Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Sarjana Sastra

Reg. No. 209220020



The writer’s supreme praise and gratitude go to Heavenly Father and
Jesus Christ for blessings, mercy, guidance, strength, and help which have been
given to her so she can finish this thesis well.

This thesis was written in order to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain
the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Department of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
In the completion of this thesis, the writer was greatly indebted to many
people which without their help; she will not be able to complete this thesis
properly. Therefore, on this occasion the writer would like to express her gratitude
and appreciation to:
Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. as the Rector of State University
of Medan.
Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan and to all her staffs.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department, Rika,
S.Pd., M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri,
MA. as the Head of Non-Educational English Program, and Dra.
Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. as the Head of Educational English
Program, thanks for their educational and non-educational help during the
writer’s academic years in English Department of State University of
Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd. as the writer’s Thesis Supervisor and
Academic Counselor who has given advice, support during her study, and

helped her patiently finishing this thesis by giving guidance, constructive
suggestions, correction, and motivation, since the preliminary manuscript
until the completion of this thesis.
Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd., and
Dra.Tjut Ernidawaty, M.Pd. as The Examiner who has given advice.
All lecturers of English Department for lessons, advices and useful
The best family of the author, the truly inspiring number one man, her
Dad, Mr. Rudolf. Samosir, her beloved Mom, Mrs. Menty. Gultom, her
Sister Cahaya Samosir, and her Brothers Patuan Samosir and Julius
Samosir, for their endless love, support, encouragement, motivation,
prayers, and laughter shared during the writer’s life. She loves them so
much. Also her great family for the support during the completion of this


The writer’s special alphabet: Harna, Ines, Three Idiots (Bowo, Lupi,
Gons), Handrian, Irham, Habib, Ati, Dessy, Rosa, Tria, and
Sant’Egidio Community Medan, for the friendship, love, helps, laughter

and tears, and for all the bittersweet memories shared. Jonthon Coulson,
and Maam Winda, for their motivation and support to encouraged the
writer during her bad times. She loves them all the way and will never
forget them.
All seniors and juniors in English Department who have helped her
during the study and help her with her thesis, especially to Mariati and
Agatha. It means a lot to her. All of the writer’s friends in Applied
Linguistics A and B 2009-2011, and also English Education 2009, thank
you for the love, having a great time studying, having spesial time and
having lunch at pondok and under the stairs. She will be missing those
Everyone who has been involved directly or indirectly in the writing of
this thesis that can not be mentioned one by one, and thanks for all the
memories that the writer got during her study at her beloved campus.
Thank you very much. May God bless us all. Amin.

Medan, March 2014
The Writer,

Ina Ray Patick

NIM. 209220020


Ina Ray Patick. NIM 209220020. Tenor in Jokowi and Ahok’s Conversations.
A Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan 2014

The objective of this research is to describe the aspect of tenor in Jokowi and
Ahok’s when they were involved in an interaction related to some occasions.
Jokowi and Ahok are the Governor and Deputy of Jakarta for 2012-2017 period.
The study involved understanding of Jokowi and Ahok with their audience. There
are 10 articles taken from some sources on internet. The articles contain the script
used by Jokowi and Ahok. The method of the research is descriptive qualitative.
The analysis deals with the usage of aspect of tenor that can be found in Jokowi
and Ahok’s Conversations. The aspects of tenor is divided into 4 aspects, they are
1) Power 2) Contact 3) Affective Involvement 4) Formality. The reason why
Jokowi and Ahok used tenor in their utterances is because tenor deals with the
way people speak. The tenor system in this finding indicated the personal

relationship between the people concerned is highly formal and equal power.



ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT..................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... iv
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study ......................................................................... 4
C. The Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 4
D. The Scope of the Study ............................................................................ 5
E. The Significance of the Study................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................. 6
A. Sociolinguistics ........................................................................................ 6
B. Variety of Language .................................................................................. 7

C. The Classification of Language Style ....................................................... 8
1. Frozen Style ......................................................................................... 8
2. Formal Style ......................................................................................... 9
3. Consultative Style ................................................................................ 11
4. Casual Style .......................................................................................... 12
5. Intimate ................................................................................................ 14
D Language in Contact .................................................................................. 15


E. Context and Social Context ....................................................................... 15
1. Context of Culture ................................................................................ 16
2. Ideology ................................................................................................ 16
3. Context of Situation ............................................................................. 17
a. Mode ............................................................................................. 17
b. Field .............................................................................................. 18
c. Tenor ............................................................................................. 18
1) Power ....................................................................................... 19
2) Contact ..................................................................................... 20
3) Affective Involvement ............................................................. 20

4) Formality .................................................................................. 20
F. Conversation ............................................................................................ 23
G. Biography of Jokowi ............................................................................... 24
H. Biography of Ahok .................................................................................. 26
I. The Meaning of “Blusukan” .................................................................... 29

Relevant Studies ...................................................................................... 30


Conceptual Framework .......................................................................... 31

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODS ...................................................... 32
A. Research Design ....................................................................................... 32
B. The Source of Data ................................................................................... 32
C. Technique of Collecting Data ................................................................... 33
D. Techniqueof Analyzing Data ................................................................... 33


CHAPTER IV: DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ............................................ 34
A. Data ......................................................................................................... 34
B. Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 34
1. Power ................................................................................................... 35
2. Contact ................................................................................................ 35
3. Affective Involvement ........................................................................ 36
4. Formality .............................................................................................. 37
C. Research Findings ................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ................................. 39
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 39
B. Suggestions ............................................................................................... 40
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 41



