The effect of individual learner differences, school environment and teacher in increasing students' vocabulary through dictation method at MA Bilingual Krian.




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Surya Mahandini

NIM D75212077










Environment and Teacher in Increasing Students’ Vocabulary through Dictation Method, a Thesis English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University. Advisor: M. Hanafi, M.Ag. MA

Key Word:Dictation method, Vocabulary, Achievement

This study is analyzed the effect of individual learner differences, school environment and teacher in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method. The focus is to analyze increasing students vocabulary and also the most effect variable in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method. The researcher used quantitative as the design of her research. Data collection technique used in this research was observation, pre and post test and questionnaire. The observation was to know the situation of class, students’ participation, students’ pronunciation, and school learning environment.the pre and post test was to know individuals’ increasing vocabulary achievement. The questionnaire was to know students’ motivation, word learning strategies and the relationship between students and teacher. Based on the result of study, students’ vocabulary achievement increase 15,67. The result research shows that 12 of 80 students has decreased despite a decline in students' vocabulary achievement through dictation method is not very significant. The result showed that the individuals’ differences has the big effect in increasing students’ vocabulary achievement through dictation method compare with school environment and teachers. The individuals’ differences have 23% contribution in increasing students vocabulary, school environment have 0,6% effect in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method and teacher have 10% contribution in increasing students vocabulary through dictation method.


Environment and Teacher in Increasing Students’ Vocabulary through Dictation Method, a Thesis English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University. Advisor: M. Hanafi, M.Ag. MA

Kata kunci: Metode Dekte, Kosakata, Prestasi

Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh perbedaan peserta didik, lingkungan sekolah dan guru dalam meningkatkan kosakata siswa melalui metode pendiktean. Fokusnya adalah untuk menganalisis peningkatan kosa kata siswa dan juga variabel yang paling berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kosakata siswa melalui metode pendiktean. Peneliti menggunakan kuantitatif sebagai perancangan penelitiannya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, test pada sebelum dan sesudah dan kuesioner. Pengamatannya adalah untuk mengetahui situasi kelas, partisipasi siswa, pengucapan siswa, dan lingkungan belajar di sekolah. Tes awal dan tes akhir adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan kosa kata individu. Kuesioner tersebut untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar siswa, strategi pembelajaran kosakata dan hubungan antara siswa dan guru. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, prestasi kosa kata siswa meningkat 15,67. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 12 dari 80 siswa mengalami penurunan meski terjadi penurunan prestasi kosa kata siswa melalui metode pendiktean yang tidak terlalu signifikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan individu memiliki pengaruh besar dalam meningkatkan prestasi kosa kata siswa melalui metode pendiktean dibandingkan dengan lingkungan sekolah dan guru. Perbedaan individu memiliki kontribusi 23% dalam meningkatkan kosa kata siswa, lingkungan sekolah memiliki pengaruh 0,6% dalam meningkatkan kosakata siswa melalui metode pendiktean dan guru memiliki kontribusi 10% dalam meningkatkan kosakata siswa melalui metode pendiktean.







MOTTO ... iv






LIST OF TABLE ... xiii




A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Research Question ... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Significance of the Study ... 6

E. Scope and limitation ... 7

F. Definition of key term ... 7


A. Teaching-Learning Process ... 9

1. Definition of Teaching ... 9


B. Dictation ... 21

1. Definition of Dictation ... 21

2. Kind of Dictation... 23

3. The advantages of Dictation... 25

C. Vocabulary ... 26

1. Definition of Vocabulary ... 26

2. Important of Vocabulary ... 27

3. Teaching Vocabulary ... 28

4. Assessing Vocabulary ... 29

D. Previous Study ... 34


A. The research Design ... 38

B. Subject of the Study ... 38

1. Population and Sample ... 38

2. Variable ... 39

C. Data Collection... 44

D. Research Instrument ... 47

E. Data Analysis ... 48


A. Research Result ... 49 1. Students’ achievement in learning English vocabulary in dictation



method ... 49

2. The relationship between individuals’ differences, school environment and teachers ... 54

3. The most affecting factor through increasing students’ vocabulary using dictation method ... 57

B. Discussion ... 58

1. Increasing students’ vocabulary in dictation method ... 58

2. Variable differences in giving effect at vocabulary achievement ... 59

3. Individuals’ Differences in Increasing Students’ Vocabulary through Dictation Method ... 60


A. Conclusion ... 61

B. Suggestion ... 62




Table 2.1 The table of national education standard No. 32 of August9, 211... 16

Table 2.2 The table of rubric for assessing vocabulary development ... 30

Table 3.1 The table of questionnaire to assess students’ motivation ... 39

Table 3.2 The table to assess class size standard ... 41

Table 3.3 The table questionnaire to assess teachers’ relationship with student ... 43

Table 3.4 The table to assess pretest and posttest ... 45

Table 3.5 The table example of question in pretest and posttest ... 46

Table 4.1 The table of result of pretest ... 49

Table 4.2 The table of result of posttest ... 51

Table 4.3 The table of one-sample statistics ... 54

Table 4.4 The table of anova ... 55

Table 4.5 The table of correlation ... 55




Figure 2.1 Stages of word knowledge assessment ... 31 Figure 2.2 Formula to assess word identification ... 32 Figure 2.3 Mind map three variables in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method ... 33



Pre and Post Test Question ... 69

Questionnaire Test of Word Learning Strategies ... 73

Questionnaire Test of The Students’ Motivation ... 73

Questionnaire Test of The Students’ Relationship with Teacher ... 74

The Result of Pre Test ... 75

The Result of Post Test ... 79

The Result of Individuals’ Differences ... 67

The result of School Environment ... 68

The Result of Teacher ... 69






Research Background

In 2016, Southeast Asian region has entered the era of MEA. MEA is a form of realization of the ultimate goal of economic integration in Southeast Asia that allows foreign investor come to Indonesia to work together and invest. This opportunity would not be wasted Indonesian. People compete to sell their commodity with a variety of attractive deals both oral language and in written language. To promote their products and skills, everyone is required to be more active in communicating with foreigners. This reasons forced Indonesia to master several languages including English.

The current status of English as an international or global language is underpinned by its wide use in a range of fields such as politics, diplomacy, international trade and industry, commerce, science and technology, education, the media, information technology, and popular culture.1 In education context, language

has functioned as a tool to communicate to access and share information. In social life, it serves as a tool to build interpersonal relationships, share information and enjoy the beauty aspect of language. It is important to learn English as an international language that is used in many countries around the world and is widely

1Allan Lauder, “The Status and Function of English in Indonesia: A Review of Key Factors,” Makara

SosialHumaniora 12, no. 1 (July 2008). p.4


used in various sectors such as information, commerce, education, economics and others.2

Currently Indonesian total population of productive age (15-64 years) over the nonproductive age (children aged 0-14 years and elderly aged 65 years and over). The number of productive age population will peak in 2020-2035.3 Therefore, the main

challenge of the Indonesian nation is ensuring that human resources are abundant productive age have good competence and skill through education in order to do not burden the country.

