Submitted to English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of SarjanaPendidikan


Registration Number: 2103121044


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April 2015

Sinde Elisa Lumban Raja
Reg. No. 2103121044


Lumbanraja, Sinde Elisa.2103121044. The Effect of Using Picture Series with
Keywords on Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text.A
Thesis.English Department.Faculty of Languages and Arts.State University
of Medan. 2015.

This study was an attempt to discover the effect of using picture series with
keywords on students’ achievement in writing procedure text. It was conducted by
using experimental research design. The population of this research was the
eleventh grade ( XI) students of SMAN 1 Sidamanik which consists of five
parallel classes with the total number of students is 171. The sample of this
research was taken by random sampling. The result was class XI-A2 consistingof
37 students became the experimental group and XI-A2 consisting of 37 students
became the control group. The experimental group was taught by using picture
series with keywords and there is no treatment in control group.The instrument for
collecting the data was writing test. The data were analyzed by using t-test
formula. The result shows that the value of t-observed (4.596) is higher than the
value of t-table (1,9932) (α = 0.05) with the degree of freedom (df) = 72. It means
that there is a significant effect of using picture series with keywords on students’
achievement in writing procedure text. So, the alternative hypothesis was

Keywords: Picture Series with Keywords, Writing, Procedure Text.


Firstly, praise and great attitude to the almighty God for the blessing,
mercy, opportunity and help given to the writer to complete this Thesis entitled
“The Effect of Using Picture Series with Keywords on Students’ Achievement in
Writing Procedure Text” as one of requirements for the degree of Sarjana
Pendidikan (S1) at English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State
University of Medan.
During the process of writing and conducting the research, the writer was
assisted and supported by many people. This thesis cannot be accomplished
without guidance, suggestion, and comment from them, for which the writer
would like to express her sincere appreciation which directed to:

Prof. Dr. IbnuHajarDamanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of
Dr. IsdaPramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty, Vice
Dean I, II, III, and all the administrative staff.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department as well as her Academic Consultant and Reviewer.
Dra. Meisuri, M.A.,the Secretary of English Department.
Dra. MasitowarniSiregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study
Dr.I Wayan Dirgayasa, M. Hum.,her Thesis Consultant.
Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd.,Dr. Rahmah, M. Hum., Drs. Willem
Saragih, Dipl, Appl.,M.Pd.,her Reviewers.
Drs.Eden Purba, M. Pd., the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Sidamanik,

Ridwan Tampubolon, S. Pd., the Vice Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1
Septi Susanti Putri, S. Pd., the English teacher who give permission to
conduct the research in the class.
Satar Lumban Raja (+) and Ratna Marpaung, her beloved parents for
support her in all aspects. Dahlan Simanjuntak, Lisbet Lumban Raja,
Brigel Lumban Raja, Amd. Rohana Marpaung. SE., Alfian Lumban
Raja, Daniel Lumban Raja. SH., Kevin Simanjuntak, Elsa Simanjuntak,
and Yobel Simanjuntak, her brothers, Sisters, and nephews for their support
and prayer.
Borisman Vici Siahaan and 7 IkanAdi Pranata Singarimbun, Fadillah
Alwie, Fransiska Sipayung, Putri Sinaga (+), Syarifah IT. Nst, Veronika
Napitu, her closest friend for their support and help during her study and
finishing his thesis.
Big Family of PPLTSMK N 1 Pematang Siantar 2013 and English
Education 2010 that cannot be mentioned one by one.


Overall, the researcher hopes this thesis can give contribution to the English

Education Students, Further pedagogical research, and for the readers.

The Writer,

April 2015

Sinde Elisa Lumban Raja
NIM. 2103121044



ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. vi

LIST OF FIGURE .............................................................................................. vii
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... viii

INTRODUCTION .....................................................................1
A. The Background of the Study .................................................1
B. The Problem of the Study .......................................................4
C. The Objective of the Study ................................................... 5
D. The Scope of the Study ..........................................................5
E. The Significance of the Study ................................................5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...................................................7
A. Theoretical Framework ...........................................................7
1. English Curriculum 2013 ...................................................7
2. Writing ...............................................................................8
3. Genre ................................................................................12
a. Genre in Writing ..........................................................12
b. Structure Genre ............................................................13
c. Parts of Genre in Writing.............................................13
d. Types of Genre ............................................................14

