





Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2111321003







I have familiarized myself with the University’s policy on Academic

integrity. Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for assessment.

I understand that this paper may be screened electronically or otherwise for plagiarism.

Medan, September 2015 The writer

Triana Sari 2111321003






First and the fore most, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Allah Swt, for his blessing, healt and opportunity which has enabled her to complete this thesis which entitled: The Effect of Mind Mapping Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text.

This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the writer realized that she faced some problems and she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, as the Rector of State University

of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Faculty of

Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English

Department and her first Thesis Advisor, and Nora Ronita Dewi,

S.Pd, S.S, M.Hum., as the Head of English Education Study


Dra. Sortha Silitonga, M.Pd., her second Thesis Advisor Dr. Zainuddin, DIP. TEFL. M.Hum., her Academic Advisor Dr. Rahmad Husein,M.Ed., Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed.,

her Reviewer and Examiner.

All the Lecturers of English Department

Euis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd, as the administration staff of

English Department

Hj. Fatmawati S. S.Pd.I., the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1


Her parents Komaruddin and Sri Prayatiani. Her brother

Yusriandi. Her sisters Eka Komariah, Siti Surani, Safira Alfiana, and Mutiatul Abwaini

Her Boyfriend Muhammad Ilham Koto for his love, helps, care, prays and supports during doing the thesis.

Her best friends Ratna Purnama Sari, Pepi Handayani, Puput

Wulan Dana Siregar, Sellia Elhawa, for their support, pray, help

and motivation and all friends in Extension Dik. B’ 2011,

Tutwuri Situmeang, Karmila, Ayu Purnama Sari, Fahrunnisa Maryam, Khairuni Syafitri, Phupuh Citra Dewi, Dyan Yosephin, Desi Mita Rahmani, Rifa ‘atul Inayah, Suherna, Shilvina Afriani, Oktaviani Tampubolon, Liliana Dewinta Br. Tarigan, Fauzul Azmi as her great class for the love and

togetherness throughout four years, her friends in boarding house

Marisah Tampubolon S.E, Rahmawati S.Pd, Sri Yuningsih Saragih S.Pd, Masyitoh S.Pd, Larasasti Butar butar for their

supports and prays,her friends in PPLT SMA Negeri 1 Kisaran, for many experiences and togetherness, and also other comrades that

can’t be mentioned one by one.

The writer realizes that this thesis still not perfect, She conveniently welcomes any suggestions, comments, critics, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who are read and interested in the field of this study.

Medan, September 2015 The Writer

Triana Sari



Sari, Triana. 2111321003. The Effect of Mind Maping Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2015.

This study was conducted as an attempt to discover the effect of Mind Mapping

Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. It was an

experimental research. The subject was students of Grade VIII, Junior High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas:SMA), which consisted of 207 students. The research was divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. The instrument used to collect the data was writing descriptive text. To obtain the reliability of the test, the writer applied William Knight formula. The result of the reliability was 0.95, and it wasfound that the test was reliable. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The analysis showed that the scores of the students in the experimental group were significantly higher than the scores of the students in the control group at the level of significant µ= 0.05 with the degree of freedom (Df) 72, t-observed value 3.510> t-table value 1.9932. the findings

indicate that using Mind Mapping Technique significantly affected the students’

writing achievement. So, English teachers are suggested to use Mind Mapping

Technique in order to improve students’ writing achievement. Keywords : Mind Mapping Technique, Writing, Descriptive Text









CHAPTERI INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ... 5

D. The Scope of the Study ... 5

E. The Significant of the Study ... 5

CHAPER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. Students’ Achievement ... 6

2. Writing ... 7

3. Writing Process ... 9

4. Genre of Writing ... 11

5. Descriptive text ... 13

6. Parts of Descriptive Text ... 13

7. Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text ... 14

8. Technique ... 15

9. Mind Mapping Technique ... 16

10.Sentence Combining ... 20

11.Applying Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text... 20

12.The Advantages of Mind Mapping Techniques ... 27

B. Relevant Studies ... 28

C. Conceptual Framework ... 30

D. Hypothesis ... 31


B. Population and Sample ... 33

1. Population ... 33

2. Sample ... 33

C. Instrument for Collecting the Data ... 34

D. Scoring the Test... 34

E. Procedure of the Research ... 35

1. Pre-Test ... 35

2. Treatment ... 36

3. Post-Test ... 38

F. Instrument of Validation ... 38 Page


a. Validity of the Test... 39

b. Reliability of the Test ... 39

G. Technique of Data Analysis ... 40


B. Data Analysis ... 45

C. Testing Reliability ... 47

D. Testing Hypothesis ... 48

E. Research Findings ... 49

F. Discussion ... 49





Table 3.1 Research Design ... 32

Table 3.2 Scoring Writing Test ... 35

Table 3.2.1 Scenario of Treatment in Experimental Group ... 36




Page Appendix 1. Description of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Group 55

