Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Language and Arts
State University of Medan in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By :

Registration Number : 2101121020


Hasibuan, Filzah Farhana. Nim 2101121020. “The Effect of Applying Mind

Mapping Technique on Students’ Speaking Achievement in Descriptive Text”.
A Thesis. Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), State University of Medan
(UNIMED). 2015.
This study was conducted as an attempt to discover the effect of applying
Mind Mapping Technique on students’ speaking achievement in descriptve text.
The objective was to find out the effect of Mind Mapping technique to improve
students’ achievement in speaking descriptive text. This study was conducted by
experimental research design. The population of this study was the X grade
students’ of SMA Swasta ERIA Medan. Two classes from 6 parallel classes was
taken for the observation by cluster random sampling which divided into two
groups, each group consisted of 36 students as control group and experimental
group. The experimental group was taught by applying mind mapping technique
meanwhile the control group was taught by discussion technique. The instrument
for collecting data was speaking test. In the calculation of Ttest, the mean of
students’ score in experimental group was 80 and the mean of students’ score in
control group was 71. The total number of samples was 68, Tobserved is higher than
Ttable. 3,446 > 1,994 at the level of significance 0,05 for two tailed. The findings
indicate that using Mind Mapping Technique significantly affected the students’
speaking achievement in descriptive text is accepted.

Key words: Mind Mapping Technique, Speaking Descriptive Text.


First of all, the writer would like to thank the Almighty Allah SWT for His
blessings, so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis as a partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of sarjana pendidikan (S1) at the English
Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in State University of Medan
During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she can’t accomplish
without support from many people. The writer would like to express her sincere
gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik M.Si., the Rector of State University of
Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head English Department, Dra.
Meisuri, MA the Secretary of English department and Literature Department;
Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as the Head of English Education Study
Program; Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum. Head of English Literature Study Program.
Dra. Tjut Ernidawaty, M.Pd., her thesis supervisor and and Prof. Dr.
Busmin Gurning, M. Pd, her academic consultant.
All Lecturers who have taught her in this English Department.
The writer’s never ending thankfulness is fully belong to her beloved parents,

Drs. H. Khoiruddin Hasibuan, M.Pd and Hj. Nursaidah Nasution., never
giving up on her and for their endless love, support, motivation, and prayers
during the writer’s whole life. The writer’s special gratitude also goes to her
dearest Sisters Anna Habibah Hasibuan, SE and Wirda Harisa Hasibuan,
A.Md., her only one brother Annafi Rifki Hasibuan.
The Principal of SMA Swasta Eria Medan, Drs. H. Khoiruddin Hasibuan,
M.Pd, and the teacher Miss Irawaty S.Pd
Special Thanks to writer’s Cousins, Regina Junisna Waldani, S. Ked.,
Rizky Arief Syahban Nasution, and Masitah Nasution.
Her closed friend Riza Handayani Siregar, S.Pd, Tri Febry Astuti, S.Pd,
Indah Pratiwi, S.Pd, Nurhaminta Hsb, S.Pd, Irna Junita, S.Pd and Sri
Devi Meilani and Yohana Siburian, Poppy, Nisa, Rizka Hayati, Fandi,
Alwi Fadhilah, S.Pd, Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pd, Liza Insyirah, S.Pd
Yenny, and her special motivator Harnoi Asrin Lumbangaol, S.Pd and
Frendi Yudhistira Simarmata, S.Pd Reza, Ali Husaini Muntajab, Sardor,
Sean, Ali Sheer).
A big thanks to all the students of English Department, especially (Reg C
class) 2010, to all friends from PPLT SMA Satria Dharma Perbaungan
2013, and for all people that can not be mentioned one by one for their care,

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES .......................................................................... viii
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................
A. Background of the Study.................................................................
B. The Problem of the Study ...............................................................
C. The Objective of the Study .............................................................
D. The Scope of the Study ...................................................................
E. The significant of the Study ............................................................



CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ........................................
A. Theoritical Framework ....................................................................
1. Students’ Achievement .............................................................
2. Speaking ....................................................................................
a. Teaching Speaking .............................................................
b. The Assesment of Speaking ................................................
3. Technique ..................................................................................
4. Mind Mapping...........................................................................
a. Mind Mapping Technique ...................................................
b. The Advantages of Mind Mapping Technique ...................
c. The Application of Mind Mapping in Teaching .................
5. Discussion Technique ...............................................................
6. Genre .........................................................................................
7. Descriptive Text ........................................................................
a. Types of Descriptive Text ..................................................
b. Characteristics of Descriptive Text ....................................
B. Conceptual Framework ...................................................................
C. Hypothesis .......................................................................................


CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD ...............................................
A. Research Method .............................................................................
B. Research Design ..............................................................................
C. Populatioan and Sample ..................................................................
D. Technique of Collecting Data .........................................................
E. Instrument of collecting data ...........................................................
F. The Procedure of Research .............................................................
1. Pre-Test .....................................................................................
2. Treatment ..................................................................................
3. Post Test ....................................................................................



G. Validity and Reability of the Test ...................................................
1. Validity of the Test....................................................................
2. Reability of the Test ..................................................................
H. The Technique for Analyzing Data .................................................
I. The Statistical Hyphothesis .............................................................


A. The Data ..........................................................................................
B. Data Analysis ..................................................................................
1. Analyzing the data using T-Test ..............................................
2. Homogenity of Variance Test ..................................................
3. Normality Test..........................................................................

4. Testing The Hypothesis ............................................................
C. Research Finding .............................................................................


CHAPTER V CONCLUSION and SUGGESTION ..............................
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................
B. Suggestion .......................................................................................


REFRENCES ............................................................................................
APPENDICES ...........................................................................................


Table 2.1 Rubric Scoring ...................................................................................... 15
Table 2.2 The Scale of Score ................................................................................ 16
Table 3.1 Research Design .................................................................................... 33
Table 3.2 The Procedure of Treatment for Experimental Class............................ 35
Table 4.1 Students’ Achievement Score in Pre-Tes and Post-Test ....................... 40
Table 4.2 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test Students in
Experimental Group ............................................................................. 41
Table 4.3 The Score of Students Pre-test and Post-test in Control Group ............ 42

Figure 2.1 The Example of Mind Mapping Diagram ...........................................


APPENDIX A : The Result of Pre-test of the Experimental Group....................
APPENDIX B : The Result of Pre-test of the Control Group .............................
APPENDIX C : The Calculation Of The Test .....................................................
The Calculation of the Experimental Group .............................
The Calculation of Control Group ............................................
APPENDIX D : Percentage Points of the Table Distribution .............................
APPENDIX E : Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group .....
APPENDIX F : Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ...............
APPENDIX G : Testing Normality .....................................................................
APPENDIX H : Z Table ......................................................................................
APPENDIX I : Table of Critical Values for the Liliefors Test for Normality ..
APPENDIX J : Test for Homogeneity of Variance ...........................................
APPENDIX K : F Distribution Table ..................................................................
APPENDIX L : Lesson Plan Experimental Class ...............................................
APPENDIX M : Lesson Plan Contro Class .........................................................
APPENDIX N : Experimental Group Class Picture............................................
APPENDIX O : Control Group Class Picture .....................................................



A. The Background of the Study
Nowadays, curriculum 2013 has already been launch by our government.
Even though curriculum 2013 is still using in some schools. In ERIA senior high
school is still using the curriculum that progresses now that it is called A
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) as the script in teaching learning
process. In this curriculum, the aim of the English teaching in Indonesia especially
teaching English to Senior High School is to enable students to have the ability in
developing communicative competence in both oral and written, to have the
awareness about the essence and the important of English in increasing
competition in global community, and to develop the students’ comprehension
about interrelatedness between language and culture. It can be concluded that
Senior High School students are demanded to master the communicative
competence both in spoken and written form in order to compete in the
globalization era.
English is one of the lessons that has four skills, they are listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is one of the skill in english, beside
writing, listening and reading. Speaking is expressing automatically and
spontaneously with what is in their mind. According to Halliday (2003:23),
speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with others. The purposes
for which we wish to communicate with others are so large that they are

innumerable. The outward manifestation of speech is found in sound waves. Its
meaning lies in the structure and meaning of all language , whether this is written
or spoken . According to Gumperz (1999), speaking is cooperatively constructed
which is based on contributions, assumptions, expectations, and interpretations of
the participants‘ utterances.
In learning Speaking the students need to recognize that speaking involves
three areas of knowledge, those are: 1) the mechanical elements of language there
are pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary which is should be developed by the
students in order to speak English fluently, 2) speaking functions (transaction and
interaction), which enables the speaker to know when the clarity of the message is
needed, 3) the sociocultural norms (such as turn-taking, rate of speech, length of
pauses between speakers, relative roles of participants) which enable an individual
to realize the conversational situation, to whom the students are talking, and what
the purpose of speaking is.
Based on the preliminary observation was done by writer in SMA Eria
Medan on X grader in February 2nd, 2015. The English Teacher states that there
are many students could not achieve the minimal completeness criterion (KKM),
especially in speaking descriptive text. Based on this finding, writer concludes
that students' speaking achievement in English of describing place is still below
the minimal completeness criterion. So it means that the students have no
competence to speak in descriptive text yet.
Based on this preliminary observation the writer can conclude as follow:
First, the writer found that the teacher technique were used by them still valued