4. Procedure Text .................................................................15
5. Writing Assessment..........................................................19
6. Media ................................................................................21
7. Picture...............................................................................24
8. Picture Series with Key Words ........................................25
9. The Procedure of Using Picture Series with Key
Words in Teaching Procedure Text ..................................26
B. Conceptual Framework ........................................................27
C. Hypothesis ............................................................................28
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...........................................29
A. Research Design ....................................................................29
B. Population and Sample .........................................................30
1. Population.........................................................................30
2. Sample ..............................................................................30


C. Technique for Collecting the Data .......................................30
D. Instrument for Collecting the Data........................................31
E. The Procedure of Collecting the Data ...................................31

1. Pre-Test ...........................................................................31
2. Treatment ........................................................................31
3. Post-Test ..........................................................................33
F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ...............................33
1. The Validity of the Test ..................................................33
2. The Reliability of the Test ...............................................34
G. Technique for Analyzing the Data .......................................35
CHAPTER IV: THE DATA AND RESEARCH FINDINGS .........................36
A. Data .......................................................................................36
B. The Data Analysis .................................................................37
1. Data Analysis Using Reliability .......................................37
2. Test for Homogeneity Variance .......................................37
3. Testing Normality ............................................................38
4. Data Analysis by Using T-Test Formula..........................39
C. Testing Hypothesis ................................................................39
D. Research Findings .................................................................40
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................................42
A. Conclusions ...........................................................................42
B. Suggestion .............................................................................42
REFERENCES .....................................................................................................44

APPENDICES ......................................................................................................46


Table 2.1.
Table 3.1.
Table 3.2.
Table 4.1.

Assessment of Writing ......................................................................20
Research Design .................................................................................29
Treatment in Experimental Group.......................................................32
Test of Homogeneity of Variance ......................................................38



Figure 1.

Step How to Make A Glass of Coffee ................................................26



Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Appendix N
Appendix O
Appendix P




A. The Background of the Study
English is one of the most important languages in the world because it is
used as an international language. People use English to face the globalization era
that is why English becomes one of the languages that is needed to be taught in
school. Since 1967, government has decided to include English lesson in
curriculum and it is still applied in curriculum which is used today. English has
been taught in some levels of education. But in fact, if we see the reality in our
country, the progress of the students’ ability in learning English at senior high
school is not good enough that is why English in Indonesia is still used as foreign
There are four skills thatshould be mastered by students in learning
English namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each skill has an
important role to complete someone’s ability in using language.Writing is one of
the skills that must be taught to the students, as Harmer (2001:31) states that
writing encourages students to focus on accurate language use because they think
as they write. Writing motivates students to express their idea and feeling in the
form of languagethat is why their ability in using language will be well
influenced. But, in English class we often find the students who cannot write an
English composition easily, they may have some difficulties in making good
sentences and words order.



One kind of text that is taught in senior high school is procedure text. In
curriculum 2013 syllabus students are expected to be able to analyze the social
function, rhetorical structure and the grammatical form of procedure text and its
context, students are also expected to be able to understand the purpose of the
procedure text and able to produce it. As Dirgayasa(2012: 32) states that wellwritten procedures are typically solid, precise, factual, shorts, and to the point then
a good procedure text also accurate, brief and readable but, they are not easy to
achieve. Based on the writer’s observation in SMA NEGERI 1 SIDAMANIK
most of the students got many difficulties in writing procedure text especially in
grammar, diction, and accurate steps order. They perhaps have ideas in their mind
but they don’t know how to organize or express them. Students’ interest also
becomes the problem in learning writing. The students cannot pay much attention
and enthusiasm to do writing tasks.
Students’ failures in writing also come from the teacher. Teacher cannot
find the creative way to stimulate the students’ interest in teaching and learning
process. Teacher only does the custom way to teach, teacher only focuses on
explaining the material through lecturing method without existing some tools or
media that may support the process of learning and catch students’ attention or
interest. An instructional media can be used to motivate the students in their
learning process.
A teaching media is able to carry message with an instructional purpose
that facilitates communication. By using teaching media students are expected to
be able to get learning experience concretely.There are some types of teaching