In the fact, many Indonesian go abroad to learn English, it indicates that the enthusiasm and desire to improve their English skills has risen. An English study involves the study of speech sounds, grammar and vocabulary. Vocabulary has been proven to be very important. A study has shown that the size of the vocabulary in children is a strong predictor for success in the classroom and then: The greater the vocabulary of children in primary classes, the greater their academic achievement in the upper classes.4 In other hand, learning vocabulary is an ongoing process that

requires systematic repetition to help students learn, especially for students who have a poor vocabulary. It means that student need more time to master vocabulary and get depth of vocabulary knowledge.

2Kurikulumkelasdalambahasainggristahun 2004 3 Permendikbud-nomor-70-ttg-kurikulum.p.4


Research reveals that the teacher is probably the single most important factor affecting student achievement.5 Teachers as the chief of the learning control play an important role to help students in mastering the vocabulary. They use several methods in teaching learning; one of them is dictation method to teach vocabulary.

Djamarah (2010: 46) states that, the method is a way used to achieve the goals. Dictation method is the methods which teachers say the subject matter and the students were told to write in notebooks. The instructor read a passage, then dictated and then read it a third time so you could double check what you had written down.6

Dictation has an unfairly deserved reputation as a boring, uninspiring activity that is more suited for the audio-lingual classroom than for communicative classrooms.7

From this explanations the researcher make conclusion that the dictation method is a of teacher-center method and inappropriate with the curriculum of 2013 Section 77I and 77J paragraph (1) letter C about foreign languages which the pattern of teacher-centered learning changes to be a learning-teacher-centered.

In other hand, dictation is a valuable language-learning device that has been used for centuries. Its advantages are numerous. The most common are that dictation can help students to diagnose and correct grammatical mistakes; it ensures attentive

5Volkancicek and Hidayet, “Effctive Use of Lesson Plants to Enhance Education in U.S. and Turkish

Kindergarten Thru 12th Grade Public School System: A Comparative Study,” International Journal of Teaching and Education 2, no. 2 (n.d.). p.11

6BushraSadoon Mohammed, “Using Dictation in Teaching College Students,” Global Journal on

Technology, no. 8 (2015) 205–15 (October 17, 2014): 205–15. p.206


listening and trains students to distinguish sounds, helps learning punctuation and develops aural comprehension. It is accordance with Galina and Irena; they stated that dictation could help develop all language skills, that is, grammar, oral communication, pronunciation, and listening comprehension.8

As we known, dictation method is an effective way to review and test one of them is vocabulary. The linguist Stalin also showed vocabulary are the building blocks of language and the basis of many communications capabilities, such as reading, listening, writing and oral language. There are some common problems in the present teaching of English vocabulary, such (1) the student cannot understand so many grammatical knowledge and use it in English listening, speaking, reading and writing; (2) The same word repetition frequency is so low that students cannot memorize the words they have learned; (3) teaching vocabulary does not distinguish between common words of ordinary words, which make students bear more burdens to memorize vocabulary; (4) The present teaching vocabulary has no logic and no express regularity word of English.9 The problems was faced by students in learning

English vocabulary is affected by the lack of English among students themselves, this

8Galina Kavaliauskienė and Irena Darginavičienė, “Dictation In the ESP Classroom: A Tool to

Improve LanguageProviciency,” English for Specific Purposes World 8, no. 23 (n.d.), p.1

9Qu Tang, “The Effectiveness of Dictation Method in College English Vocabulary Teaching,”

ACADEMY PUBLISHER Manufactured in Finland 2, no. 7 (July 2012): 1472–76, doi:10.4304/tpls.2.7.1472-1476. p.1472


is caused by differences in ability and teaching methods performed at the level of the previous (Secondary School).

If researcher seen from many previous studies that mention the benefits of learning dictation, researchers intend to compare the results of those studies with the real situation in MA Bilingual Krian. As a basic of language to communicate, researchers will focus on the use of dictation method in improving students' vocabulary.


Research Question

Research problem of the study is formula in this following question:

a. How is students’ achievement in learning English vocabulary by using dictation method at MA Bilingual Krian?

b. How do individual learner differences, school environment and teacher give an effect in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method? c. What is the most affecting factor in increasing students’ vocabulary

through dictation method?


Objectives of the Study


a. To find out students’ achievement in learning English vocabulary by using dictation method at MA Bilingual Krian?

b. To find out how do individual learner differences, school environment and teacher give an effect in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method.

c. To find out the most affecting factor through increasing students’ vocabulary using dictation method.


Significance of the Study

By conducting this study, the researcher hopes it can give the big contribution as the practical implication of the study to the teachers, institution of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, other researchers and as follows:

1. Teachers

The result of this research will help the lectures to know the most influence factor using dictation method in increasing students’ vocabulary. It can also be as consideration in giving the method and exercises for the student in the next year

2. Students

The researcher hopes this study can motivate the students in all activity especially to increase vocabulary through dictation, as it is presumably easy to follow.


3. Further Researchers

Indeed, the researcher also hopes that the result of this study will be useful as the basic information for other researcher to conduct the further research dealing with using dictation method in teaching process.


Scope and Limit of the Study

The scope of the study entitled “The Effect of Individual Learner Differences, School Environment and Teacher in Increasing Students’ Vocabulary through Dictation Method at MA Bilingual Krian” is to prove previous research who stated that dictation method can help develop all language skills10 but in this study,

researcher only focuses dictation on vocabulary. In addition, the researchers took data of dictation in vocabulary usage from one school only. The limit of this study is lack of subjects with different educational background and family background should be obtained. Researchers are aware that this data cannot be used as a valid reference.


Definition of



In case of avoiding the misunderstanding among the readers, the author tries to define the key terms of this study as follows:

1. Dictation Method

10Galina Kavaliauskiene and Irena Darginavicience.“Dictation in the ESP Classroom; a Tool to Oprove


To explain what the meaning of dictation method firstly researcher tries to describes the meaning of method. In teaching, method is a systematic plan to achieve a learning objective.11 There are three basic methods of teaching

used by the instructors namely: teacher-centered, student-centered and focus-centered method. Dictation is an activity to write down something that someone says or reads out as it is being said or immediately after it is said.12

In other word dictation method is an activity to achieve contain objective in language learning which student write down words from someone says. 2. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is generically defined as the knowledge of words and word meanings.13 Thus, it can be stated that we use vocabulary to refer to the kind

of words that students must know to read text with comprehension. 3. Achievement

In the standards of test construction (APA, 1999) achievement is viewed basically as the competence a person has in area of content. This competence is the result of many intellectual and non-intellectual variables.14

11Jeamarie R. Abanador, Guillian Christine D. Buesa, Guada Marie L. Remo, JovielynMañibo,

“Teaching Methods and Learning Preferences in the Engineering Department of an Asian University,” International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development 3, no. 1 (January 2014), doi:10.6007/IJARPED/v3-i1/499. p.3

12CHIANG Oi Kit, “Report on the Action Research Project on English Dictation in a Local Primary

School” 2 (n.d.). p.1

13Shari Butler, Kelsi Urrutia, AnnetaBuenger, Nina Gonzalez, Maria Hunt, and Corinne Eisenhanrt, A

Riview of the Current Research on Vocabulary Instruction (National Reading Technical Assistance Center, 2011), p.1






Teaching-Learning Process

1. Definition of Teaching

Teaching is a systematic plan to achieve a learning objective.15 Teaching process is the activity that occur in the class include how to teacher application the material and technique and also how is the interaction happen among teacher and students the purpose is to make someone understand. Brown define teaching is an activity which helping someone to learn something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, making someone to know or understand of something.16

Every individual has his own perspective in learning; one factor, which makes divergence, is the methods of teaching used by their professors, which are categorized generally into four types. Those methods are the Teacher Centered Method, Content Method, Learner Centered Method and Participative Method.17

14Salvador Algarabel and Carmen Dasí, “The Definition of Achievement and the Construction of Test

for Its Measurement: A Review of the Main Trends” Psicológica (2001), 22, 43–66 (n.d.).