passive interaction from students. Second, the students felt nervousness to speak
because they were bad in pronunciation, lack of

vocabulary and grammar

especially in descriptive text.
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or the thing is like.
Descriptive text has the purpose of the text is to tell about a particular person or
the subject by describing it features without including personal opinion.
Actually, there are many types of technique which can be used as teaching
and learning instrument. But, a teacher also should be able to choose the suitable
one especially in teaching descriptive texts. Conducted a study about how to
improve students' speaking achievement in descriptive text by applying mind
mapping technique. She proved that applying mind mapping technique
significantly improved the students’ speaking achievement.
Mind mapping technique is one of the technique in teaching. Mind Maps
not only show facts, but also show the overall structure of a subject and the
relative importance of individual parts of it. It helps students to associate ideas,
think creatively, and make connections that might not otherwise make (Tony
Buzan, 2010).

Mind Mapping also can help students to convey ideas to be

presented visually as a supporting material for speaking about the lesson. At this
case, the students can produce their own mind maps to answer questions which
are formulated for speaking. It can be done individually or group work. By using
mind map, students can produce oral language in a coherence, cohesive, clear, and
memorable way, because its advantages are to describe, compare, classify, make

sequence, and make a decision. It also allows them to expand their vocabulary and
to images that help to convey meaning easily in a specific context.
Based on the explanation above, the writer told that her study is different
from the studies above because in this study the writer apply a teaching technique
by modifying the conventional method become a mind mapping technique was
applied on teaching speaking in descriptive text. The writer also made some
words that have been mind mapping to be applied in the class. However, those
previous studies gave some contributes to this study. It supported the writer to
vary the aspects or problems investigated in order to bring the new finding.
This mind mapping technique as a teaching media is more excellent than
conventional method as teaching technique. In this case mind mapping is a maps
showed some key words.

So, automatically it stimulated students mind to

describe a place by using the key words. It’s very important to increase the
students’ achievement in speaking. According to the writer, the grade X students
of Senior high school will be better to learn speaking in the descriptive text and
share about their knowledge by using Mind Mapping Technique.

B. The Problem of the Study
As related to the background of the study, the problem is formulated as
follows: “Is there any significant effect of applying Mind Mapping Technique on
students’ speaking achievement in descriptive text?”

C. The Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to know the effect of applying mind
mapping technique on students’ speaking achievement in descriptive text.

D. The Scope of the Study
The research focuses its study on the applying mind mapping technique on
students' speaking achievement in descriptive text monologue. In this case, the
writer limits only in speaking to describes place and object in descriptive
text.Descriptive is a text which says what a person or the thing is like . They are
expected to be able to describes all things in the classroom in simple monologue.

E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of the study are expected to supply beneficial input for:
1. Teachers will get an effective method to increase the way of teaching
speaking by using Mind Mapping Technique.
2. The students interest on speaking and improve their achievement on it.

This chapter provides information about the conclusion of the research,
and suggestion. The discussion of each point will be presented as follows.

A. Conclusion
The Mind Mapping Technique in teaching speaking descriptive text was
effective when applied in the X grade of SMA ERIA MEDAN Based on the result
of research, there was a significance difference in the achievement between
students in class X IPA-1 who were taught descriptive text through Mind
Mapping Technique and students in class X IPA-5 who were taught descriptive
text without Applying Mind Mapping Technique.
Based on the research finding, the researcher concludes that there is a
significant effect of applying Mind Mapping Technique on students’ speaking
achievement. This can be seen from the calculation of t-test at the level
significance 0,05; t-observed (3,446) is higher than t-table (1,994). Therefore, the
alternative hypothesis that formulated as “there is a significant effect of applying
Mind Mapping Technique on students’ speaking achievement” is accepted.

B. Suggestion
In the relation to the conclusion above, the writer points out some
suggestion as following:

1) Mind Mapping should be applied in the teaching process because it could
be as guidance for the teacher facilitates the students by Applying a map
for having performance in speaking in the classroom.
2) It is suggested to the English Teacher to structure and find suitable
technique and effective media for developing students’ speaking
3) It is suggested for students or English learners to be brave and always want
to practice in speaking English class because this technique can help
students to improve their achievement in speaking
4) The suggestion for other researchers who intend to use Mind Mapping
Technique in teaching learning processe, so it will enrich the research in
improving students’ speaking achievement.

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