The significance mythical creatures and their symbols in the first six series of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling toward the storyline [abstrak dan teks sedang dalam proses] - USD Repository






  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number : 034214044












  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number : 034214044












  TH MAY 2009, 13:20 ---

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The Significance of Mythical Creatures and Their Symbols in the First six series of

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling toward the Storyline

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  I would like to thank everyone who has helped me until this undergraduate thesis is completed.

  First, for Thian the Mighty, who allows me to have such a wonderful life. I would not be as I am without all the events that I had been. Thank you to my wonderful family, Papah, Mamah, my Big Brothers and Sister Ko’Ming, Ko’Hue, Ci’Nik and Ko’Nan who keep encouraging, believing and trying their best to make me focus on my works which now had become a reality for me. All my pets in keeping me busy when I am down.

  I also would like to give my most sincere gratitude for my advisor, Ms. Ni Luh Putu R., S.S., M.Hum., for all suggestions, correction and her trust on me in completing this thesis. I also thank my co-advisor Mr. G. Fajar S.A., S.S, M.Hum for the valuable input and correction for this thesis, and also for all the staff of the university and for the ones in secretariat who have helped me for these long years.

  Thanks to all Bolo Kurowo (members of angkringanè Ramto) who helped me in doing what I can the most, when I am in doubt and difficult situation. I can not give anything but my friendship to each and one of you....

  Last but not least, for my girl, Meme letting me invade her laptop and printer, thank you very much for your love and trust to me.

  All of you had thought me many new stuffs and experiences in life. I can only hope for the best of all of us in the future.


TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE ..................................................................................... ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ................................................................................ iii

MOTTO PAGE ............................................................................................. iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ vi

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. vii

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................


CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 27

  3. The Significance of the Mythical Creature and their Representation ........................................................................... 74

  2. Mythical Creatures Symbols ........................................................... 44

  1. List of the Entire Creatures and their Classification ................... 34


CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 34

  3. Method of the Study ......................................................................... 31

  2. Approach of the Study ..................................................................... 30

  1. Object of the Study .......................................................................... 27

  3. Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 24


1. Background of the Study .................................................................

  2. Review of Related Theories ............................................................. 12



1. Review of Related Studies ...............................................................

  6 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ...............................................


4. Definition of Terms ..........................................................................


3. Objective of the Study .....................................................................


2. Problem Formulation ......................................................................


CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .................................................................... 91

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................... 94

APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 99

Appendix 1............................................................................................. 99 Appendix 2............................................................................................. 112 Appendix 3............................................................................................. 116 Appendix 4............................................................................................. 120



  BUDI UTOMO TAN SUBEKTI. The Significance of Mythical Creatures and


Their Symbols in the First Six Series of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling toward

the Storyline. Yogyakarta: English Letters Department, Faculty of Letters, Sanata

  Dharma University, 2009.

  This undergraduate thesis analyzes the significance of the mythical creatures, their representation and the symbols that the mythical creatures have in the first six series of Harry Potter adventures by J.K. Rowling. The characters used are the mythical creatures themselves and certainly with the help of some human characters to bold up their usage in the story. The symbols used by each of the creatures are very essential to reveal what the author really wants to say to the reader.

  This thesis uses theory of character and characterization, symbolism and allegory, and representation theory for the analysis and as the approach it uses new criticism.

  The analysis is divided into three subchapters based on three problems stated in the problem formulation, and they are: (1) What are the creatures used by Rowling in the first six series? (2) What do the mythical creatures symbolize? and (3) What is the significance of the mythical creatures and their representation toward the storyline?

  For doing the analysis, the researcher used library research with some steps. First, the researcher used data collecting to get the list of all the creatures mentioned in the story. Later, those creatures were classified into the mythical creatures and the non-mythical creatures. Next, the researcher analyzed the data based on certain classification, actions and events that had been through by the creatures.

  As the results, the researcher found out that each of the creatures is used to deliver moral values. All of the mythical creatures analyzed have certain usage to the whole story and keep certain symbols used to represent and to show some moral lessons and certain philosophy. Besides to deliver the moral values of the story, they were created to help the characters to improve themselves, to create events, to enrich the conflict, to be the tool to achieve some purposes or goals, to make a clear plot, and to reveal the attitude of other characters in Harry Potter’s adventures.