15Jeamarie R. Abanador, Guillian Christine D. Buesa, Guada Marie L. Remo, JovielynMañibo,

“Teaching Methods and Learning Preferences in the Engineering Department of an Asian University.”

16H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, fifth (New York: Pearson

Education, 2007). p. 8

17Jeamarie R. Abanador, Guillian Christine D. Buesa, Guada Marie L. Remo, JovielynMañibo,

“Teaching Methods and Learning Preferences in the Engineering Department of an Asian University.” p.1


a. Teacher/instructor-centered involves the teachers’ action to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Teacher-centered instruction includes teaching strategies "in which the teacher's role is to present the knowledge to be learned and to direct, in a rather explicit manner, the learning process of the students. b. In content-focused teaching methods, both the teacher and the learners have to fit

into the content that is taught. Generally, this means the information and skills to be taught are regarded as sacrosanct or very important. A lot of emphasis is laid on the clarity and careful analyses of content. Both the teacher and the learners cannot alter or become critical of anything to do with the content. Content-Focused Coaching is a professional development model designed to promote student learning and achievement by having a coach and a teacher work jointly in specific settings, guided by conceptual tools

c. Learner-centered teaching is a teaching, which is focused on learning – what the students are doing, is the central concern of the teacher. It is the teaching that encourages collaboration, acknowledging the classroom (be it virtual or real) as a community where everyone shares the learning agenda. The benefits of learner-centered education include increased motivation for learning and greater satisfaction with school; these outcomes lead to a greater academic achievement. d. The last type of the teaching method is the participatory/interactive method.

Participatory method is driven by the situational analysis of what is the most appropriate thing for us to learn/do now given the situation of learners and the


teacher. The used of teaching methods produces a variety of results. It may be strong and effective in one case, may be weak and harmful in another case. Experience shows that this kind of result in possible if the teacher’s exigency and convenience

2. Factors Influencing in Teaching Process

In successful language learning teaching process, we must consideration some factors such individual learner differences, school learning environment and teacher.

a. Individual Learner Differences 1) Students’ Motivation

Motivation is one of the most important factors, which affect students’ language learning achievement. It is obvious that learners who want to learn are likely to achieve more than those who do not.18 Motivation is a key factor to understanding the student's affective state. Teacher should be aware and try to develop positive motivation for students.

a) Intrinsic motivation.

Student’s motivation is not something we can touch like for example an headphone where we use to call someone. According to Bc. Lenka Svobodova motivation involves four aspects, a goal, effortful behavior, a


desire to attain the goal and favorable attitudes toward the activity in question. The goals is a stimulus which gives rise to motivation, individuals differences in motivation itself are reflected in effortful behavior, a desire to attain the goal and favorable attitudes toward the activity aspects.

b) Extrinsic motivation.

There are many factors that can influence the internal and external affecting the individuals’ motivation for example money, a praise or positive feedback.

2) Working Memory Capacity

Paul Nation describe that dictation as a technique where the learners receive some spoken input, hold this in their memory for a short time, and then writer what they heard.19 Those definitions prove that work memory capacity give effect in dictation method.

Statistical results revealed that higher spans are better able to both comprehend and produce new vocabulary items in an l2 than lower spans individuals.20

Working memory capacity cannot be known only by observation in students’ value, but must be measured using an appropriate measuring tool

19Paul Nation, “Dictation, Dicto-Comp, and Related Techniques,” English Teaching Forum, October

1991. P.12

20Daniela MalheirosMendonça, “Working Memory Capacity and the Retention of L2 Vocabulary”


called Intelligence Quotient test (IQ). IQ tests generally are reliable enough that most people ages ten and older have similar IQ scores throughout life. However, some individuals score very differently when taking the same test at different times or when taking more than one kind of IQ test at the same age.21 According to the Psychology Consultation, the use of intelligence test is to measure the special students’ abilities. These abilities consist of nine sub-tests:

SE (Satzerganzung),in terms to measuring the ability to making decision, use mind, an assessment that is closer to the reality or meaning of reality. The use of sub-test is expected to unfold the ability to think independently.

WA (Wortauswahl), in terms to measuring verbal integrative thinking, understand the vision of a definition through the empathize ability which formulated in the language.

AN (Analogien),in terms to measuring flexibility / agility of thinking ability, the ability to combine knowledge, understanding and depth in thinking, persistence think / do guess. This test is important for scientific development.

21Consultant Neurosurgeon, Lakeshore Hospital and Research Centre, India, “Factors Influencing


GE (Gemeinsamkeiten), in terms to measuring the abstraction ability that is the ability to make definition and reiterated in the form of verbal language and logical thinking in the language.

ME (MerkAufgaben), in terms to measuring the ability of, memory or ability to save words that have been learned or memorized

RA (RachenReihen), in terms to measuring the ability to think inductively practical or power raktis thinking in the count.

ZR (ZahlenReihan), in terms to measuring the ability of theoretical thinking in using numbers or count, mathematical thinking, reasoning power and irregular components.

FA (Form Auswahl), in terms to measuring the ability of theoretical thinking in using numbers or count, mathematical thinking, reasoning power and irregular components.

WU (WurfelAufgaben), in terms to measuring the power of the shadows or three-dimensional space, construction-technical components.

b. School Learning Environment

The school environment is an important aspect of educational planning. The quality of education not only depends on the teacher as reflected on performance of their duties, but also in the effective coordination of the school environment. (Ajayi, 2001 and Oluchukwu, 2000) quote in Caroline Andisi


Mege stated that class size, facilities, instructional materials and school location are factors that influence on teaching-learning process.22

According to Slameto school learning environment factors that affect learning are; Learning methods, curriculum, teacher relations with students, student relations with students, school Discipline, tools, learning time in school, standard lesson, location, methods of learning and homework.23

Meanwhile, according to Muhib bin Syah, school environment is divided into two kinds, namely the social and nonsocial environmental.24 Social

environment includes teachers, education workers, and classmates. While nonsocial environment includes the school, school buildings, learning tools, and so on. Based on these descriptions, the school environment indicators in this study are:

1) Standard lesson

Teachers demanded students to mastery the material which must be adapted with students’ abilities and most importantly the goals that have been formulated to be achieved.

2) Class Size

22Caroline AndisiMege, “Influence of School Environment Factors on Teaching-Learning Process in

Public Primary Schools in Lower Nyokal Division, Homa-Bay District, Kenya” (University of Nairobi, 2014).