Appendix 2. The Calculation of T-Test ... 57

Apendix 3. The Reliability of T-Test ... 62

Appendix 4. Percentage Points of the T Distribution ... 65




A. The Background of the Study

Language is one of the most important things in communication and it is used as a tool of communication among the nations in all over the world. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human being.There are four important skills in English. They are reading, writing, listening and speaking. People need to learn writing English, for occupational or academic purposes. Writing is one of media communication. It purposes to express ideas, feelings, opinions, experiences, or information in form of written language.

In general, writing is complex and difficult among the language skills. It is a must for the language learners to master writing skill. Without having good knowledge in writing, it is so difficult to be able to convey the ideas to the readers. That is why writing is one of important things that must be taught to the students.

In addition, writing has many kinds of text genre. But According to Educational Unit Curriculum in Junior High School, the students are expected to be able to understand and write procedure, descriptive, narrative, and report text.


One of the genres that should be mastered by students in the process of learning English is descriptive text. In this study, the researcher only deals with writing descriptive text that purposed to describe thing, person, or place, so the reader can imagine what the researcher wrote. Saragih (2010:20) claims that Descriptive text is a kind of text that has a purpose to describe a particular person, thing, or place.

In Descriptive text, writers describe person, object, appearances, landscape or phenomenon naturally so they can make the reader imagine and feel it (Alwasilah: 2007).

Based on data during interviewing the English teacher at SMP NEGERI 1 TORGAMBA, Many students cannot write good text especially descriptive text. Almost 80% students got the score under the Minimum Criteria Mastery (KKM). The KKM that applied for the English subject in that school is 70. Based on the observations that have been done by some researchers, there are many reasons why students have difficulties in writing especially for writing descriptive text.

University of Leicester ( in English writing, there are two reasons why the students are weak in writing.

Firstly, teacher and students think it’s not important to practice writing, especially in junior high school. Second, the students aren’t taught writing

systematically, such as how to choose words, make sentences, organize paragraphs and contemplate the whole article and so on.


Based on the explanations we know that there are many reasons why writing is difficult to be done. For example, many students still weak in vocabulary, They don’t know how to arrange the sentences well, they

don’t know how to organize idea, They also have difficult in adapting English as Foreign Language. And The most teachers don’t teach the

students about how to write well. In order to solve this problem, It is needed some creative and engaged technique to make the teaching writing more effective and interesting.

According to (Buzan, 2003 : 10), to solve the students’ problem in

writing descriptive textin the literature, one technique that can be used to

help students’ write is mind mapping.

The mind mapping technique is one of the teachers’ technique in

teaching. Not only Mind Maps show facts, but also show the overall structure of a subject and the relative importance of individual parts of it. It helps students to associate ideas, think creatively, and make connections that might not otherwise make (Buzan, 2010). As Alamsyah (2009) explained that mind maps work well as their visual design enables students to see the relationship between ideas, and encourages them to group certain ideas together as they proceed.The mind mapping technique can be used to explore almost any topics in writing and also used in every kind of writing such as : narrative, descriptive, recount, persuasive, argumentative, essay etc. Students can improve their ideas and lend themselves to discussing ideas in groups.According to Murley (2007),


mind mapping can maximize brain’s ability in associating number with

visual qualities (space, image, color) and as the result the memory will be able to store more fact.

A mind-map is made based on radiant thinking, a concept which describes how the human brain processes various ideas and information that are associated to each other through relationship hooks (Buzan & Buzan in Budd, 2003; Murley, 2007; Siriphanic & Laohawiriyano, 2010; Al-Jarf, 2011).

Actually, there are many technique to make teaching interesting, especially in teaching writing. In this part, the researcher will try toconduct Mind Mapping Technique in writing descriptive text. In details, the writer entitled : The Effect of MindMapping Technique on Students’

Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text.

B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the problem of the study as follows;

“Is there any significant effect on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text through mind mapping technique?”