  BUDI UTOMO TAN SUBEKTI. The Significance of Mythical Creatures and


Their Symbols in the First Six Series of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling toward

the Storyline. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas

  Sanata Dharma. 2009.

  Skripsi ini membahas pentingnya makhluk mitos, serta simbol dan representasi mereka dalam enam buku pertama petualangan Harry Potter karya J.K. Rowling. Tokoh-tokoh yang dipakai adalah makhluk mitos dan tokoh manusia untuk memperjelas fungsi mereka didalam cerita tersebut. Simbol-simbol yang digunakan pada tiap makhluk sangat penting untuk mengungkapkan apa yang ingin disampaikan penulis kepada para pembaca.

  Skripsi ini menggunakan teori karakter dan karakterisasi, simbol dan alegory, dan teori representasi untuk analisanya dan menggunakan new criticism sebagai pendekatannya.

  Analisis dalam skripsi ini dibagi menjadi tiga sub-bahasan berdasarkan tiga pertanyaan yang muncul di pokok permasalahan, yaitu : (1) Makhluk apa saja yang digunakan oleh Rowling pada enam seri pertama? (2) menyimbolkan apakah makhluk-makhluk mitos tersebut? dan (3) Apakah pentingnya makhluk-makhluk mitos itu dan representasi mereka terhadap keseluruhan cerita?

  Untuk melakukan analisa ini peneliti mengunakan studi pustaka dengan beberapa langkah. Pertama, peneliti menggunakan metode pengumpulan data untuk mendapatkan daftar seluruh makhluk-makhluk yang disebutkan di dalam cerita. Kemudian seluruh makhluk tersebut diklasifikasikan dan dikelompokkan menjadi makhluk mitos dan makhluk bukan mitos. Lalu peneliti menganalisa data tersebut untuk berdasarkan klasifikasi tertentu, aksi dan kejadian-kejadian yang telah dilalui oleh makhluk-makhluk tersebut.

  Hasilnya, peneliti menemukan bahwa setiap makhluk tersebut digunakan untuk menyampaikan nilai-nilai moral. Seluruh makhluk mitos yang dianalisis mamiliki kegunaan tertentu terhadap keseluruhan cerita dan menyandang simbol- simbol tertentu yang dipakai untuk merepresentasikan dan menyampaikan nilai- nilai moral dan falsafah tertentu. Selain untuk menyampaikan hal tersebut, mereka diciptakan untuk membantu para karakter dalam mengoptimalisasikan kemampuan mereka, menciptakan beberapa kejadian, memperkaya konflik, sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu, memperjelas plot, dan mengungkapkan perilaku karakter lainnya dalam petualangan Harry Potter.

Chapter I Introduction A. Background of the Study What are mythical creatures? Do they have meaning? What do they

  represent? Those questions may be identified as the basic forms in making this undergraduate thesis. Here, the researcher wants to reveal the symbols that the mythical creatures perform in the first six series of Harry Potter written by J.K Rowling and also the connection of those mythical creatures with the other characters (mythical creatures and the non-mythical ones which are human in Harry Potter’s series).

  Harry Potter series written by J.K Rowling are very popular. The researcher believes that this novel is awesome because Rowling cleverly uses the language, and it has successfully driven the researcher through the plot, the characteristics, and the details within the stories. In fact, the researcher finds that many people in the worldwide also love this novel because of the same reasons <>. The researcher chooses this novel to analyze because the researcher finds it easy to understand the story, though it is considered to contain a very smart continuous complexity which makes the researcher driven away into the ‘imaginary world’ of Harry Potter (the main significant character) where all things in the novel can be easily imagined and the worlds can be clearly pictured (the ordinary world and magical world). to learn many things and we will surely be able to develop our imagination. Alterbend and Lewis once wrote in their book, Keys to Extended Meaning, that “Literature is one of the chief means in which people convert themselves in the human being that can help us to shape our perception” (1980: 90). Based on what was written by Alterbend and Lewis on their book that literature can change point of view of a person, the researcher is interested in revealing the mythical creatures of Harry Potter since the description of those mythical creatures are very interesting and it stimulates the researcher to reveal their symbols and function in the story in order to present a different point of view in those creatures.

  Although it is in a form of novel, the target of this book is firstly for the teenagers, but later it has been read by all ages (children, teenagers, and adult).