23Slameto, “Learn and Factors That Influence,” Rineka Reserved, 2010.


The influence of class size has a great impact on the teaching-learning process. The smaller class size it’s easier for the teacher-learner interaction thus improving the teaching-learning process because the teacher will be able to give the learner individual attention. The large class size impacts negatively to the teaching-learning process, it makes teacher cannot move freely to assess the students. Crowded classroom conditions not only make difficult for learners to concentrate but inevitably limit the amount of time teachers can spend on innovative teaching methods such as cooperative learning and group work. According to minister of national education No. 32 of August 9, 2011 standard class have descriptions in below.

Table 2.1 : Rubric national education standard No. 32 of August 9, 2011

No. National Education Standards Information

1. Class Standard Complete Uncompleted

1. High-ceiling rooms at least 3.50 meters of floor 2. Size of classroom is 7.00 X 8.00 meters 3. The width of terrace 2.00 meters

4. The ceramic floor tiles, good quality and test method by SNI 03-3976-1995

5. The walls can muffle the sounds

2. Standard Classrooms’ furniture Complete Uncompleted

Furniture Jum P L T

1. The single

students’ desk 32 60 55 65-71 2. The double

students desk 16 120 55 65-71 3. Teachers’ desk 1 75 60 73 4. Students’ seat 32 38 38 40


5. Teachers’ seat 1 45 40 43 6. Whiteboard 1 240 120

7. Schedules

board 1 60 40

8. The board of

attendance 1 60 40 9. Picket board 1 80 60 10. The classroom

cupboard 1 70-80 40-60 180 11. The materials for students and teachers’ table using

wood with thickness 18 mm or multiplex

12. Materials for frame chair use wood with the backrest holder from wooden board in thickness 18mm 13. Materials for whiteboard use tripleks 12mm

thickness with wooden frames 4X6 used on the back of the whiteboard

14. Whiteboard materials using 12 mm thickness multiplex with a frame of aluminum

15. The materials for the frame using wood cabinets with wall coverings of 4mm thick teak trim the edges used for teak veneer.

Note : Each point is fulfilled will get 10 scored, and unfulfilled will get 5 score Total = Total score : 10

3) Physical facilities

The image of a school is depending on the quality of its infrastructure. The physical facilities of the school have a variety of effects on teachers, students and the teaching-learning process. The facilities include; administration office, staffrooms, classroom, chairs, toilets, laboratories, libraries and school ground.

Schools with equipped laboratory have their pupils performing better than their counterparts in school without laboratories or those with ill equipped laboratories. Laboratory work stimulates learners’ interests as they are


made to personally engage in useful scientific actives and experimentations (owoeye and yara, 2010).

4) Instructional Materials

Instructional materials include textbooks, exercise books, wall maps, charts, and atlas and science kits. According to Agosiobo (2007) the use of teaching resource is important because they motivate learners to learn as they offer stimulus variation and assist in sustaining learners’ attention throughout the lesson.

There is clear evidence that there is a relationship between adequate provision of books and achievement. Textbooks are often the most cost effective means of improving academic achievement and increasing the efficiency of schools (Psachropoulous& Wood hall, 1995).

5) School location

The extent to which students learning could be enhanced depends on the location of the school. When a school is built near a market canter, the noise from the market will distract the learners from concentrating thus affecting the process of teaching-learning process. The layout of the school building must fulfill requirements such as not too close to the noise road and qualified predetermined health for school sciences.25


Economic status of the school neighborhood also has an impact on the teaching-learning process. Aikens and Barbarin (2008) noted that schools located in low economic status communities are often under resourced and this affects the teaching-learning process. Parents from low economic status are unable to afford resources such as books, computers or tutors to create this positive literacy environment.

c. Teacher

Teacher brings individuals characteristics to the L2 classroom that may have an influence on the student’s performance and in their result. Teachers have personal characteristics and individual differences that influence with their performance in the teaching-learning process.

1) The teachers’ personality qualities

Other factors that influence the student’s attitudes and motivation are teacher’s personality and his/her behavior in the class.26 Majority students

want have teacher which show an interest, be patient, treat students well, have a good sense of humor, be friendly and funny to her students. Daniel Madrid study showed that students’ motivation increase along with increasing a good teachers’ personality. Other factor that influence in teachers’ personality qualities are teacher’s social class and ideology.

2) Training Experiences

26Daniel Madrid, “IInternal and External Factors Affecting Foreign Language Teaching and Learning,”


The teacher training experiences, his/her theoretical and practice preparation give big effect in dictation method. From teacher training experiences, teacher could reading sentences or texts with emphasis on pronunciations, the more experience teachers teach, it can affect the success of teachers in using dictation. The teachers’ age may also be an important factor influence with teaching experience.

3) Teachers’ work environment

Teachers who teach in favorable work environments report that they are more satisfied and less likely to plan to transfer or leave the profession than their peers in school with less favorable conditions.27 Teachers’ working conditions

on their professional satisfaction and their students’ achievement estimate the relationship between teachers working conditions measures and several outcomes, including teachers’ satisfaction, teachers’ career intentions and school-wide achievement growth.

We conclude that a range of working conditions matter to teachers, but the most important—those that both help retain teachers in low-income, high-minority schools and make it possible for their students to achieve—are the ones that shape the social context of teaching and learning. These are not conventional working conditions such as facilities, school resources, or

27Susan Moore Johnson Matthew A. Kraft John P. Papay, “How Context Matters in High-Need

Schools: The Effects of Teachers’ Working Conditions on Their Professional Satisfaction and Their Students’ Achievement” 114(10) (n.d.): 1–39.


planning time, but elements like the school culture, the principal’s leadership, and the relationships with their students. It is surely important to have safe facilities, adequate resources, and sufficient time for preparation, but if teachers are to achieve success with their students—particularly low-income and high-minority students who rely most on the school for their learning— they also must be able to count on their colleagues, their principal, and the organizational culture of the school to make success possible.

Horng (2009) finds that working conditions – particularly administrative support, school facilities, and class size – are more important to teachers than salary and much more important than student demographics



1. Definition of Dictation

Paul Nation describe that dictation as a technique where the learners receive some spoken input, hold this in their memory for a short time, and then writer what they heard28. Dictation can be assessments tool to measure students’ understanding in


spelling and the meaning of a word29 it means that dictation most effective when it involves known vocabulary.30

Dictation is used to evaluate most of the aspects of language: grammar, oral communication, pronunciation, and listening comprehension.31 Its main purpose is to check the proficiency of the students about the language being learned such grammatical mistakes, it ensures attentive listening and trains students to distinguish sound, helps learning punctuation and develops aural comprehension.32 It means that when students do dictation test, they do not only pay attention to the sound of the words but also understand about the meaning of that words, so that the student will be able to apply those words in new sentences.


