises the woman stockings. That’s why every time when he sees Linda takes stockings, he will angry because stocking is the symbol of his affair.


Unfortunately Willy doesn’t happy for along, when he goes to meet his boss, Howard. Willy faces the problem with his boss. Willy thinks that he is too old to travel and two of of his sons will earn money by themselves so he doesn’t need a large amount of money.

Willy : “Well, tell you the truth, Howard. I’ve come to the decision that I’d rather not travel any more.” Howard : “not travel! Well, what’ll you do?”

Willy : “Remember, Christmas time, when you had the party here you said you’d try to think of some spot for me here in town.”

Howard : “With us?” Willy : “Well, sure.”

Howard : “Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember. Well, I couldn’t think of anything for you, Willy.”

Willy : “I tell ya, Howard. The kids are all grown up, I don’t need much any more. If I could take home well, sixty five dollars a week, I could swing it.”

Howard : Yeah, but Willy, see I …”

Willy : “I tell ya what, Howard. Speaking frankly and between the two of us, Y’ know, I’m just a little tired.”

Howard : “Oh, I could understand that, Willy and we do a road business. We’ve only got a half dozen salesman on the floor here.” (Miller, Act 2, 993-994)

Howard refuses Willy’s favor. In Howard mind, Willy should do the road job to earn money. Willy tries to say something to howard and ask for low salary sixty dollars a week to forty dollars a week. Howard still refuses it and finally he asks willy to retire from his job as a salesman.

Willy : (with increasing anger) Howard, all I need to et my table is fifty dollars a week.”

Howard : “But where am I going to put you, kid?”

Willy : “Look, it isn’t a question of weath I can sell merchandise, is it?”

Howard : “No, but it’s a business, kid and everybody’s gotta pull his own weight.”

Willy : “If I had forty dollars a weak, that’s all I’d need forty Dollars, Howard.” (Miller, Act 2, 994-995)


At the same time, Howard fires Willy.

Howard : “Willy, you can’t go to boston for us.” Willy : “Why can’t I go?”

Howard don’t want you to represent us. I’ve been meaning to tell you for along time now.”

Willy : “Howard, are you firing me?”

Howard : “I think you need a good long rest, Willy.” (Miller, Act 2, 996)

He is regret why Willy rude to Howard and it makes Howard fires him and make Willy like as a crazy man.

Willy : “ Pull myself together! What the hell did I say to him? My God, I was yelling at him! How could I ? (Willy breaks off, starting at the light, which occupies the chair, animating it. He approaches this chair, standing across the desk from it.)

Frank. Frank, don’t you remember what you told me that time? How you put your hand on my shoulder, and Frank… (he leans the desk and as he speaks the dead man’s name accidentally switches on the recorder and instantly)

Willy : (leaping away with fright, shouting) “ Ha! Howard ! Howard! Howard!”

Howard : “ What happened?”

Willy : (Pointing at that machine, which continious nasally, childishly with the capital cities ) shut it off! Shutt it off! (Miller, Act 2, 996)

Although Willy is too old to travel but he really needs the job. By doing this business he will get money for paying all of the family need. As the modern people in America they have more utilities like refrigerator, insurance, washing machine of course


money is the most important thing. How he can pay all of the payment without working Linda notices to him to pay something before he leaves home that morning.

Linda : “ And Willy, don’t forget to ask for a little advance, because we’ve got the insurance premium. It’s the grace period now.”

Willy : “That’s a hundred…?”

Linda : “A hundred and eight, sixty eight. Because we’re a little short again.”

Willy : “Why are we short?”

Linda : “Well, you had the motor job on the car…” Willy : “ That Goddam Studebaker!”

Linda : ”And you got one more payment on the refrigerator…” (Miller, Act 2, 989 )

Willy likes to dream to the past to remember all of the things that can make him be proud of. Before Howard fires him, he also say to Howard that he has a good sales in 1928.

Willy : (stopping him) “I’m talking about your father! There’s promises made across this desk! You mustn’t tell me you’ve got people to see. I put thirthy four years into this firm, Howard and now I can’t pay my insurance you can’t eat the orange and throw the feel away. A man is not a piece of fruit (after a pause) now pay attention, your father in 1928 I had a big year. I averaged a hundred and seventy dollars a week in commisions.”