  Harry Potter’s series had been planned to be written in seven series by the author, J.K Rowling. The work is categorized as ‘children’s adult literature’, for the reason that at first the main target is teenagers, and now it is widespread until it reaches another level of ‘audience’, that is why these books can also be categorized into adult literature. Based on the story it is categorized as children’s book (fairies, imaginary creatures, wizard, good and evil, etc), but based on its form it is categorized as an adult book (in a form of novel).

  Based on some dependable data, the researcher concludes that in general Harry Potter series are great from the characters, plot, theme, and the language is easy to understand (unlike most novels with many sophisticated words pointed as ‘literary words’), and the diction is familiar (except for the name, places, and

  All the characters have different contributions to the plot of the story. It is found that even small things happened in this story are related to the main topic and later on into the next series, which later builds the unity of the story and for the whole series.

  The researcher chooses the first six series of J. K. Rowling (Harry Potter


and the Philosopher’s Stone; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Harry

Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Harry

Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ) to

be analyzed for some reasons.

  The first reason is that the topic chosen by J. K. Rowling is closely related to the definition of children story (the imagination, the creatures, the themes were about magic, friendship, romance, bravery, etc) but it is in the form of novel and the way she combines all of them into one continuous story without having no awkwardness in all sense is very skillful. We do not need to ‘think’ hard, and if we have lots of questions, we do not need to reread it; we will only get all the answers in latter events or in the next series.

  The second reason is that the work has many values related to social relationships of people, like honesty, friendship, forgiveness, trust between a couple (the spell of the late Harry’s parents for him through his relatives), etc. Those values build the uniqueness of the characteristics of the imaginative people in the story.

  The third reason is that in the work J.K. Rowling takes so many forms of perspective to see a literary work and it can enrich our lives with their symbols that will be analyzed in this undergraduate thesis.

  The fourth reason for the researcher to choose this novel as the literary text to be analyzed is because novel is a literary text to be read and enjoyed. Some experts mentioned that in order to be a good researcher we should not get carried away in reading the text, but here the researcher believes that in reading Harry Potter’s series it would be hard to create that condition, it is because J.K Rowling had made a work which is very complicated yet full of details. In order to understand the story and its details we should get in the atmosphere of the story and feel it like a reality, not like a data. At this point, the writer wants to achieve the purpose of understanding the creatures’ symbols and what their ‘functions’ are in the stories (the reason why J.K Rowling used them).

  The fifth reason for the researcher in analysing the story would be how the stories were written. It is a work of literature, and it is a very hard thing to made, especially if the content of the work came from so many cultural aspects. Many of the readers that had read Harry Potter adventures said that they would not want to hold their urge to finish it; they would go with the flow of the story since it was written smoothly, without having any strange thing or awkwardness. The uniqueness of this work is that Rowling could blend several myths, legends, and fantastic creatures which originate from many countries and nations into one familiar piece of a story.

  This undergraduate thesis focuses on the symbols of the mythical creatures closely with symbols and they have such an important role for the main characters (the human characters), which are involved in the main story for each book and for the whole series. They can be said to have an important role in the plot of the story, for example as the saviors at the crucial time and place (Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix rescued Harry when he was about to die by the wound and poison caused by a basilisk venom – book 2; Harry Potter and the Chamber of

  Secret ).

  B. Problem Formulation

  Based on the background of the study, the problems can be stated as follows:

  1. What are the creatures used by Rowling in the first six series?

  2. What do the mythical creatures symbolize?

  3. What is the significance of the mythical creatures and their representation toward the storyline?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The purpose of the study in this undergraduate thesis is to show the continuous relationship of all the mythical creatures in J.K. Rowling’s series, and to give a clearer description about the creatures’ origins, their role especially in Rowling’s works. The author’s imagination and her point of view toward the creatures are also described in this undergraduate thesis. The novel is analyzed the creatures’ symbols viewed from the researcher’s point of view based on varied sources of data. Later on, in the analysis the researcher describes and tries to reveal the creature’s function and identify, the creatures’ roles, their details and of course their symbols in the story.

D. Definition of Terms

  There are some significant terms that often appear in this thesis. To avoid misunderstanding of the meaning of those terms, the researcher defines the term based on varied references.