STUDENTS’ LISTENING MASTERY (A Case Study of the Fifth Grade Students of SD NegeriWonorejo 01 KaranganyarDemak in the Academic Year of 2006/2007)” (Semarang State University, 2007). p.7

30Paul Nation, “Dictation, Dicto-Comp, and Related Techniques.” p.12

31Galina Kavaliauskienė and Irena Darginavičienė, “Dictation In the ESP Classroom: A Tool to

Improve LanguageProviciency.” p.1


2. Kind of Dictation

Dictation has listening input and written output. According to Ruth Montalvan in Guidelines for teacher-training workshop, there are several of dictation techniques some of them are.33

a. Question to Statement

Dictate a question and ask the students to change to statement. b. Cloze Dictation

Most of the dictations in this text are partial dictations where words, phrases, or chunks of language have been deleted, and students are required to listen and write down the missing words. All the dictations should be discussed upon completion. Pair work is encouraged, and spelling can be corrected at the time of completion.

c. Dicto-comp

This type of dictation is actually a combination of two word forms, namely dictation and composition.34 In the dicto-comp, the learners listen as the teacher reads a text to them. The teacher may read it several times. The main differences in dicto-comp is the learners have to remember the ideas in a text

33Montalvan, “Dictation Updated: Guidelines for Teacher-Training Workshops,” English for Specific

Purposes World 8, no. 23 (1990),


STUDENTS’ LISTENING MASTERY (A Case Study of the Fifth Grade Students of SD NegeriWonorejo 01 KaranganyarDemak in the Academic Year of 2006/2007).” p. 9


that is more than a hundred words and writes the word use original form or use their own word.35

d. Dictoglos

In this kind of dictation, the focus is on getting the main idea of a sentence. Dictogloss is specifically designed to teach grammar.36 In the first step, teacher introduces the topic of the passage. Next students are told that they will hear a sentence more than once; after they are to jot down the words, they can recall and try to reconstruct the sentence in writing as accurately as they can. When the first student is done, the teacher will probably have to allow the students a second reading until they discover that they need to pay attention the first time around. Students can work in pairs or groups of three or four. Some teachers like to have students write their sentences on the board for all to see, correct, and discuss. The use of this listening into writing task helps the students focus on key features of spoken English such as contractions and weak forms.37

35Paul Nation, “Dictation, Dicto-Comp, and Related Techniques.”

36Richard Kidd, “Teaching ESL Grammar through Dictation,” TESL CANADA JOURNAL 10, no. 1

(1992). p.57


3. The Advantages of Dictation

Dictation has many advantages, but currently dictation is not widely used in teaching English. The reasons are that dictation method classified into teacher-centered and impressed old fashioned. Dictations have numerous advantages. The most common advantages of dictation are help students to diagnose and correct grammatical mistakes. Others advantages of dictation are:

a. Dictation can help develop all four-language skills in an integrated way.38

b. Dictation offers a context-rich method of displaying learners’ linguistic competence and involves the knowledge about the content of the text.39

c. Useful for reinforcing the correlation between the spelling system and sound system of a language.40

d. Ensures attentive listening and trains students to distinguish sounds, helps learning punctuation and develops aural comprehension.41

38Montalvan, “Dictation Updated: Guidelines for Teacher-Training Workshops.” 39BushraSadoon Mohammed, “Using Dictation in Teaching College Students.” p.206 40Ibid.

41Galina Kavaliauskienė and Irena Darginavičienė, “Dictation In the ESP Classroom: A Tool to




1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the materials studied by students of all level of schools in Indonesia. Vocabulary is more than a list of words, and although the size of one’s vocabulary matters, it knows how to use it which matters most.42 In other hand, vocabulary has well known as the knowledge of words and word meanings.43 Thus, it can be stated that we use vocabulary to refer to the kind of words that students must know to read text with comprehension.

According to Nation Vocabulary, there are two kinds of vocabulary, namely productive/active vocabulary and receptive/passive vocabulary.44 Student understands well, can pronounce correctly and use those words in speaking and writing, we call it active vocabulary. On the other hand, student can recognize and understand when they are reading or listening someone, but they do not use the words in speaking or in writing, we call it passive vocabulary.

The Partnership for Reading (2003) has used the following three levels to describe students’ knowledge for word meanings.45

42Teaching Effective Vocabulary (Department for Children, 2008), p.3

43Shari Butler, Kelsi Urrutia, AnnetaBuenger, Nina Gonzalez, Maria Hunt, and Corinne Eisenhanrt, A

Riview of the Current Research on Vocabulary Instruction. p.1

44Nation, L.S.P, “Teaching and Learning Language,” New York: New Burry House, 1990. p.29 45Patricia and Catherine, Promoting Literacy Development: 50 Research-Based Strategies for K-8


a. Unknown: The word is completely unfamiliar and its meaning is unknown. b. Acquainted: The word is somewhat familiar; the student has some idea of its

basic meaning.

c. Established: The word is very familiar; the student can immediately recognize its meaning and use the word correctly.

2. Important of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the basic component for students who want mastering language. They will easy to learn and practice that language if they have enough vocabulary. Contrary, students cannot write a word or make sentence without it. Developing a good vocabulary will help student to improve their speaking, listening, writing and reading skills.46

According to Dian Novitasari vocabulary is very useful to understand other people idea and explain easily. The others advantages from vocabulary are:

a. By creating language-rich learning environments where interesting, unusual, useful, emotional, controversial, and difficult words are noticed and celebrated, students become more attuned to language and accustomed to using sophisticated and academic language.47

46Dian Novitasari, “The Influence of Slap the Word Game on the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at

SMPN 2 JatirejoMojokerto” (UIN SunanAmpel Surabaya, 2013).

47Sheelah M. Sweeny, Ph.D., “Research-Based Practices in Vocabulary Instruction: An Analysis of


b. Learning new vocabulary through context also helps the student understand the word’s correct usage and prevents students from making sentences from dictionary.48

Those advantages show us about the correlation between vocabulary and students ability to build communication use certain language. In the same case, Thomburry stated, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. In other word, even without grammar listener will be able to understand what are speaker mean, without vocabulary speaker cannot express their idea and listeners cannot understand what speaker mean. The more words we know the easier for us to make communication.

3. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary is not only giving the word to the students but also elaborates the new word in communication. Teaching vocabulary is concern with the techniques uses in study word. Learning vocabulary is not easy, it is because successful in vocabulary cannot be assess by how much students know words but by how depth students’ understand word and apply it.

In fact, one word is not only having one meaning. This is one of students’ problems. Student and teacher must work together to avoid that problem. Teacher has to use the appropriate technique in teaching vocabulary. Soebottom suggests “first,

48Jeff G. Mehring, “Developing Vocabulary in Second Language Acquisition: From Theories to the


learn the words that are important to the subjects they are studying. Second, learn the words that they read repeatedly. Third, learn the words that they know they will often want to use”.49

Students’ vocabulary acquisition, students just not only spend time in learning or memorizing like grammar. Acquisition requires the learner to be disciplined, spending time each day working on words he/he does not know in order for learners to remember high frequency words and put them into their long-term memory. Teacher should developing lesson, which allow the student to know new words multiple times, lowing them to put the new words into his long-term memory.50

4. Assessing Vocabulary

The decision teachers have to make when assessing their students’ vocabulary knowledge is whether to test it discretely or embedded in other skill areas.51 Discrete vocabulary testing looks at assessing a student’s knowledge at the word level whereas embedded vocabulary testing looks at the students’ use of vocabulary as it pertains to a text that the student has produced such as a written essay or spoken text. In this study, researcher will test students’ vocabulary using both discretely and embedded.