Howard : (impatiently) “Now, Willy, you never averaged…” Willy : (banging his hand on the desk) “ I averaged a hundred and seventy dollars a week in the year of 1928.! And your father come to me or rather I was in the office here, it was right over this desk and he put his hand on my

shoulder.” (Miller, Act 2, 995)

4.2.4. Charley’s Outer Conflict

Willy has the conflict with Charley, his neighbor. Willy is always jealous of Charley. Because of his bad behaviour, jealous, he hates Charley very much. He often underestimated Charley but Charley is still the best friend of him. Charley always helps


Charley is also the only person who comes to his funeral.

Willy : “A man who can’t handle tools is not a man, you’re disgusting.”

Charley : ”Don’t call me disgusting, Willy.” (Miller, Act 1, 972)

Willy mocks Charley because he doesn’t know how to put the ceiling in the living room. When Charley tells Willy that the Ebbets Fields just blew up, Willy doesn’t believe it.. He thinks that Charley is jealous to him because his older, Biff will be a Red Grange after the game in Ebbets Field is over and biff will be paid with twenty five thousand a year. He shouts some rude words to Charley but Charley doesn’t hate him because of his statement.

Charley : “Don’t you hear the radio? Ebbet field just blew up.” Willy : “You go to to hell! (Charley laughs. Pushing them out). Come on, come on! We’re late.”

Charley : “Willy, when are you growing to up?”

Willy : “Yeah, heh? When this game is over, Charley. You’ll be laughing out of your other side of your face. They’ll be calling him as another red grange. Twenty-five thousand a year.”

Charley : “Is that so?”

Willy : “Well, then I’m sorry, willy. But tell me something?” Willy : “What?”

Charley : “Who is Red Grange?”

Put up your hands. Goddam you, put up your hands.” Willy : “Who the hell you think you’re, better than every body else? You don’t every thing, you bog, stupid… put up your hands.”

Willy (off stage) : “What are you walking away for? Don’t walk away. You’re going to say something say it to my face! I know you’re laughing at me behind at my back. You’ll laugh out of the other side of your Goddam face after this game. Touch down. Right between the goal posts.” (Miller, Act 3, 1000)


Charley is also the person who gives Willy money. Willy says that he should pay the insurance. Willy ashes to saying that he has not money at all but charley understand the condition of Willy.

Charley : “Why everybody must like you? Who liked J.P. Morgan? Was he impressive? In a Turkish bath he’d look like a butcher. But with his pockets on he was very well liked. Now listen, Willy., I know you don’t like me, and nobody can say I’m in love with you, but I will give you a job because just for the hell of it, put it that way. Now, what do you say?”

Willy : “I just can’t work for you, Charley?” Charley : “What’re you jealous of me?”

Willy : “ I can’t work for you, that’s all, don’t ask me why.”

Charley (angered, takes out more billls) : “you’ve been jealous of me all your life, you damned fool! Here, pay your insurance.” (he puts the money in Willy’s hand) (Miller, Act 2, 1004)

Failure will make someone jealous to succeed person and it also happens Willy. Willy always refuses Charley offer to give him a job. It’s because Willy is jealous to Charley success. Willy doesn’t want Charley to take a pity to him. But Charley is the best friend and neighbor for Willy. He helps him every time as he can.

Willy : “I offered you a job. You make fifty dollars a week and I won’t send you on the road.”

Willy : “I’ve got a job.”

Charley : “Without pay? What kind of job without pay? (he rises) now, look, kid, enough is enough. I’m no genius but I know when I’m being insulted.”

Willy : “Insulted.”

Charley : “Why don’t you want to work for me?’” Willy : “What’s the matter with you? I’ve got a job.”

Charley : “Then what’re you walking in here every week for?”


The biggest regret in Willy’s life is when he refuses his brother invitation to go to Alaska. Ben has bought Timberland there and he needs someone to look after it so he asks Willy to do it. Firstly, Willy gets interesting in the job but Linda doesn’t allow him to go. Linda thinks that her husband has got a good job in New York. Someday, Willy will succeed in his job as a salesman as the eighty four years salesman named Dave. Although Dave is too old but he can earn money by himself, he just call some of his customer, te business will run. Besides that in his funeral ceremony many people come to give him the final respect. That’s why Willy chooses to be a salesman than go to Alaska with Ben. If he follow Ben that time, maybe he is a rich man now as a failing salesman. Suddenly Willy rememorizes the entire thing that Ben says when he is fired by Howard.

