The Differences Of The Occlusal Groove Pattern Of Lower Molar Between The Pre-historic Men And Modern Me.


Measurement on Mandible Specimens of Hominid Fossils Collection from

the Geological Research and Development Center in Bandung, and the

Pre-clinic Students of Dental Faculty of Padjadjaran University

P a p e r

by :

Rachman Ardan

NIP: 130367233





(Presented in “International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology, July 23-25, 2007, Yogyakarta)




Measurement on Mandible Specimens of Hominid Fossils Collection from

the Geological Research and Development Center in Bandung, and the

Pre-clinic Students of Dental Faculty of Padjadjaran University

P a p e r

by :

Rachman Ardan

NIP: 130367233

Mungetahui :

Guru Besar Prostodonsia

Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi

Universitas Indonesia


Prof.Dr. Daroewati Mardjono, drg., MSD.,Sp.Pros., (K)

(Presented in “International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology, July 23-25, 2007, Yogyakarta)





Bismillahirohmanirrahim, Alhamdulillah, puji syukur penulis panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT karena hanya berkat rahmat, taufik dan hidayah-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini. Makalah ini merupakan salahsatu tugas Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi bagi staf pengajar di bidang penelitian.

Untuk penyusunan makalah ini penulis banyak memperoleh saran-saran, diskusi, dan bantuan dari sejawat di bidang ilmu yang sama atau yang hampir sama, serta bantuan moril untuk menyelesaikannya. Pada kesempatan ini penulis ingin mengucapkan terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada :

1. Prof.Dr.RM.Soelarko Soemohatmoko, drg. Alm. sebagai guru, pembimbing, dan sahabat yang selalu mendorong moril penulis. Berikanlah tempat yang mulia di sisi-Mu ya Allah. 2. Prof.Dr. Ny.Rukisah Soemardjo, drg. Almarhumah yang selalu memberi dorongan moril.

Berikanlah tempat yang mulia di sisi-Mu ya Allah.

3. Prof.Dr.Eky S.Soeria Soemantri, drg., Sp.Ort. sebagai Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran di Bandung.

4. Sejawat di FKG Unpad khususnya bagian Prostodonsia dan Odontologi Forensik yang tidak

dapat penulis sebutkan namanya satupersatu atas segala bantuannya.

Penulis menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih banyak kekurangannya, mudah-mudahan dapat menjadi pemicu bagi penulis lain untuk melengkapinya.

Bandung, Januari 2007 Penulis



Bismillahirohmanirrahim, Alhamdulillah Thanks gives to God who is praised and most high presence because only by His-blessing writer can finish this paper. This paper is one of University Lecturer Duty (Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi) in area of research.

For this compilation paper, writer have got many suggestions, discussions, and aid from colleagues in area of science/knowledge in common or that much the same to, and morale aid to finish it. At this moment writer want to says thank you to :

1. Prof.Dr.RM.Soelarko Soemohatmoko, drg. Alm. as my teacher, supervisor, and friend that always push writer morale. May God bless on him.

2. Prof.Dr. Ny.Rukisah Soemardjo, drg. that always support morale. May God bless on her 3. Prof.Dr.Eky S.Soeria Soemantri, drg., Sp.Ort. as Dean of Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran

University in Bandung.

4. Colleagues in FKG Unpad especially in Prostodontic Departement and Forensic Dentistry that writer cannot mentions whose name one by one to the all its aid.

Writer realize thats this paper still much insuffiencies, hopefully can become an idea for the other writer.

Bandung, January 2007




ABSTRACT ………. iii

PREFACE ………. iv


TABLE LIST ………. vi






5.1 CONCLUSION ……… 9

5.2 SUGGESTION ……… 9





Table1. Molar Groove Pattern of FKG Unpad Students and Pre-historic Men 5

Table 2. Chi-Squqre Test Result of Molar Groove Pattern Between FKG Unpad



Dental changes in long period of time is a series of evolutionary process of human body. This study is to compare the occlusal groove pattern of lower jaw molar between the pre-historic men and modern men.

The population of pre-historic men is specimens of mandible of hominid fossils collection from the Geological Research and Development Center in Bandung, in which housed at Quaternary Geology Laboratory, and for modern men is the pre-clinic students of Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University.

The results of the study reveals that there are no differences in the groove pattern of first molar between prehistoric men and modern men, but in second and third molars the differences are obvious.

Key Words: Occlusal Groove Pattern; Lower Molar; Hominid fossils; Modern men




Tooth is part of the body that is very resistant to mutilation process of nature, either in physical and also chemical (Mokhtar, 1982; Ardan 1997). The most found part from the body of the Homo fossil is the tooth.

