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Sumber buku
Banoe, Pono. Kamus Musik. Jakarta: PT. Kanisius, 2003.
Chang, Kevin.,O’Brien, dan Wayne Chen. Reggae Routes. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press, 1998.
Cole, William. Form of Music. London: The Associated Board of The Royal
Schools of Music, 1969.
Dyess, Wayne Dr. “The Studi of Music Band.” Lamar University, (1998)
Gioia, Ted. The History of Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Irving, John. “Sonata”. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician,
ed. Stanley Sadie, Edisi ke-2. Jilid 23. New York: Mc Millan Publisher
Ltd, 2001.
Lowell, Dick & Ken Pullig. Arranging for Large Jazz Ensemble. Ed. Michael
Gold. United States of America: Berklee Press. 2003
Samboedi. Jazz Sejarah dan Tokoh-Tokohnya. Jakarta: Dahara Prize, 1989.
Soeharto, M. Kamus Musik. Jakarta: Gramedia, 1992.
Szwed, John F. Memahami dan Menikmati Musik Jazz. Jakarta: PT Gramedia
Pustaka Utama, 2008.

Tucker, Mark , The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musician, ed.
Stanley Sadie, Edisi ke-2. Jilid 12. New York: Mc Millan Publisher
Ltd, 2001
Stein, Leon. Structure and Style: The Study and Analysis of Musical Forms. New
Jersey: Summy-Birchard Music, 1979.
Sutro, Dirk. Jazz for Dummies. Indiana: Wiley Publishing. Inc., Indianapolis,


Sumber Internet
http://www.anakmusik.com/2015/08/sejarah-musik-reggae-terlengkap.html di
akses pada 16 Oktober 2015
Paul Tanner, David W. Megill, dan Maurice Gerow, Jazz/Rock Fusion,
di akses pada 16 Oktober 2015
http://kbbi.web.id diakses pada tanggal 15 Desember 2015