C. The Objective of the Study

The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a significant effect

of mind mapping technique on students’ achievement in writing

descriptive text in SMP Negeri 1 Torgamba.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text

specifically on describing person. The technique that is going to be applied is mindmapping technique.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

a. The teachers, as one the consideration in teaching writing skill especially descriptive text by using Mind Mapping Technique.

b. The Students to be motivated on writing various descriptive text by following the think sheet of mind mapping.

c. Researchers who are interested in doing research about mind mapping technique as a basis for study that will use the result of this study as the new information.




A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that teaching writing skill by

applying Mind Mapping Techniques significantly affects on the students’

achievement in writing descriptive text. It can be seen as the following :

1. The data which had obtained in the post-test of experimental group were: the total score was 2669 and the mean score was 72.13, while the data in control group were: the total score was 2491 and the mean score was 67.32. Thus, the students’ score in experimental group was higher than the

students’ score in control group.

2. The calculation of the data in the testing hypothesis showed that t-observed (3.510) was higher than t-table (1.9932), it means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is acceptable.

3. The test administered to the students is reliable as the calculation research is 0.95

4. Finally, the application of Mind Mapping Technique in teaching descriptive writing is more effective because the result shown that the


B. Suggestions

In line with the conclusion of the study, some suggestions are offeredas the following :

1. The English teachers are suggested should be able to choose a best teaching technique to achieve a satisfying result and had be better and wiser to apply mind mapping technique in teaching writing descriptive

text. It purposes to make the students’ writing become more varied,

innovative and well organized.

2. The students are suggested to apply Mind Mapping Technique in order to improve their creativity in writing a text especially in writing descriptive text.

3. In addition, it is expected to the readers who are interested in dealing with this study may this research bring them into good understanding how to




Arikunto, S. 2003. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Arikunto, S. 2008. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Ary, D. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Singapore: Wardswirth Bailey, Stephen. 2003. Academic Writing A Practical Guide For students’.

London: Routledgefalmer.

Best J.W. 2002. Research in Education. New York: Prentice Hall International Inc.

Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching By Principles. San Fransisco: Addition Wesley Longman

Buzan, Tony. 2002. Gunakan Kepala Anda. Jakarta: Delaprasa.

Buzan, Tony. 2004. Mind Mapping Untuk Meningkatkan Kreatifitas. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Byrne, D. 1998. Teaching Writing Skills. Longman Handbooks for Lnguage Teachers. London: Longman

Elbow, P. 2002. Strategic Writing across the Curriculum in Grades 7-12 McGraw-Hill Humanities Social. 2004. Florida University.

Fiktorius, Teddy. 2012 The use of Mind Mapping Technique in the EFL

classroom. Accessed on March 22th 2015 from ABC Journal vol. 21. No.2

Graham, S and Dolores Perin. 2007. Writing Next. Effective Strategies to Imrove

Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools. New York : Carnigie


Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. The Practice of English Language Teaching third Edition. England: Pearson Education

Haryadi. 2010. Model Pembelajaran. Semarang: Unnes

Heaton, J. 1998. How to Teach Writing. Edidinburg Gate: Longman

Hoover, K. 2008. Writing: An Essential Component of Literacy. Research

Alignment for MM-H California Treasures, June: 1-2

Istarani. 2011. 58 Model Pembelajaran Inovatif. Medan: Media Persada

Hornby, A.S. 1994. Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press



Marpaung, A.R. 2013. The Effect of Applying Mind Mapping Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. Medan: State University of Medan

Olivia, Femi. 2008. Gembira Belajar Dengan Mind Mapping. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo

Rismawati. 2013. The Effect of Applying Sentence Combining Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. Medan: State University of Medan

Siahaan, S and Shinoda, K. 2008. Generic Text Structure. Ponorogo: Graha Ilmu Sudjana. 2005. Metode Statistika. Bandung:Tarsito

Sugiyono. 2007. MetodePenelitianKuantitatif, Kualitatifdan R&D. Bandung :Alfabeta.

Westwood, Peter. 2008. What Teachers need to know about TeachingMethods. Victoria: ACER Press

Yusuf, Muhammad. 2014, The Effect of Applying Clustering on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Paragraph. Medan : State University of Medan


mind mapping can maximize brain’s ability in associating number with visual qualities (space, image, color) and as the result the memory will be able to store more fact.

A mind-map is made based on radiant thinking, a concept which describes how the human brain processes various ideas and information that are associated to each other through relationship hooks (Buzan & Buzan in Budd, 2003; Murley, 2007; Siriphanic & Laohawiriyano, 2010; Al-Jarf, 2011).