As adjustment to the environment changes, for example function and culture during evolution process, tooth change its form. In pre-historic men, function of mastication was very hard because harsh type of food. Finding of fire and another food processing, food type become more soft and cut in small pieces. Tooth form change, for example groove pattern at occlusal surface of molar. Form of tooth morphology is created in such a manner to fulfill its function ( Harsanur, 1991). Change of gene in a population, happened during the time, alighted from one generations to the next generation called as evolution ( Wolpoff, 1980)

Function of anterior teeth is to cut the food, and posterior teeth especially molar is to refine food before its swallowed. To refine the food, surface of tooth should be more wide. The function of groove at the occlusal surface is as a food channel towards external without accentual irritation to the ginggiva margin.

Base pattern of molar before evolution of hominid is 5 bulge and fisur connecting it. This pattern is primitive molar tooth pattern. Gregory and Helman called it ” Dryopithecus Pattern” or form ” Y5”. Along with run of evolution, various



other pattern are: +5; Y4; +4; and Y3 pattern (Anderson, 1962). This functional change is more to the more posterior(distal)tooth.

This study was done on the lower jaw because the more change form of bulge and groove pattern are in lower jaw molar (von Koenigswald, 1958), and because a lot of hominid fossils collection for this study are collection of Centre Of Research And Development of Geology Bandung (PPPG) are mandible specimen (Aziz, 2001).





The research study is survey descriptive analytic. Hominid fossils are collection of Centre Of Research And Development of Geology ( PPPG) Bandung. For modern men ( Homo sapien) are pre-clinic students of Faculty of Dentistry Padjadjaran University.

The population of modern men is 375 students that fulfill the subject sample criterion, and sample is 38 random students. Pre-historic men fossil sample is 6 specimens, collection of PPPG Bandung are:

1. Pithecanthropus c ( Pc) ( Sartono, 1961; Aziz, 2001) 2. Pithecanthropus e ( Pe) ( Sartono, 1996)

3. Pithecanthropus f ( Pff)( Aziz, 2001)

4. Fragment of Right mandible ( Bk 7905) ( Aziz, 1983) 5. Fragment of Right mandible ( Sb 8103) ( Aziz, 1981) 6. Fragment of Right mandible ( Ng 8503) ( Aziz et al., 1994)

FKG Unpad student criterions are:

1. Men or women age between 17-24 years

2. First and second molar already erupted, and not missing 3. Groove pattern and number of bulges can be observed



Observation was done at gypsum stone model of each subject sample which

was made through alginate impression material. Observed variables are:

1. Groove pattern of lower jaw first molar of FKG Unpad student 2. Groove pattern of lower jaw second molar of FKG Unpad student 3. Groove pattern of lower jaw third molar of FKG Unpad student 4. Groove pattern of lower jaw first molar of pre-historic men fossil 5. Groove pattern of lower jaw second molar of pre-historic men fossil 6. Groove pattern of lower jaw third molar of pre-historic men fossil




Groove pattern of lower jaw first molar of FKG Unpad student is +5 pattern. And so do at pre-historic men (Table 1).

Table 1. Molar Groove pattern of FKG Unpad Students and Pre-historic Men




Molar Y5 +5 Y4 +4 Y3 +6

Molar 1 60,53% 7,89% 5,26%

Molar 2 34,21% 63,16% 2,63%

FKG Unpad Student

Molar 3 13,16% 2,63% 2,63%

Molar 1 33,33% 66,67%

Molar 2 14,29% 85,71%

Pre-histiric Men

Molar 3 100%

For lower jaw second molar, the most pattern for student FKG Unpad is +4 pattern, while at pre-historic men is Y5 pattern. Lower jaw third molar of FKG Unpad student which is can be observed ( which has already erupted) is + 5 pattern, while at pre-historic men entirely has Y5 pattern with more complicated wrinkle (Tabel 1).



Chi-suare statistic test result of Groove pattern of lower first molar, second, and third molars between FKG Unpad Students and Pre-historic men ( Tables 2) are:

1. There is no difference of lower jaw first molar Groove pattern between pre-historic men and FKG Unpad student

2. There is difference of lower jaw second molar Groove pattern between pre-historic men and FKG Unpad student

3. There is difference of lower jaw third molar Groove pattern between pre-historic men and FKG Unpad student

Table 2. Chi-Square Test Result of Molar Groove Pattern between FKG Unpad Students and Pre-historic Men

Groove Pattern X 2 X 2 table

Molar 1 0,46 7,81 not significant

Molar 2 36,12 7,81 significant




The most found groove pattern at first lower molar is +5 pattern, while the second is Y5 pattern. This result is unmatched to the some writers opinion which are expressing that the most found groove pattern at first lower molar is Y5 pattern ( Dahlberg, 1945; von Kunigswald. 1958; van Beek, 1989). This difference may cause by different population.