1. Symbol

  A Glossary of Literary Terms sixth edition written by A.S. Hornby and

  published by Cornell University stated that symbol in the broadest sense is anything which signifies something; words, object, or event which in its turn signifies something, or has a range of reference beyond itself. Some are “conventional” or “public” (like a cross, rose, the color of red, white, etc) and some are “private” or “personal symbols”. They often do so by exploiting widely shared association between an object or an action with a particular concept (like the rising sun as birth, setting of sun as death, etc); some repeatedly use symbols whose significance they largely generate themselves.

  Symbols suggest a broad area of significance; transforming the phenomenon into idea, the idea into an image and such in a way that the idea remains always infinitely active.

  2. Myth A Glossary of Literary Terms stated that the word “myth” is derived from

  classical Greek “mythos” signified any story or plot, whether true or invented. A myth is one story in a mythology – a system of hereditary stories which were once believed to be true by a particular cultural group, and which served to explain (in terms of the intention and actions of deities and other supernatural beings) why the world is at it is and things happen as they do, to provide a rationale for social customs and observances. It can be said that a mythology is a religion in which we no longer believed.

  The term “myth” has also been extended to denote supernatural tales which are deliberately invented by their authors. Mythology, whether invented or inherited, is essential to literature.

  3. Creature A.S. Hornby stated that creature is a living being, especially an animal.

  But to make it clearer Microsoft Encarta Dictionary 2008 defines creature as any living person or animal with an unpleasant or frightening physical form; it can be because of natural events (born, or because an accident) or created by someone or something, for an example the story of Hunchback from Notre dame, Minotaur- the son of Pasipae-queen of Kreta- or Frankenstein.

  4. Mythical creature Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2008 said that it is something in

  the form of any living animal which were created by the ancient people through that their children obey them, or in order to teach them some values; moral value, heroic deeds, etc). Its existence is believed in many generations and thereby becomes an authentic story (as the proof of their origins, existence and their symbols in many ancient artifacts).

5. Story line

  Based on Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2008 story line is another utterance of continuous plot, theme, scenario, and subplot in a book or in a movie.

Chapter II Theoretical Review This chapter covers four main parts. The first part is the review of related

  studies which provides some studies of the novel but they are analyzing different topics. Moreover, this part explains the originality of the study. This part also includes the criticism of Harry Potter novel. The second part is the review of the related theories. It discusses some theories of literature which become the base for analyzing the topic for this undergraduate thesis. There are four theories that are used to analyze and to reveal the symbols and its relation with the other creatures (both mythical creatures in Harry Potter’s series and the non-mythical ones which are human) from the researcher’s point of view; they are theory of character and characterization, symbolism and allegory, new criticism, and representation. The third part contains the review on literature and biography which explain about the close relation between the literary work and the biography of J.K Rowling’s. Last, the fourth part is the theoretical framework which is the guidance to analyze the study; it is to find the answer of the questions stated in problem formulation.

A. Review of Related Studies

  Some works and criticism toward Rowling and her literary works are very important for the researcher in enriching the development of the story, for that reason the researcher included some works in this part.

  In thesis written by Mellia Hapsari Sabarno, entitled The Significance of


Prisoner of Azkaban (third book), she wrote about the resemblance of Hermione

  Granger (a character in the book) with the author J.K Rowling, she compared their physical appearances (female, brown hair, brown eyes), their activities (studying, reading in the library for hours), and their achievement and quality (smartest student, book-oriented, brave, sensitive, etc).

  Maria Benedicta Dian Savitri wrote in her thesis entitled The Reflection of


the Social Divisions of The Twentieth Century British Society in J.K Rowling’s

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret (second book), that the social divisions in

  the society are reflected with the “classification” of a wizard status which is pure blood (who came from both parents with wizard capabilities-descendent from the true wizard), half blood (whose one of the parents is a muggle-non-wizard people), and mud blood (who are capable of doing magical things while they are the son or daughter from a muggle or a non-wizard people,). Maria compared these classifications with the upper class, middle class, and lower class people (from wealth, education, and daily activities).

  In the thesis entitled Voldemort’s Psychological Transformation to affect


the plot of Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (book sixth) Eko

  Hadi Yuniarto, analyzed how a half blood could be a very powerful wizard (a talented and genius wizard, and how he gave himself a spell to be immortal) and his significance (as antagonist character). In the sixth book it was explained the childhood of Voldemort with the original name of Tom Marvolo Riddle, who is an introvert person and the last descendent of a great dark wizard Salazar

  Voldemort. It can be said that all the main conflict is created by Voldemort, and without the existence of Voldemort, the stories will be plot less.