media, they are: audio, visual and audio visual. In this study the researcher will
use visual media. The visual media includes blackboard, textbook, picture, chart,
pocket chart, flash card etc. Using pictures is one of the solutions to overcome the
problems. Gerngross (1992:3) states that the uses of pictures make
communication in the foreign language class more alive, natural and stimulating.
He recommended that pictures can be used to offer ideas to train language skill.
On the other hand, the use of pictures can generate the productive skill namely
speaking and writing skill.
According to Raimes (1983:27) pictures can be the basis for fairly
mechanical controlled composition, sentence combining exercises, or sequencing
of sentences, writing of original dialogues, letters, report or essay. Based on the
opinions above using picture is necessary needed to help student in creating their
creative handwriting. Picture will provide some more experience for the students
when they are studying English.
Furthermore, Wright (1992:129) identifies some benefits of using pictures
series in teaching, those are: picture can motivate students to speak or to write.
Picture in the picture series with key words can create a context within which
students with the information use it in controlled practiced work. Pictures showing
objects, actions, events and relationship can cue answers to questions,
substitutions, and sentence completion. They can support, stimulate, and possibly
guide spoken and written description, narration or dialogue, and they can offer
information for free speaking and writing, especially in recalling the vocabulary
so that the students can express their ideas or opinions in sentences or paragraph


easily. Picture series with key words also helps students to find the accurate steps
of procedure text they will write because they will write based on the sequence
number of picture that they see and the key words will help them in vocabulary or
diction problems.
Previous researcher Zaini (2011) states that there are some significant
effects in increasing students’ ability after using picture series in MTsNW I
KembangKerang, Lombok Timur for class IX A. The result showed that by using
picture series the students became more motivated, more interested and
successfully affected the students’ achievement in writing ability. Picture series
with key words are able to help students to get experience and stimulate the
students in recalling vocabularies to express their ideas or opinions to write
sentence and paragraph even essay.
By considering explanations above and the previous research, the
researcher decided to do a study about the effect of using picture series with key
words as a media on students’ achievement in writing procedure text.

B. The Problem of the Study
In conducting a research, the problem of the study must be clearly stated
so that the objective of the study and media used can be well determined. In line
with the background, the problem of the study is formulated in the form of a
question as follows:


“Does the using of Picture Series with key wordssignificantly affect
students’ writing procedure text?”

C. The Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is to find out the significance effect by using
picture series with key words as media on students’ achievement in writing
procedure text for grade 11 SMA NEGERI 1 SIDAMANIK.

D. The Scope of the Study
There are two kinds of procedure text, namely how to make something and
how to operate something. This research basically limited in writing procedure
text especially in makingfood by using picture series with key words as media
which are proposed by Gerngross and Puchta (1992)

E. The Significance of the Study.
The findings of the study are expected to be useful and bring some
significance. They are:
1. For English teachers, they can get the source to enlarge their knowledge in
teaching writing procedure text.
2. For students, they can improve their skill and stimulate them to improve
their writing procedure text ability.
3. For other researcher who is interested in getting prior information to do
further related study to prove the using of this media with other


4. As a source of information for the reader to use this media as the
alternative way in learning English process.

A. Conclusion
After analyzing the data, it was found that the students’ score in
experimental group was higher than the students in control group. The total score
and the mean score in experimental group showed that there was a significant
improvement of the students’ score between the pre-test and the post-test score.
Since the value of tobservedwas 4.596 with df (72) at the level significance
(0.05) = 1,9932the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So, from the
calculation of the data, it can be concluded that picture series with keywords
significantly affected the students’ achievement in writing procedure text.

B. Suggestion
By considering the conclusion mentioned above, the writer suggests that
picture series with keywordsis one of the media in teaching writing, especially in
writing a procedure text. The writer mentions some suggestions as follows:
1. Teachers are suggested to use an interesting media for learning activities.
Especially picture series with keywords.
2. Picture series with keyword is helpful for both teachers and students. By
using picture series with picture series as media, we can attract students’
attention and motivate them in learning English, especially this media is
simple and easy to prepare. Students can see the real and interesting
material through picture.



3. Other researcher can develop related study to improve learning media.
4. The reader can use picture series with keywords as an alternative way in
English learning process


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