49 /advice/vocab.htm, retrieved 08.23 06/06/2016 50Jeff G. Mehring, “Developing Vocabulary in Second Language Acquisition: From Theories to the

Classroom.” p.4

51Christine Coombe, “Assessing Vocabulary in the Classroom,” Dubai, UAE: TESOL Arabia


According to Kay (1995), assessment is the last stages in lesson plan. Assessing student learning is a critical component of effective teaching and achievement. To assess students’ vocabulary achievement, the researcher use rubric from Promoting Literacy Development book by Patricia and Catherine.


he rubric contains six criteria related to the goals of the vocabulary instructional program.52

Table 2.2: Rubric for Assessing Vocabulary Development

Criterion Level #3 Advanced (3 Points) Level #2 Developing (2 Points) Level #1 Striving (1 Point) Word identification The student is proficient

in saying, reading, or writing the word.

The student has some difficulty saying, reading, or writing the word.

The student has a lot of difficulty saying, reading, or writing the word.

Word meaning The student knows the comprehensive meaning of the word and can discuss multiple meanings of the word.

The student knows a partial meaning of the word but has difficulty discussing a full meaning of the word.

The student does not know the meaning of the word and cannot discuss it.

Reading the word The student offers a rich explanation of the contextual meaning of the word.

The student offers a partial explanation of the contextual meaning of the word.

The student is not able to explain the

contextual meaning of the word.

Writing the word The student uses the word with a high degree of accuracy within the context of writing.

The student uses the word with some degree of accuracy within the context of writing.

The student does not attempt to use the word within the context of writing.


strategies The student uses a range of word-learning strategies, along with varied resources, to learn new words.

The student uses few word-learning strategies and resources to learn new words.

The student does not use word-learning strategies and

resources to learn new words.

Word consciousness The student demonstrates an awareness and interest in learning and using new words.

The student

demonstrates a minimal awareness and interest in learning and using new words.

The student does not demonstrate an awareness and interest in learning and using new words.

Overall level of vocabulary development

Advanced level

18–13 points Developing level 12–7 points Striving level 6–0 points

52Patricia and Catherine, Promoting Literacy Development: 50 Research-Based Strategies for K-8


To assessing students’ vocabulary levels, the researcher will conduct pre and post-test, which consist of open questions formats, Reading Aloud and questionnaires. Open questions formats will be held to assess Word Meaning which measuring student knows the comprehensive meaning of the word and can discuss multiple meanings of the word. The researcher takes 10 items stems, which should be answer by student. In open questions, formats will be followed by fill chart figure 2.153 the purpose is to assess Reading the Word and Writing the Word criterion which student is asked to offers a rich explanation of the contextual meaning of the word and uses the word with a high degree of accuracy within the context of writing. Figure 2.1 Stages of Word Knowledge Assessment

1. Read the word in column one

2. After you read the word, think about your knowledge of that word 3. Select the column that matches your knowledge of the word

b. If you have never seen that word before, check column 1.

c. If you have seen the word before, but you do not know what it means, check column 2.

d. If you think, you know what the word means, write the meaning in column 3.

e. If you have seen this word before and are sure you know what it means, write the meaning in column 4.

f. If you wrote the definition in column four, go to column 5 and write the word in a complete sentence.

Points Awarded > Section

1 2 3 4 5

Word I have never seen this word before.

I’ve seen this word, but I do not know what it means

I think it

means.... I know this word. It means...

I can use this word in a sentence. My sentence is ... (you must also

53Rasinski, Padak, Newton, & Newton, “Vocabulary : Informal Assessments” 14, no. 22 (n.d.): 30–38.


fill in column 4)

Reading Aloud to assess Word Identification, which consist of; proficient in saying, reading or writing the word? The researcher takes 25 items stems, which should be read or saying. Score is gotten by following formula:

Figure 2.2 Formula to assess word identification

The last criterion should be assess is Word-Learning Strategies and Word Consciousness. To assess those criterion researcher will be conduct questionnaire together with assess students factors that most effect the students in learning vocabulary using dictation.

Right pronunciation words

Word Identification = --- x 100%


Figure 2.3 Mind map three variables in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method

School environment Standart lesson Class Size;

 Small class, medium, large

Physical Facilities:

 Chairs, classrooms, office, library, toilets

Instructional Materials;

 Textbook, exercise books, wall maps, charts, atlas, science kits

School Location

Success teaching-learning process(Dictation Method) Teacher

Teachers’ personality qualities

Training experience

Teachers’ work environment

Students’ differences

Students’ motivation

Working memory capacity




There are some previous studies in dictation method. Firstly, Dictation The Effectiveness of Dictation Method in College English Vocabulary Teaching by Qu Tang. He is focused to find out how the teachers should do to help the students enhance. This paper introduces the theories that support dictation method and the effective strategies for review and test vocabulary. Qu Tang also explains students’ enthusiasm, motivation and confidence for learning. The purpose of this study are reduce students difficulty improve their own language skills and to raise the efficiency of memorizing vocabulary. At the end of the study, Qu Tang gives suggestion to use dictation method to increase students’ enthusiasm and improve their efficiency of memorizing words54.

Second, Dictation in the ESP Classroom: a Tool to Improve Language Proficiensy by Galina Kavaliauskienė and Irena Darginavičienė. The aims of research are to determine students’ attitudes to dictation as a language learning tool. The research methods include learners’ feedback on prior-, during- and post-dictation activities. The intended outcome of the research is to draw conclusions on the benefits of using dictation as a teaching / learning tool at tertiary level. The participants in this study are students of two different specializations who study English for Specific Purposes at the Faculty of Social Policy, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania. The results of that study are: First, class dictations of authentic


materials are beneficial to students at tertiary level, as they help perfect listening and writing skills and raise awareness of problematic language areas. Second, class dictations are designed to create a friendly learning environment in which students collaborate in pairs or small groups. Third, dictation activities provide opportunities for each learner to compare her/his written work with a peer’s work. Fourth, post-dictation comprehension exercises proved beneficial, but pre-teaching vocabulary might be optional depending on the students’ general proficiency in language. Finally, self-checking of ones written work by comparing it with original transcripts of the dictated material allows students to assess their achievements individually.55

Third, Dictation as a Testing Technique in Measuring the Students’ Listening Masteria thesis by Ika Ratna Melawati student of Semarang State University. The researchers want to know how dictation is used to measure listening mastery of the fifth grade students of elementary school. The result of study, Ika Ratna found that students have good proficiency in listening skill, not only in understanding written English but also perceiving the contents of the passage and recognizing all the words and phrases being read. It proves that dictation as a testing technique can be used to measure listening mastery of the fifth grade students of elementary school.56

55Galina Kavaliauskienė and Irena Darginavičienė, “Dictation In the ESP Classroom: A Tool to

Improve LanguageProviciency.”


STUDENTS’ LISTENING MASTERY (A Case Study of the Fifth Grade Students of SD NegeriWonorejo 01 KaranganyarDemak in the Academic Year of 2006/2007).”