Statistical test result indicates that there is no significant difference between groove patterns of first lower molar of modern men and pre-historic men. Among lower jaw molars (first, second and third molar), the first molar is the tooth that is the most usefull in mastication, so that not many change of groove pattern.

According to van Beek opinion ( 1989) + 4 pattern is typical of lower jaw second molar. This pattern formed by reduction of Y5 pattern by minimizing metaconid and disappears it hypoconulid. The difference of lower second molar groove pattern between modern men and pre-historic men is modern man has experienced evolution in consequence of change of food pattern.

The result of this research indicates that majority of lower third molar clinically is not seems to be, because its not already erupted, impacted, or may be its no tooth. According to Scott and Symons ( 1977) modern men which is lower jaw third molar grows well is minority. And also Wolpoff ( 1996) express that some of



modern men has tooth formula 2/1/2/2 for comparison of number of teeth in one quadrant. One of the cause of not erupted or impacted of lower third molar is inadequate space in lower jaw. Carbonell and Goose ( cit., Brothwell, 1963) shows that hypodontia (not growing of tooth) most happened at lower jaw third molar. All lower jaw third molars of pre-historic men fossils are growing well. Groove pattern of lower jaw third molar showing a marked difference between modern men and pre-historic men. At pre-historic men groove pattern of lower jaw third molar shows Y5 pattern..






5.1.1 Evolution of human body is mechanism of adaptation to environmental


5.1.2 Evolution at molar tooth is reduction of size and change of groove pattern 5.1.3 Y5 pattern which is primitive groove pattern change to yield various other

pattern, so that groove pattern of modern men lower jaw molar changes compared to groove pattern of lower jaw molar pre-historic men

5.1.4 More distal tooth easier to change as as result of less function of mastication. 5.1.5 Lower jaw third molar of modern men is tooth that is very often experiences

disparity eruption


5.2.1 The study should be continued with size sample more and with other populations




Ardan, R. 1997. Peranan Data Gigi untuk Identifikasi dala Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik. Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, vol.9, no.4, 22-25

Aziz, F.1981. Temuan Baru Rahang Bawah Pithecathropus dari Sangiran.

Procc.PIT.X, IAGI, Bandung

______, 1983. Notes on New Meganthropus Mandible S.33 from The Sangiran Area, Central Java. Geological Research and Development Center, Paleontology

Series, no.4

______, Baba H. dan Narasaki, S.1994. Preliminary Report on Recent Discoveries of Fossils Hominid from The Sangiran Area, Java. Jurnal Geologi dan

Sumberdaya Mineral, no.29, vol.IV.

______, 2001. Hominid Fossils Housed at The Geological Research and Development Center, Bandung, Indonesia. Dalam Etty Indriati (ed),

Scientific Life: Papers in Honour of Prof.Dr.T.Jacob. Biografi Publ.,


Carbonel,V.M. & Goose, D.H. 1963. Congenital Abcence of Teeth in Humans. Dalam D.R.Brothwell (ed), Dental Anthropology. Pergamon Press. London. 182-187

Dahlberg, A. 1945. The Changing Dentition of Man. Am.J.Dent.Ass., 32 Harshanur, I.W. 1991. Anatomi Gigi. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta



Mokhtar, M.1982. Masalah Gigi Berjejal Ditinjau dari Perbedaan Ukuran Gigi dan

Lengkung Rahang Suku Batak dan Suku Melayu di Sumatera Utara.


Sartono, S. 1961. Notes on a New Find of Pithecathropus Mandible. Publikasi

Teknik Seri Paleontologi, no.2

Scott, J.H. & Symons, N.B.B. 1977. Introduction to Dental Anatomy. Livingstone, Edinburg, 341-421

van Beek, G.C.1989. Morfologi Gigi. Penerbit Buku Kedoteran EGC. Jakarta von Kunigswald. 1958. The Hominization of The Masticatory Aparatus and

Modification of Diet. Dalam Ideas of The Human Evolution Selected Essay. Harvard University Press. Cambridge.

Wolpoff, M.H. 1980. Paleonthropology. Knopf. New York.

____________. 1996. Human Evolution. Mc Graw Hill. New York


Chi-suare statistic test result of Groove pattern of lower first molar, second, and third molars between FKG Unpad Students and Pre-historic men ( Tables 2) are:

1. There is no difference of lower jaw first molar Groove pattern between pre-historic men and FKG Unpad student

2. There is difference of lower jaw second molar Groove pattern between pre-historic men and FKG Unpad student

3. There is difference of lower jaw third molar Groove pattern between pre-historic men and FKG Unpad student

Table 2. Chi-Square Test Result of Molar Groove Pattern between FKG Unpad Students and Pre-historic Men

Groove Pattern X 2 X 2 table

Molar 1 0,46 7,81 not significant

Molar 2 36,12 7,81 significant



The most found groove pattern at first lower molar is +5 pattern, while the second is Y5 pattern. This result is unmatched to the some writers opinion which are expressing that the most found groove pattern at first lower molar is Y5 pattern ( Dahlberg, 1945; von Kunigswald. 1958; van Beek, 1989). This difference may cause by different population.