Ben : “Now, look here, William. I’ve bought timberland in Alaska and I need a man to look after things for me.” Willy : “God, Timberland! Me and my boys in those

Grand outdoors!”

Ben : “You’ve a new continent at your doorstep, William. Get out of these cities, they’re full of talk and team payments and courts of law. Screw on your first and you can fight for a fortune up there.”

Linda : “You’re doing well enough, Willy.” Ben : (to Linda) “Enough for what, my dear?”

Linda : (frigtened Ben and angry to him) “Don’t say those things to him! Enough to be Happy right here, right now. (to Willy while Ben laughs). Why must everybody conquer the world you’re well liked, and the boys love you, and someday (to Ben) why old man Wagner told him just the other day that if he keeps it up he’ll be a member of the firm, didn’t he, Willy?”

Willy : “Sure, sure. I’m building something with this firm, Ben and if a man is building something he must be on the right track, musn’t he?”

Ben : “What are you building? Lay your hand on it, where is it?” Willy : (hesitantly) “that’s true Linda, there’s nothing.”


Willy : “That’s right, Ben. That’s right. When I look at that man I say, what is there to worry about?”

Willy : “It’s true ben. All he has to do is going into any city, Pick up the phone and he’s making his living and you know why?” ( Miller, Act 2,997-998)

4.2.5 Bernard’s Outer Conflict

After he has been fired, Willy goes to Charley’s office. He meets Bernard there. Bernard Is the classmate of biff but Biff doesn’t has the thing like Bernard has a family with two sons and all of his friends are rich, but why biff doesn’t have it. In Willy’s mind Biff is more popular than Bernard when they are in the senior high school especially in sport. Biff is one of the best baseball & football player at that time and Willy thinks at Biff’s life is ended because his failure in the Ebbet Field game. Bernard doesn’t get the same opinion with Willy. The biggest failure in life is he doesn’t attend the iniversity because he has flunked by the math teacher. Willy rememorizes all the things that happen at that time and suddenly he becomes angry to Bernard because he remembers on something and he realizes that is absolutely his false.

Willy : (angrily) “Nothing. What do you mean, ‘what happened?’ what’s that got to do with anything?” Bernard : “Well, don’t get sore.”

Willy : “What are you trying to do, blame it on me? If a boy lays do is that my fault?”

Bernard :” Now, Willy, don’t get…”

Willy : “Well, don’t, don’t talk to me that way! What does that mean ‘ what happened?” (Miller, Act 2, 1003)

Outer conflict can be divided into four :

1) The conflict between character and other character 2) The conflict between character and nature


The conflict between character and other character

In this play, Willy is in conflict with :

Biff Loman, he is the oldest son of Willy.

Actually willy loves and proud of Biff. But after biff becomes an adult, he and biff don’t like each other. He thinks that Biff has bad behaviour. He is a lazy person. On the other hand, Biff also has the reason why he hates his father. Biff thinks that his father has no character. His father already has a woman who loves him much, Linda who is also his mother. But why he does not feel satisfaction with it. Willy has an affair with other woman in Boston.

Charley, as Willy’s neighbor.

Willy likes to underestimated Charley. Willy is jealous to Charley because charley has his own business. Charley doesn’t need to spent te time in the road and along time to earn money but he must do it and only earns a small amount of money. Anyway, Charley is the best friend of him and always helps him.

Happy, the youngest son of Willy.

Willy also has the conflict with Happy but the conflict is not as big as the conflict with Biff. Willy only underestimated Happy by saying that Happy’s income cannot fulfill their needs. Willy thinks how Happy’s low income can retire him from his job.

Howard Wagner, the boss of Willy.

Willy has the conflict with Howard because Howard refuses his request to having a New York job. Howard is not only refuses Willy’s favor to work in New York but Howard also fires him. It makes Willy angry and shouts rude words to Howard.


Bernard, the son of Charley and also the classmate of Biff.

Willy has the conflict with Bernard because Bernard says that Biff will flunk math. Willy doesn’t like Bernard says it to him because he thinks that Biff is a clever boy and three of University are waiting for him.

The conflict between Character and Nature

Willy has the conflict with the nature. According to the nature law, human being will be old and of course Willy as a human being will get older. When human being is getting old he will lose the ability for doing something. For example his sight is not clear as before and he will easy to get tired. Willy also gets this problem but he does not realize it.