Actually, there are many technique to make teaching interesting, especially in teaching writing. In this part, the researcher will try toconduct Mind Mapping Technique in writing descriptive text. In details, the writer entitled : The Effect of MindMapping Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text.

B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the problem of the study as follows;

“Is there any significant effect on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text through mind mapping technique?”


C. The Objective of the Study

The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a significant effect of mind mapping technique on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text in SMP Negeri 1 Torgamba.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text specifically on describing person. The technique that is going to be applied is mindmapping technique.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

a. The teachers, as one the consideration in teaching writing skill especially descriptive text by using Mind Mapping Technique.

b. The Students to be motivated on writing various descriptive text by following the think sheet of mind mapping.

c. Researchers who are interested in doing research about mind mapping technique as a basis for study that will use the result of this study as the new information.




A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that teaching writing skill by applying Mind Mapping Techniques significantly affects on the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. It can be seen as the following :

1. The data which had obtained in the post-test of experimental group were: the total score was 2669 and the mean score was 72.13, while the data in control group were: the total score was 2491 and the mean score was 67.32. Thus, the students’ score in experimental group was higher than the students’ score in control group.

2. The calculation of the data in the testing hypothesis showed that t-observed (3.510) was higher than t-table (1.9932), it means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is acceptable.

3. The test administered to the students is reliable as the calculation research is 0.95

4. Finally, the application of Mind Mapping Technique in teaching descriptive writing is more effective because the result shown that the students’ score is higher after the treatment.


B. Suggestions

In line with the conclusion of the study, some suggestions are offeredas the following :

1. The English teachers are suggested should be able to choose a best teaching technique to achieve a satisfying result and had be better and wiser to apply mind mapping technique in teaching writing descriptive text. It purposes to make the students’ writing become more varied, innovative and well organized.

2. The students are suggested to apply Mind Mapping Technique in order to improve their creativity in writing a text especially in writing descriptive text.

3. In addition, it is expected to the readers who are interested in dealing with this study may this research bring them into good understanding how to improve the students’ writing ability through mind mapping technique.




Arikunto, S. 2003. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Arikunto, S. 2008. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara

Ary, D. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Singapore: Wardswirth Bailey, Stephen. 2003. Academic Writing A Practical Guide For students’.

London: Routledgefalmer.

Best J.W. 2002. Research in Education. New York: Prentice Hall International Inc.

Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching By Principles. San Fransisco: Addition Wesley Longman

Buzan, Tony. 2002. Gunakan Kepala Anda. Jakarta: Delaprasa.

Buzan, Tony. 2004. Mind Mapping Untuk Meningkatkan Kreatifitas. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Byrne, D. 1998. Teaching Writing Skills. Longman Handbooks for Lnguage Teachers. London: Longman

Elbow, P. 2002. Strategic Writing across the Curriculum in Grades 7-12 McGraw-Hill Humanities Social. 2004. Florida University.

Fiktorius, Teddy. 2012 The use of Mind Mapping Technique in the EFL classroom. Accessed on March 22th 2015 from ABC Journal vol. 21. No.2

Graham, S and Dolores Perin. 2007. Writing Next. Effective Strategies to Imrove Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools. New York : Carnigie Corporation

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. The Practice of English Language Teaching third Edition. England: Pearson Education

Haryadi. 2010. Model Pembelajaran. Semarang: Unnes

Heaton, J. 1998. How to Teach Writing. Edidinburg Gate: Longman

Hoover, K. 2008. Writing: An Essential Component of Literacy. Research Alignment for MM-H California Treasures, June: 1-2

Istarani. 2011. 58 Model Pembelajaran Inovatif. Medan: Media Persada

Hornby, A.S. 1994. Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press



Marpaung, A.R. 2013. The Effect of Applying Mind Mapping Technique on

Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. Medan: State

University of Medan

Olivia, Femi. 2008. Gembira Belajar Dengan Mind Mapping. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo

Rismawati. 2013. The Effect of Applying Sentence Combining Technique on

Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. Medan: State

University of Medan

Siahaan, S and Shinoda, K. 2008. Generic Text Structure. Ponorogo: Graha Ilmu Sudjana. 2005. Metode Statistika. Bandung:Tarsito

Sugiyono. 2007. MetodePenelitianKuantitatif, Kualitatifdan R&D. Bandung :Alfabeta.

Westwood, Peter. 2008. What Teachers need to know about TeachingMethods. Victoria: ACER Press

Yusuf, Muhammad. 2014, The Effect of Applying Clustering on Students’

Achievement in Writing Descriptive Paragraph. Medan : State University of Medan