  There is a study done by Elizabeth Pandolfo Briggs, the editor of Alice’s Academy <>. In her article ‘The Real Magic of Harry Potter’, she focuses her study on the author’s way to create and develop the story. She says that the author created such an imaginative story combined with reality. The author placed the story in such constructed world that blends fantasy with reality by presenting ordinary routines magic. Although the author followed the fantasy tradition, she put the fantasy world in an environment that children know very well, which is school. To be specific, the story mixed high fantasy with the traditional British school story.

  Elizabeth concluded that the greatest interest in the book may be located in this ingenious structure that suggests a surprising closeness between fantasy and reality.

  Ian Cunningham made ‘A Wizard Quiz about Harry Potter’ in Reader’s


Digest November 2002 to test the readers how much they know about the story of

  Harry Potter. He said that “Harry Potter will once again be casting his spell with the release of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets this month.” It indicates how many people around the world are familiar with Harry Potter series.

  However, there are criticisms stated that the theme of the next series is more frightening and not well-suited for children (death, complicated plot, nasty creatures, and so on). Phill Villarreal with his article entitled “Potter Sequel Long


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret deals with slavery and racialism. This is

  specially presented by the character of Dobby the house-elf and Hermione Granger, the friend of Harry Potter, whose parents are non-wizard. Furthermore, he claims that this book has much darker tone than its prequel, Harry Potter and


the Philosopher’s Stone , because it suggests many more frightening creatures and

  events (giant spider, snake, death, some students petrified, etc) <>.

  This undergraduate thesis attempts to develop something new and different from the other studies; this undergraduate thesis focuses on revealing the mythical creature’s function and their symbols from the first six series of Harry Potter. Therefore, this undergraduate thesis makes a new contribution to literary review since it has not been reviewed before.

B. Theories Review

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

a. Character

  Based on their importance, characters are categorized into major and minor character. A major character is usually the center of the story. He or she is the most important character in the story. “Major character is often called the protagonist or the hero.” (Van de Laar and Schoonderwoerd, 1963:164) While minor character is a character that appears in a setting just necessarily to become the background for the major characters. “Their roles are less important than the a story are just to support the development of the major character.” (Abrams, 1981: 20)

  Based on the internal complexity, characters are also divided into two types; they are flat character and round character. A flat character is presented without many individualizing details, and therefore can be adequately described in a single phrase or sentence. It also can be ‘a single idea or quality’. A round character is complex in temperament and motivation that is presented with subtle particularity. “He is as difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life is and like most people, he is capable of surprising us.” (Abrams, 1981:20) Characterized by one trait or two, flat characters can be written in a sentence to describe whether they are good or bad character. It makes flat character not fully developed. Round characters are more complex and multi sided in their temperament so that the characters have much proportion for their development.

  According to C. Hugh Holman and William Harmon in their book, A


Handbook to Literature (1986), characters are also categorized into two types,

  namely static and dynamic. Firstly, a static character is a character who experience a bit of change (can be in his or her attitude or appearance). The pattern of action reveals the character rather than showing the character changing in response to actions. Sometimes a static character gives the appearance of changing simply because our picture of the character is revealed bit by bit. Examples of static characters are: Rubeus Hagrid, Prof. Dumbledore, Prof. Mc Gonagal, etc. experiences, and one objective of the work in which the character’s appearance is to reveal the consequences of these actions (Holman & Harmon, 1986:83).

  Examples of dynamic characters are: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, etc. To judge whether they are static or dynamic is not only based on the changing in a condition or little changing in opinion, but there is a process to make the changing.

b. Characterization

  Characterization is the process of creating characters in fiction, often those who are different from and have different beliefs than the author. A writer can assume the point of view of a child, an older person, a member of the opposite gender, someone of another race or culture, or anyone who is not like them in personality or otherwise. In essays or novels, characterization is character development which helps to establish themes.

  Characterization can involve developing variety of aspects of a character, such as appearance, age, gender, educational level, vocation or occupation, financial status, marital status, social status, hobbies, religious beliefs, ambitions, motivations, etc.