Linda : “but you’re sixty year old. They can expect you to keep traveling every week.”

Willy : “I’ll have to send a wire to Portland. I’m supposed to see brown and Morrison tomorrow morning at ten o’clock to show the line. Good admit, I could sell them!” (he starts putting on his jacket). (Miller, Act 1, 953)

When Willy leaves home at the morning, he forgets to take his glasses. Linda notices him about his glasses because Linda knows that he will find difficulties in his sight if he does not wear the glasses. After Linda reminds him, he realizes that glasses are very important for him. In his sixty year old, Willy often forgets to take his things. Linda : (calling after him a she runs to the kitchen table

for a handkerchief). “You got your glasses?” Willy : (feel for them, then comes back in). “Yeah, yeah, got my glasses.”


Linda : “ And your saccharine?”

Willy : “Yeah, my saccharine.” ( Miller, Act 2, 990)

Willy is the New England man. So, he thinks that he may not do his job in New York because New York is not him home town. New york is not suit him to do a job. So, he should travel out of New York to earn money. This is a conflict with the nature, Willy argue that New York is not unfamiliar with him.

Linda : “Willy, dear. Talk to them again. There’s no reason why you can’t work in New York.”

Willy : “They don’t need me in New York. I’m the New England man. I’m vital in New England.” (Miller, Act 1, 952)

Willy has never realized that he is old. Every time Linda tell him not to travel again, he doesn’t listen to Linda’s advice. He thinks that he is still a young Willy who can do all the things including for traveling everyday. On fact, he needs glasses to make his sight clear. From this conditions, it means will is old his sight has a little of problem. Willy states that New York is not his place for doing business. He is a New England man. He’s vital in New England. In this case, Willy has the conflict with the nature, that’s New York.

The conflict between Character and Societies

Willy also has the conflict with the societies. As a salesman Willy need customers to buy something from him. Although Willy is proud of himself because he knows a lot of people but he has only a few of customers. The customers just pass him but they don’t buy something from Willy. Willy hates them because they don’t give him


income by buying his goods. Customers are a society. Willy doesn’t like the costumers, it means he has the conflict with the society.

The society calls him as Walrus. Willy is fat and they think that Willy is look likes the sea animal – Walrus. Willy doesn’t like they call him with the animal name. So, when Christmas and he comes to F.H Steward, he cracked across the face of one of a salesman because he hears that he calls him Walrus.

Willy thinks that the society in present is not like the society in the past. The society in past is kind and more respect to other persons. He knows it when he meets the old salesman, Dave Singleman. Dave is a eighty-four years old salesman but he still can sell his goods because the customers are respect him. When Dave died, his funeral is very crowned. But now all of the respect, comradeship are cut and dried. From will’s statements about the society in present, we know how the feeling of Willy’s. Willy doesn’t like them much. He has much complain about them.




5.1 Conclusions

There are two kinds of conflict in this play, inner conflict and outer conflict. Inner conflict is the conflict which goes on the mind of the hero and between him and a goal he has set himself. Outer conflict is the conflict between characters in a play.

Willy and biff have two kinds of conflict in their life, inner conflict and outer conflict. Willy has the outer conflict with :

Biff Loman, his oldest son,

Charley, his neighbor,

Happy, his youngest son,

Howard Wagner, his boss,

Bernard, Biff’s classmates.

Willy Loman has the inner conflict. There are many causes that make Willy fall into inner conflict. One of them is because he gets paid very low. His lowincome makes him depressed and this low income is no appropriate for an average American after World War II. Jealous is the prime factor that makes Willy fall into outer conflict. Biff is attacked by inner conflict because he is a son that his father too much. Because of he knows that his father has an affair with another woman in Boston, he hates his father. Every time, he wants to talk to his father, he will remember to the woman in the Boston’s hotel room. Actually he doesn’t hate his father.


As a final point, I would like to give several suggestions after analyzing the play completely. Based on the analyzing of Arthur Miller’s play, I recognizes that Arthur Miller’s play entitled Death of A Salesman deals with conflict.

I want to remind the readers to minimize conflict in their life because conflict will gave the bad effect for them, and other persons. Another, committing suicide by the person who has the problem in his life is not the best solution. He may think that his life and his problem will and after he died. But his family will be sad all the time and feel regret of his action in committing suicide.