Statistical test result indicates that there is no significant difference between groove patterns of first lower molar of modern men and pre-historic men. Among lower jaw molars (first, second and third molar), the first molar is the tooth that is the most usefull in mastication, so that not many change of groove pattern.

According to van Beek opinion ( 1989) + 4 pattern is typical of lower jaw second molar. This pattern formed by reduction of Y5 pattern by minimizing metaconid and disappears it hypoconulid. The difference of lower second molar groove pattern between modern men and pre-historic men is modern man has experienced evolution in consequence of change of food pattern.

The result of this research indicates that majority of lower third molar clinically is not seems to be, because its not already erupted, impacted, or may be its no tooth. According to Scott and Symons ( 1977) modern men which is lower jaw third molar grows well is minority. And also Wolpoff ( 1996) express that some of


modern men has tooth formula 2/1/2/2 for comparison of number of teeth in one quadrant. One of the cause of not erupted or impacted of lower third molar is inadequate space in lower jaw. Carbonell and Goose ( cit., Brothwell, 1963) shows that hypodontia (not growing of tooth) most happened at lower jaw third molar. All lower jaw third molars of pre-historic men fossils are growing well. Groove pattern of lower jaw third molar showing a marked difference between modern men and pre-historic men. At pre-historic men groove pattern of lower jaw third molar shows Y5 pattern..





5.1.1 Evolution of human body is mechanism of adaptation to environmental change

5.1.2 Evolution at molar tooth is reduction of size and change of groove pattern 5.1.3 Y5 pattern which is primitive groove pattern change to yield various other

pattern, so that groove pattern of modern men lower jaw molar changes compared to groove pattern of lower jaw molar pre-historic men

5.1.4 More distal tooth easier to change as as result of less function of mastication. 5.1.5 Lower jaw third molar of modern men is tooth that is very often experiences

disparity eruption


5.2.1 The study should be continued with size sample more and with other populations

5.2.2 The study should be continued for other tooth morphology



Ardan, R. 1997. Peranan Data Gigi untuk Identifikasi dala Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik. Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran, vol.9, no.4, 22-25

Aziz, F.1981. Temuan Baru Rahang Bawah Pithecathropus dari Sangiran.

Procc.PIT.X, IAGI, Bandung

______, 1983. Notes on New Meganthropus Mandible S.33 from The Sangiran Area, Central Java. Geological Research and Development Center, Paleontology

Series, no.4

______, Baba H. dan Narasaki, S.1994. Preliminary Report on Recent Discoveries of Fossils Hominid from The Sangiran Area, Java. Jurnal Geologi dan

Sumberdaya Mineral, no.29, vol.IV.

______, 2001. Hominid Fossils Housed at The Geological Research and Development Center, Bandung, Indonesia. Dalam Etty Indriati (ed),

Scientific Life: Papers in Honour of Prof.Dr.T.Jacob. Biografi Publ.,


Carbonel,V.M. & Goose, D.H. 1963. Congenital Abcence of Teeth in Humans. Dalam D.R.Brothwell (ed), Dental Anthropology. Pergamon Press. London. 182-187

Dahlberg, A. 1945. The Changing Dentition of Man. Am.J.Dent.Ass., 32 Harshanur, I.W. 1991. Anatomi Gigi. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta


Mokhtar, M.1982. Masalah Gigi Berjejal Ditinjau dari Perbedaan Ukuran Gigi dan

Lengkung Rahang Suku Batak dan Suku Melayu di Sumatera Utara.


Sartono, S. 1961. Notes on a New Find of Pithecathropus Mandible. Publikasi

Teknik Seri Paleontologi, no.2

Scott, J.H. & Symons, N.B.B. 1977. Introduction to Dental Anatomy. Livingstone, Edinburg, 341-421

van Beek, G.C.1989. Morfologi Gigi. Penerbit Buku Kedoteran EGC. Jakarta von Kunigswald. 1958. The Hominization of The Masticatory Aparatus and

Modification of Diet. Dalam Ideas of The Human Evolution Selected Essay. Harvard University Press. Cambridge.

Wolpoff, M.H. 1980. Paleonthropology. Knopf. New York.

____________. 1996. Human Evolution. Mc Graw Hill. New York