  In Glossary of Literary Terms (1981: 20-21) Abram defines character as “the person presented by the author as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that can be evaluated from the dialogue and the action.”

  Holman and Harmon stated that characterization is the creation of that they exist for the reader like life-like. They define three methods of characterization afterwards: “Firstly, by the explicit presentation of the author of the character through direct exposition; secondly, by the presentation of the character in the action; and thirdly, by the representation from within the character” (1986:81).

  However Murphy in his work, Understanding Unseens, has several ways in which an author is able to make his or her characters understandable to the readers (1972:161-173):

  a. By the personal description, where the author describes a person‘s appearance and clothes to build the character.

  b. By representing the characters as seen by other.

  Here, the author describes his or her character through another’s eyes and opinions, instead of describing the character directly.

  c. By speech.

  The character is recognized by the readers from what other persons in the story say.

  d. By past life.

  Letting the readers know and learn something about a person’s past life surely can give a clue to shape the person’s character.

  e. By the conversation of others.

  When people talk about others, it can give some clues to recognize f. By reactions.

  Considering a person’s reaction toward some situations or events may give the readers some clues to the character.

  g. By direct comment.

  The author can also describe or give comment on a person’s character directly.

  h. By thought.

  By knowing what a person is thinking about, the readers will be able to recognize the person’s character i. By mannerisms.

  The author can describe a person’s mannerisms or habits in order to tell the readers something about this character.

  Another way of characterization is offered by Roberts, Edgar V and Jacobs in Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, that is, a story is usually concerned with major issues that a character must face. Characterization through dialogues, actions, and commenting may involve interaction between a character with another character, with a difficulty situation or with an idea (Robert, 1989:56)

  In his book Approach to Literature, Little states that “to be of interest and value in literature, characterization must be to some degree realistic” (1981:92). It is important for the authors to reveal the real sense to the characters they create, as if they are creating a new life form that really exist in the present world; it needs

  Even in fantasy and caricature, an essential element is truth to life. However original and fantastic the author’s approach, he will fail if his reader do not feel that his character are real, believable, based on possible variations of human nature (1981:92).

  Kate Greenville in her book entitled The Writing Book, A Work Book for


Fiction Writers , agreed to Little that characterization is all the things writers do to

  build up the character they wanted (character development into good or evil, their physical appearance and their abilities). She added that characterization is the process to transforms real-life people into the characters in fiction (1990:36).

  Little also added that the important thing about human life is that no person is wholly good or wholly evil, so that characters in the work (whether it is fiction or not) should be no wholly good or wholly evil (1981:92).

3. Theory on Symbolism and Allegory

a. Symbolism

  “Symbolism and allegory are modes of literary expression that are designed to extend meaning”, (Keys to Extended Meaning). Symbols are the representation from a group of people or as a token of a certain era and until now symbols are still used to make something easier to be said, especially in a work of literature. In here the researcher will explore only the symbols in Rowling’s works and try to reveal what the mythical creatures represent, and their significance toward the story line.

  In literature, a symbol pulls or draws together a specific thing with ideas, values, persons, ways of life, or even certain events, in a direct relationship that remain itself and it can stand for or suggest something else. Symbolism, according to Goethe quoted by Abrams, “transforms the phenomenon into idea, the idea into an image, and in such a way that the idea remains always infinitely active and unapproachable in the image, and even if expressed in all language, still would remain inexpressible” (1985:208). Symbols are not solely objects presented in the work. They may also be a single word, a setting, a character, situations, actions, thoughts, even verbal patterns or idea. It possesses its own reality and meaning and may function at the normal level of reality within a story. There is often a topical or integral relationship between the symbol and things it stands for or the representation, but a symbol may also have no apparent connection and therefore may be considered arbitrary. What is important; however, is that the symbol points beyond itself to a greater and more complex meaning (Keys to Extended


Meaning ). When a symbol is introduced, like a key opening a lock, it signifies a

  specific combination of attitude, a sustained constancy of meaning and the potential for wide-ranging application. A symbol might appear over and over again in the same story, yet it always maintains the same meaning. Thus you might think of a symbol as a constant against a background of variables, like a theme with variations.