Fourth, Effective Teaching with Dictation by Aoyama Gakuin. This article discusses several ways of using dictation activities in a student-centered and fun way in an EFL or ELF setting. A step-by-step description of various dictation activities including ‘Rapid Connected-Speech Dictation,’ ‘Form-Focused Dictation’ and ‘Discussion Question Dictation.’ will be shared in this paper.57

Fifth is “Memory vocabulary learning strategies and long-term retention” by Azadeh Nemati. The present study was an attempt to compare the impacts of teaching through memory strategies on experimental group comparison to control group, where students were taught the meaning of new vocabulary items through giving synonyms and mini-contexts. The results are reflected in the students' short-term and long-term retention. The participants of the study comprised 310 Indian pre-university females. The results indicated that the students of experimental group outperformed both in short-term and long-term scores, portrayed the superiority of memory strategies in short-term and long-term retention.58

Sixth previous study is “Penerapan Spelling Melalui Teknik Dictation untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Writing di Sekolah Dasar”

by Desy Rahmah Sari, Winti Ananthia, Kurniawati. The aim of this research is to increase students’ achievement in writing after do spelling using dictation method

57Jonah Glick, “Effective Teaching with Dictation.”

58AzadehNemati, “Memory Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Long-Term Retention,” International


and the result of this study is spelling using dictation method have positive impact in writing so that can increase student achievement.59

59DesyRahmah Sari, WintiAnanthia, Kurniawati, “Penerapan Spelling MelaluiTeknik Dictation






Research Design

To answer the question, which has been stated in the research question, the researcher uses a descriptive research design. The purpose of this study is to know the real situation and characteristic the subject so the researcher do not add and reduce anything in teaching process. The researcher observes the teaching learning activities in the class than she will describe the database on fact. To get the empirical data for the study, the researcher administered a dictation test and questionnaire. The test is given to the eleven grade students of MA Bilingual Krian. They are supposed to do the test to show the achievement in vocabulary.

In analyzing the data, the researcher uses a quantitative measurement to find the result. From the result, the researcher can describe the students’ achievement to mastery in vocabulary.




t of the Study

1. Population and Sample

In this research researcher chooses 3 classes in 11 grades at MA bilingual Krian year 2016-2017, Class 11-2, 11-3 and 11-4 which consist of 80 students. While sample are 80. The researcher use all of population become sample so this


research is kind of population research. The purpose of use five classes as subject research is because just three classes which use dictation method in teaching learning process.

2. Variable

The variable of this research are: a. Individual Learner Differences

Factor individual learner differences is a factor from students itself or has been known as factor internal which consist of:

1) Motivations

Motivation is reasons which come from students’ itself to do something. The instrument to analyze motivation is using questionnaire. The questionnaires consist of ten questions.

Table 3.1 Questionnaire to assess students’ motivation


No Questions 1 2 3 4 5

1 English is easy for me

2 I always want to know new


3 Getting to know new vocabulary

is the most important in learning English.

4 I study English to meet my

educational needs.

5 I learned English in order to easily find a job.


2) Working memory capacity

In this research, the researcher use students IQ to measure grade of working memory capacity.

b. School Learning Environment

School learning environment is anything that can create students enthusiasm to study which come from school environment.

1) Subject standard

To measure standard of subjects, researcher hold interviewed to teacher about students’ achievement of predefined standard lessons. Standard lesson have 20 points if students could mastery the material which be teacher goals.

2) Class size

The instrument to analyses class size standard, researcher uses minister of national education wisdom No. 32 of August 9, 2011.Class size has 20 points the way to assess class size are below:

I will study hard.

7 Learn new vocabulary using

dictation methods is fun for me 8 I think there is an increasing

vocabulary when I learn English using dictation method

9 Difficulties in learning language does not make me give up but make me feel challenged

10 Learning English make me happy


Table 3.2 Table to assess class size standard N

o. National Education Standards Information

1. Class Standard Complete Uncompleted

1. High-ceiling rooms at least 3.50 meters of floor 2. Size of classroom is 7.00 X 8.00 meters 3. The width of terrace 2.00 meters

4. The ceramic floor tiles, good quality and test method by SNI 03-3976-1995

5. The walls can muffle the sounds

2. Standard Classrooms’ furniture Complete Uncompleted

Furniture Jum P L T

6. The single

students’ desk 32 60 55 65-71

7. The double

students desk 16 120 55 65-71

8. Teachers’

desk 1 75 60 73

9. Students’ seat 32 38 38 40

10. Teachers’ seat 1 45 40 43

11. Whiteboard 1 240 120

12. Schedules

board 1 60 40

13. The board of

attendance 1 60 40

14. Picket board 1 80 60

15. The classroom

cupboard 1 70-80 40-60 180

16. The materials for students and teachers’ table using wood with thickness 18 mm or multiplex 17. Materials for frame chair use wood with the


thickness 18mm

18. Materials for whiteboard use tripleks12mm thickness with wooden frames 4X6 used on the back of the whiteboard

19. Whiteboard materials using 12 mm thickness multiplex with a frame of aluminum

20. The materials for the frame using wood

cabinets with wall coverings of 4mm thick teak trim the edges used for teak veneer.

Note : Each point is fulfilled will get 10 scored, and unfulfilled will get 5 score

Total = Total score : 10

3) Physical facilities

The facilities include; administration office, staffrooms, classroom, chairs, toilets, laboratories, libraries and school ground. The instrument is by research observation physical facilities have 20 points if have standard administration office, staffrooms, classroom, chairs, toilets, laboratories, libraries and school ground.

4) Instructional materials

Instructional materials include textbooks, exercise books, wall maps, charts, and atlas and science kits. The instrument is by research observation. Instructional materials have 20 points if have three textbooks, exercise books, wall maps, charts, and atlas and science kitsin every class.


5) School location

The layout of the school building must fulfill requirements. In this case, researcher uses sumadi suryabrata. 2004 standard in Metodologi

penelitian and have 20 points.

c. Teacher

Teacher is a person which has obligation to teach in personal or group manner. The indicators of teacher are teachers’ personality qualities, training experience and teachers’ work environment include teacher relationship with students. The questionnaire to assess teacher are below. Table 3.3 Questionnaire to assess teachers’ relationship with student

No Questions 1 2 3 4 5

16 I felt uncomfortable with my English


17 I think my English teacher less experienced

18 When I look my English teacher, I was


19 My English teacher just take attention to some students only

20 Teacher often angry for reasons that are not clear

21 My English teacher often come late

22 Teachers give duty too much

23 Teacher never explain when I did not

understand the subject

24 Teacher too hard while giving material 25 My English teacher is so seriously so that

the class never felt relaxed


C. Data Collection

To carry out researchers’ study, the researcher collects data containing some information needed for researchers’ study. In this research, researcher gets the data from observing the teaching learning process: field notes, questionnaire and the result of the students’ test: the pre-test and post-test.

