Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Context Analysis of Advertisement Taglines

Patria Sukma Ediningrum

There has been a big phenomenon when an ice cream product named Magnum Gold
became very popular among some of the ice cream consumers. In order to promote the ice
cream, Magnum Company created advertisements which are not only in form of audio visual but
also in written form. Written advertisement is more interesting to be studied because it is giving
information to people and it also has the ability to influence the customers only by its text.
Because of the appealing written advertisement, this study was conducted to know the strength,
the ability to influence the readers, of Magnum written advertisement to engage the costumers.
The data of this study was Magnum Gold written advertisement which is shown in mass media.
In order to analyze the written message in Magnum’s tagline, this study used Systemic
Functional Linguistic analysis which drilled down and focused on genre and register. The results
of this study show that by doing genre analysis, Magnum advertisement is included as persuasive
text. Then by doing the register analysis, field was analyzed to found that the readers and
Magnum Gold ice cream have equal portion to be shown in the advertisement. This
advertisement also combining mental, material, and relational process in order to create the
readers’ thought and reaction toward the advertisement and product. Second analyzing was
tenor which used to know that the participant involved are the advertisement readers as the
customers and also point toward as the pleasure seekers, and Magnum Gold ice cream. The last

part that analyzed was mode in order to know the channel of this advertisement which already
clear that the channel of this advertisement is written. The process of analyzing Magnum Gold
written advertisement was presented in this study.
Keywords: written text advertisement, Systemic Functional Linguistic, Genre, Register, field,
tenor, mode