I realizes that it is essential to recognize the moral teaching from a literary work. Good knowledge about the similar problem would bring benefit for all the community. For this reasons, I hopes this thesis may educate the young generations in the right viewpoint. Therefore, I suggest the students of English Literature to write their thesis dealing with Arthur Miller on Death of A Salesman from other plays. They bring many benefits in knowledge, and also improve the English Languange comprehension. In closing this thesis, I hopes that this thesis can be of some help for students of English Literature who wish to enrich their knowledge about English literature especially about Miller’s literary works.



Brook. C, Purser, J.T., and Warren, R.P. 1964. An Approach to Literature. New Jersey : Prentice Hall.

Cicero. 1929. European Theorities of the Drama. Revised Edition. New York. Collin, William. 1984. Collins Dictionary of English Language. London : William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.

Corrigan, W. Robert. 1817. Comedy Meaning and Form. Second Edition. New York : Harper and Row.

Gassner, John. 1952. Best American Plays. New York : Crown.

Hatlen W. Theodore. 1928. Drama Principles and Plays. New York : Meredith Publishing Company.

Horstein. 1968. The Readers Companion to World Literature. New York : Peter Davis London

Judith A. Stanford. 2003. Responding to Literary : Stories, Poems, Plays and Essay. New York : The Graw Hill Companies, Inc.

Miller, Arthur. 1949. Death of A Salesman . England : Viking Penguin. Palmer, D.J. 1984. Comedy : Developments in Criticis. Macmilan.

Styan, J. L. 1968. The Dark Comedy : The Development of Modern Comic Tragedy. England : Cambridge University Press

. A Brief History of Drama – Life 123 Www.Types of Drama. Elements of Drama. A Brief Introduction



Brook. C, Purser, J.T., and Warren, R.P. 1964. An Approach to Literature. New Jersey : Prentice Hall.

Cicero. 1929. European Theorities of the Drama. Revised Edition. New York. Collin, William. 1984. Collins Dictionary of English Language. London : William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.

Corrigan, W. Robert. 1817. Comedy Meaning and Form. Second Edition. New York : Harper and Row.

Gassner, John. 1952. Best American Plays. New York : Crown.

Hatlen W. Theodore. 1928. Drama Principles and Plays. New York : Meredith Publishing Company.

Horstein. 1968. The Readers Companion to World Literature. New York : Peter Davis London

Judith A. Stanford. 2003. Responding to Literary : Stories, Poems, Plays and Essay. New York : The Graw Hill Companies, Inc.

Miller, Arthur. 1949. Death of A Salesman . England : Viking Penguin. Palmer, D.J. 1984. Comedy : Developments in Criticis. Macmilan.

Styan, J. L. 1968. The Dark Comedy : The Development of Modern Comic Tragedy. England : Cambridge University Press

. A Brief History of Drama – Life 123 Www.Types of Drama. Elements of Drama. A Brief Introduction





Willy loman, a mercurial sixty-years old salesman with calluses on his hands, returns home tired and confused. His wife Linda greets him,but worries that he has smashed the car. He reassures her that nothing has happened, but tells her that he only got as far as Yonkers and does not remember all of the details of his trip, he kept swerving into the shoulder of the road, and had to drive slowly to return home. Linda tells him that he needs to rest his mind, and that he should work in New York, but he feels that he is not needed there. He thinks that if Frank Wagner were alive he would be in charge of New York., but his son, Howard, does not appreciate him as much. Linda tells him how Happy, his younger son, took Biff, his oldest son, out on a double-date, and it was nice to see them both at home. She reminds Willy not to losehis temper with Biff, but willy feels that there is an undercurrent of resentment in Biff. Linda says that Biff is crestfallen and admires Willy. They argue about whether or not Biff is lazy, and Willy believes that Biff is a a person who will get started later in life, and Willy believes that biff is a person who will get started later in life, like as Edison or B.F. Goodrich.

