S MAT 1100460 Bibliography


Bartle, R.G. (1964). The Elements of Real Analysis. New York: John Willey and
Bartle, R.G. (1966). The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure. New
York: John Willey and Sons.
Bartle, R.G., & Sherbert, D.R. (2011). Introduction to Real Analysis (4th ed.). New
York: John Willey and Sons.
Friedlander, F. G. (1998). Introduction to the Theory of Distributions.New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Horvath, J. (1966). Topological Vector Spaces and Distributions. Canada:
Addison Wesley.
Hu, S.T. (1969). Elements of General Topology. Holden-Day: San Francisco.
Kreyszig. (1978). Introductory Functional Analysis with Application. Canada :
John Willey and Sons.
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Rudin, W. (1991). Functional Analysis (2nd ed.). Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
Treves, F. (1967). Topological Vector Spaces, Distributions, and Kernels. San
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Tri, T. N. (2005). The Colombeau Theory of Generalized Functions. (Tesis).

Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. (2014). Pedoman Penulisan Karya Tulis
Ilmiah. Bandung: UPI Press.

Zemanian, A.H. (1965). Distribution Theory and Transform Analysis. New York:
Dover Publications, Inc.
Meri Andini, 2015
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