  To determine whether something in a story is symbolic, we must decide if it consistently refers beyond itself to a significant idea, emotion, or quality. There are two types of symbols according to Roberts and Jacobs (1989:327). The first is symbols that are generally or universally recognized, and authors referring to called cultural or universal symbols. They embody ideas or emotion that the writer and the reader share a common as a result of their social and cultural heritage. When using these symbols, a writer does not have to take the time to invest objects or people with symbolic resonance within the story; he or she can simply assume that the reader knows what the symbol represents for example, the color of black symbolizes sadness, darkness, and full of mysteries; the color of white symbolizes pureness and holiness, etc. The second type of symbol is called


private, authorial, or contextual symbols for example for some people the color

  of red represent anger and cruelty, but for other people it will represent spirit and bravery. A contextual symbol is the object and description that gain their symbolic meaning within the context of the specific work of fiction. It only occurs in certain literary works, and only recognized by particular people, nation or culture. “Its further significance is to determinate within particular culture” (Abrams, 1985:206).

  In determining whether a particular object or person in a story is a symbol, we need to make decisions based on our judgment of its total significance. If it appears to be of major importance, we can claim it has symbolic value as long as we can show its scope and sustained reference beyond itself. Symbols may appear as the story progresses, it may gain significance effect for both the author and the readers. Perrine gave cautions in order to analyze symbolic meaning (1974: 214- 215), as follows:

  1. The readers should find clues that give details to be taken repetition or position.

  2. The meaning of literary symbols must be established and supported by the entire context because the symbol has its meaning inside the context, not outside it.

  3. A symbol may have more than one meaning in which its meanings are controlled by the context of the literary works.

  These cautions can help the reader in finding and analyzing the symbolical meaning in a literary works, because precise interpretation of symbols requires delicacy, tack, and good sense.

b. Allegory

  A narrative inverse of prose in which the literal events consistently point to a parallel sequence of symbolic ideas. This narrative strategy is often used to dramatize almost ideas, historical events, religious systems or political issues. An allegory has two levels of meaning. Goethe as quoted by Abrams in A Glossary of


Literary Terms stated that “Allegory transforms the phenomenon into a concept,

  the concept into an image, but in such a way that the concept always remains bounded in the image, and is entirely to be kept and held in it, and to be expressed by it” (1985:208). Both Coleridge and Goethe stress that an allegory presents a pair of subjects (an image and a concept) and a symbol only one (the image alone) (1985:208).

  Allegory is like symbolism in that both use one thing to refer to something from Greek word allegorein, which means “to speak so as to imply other than what is said.” Allegory, however, tends to be more complex and sustained than symbolism.

  An allegory is to a symbol as a motion picture is to a still picture; allegory puts symbols into consistent and sustained action. In form, an allegory is a complete and self-sufficient narrative; it also signifies another series or level of events or conditions of life as expressed in a habit of thought, a philosophy, or a religion.

  “Allegory is a narrative strategy which may be employed in any literary form or genre to deliver moral lesson to the reader” A Glossary of Literary Terms (1985, 5). Allegories and the allegorical method do not exist simply to enable authors to engage in mysterious literary exercises, it was understood at some point in the past that people might more willingly listen to the stories instead of the moral lessons. Therefore the allegorical method evolved to entertain and instruct at the same time. In addition, the threat of reprisal or censorship sometimes causes authors to express their views indirectly in the form of allegory rather than to write directly. The double meaning that we will find in the allegory is hence quite real.

  There are three narrative forms that are special types of allegory. The first is fable, a short story, often featuring animals with human traits, to which writers and editors attach “moral” or explanations. Such as stories are often called beast fables. It is a very old literary form and has been found a place in the literature of often associated with Jesus, who used them in His teaching to embody religious insight and truth. The third is myth, a story that is related or associated with the religion, philosophy, and collective psychology of various groups of cultures. It sometimes embodies scientific truths for pre-scientific societies; they codify the social and cultural values of the civilization in which they were composed. Sometimes, unfortunately, the term mythical is used to suggest that something is untrue. This minimizing of the word reflects a limited appreciation of the psychological and social truths embedded in myths. The truths in mythology are not found literally in the stories themselves, but rather in our symbolic or allegorical interpretation of them (Microsoft Encarta Student Edition 2008).

  To the extent that literature is true and probable, much of it may consider symbolic or allegorical, and knowing these, we may be tempted to find symbolism and allegorical meaning where none might exist.