A. The Background of The Study
Language is a part of culture. Language as a meaning has a very important
function in daily life. People need language to interact with others because they
cannot live isolated. That is the reason people use language, because language is a
network of relationship. According to Halliday (2002) one of the functions of
language is to provide for interaction between people, by allowing the expression
of statuses, judgments, and the like; and this includes participation in linguistic
interaction. Language itself defines as the roles which people may take situations
in which they are communicating with one another. Many factors influence the
use of language, social factor is one of them. Certain factors like the social context
of the talk, to which people are talking to, the function and the topic of discussion
turn out to be important for language choice in many different kinds of speech
community. The factors that are mentioned turn out to be the cause of language
A register is a language variety which is based on the use. It is different
from dialect which is also a language variety based on the user. The scope of
register is not only on the choice of words, but also on the choice of other
linguistics aspects. There are many registers in this world such as meeting



register, truck drivers’ register, school register, and military register. A register is
related to social context.
Register consists of three types; they are Field, Mode and Tenor. Field
concerns with the topic of situation or in another word what is going on or what
activity is taking place. Mode is about who takes part in a situation and where the
situation takes place. Meanwhile, Tenor deals with things that influence the
situation. How the social role relationship is played by addressee and addresser.
This study attempts to discuss one of the three types of register, it is Tenor.
The source text in this study is the Scripts of Jokowi’s Conversations. Tenor, that
is interpersonal meaning, is concerned more with the interaction between the
speaker and addressee; influence his behavior and how the speaker expresses his
viewpoint. Tenor is then identifiable through the analysis of the mood, modality
and evaluation. In short, tenor sees how participants work together so that they
can maintain the communication process to reach their objectivities. Tenor also
proposes a direct claim about the link between language and context. The claim,
then, is that these aspects of our role occupation in a given situation will have an
impact on how we use language.

People sometimes don’t realize the way they speak can show the aspects
of Tenor like status, formality, contact, and affection. They are affected by the
wealth, ethnicity, position, age, geographical origins, sex, knowledge, and
physical appearance of the speaker. The expressions of tenor in grammar reveal
the relative power and the status of people taking part and the level of their


The script sample of Jokowi and Ahok’s Conversations can be seen as the
"Warga Jakarta yang kuhormati dan kucintai, sebelumnya ijinkan saya
untuk memberikan pidato penutup kampanye Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada)
DKI Jakarta putaran kedua yang berlangsung selama tiga hari ini, saya Joko
Widodo bersama Basuki Tjahaja Purnama hendak menawarkan sebuah gebrakan
perubahan untuk Jakarta," ucap Jokowi.
"Jakarta residents who I respect and love, allow me to give a campaign
speech cover local elections (elections) Jakarta second round, which lasted for
three days, I Joko Widodo with Tjahaja Basuki Purnama want to offer a
breakthrough change to Jakarta," said Jokowi
The aspects of tenor from this script sample can be seen as the below.








It can be seen that Jokowi’s statement has the equal status with the addressee,
although he is a governor of Jakarta.
Jokowi is the sixth Governor of Jakarta for 2012-2017. He was born on 21
June 1961, Surakarta. Jokowi was graduated from UGM as an engineer of forestry
faculty in 1985. Meanwhile Ahok as the sixth Deputy Governor of Jakarta was
born in the Pacific Islands on June 29, 1966. Ahok was graduated from Trisakti as
a Geological Engineers, in 1989.


When they were nominated as the Governor and Deputy Governor of
Jakarta, many people doubt their ability, even until they were elected. But, after
one year their guiding, many significant progress were done by them.
The writer interested to discuss tenor because by analyzing can be found
how the speaker influence the listener. The author selects Jokowi and Ahok as an
object for her thesis because they are a Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta
who had a great influence in the political sphere.

B. The Problem of the Study
The problems of this study are formulated as the following:

How are power, formality, and contact realized in Jokowi and Ahok’s


How is the affective involvement employed in Jokowi and Ahok’s


Why is tenor relationship realizing the way it is?

C. The Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are to describe:


How the power, formality, and contact are used in Jokowi and Ahok’s
conversations realized


How the affective involvement is employed in Jokowi and Ahok’s
conversations, and



How the contact in Jokowi’s conversations are realized.

D. The Scope of the Study
The study is to describe how are the formality, the status, the contact, and
the affection involvement in Jokowi and Ahok’s Conversations. Specifically the
study involves understanding of Jokowi and Ahok with the audience.

E. The Significance of the Study
Theoritically, the results of this study are expected to be useful for:

The students and readers who want to know about tenor, especially for those
who like Jokowi and Ahok.


Give some valuable contribution to other researchers.
Practically, the results of this study are expected to be useful for:


Speaker, to give information about how to speak well aaccording to the place
and situation.


Other researchers as a reference in doing research.


A. Conclusion
After analyzing the aspects of tenor that were used by Jokowi and Ahok in
their utterances, she following conclusion were drawn:
1. The utterances of Jokowi and Ahok often used equal status, but sometimes
they used unequal status that made themselves in same position as the
audience or lower than the addressee. Jokowi and Ahok have infrequent
contact when delivering their utterances. It is proven that they never used
nick name of a person although they just called someone by just his/her
name without his/her title. Jokowi and Ahok used formal language in
formality, but Jokowi mostly used informal when he did blusukan.
2. In affective involvement, Jokowi and Ahok used high involvement. They
often showed their pride and thankfulness in delivering their utterances.
They thanked to people that give them honor in delivering their utterances
and to the audience who are listening and supporting them in their speech.
This shows the speakers have made a big influence in public speaking,
especially as a politician in governmental.
3. Jokowi and Ahok used tenor because tenor deals with the way people



B. Suggestion
Concerning to the conclusion, it is suggested that:
1. For students, it was suggested to know about tenor in order to be able to
speak in front of many people in proper way.
2. It was hoped that the reader should consider using the aspects of tenor for
making a good utterances.


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