1. Observation

Observations are used to observe the situation of the class during each cycle of this study. There are three components that the writer observed. They are:

a. The situation of the class. Numbers of students who enthusiastically raising their hands when teacher asks them, researcher may concludes that they give much attention to teachers’ explanation during the study.

b. The participation of the students. Numbers of students who do what teacher orders, researcher will conclude that they are motivated to be active.

c. The pronunciation of the students. Numbers of students who can pronounce the vocabulary give in the last each cycle better than in the beginning of each cycle, researcher will concludes that they are in progress. However, she does not take the score of it.

d. School learning environment. The school learning environment that will be examined is class size, physical facilities, school location, tools and building.


2. Pre-test and Post-test

According to the regulation of standard dictation tests, a dictation achievement test should consist of 120 words (Malekian & Akhundi, 2010).In this test there are 10 questions to be tested consist of questions to assessing Word Identification, Word meaning, Reading the word and Writing the word


To assess Word identification, which consists of student proficient in saying and reading the word, researcher should records to assess it.

Table 3.4 Table to assess pretest and posttest

Criterion Level #3 Advanced (3 Points) Level #2 Developing (2 Points) Level #1 Striving (1 Point) Measure Word

identification The student is proficient in saying, reading, or writing the word.

The student has some difficulty saying, reading, or writing the word.

The student has a lot of difficulty saying, reading, or writing the word.

Reading aloud


meaning The student knows the comprehensive meaning of the word and can discuss multiple meanings of the word.

The student knows a partial meaning of the word but has difficulty discussing a full meaning of the word.

The student does not know the meaning of the word and cannot discuss it. Questions in Pre and posttest point 3 Reading the

word The student offers a rich explanation of the contextual meaning of the word.

The student offers a partial

explanation of the contextual meaning of the word.

The student is not able to explain the contextual meaning of the word.

Questions in Pre and post test finding meaning Writing the

word The student uses the word with a high degree of accuracy within the context of writing.

The student uses the word with some degree of accuracy within the context of writing.

The student does not attempt to use the word within the context of writing. Questions in Pre and posttest point 5 Overall level of vocabulary development Advanced level


Total = number of points X 2

Word-learning strategies

The student uses a range of word-learning strategies, along with varied resources, to learn new words.

The student uses few word-learning strategies and resources to learn new words.

The student does not use word-learning strategies and resources to learn new words. Questionnair e Word consciousne ss The student demonstrates an awareness and interest in learning and using new words. The student demonstrates a minimal awareness and interest in learning and using new words. The student does not demonstrate an awareness and interest in learning and using new words. Observation Overall level of vocabulary development Advanced level

5–4 points Developing level 3–2 points Striving level 1–0 points Total = number of points X 2

Table 3.5 Example of question in pretest and posttest. 1. Break (1) I’ve never seen this word before.

(2) I’ve seen this word, but I do not know what it means (3) I think it means....

(4) I know this word. It means... 1...

2... 3...

(5) I can use this word in a sentence. My sentence is ... “... ...” (you must also fill in column 4) “Then there's a break of several years.”


3. Questionnaire

The last technique in collecting data is the use of questionnaire. The purpose is to assess Word learning- Strategies, Word Consciousness criterion, motivation, and the relationship between teacher and students.


Research Instrument

This study consists of four steps consist of step 1, step 2, step 3 and step 4. In the step 1 the students do pre-test. In step 2 is teaching learning process, and in step 3 the students get post-test. The process of collecting the data does in five meetings. First meeting is the pre-test. In the second until four meeting, researcher analyses the teaching learning process and the five meeting the students do a posttest. The aims of using pre and post-test were to know the students’ responses during the activities and to see their abilities in mastering the vocabulary and their progress. Then, the researcher compares the students result in the pre-test and post-test. The last step is give questionnaire. The purpose of give questionnaire is to gain data for analyze factors in increasing students’ vocabulary. The researcher will agglomerate students according high increasing achievement and low increasing achievement. Then, she will analyze the result of questionnaire both groups and analyze them.



Data Analysis

To get the result of the study, researcher needs to do some steps analysis. First, to find out the significant of increasing vocabulary, researcher will use T Test Paired One Sample. In this test, the researchers do not need normal distribution data. This analyze will answer research question number 1.

1. The first step, researcher put scores of pre-test and post-test into SPSS.

2. Second, the researcher calculate the mean from overall each of pre-test and post-test.

3. Third, the researcher will analyze the data to find out whether the difference of the scores between pre-test and post-test.

The second analyze was analyze the questionnaire which have scale 1,2,3,4 and 5. The scales aimed to know the grades of students’ motivation. Start from number 1 until number 5, if students choose number 1 it means that students have low motivation and this applies to contrary.

The third analyze was analyze effect individual learner differences, home learning environment and school learning environment in increasing students’ vocabulary using dictation method. In the third analyze researcher use multiple regression linearity test in SPSS. The second and third analyze will answer research question number 2 and 3.


Some of classes are in the outdoor classrooms which demand every teacher to say with high sound. This condition make teaching learning process through dictation method does not work optimally and school environment have 0,6% effect in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method.

Teachers have personal characteristics and individual differences that influence with their performance in the teaching-learning process. The result of research which obtainable by interview and questionnaire shows that teacher has low standard experience with English but she have high personal characteristics and attractiveness which make students’ feel interest and like to study English. This situation make student to have big motivation too so that teacher have higher effect in students’ vocabulary achievement through dictation method than school environment.

3. Individuals’ Differences in Increasing Students’ Vocabulary through Dictation Method

The individuals’ differences have most effect in increasing students’ vocabulary achievement. It can be look by differentiate Students’ IQ which have variant value in addition differences in students’ motivation have big effect on students’ vocabulary achievement too. The finding supported by Bc.


study English because they feel English is important for them. They aware and know that study English is not just for finding a job. So students’ do many effort to increasing students’ vocabulary achievement.




A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis and finding, this section presents the conclusions of the research. Students’ vocabulary achievement using dictation method increase 15,67. It showed from mean pre-test is 40,45 while the mean posttest is 56,12 the compare between the mean pre-test and post-test showed that there is an increase value.

The individuals’ differences has the big effect in increasing students’ vocabulary achievement through dictation method compare with school environment and teachers. It look from r value Individual differences, obtained r = 0.232. The school environment variable have little effect in students’ vocabulary achievement with a value of r is 0.069. For the teacher variables have middle effect in increasing students’ vocabulary achievement with r value obtained 0.101.

Individuals’ learner differences have the big effect in increasing students’ vocabulary through dictation method. The researcher did not vouched it have same result if teacher use other method. School environment or teacher has possibility became the most effect in increasing students’’ vocabulary achievement by using other method.




Based on the conclusions of the study, some suggestions are given to the school, the teacher and the future researchers.

1. For the school

The researcher recommended to the school can improve building and class facilities. It can start from pay attention in soundproof in every class, in dictation method clearly sound from teacher or speaker is very important. MA Bilingual Krian can strive for English Laboratory which have standard infrastructures.

2. For the teacher

The researcher recommended to the teacher that can improve method in teaching learning process so that teacher did not feel bored with the method. Other recommended is teacher try to make good environment in class become more relax but solemn.

3. For the future research

The future research can add others factors that may influence in increasing students’ vocabulary. Then, future researcher use variant teacher. Researchers’ hope it can reduce error analyze.



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