Biff loman, at thirty-four, is well-built but not at self-assured. Happy, two years younger, is equally tall and powerful, but is confused because he has never risked faiure. The two brothers discuss their father, thinking that his condition is deteriorating. Biff wonders why his father mocks him, but Happy says that he merely wants Biff to live up to his potential. Biff claims he has had twenty or thirty different jobs since he left home before the war, but has been fired from each. He reminisces about herding cattle and wistfully remembers working outdoors. Biff worries that he is still merely a boy, while happy says that despite the fact that he has his own car, apartment, and plenty of woman he is still unfulfilled. Happy believes that he should not have to take orders at work from men over whom he is physically superior. He also talks about how he has no respect for the woman he seduces, and really wants a woman with character, such as their mother. Biff thinks that he may try again to work for Bill Oliver, for whom he worked years ago but quit after stealing a carton of basketballs from him.


The play shifts in time to the loman house years before, when Biff and Happy were teenagers. Willy reminds the teenage Biff not to make promises to any girls, because they will always believe what you tell them I too young to consider them seriously. Happy brags that he is losing weight, while Biff shows Willy he took from the locker room. Willy claims that someday he’ll have his own business like Charley, their next door neighbor. His business will be bigger than Charley’s, because Charley is “liked, but not well-liked.” Willy brags about meeting the mayor of providence and knowing the finest people in New England. Bernard, Charley’s son, enters and tells Willy that he is worried that Biff will fail math class and not to be able to attend UVA. Willy tells Bernard not to be a pest and to leave. After bernard leaves, Willy tells his sons that bernard, like Charley, is liked but not well-liked. Willy claims that, although Bernard gets the best grades in school, in the business world it is personality that matters and that his sons will succeed. After the boys leave, Linda enters and Willy discusses his wory that people don’t respect him. Linda reassures him and points out that his sons idolize him.

Miller returns to the more recent past for a short scene that takes place in a hotel room in Boston. A nameless woman puts on a scarf and willy tells her that he gets lonely and worries about his business. The woman claims that she picked willy for his sense of humor, and willy promises to see her the next time he is in Boston.

Willy, back in the kitchen with Linda, scolds her for mending her own stockings, claiming that she should not have to do such menial things. He goes out on the porch, where he tells Bernard to give Biff the answers to the regents exam. Bernard refuses because it is a state exam. Linda tells willy that Biff is too rough with the girls, while Bernard says that Biff is driving without a license and will flunk math. Willy, who hears the voice of the woman from the hotel room, screams at linda that there is nothing wrong with Biff, and asks her if she wants her son to be a worm like Bernard. Linda, in tears exit into the living room.

The play returns to the past, where Willy introduces his sons to ben, whom he calls a great man. Ben in turn boasts that his father was a great man and inventor. Willy shows off his sons to Ben, who tells them never to fight fair with a stranger, for they will never gt out of the jungle that way. Charley reprimands Willy for letting his sons


steal from the nearby construction site, but Willy says that his kids are a couple of “fearless characters”. While Charley says that the jails are full of fearless characters, ben says that so is the stock exchange.

The play returns to the present, where Happy and Biff ask Linda how long Willy has been talking to himself, Linda claims that this has been going on for years, and she would have told Biff if she had an address at which she could contact him. She confronts Biff about his animosity toward Willy, but Biff claims that he is trying to change his behaviour. He tells linda that she should dye her hair again, for the doesn’t want his mother to look old. Linda asks Biff if he cares about Willy for if he doesn’t he cannot care about her. Finally, she tells her sons that willy has attempted suicide by trying to drive his car off a bridge, and by hooking a tube up to the gas heater in the basement. She says that willy is not a great man, but is a human being and “attention must be paid” to him. Biff relents and promises not to fight with his father. He tells his parents that he will go to see Bill Oliver to talk about a sporting goods business he could start with Happy. Willy claims that if biff had stayed with Oliver he would be on top by now.

The next day, Willy sits in the kitchen, feeling rested for the first time in months, Linda claims that biff has a new, hopeful attitude, and the two dram about buying a little place in the country. Willy says that he will talk to Howard Wagner today and ask to be taken off the road. As soon as Willy leaves, Linda gets a phone call from Biff. She tells him that the pipe Willy connected to the gas heater is gone.

At the office of Howard Wagner, Willy’s boss. Howard shows Willy his new wire recorder as willy attempts to ask for a job in New York. Howard insists that is a road man, but Willy claims that it is time for him to be more settled. He has the right to it because he has been in the firm since howard was achild, and even named him. Willy claims that there is is no room for personality or friendship in the salesman position anymore, and begs for any sort of salary, giving lower and lower figures. Willy insists that howard’s father made promises to him. Howard leaves, and Willy leans on his desk, turning on the wire recorder. This frighten Willy, who shouts for howard. Howard returns, exasperated, and fires Willy, telling him that he needs a good, long rest and should rely on his sons instead of working.


Willy hallusinates that ben enters and Linda, as a young man, tells Willy that he should stay in New York. Not everybody has to conquer the world and Frank Wagner promised tthat Willy will someday be a member of the firm. Willy tells the younger versions of Biff and Happy that it’s “who you know” that matters. Bernard arrives, and begs biff to let him carry his helmet to the big game at ebbets fields, while Willy becomes insulted that charley may have forgotten about the game.

The play returns to the present day, where the adult Bernard sits in his father’s office. His father’s secretary, Jenny, enters and tells Bernard that Willy is shouting in the Hallway. Willy talks to bernard who will argue a case in Washington soon and whose wife has just given birth to their second son. Willy wonders why Biff’s life ended after the Ebbets Field game, and Bernard asks why Willy didn’t make Biff to go summer school so that he could go to UVA. Bernard pinpoints the timing of biff’s failure to his father in New England, after which Biff burnned his UVA Sneakers. He wonders what happened during that visit. Charley enters, and ttell willy that Bernard will argue a case I n front of the supreme court. Charley criticizes willy for thinking that personality is the only thing that matters in business. Willy remairs that a person is worth more dead than alive, and tells charley that, eventhough they dislike one another, charley is the only friend he has.

At the restaurant wher Willy is to meet his sons, Happy flirts with a woman and tells her that Biff is a quarterback with the New York giants. Biff admits to happy that he did a terrible thing during his meeting with Bill Oliver. Bill did not remember Biff, who pocketed his fountain pen before he left. Biff insists that they tell their father about this tonight. Willy arrives and tells his sons that he was fired. Although Biff tries to lie to willy about his meeting, Biff and Willy fight. Biff finally gives up and tries to explain. As this occurs, Willy hallucianates about arguing with the younger versions of Biff. Miss Forsythe, the woman with whom Happy was flirting, returns with another woman and prepares to go out on a double date with Happy and Biff. Happy denies that Willy is their father.

Willy imagines being back in the hotel room in Boston with the woman. The teenage Biff arrives at the hotel and tells Willy that the failed math class and bbegs his father to talk to Mr. Birnbaum. Biff hears the woman, who is hiding in the bathroom.


Willy lies to Biff, telling him that the woman is merely there to take a shower because she is staying in the next room and her shower is broken. Biff realizes what is going on. Willy throws the woomann out, and she yells at him for breaking the promises he made to her. Willy admits the affair to Biff, but promises that the woman meant nothing to him and that he was lonely.

At the restaurant, the waiter helps Willy and tells him that his sons left with two woman. Willy insists on finding a seedd store so that he can doo some palnting. When Biff and Happy return home, they give their mother flowers. She asks them if they care whether their father lives or dies, and says that they would not even abondon a stranger at the restaurannt as they did their father. Willy is planting in the garden. He imagines talking to ben about his funeral, and claims that people will come from all over the country to his funeral, because he is well known. Ben says that willy will be a coward if he commits suicide. Willy tells Biff that he cut his life downn for spite, and refuses to take the blame for Biff’s failure.

Biff confronts him about the rubber to be atteached to the gas heater, ands tells his mother thhat it was he, not Willy., who took it away. Biff also admits that his parents could not contact him because he was in jail for three months. Biff insists that men like he and willy are a dime a dozenn, but Willy claims otherise. Biff cries for his father, asking him to give up his dreams, but willy is merely amazed that he would cry his father. Happy view to get married and settle down, while everybody but Willy goes to sleep. Willy talks to Ben, then rushes out of the house and speeds out away in his car. Happy and Biff coome flowers on Willy’s grave.

Only his wife, sons and Charley attend Willy’s funeral. Linda wonders where everybody else is, and says that they have made their final house payment and are free and clear after thirty-five years. Biff claims that Willy had the wrong dreams, but Charley says that a salesman must dream, and that for a salesman there is no rock bottom in life. Biff asks Happy to leave the city with him, but Happy views to stay in new york and prove that this his father did not die in vain. Everybody leaves but Linda, who remains at the grave and talks about how she made the final house payment.