CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study Reading has an important role in human daily life. By reading, people

  get a lot of things from written language which enables them to gain new knowledge, enjoy literature, and do daily activities which become a part of life, such us, reading the newspaper or magazine, SMS (Short Message Service), e-mail, job listings, instructions, manuals, maps and so on. In short, it is fundamental for everyone to have the ability in reading since it will support them in developing their academic, personal, and social lives.

  Reading is regarded as a complex process that involves developing various skills for successful reading activity. When readers can understand and comprehend well what they are reading, it can be said that they are success in reading. It means being able to read successfully is not an easy process. Not everyone can read effectively even in their own language. Therefore, teaching reading always becomes a part of learning in the classroom. As English foreign learners, students in junior high school also learn reading as one of language skills in English. It is a compulsory skill to develop students being able to have discourse competence so students can understand information written in English and success their learning English.

  In supporting students to reach the goal of learning reading in junior high school, Dunkin and Biddle in Wendra (2007: 923) state that the process of teaching and learning in the class is considered as an important part directly influence the learning outcome of the students (www.undiksha.ac.id/images/img_item/923.doc). Indonesian government has stated on the law national educational system (UUSPN 19/2005) that in achieving the goal of learning, teaching and learning process should be presented as interactive, inspired, fun and challenging activities motivate students to take part actively, and give a change for the students to develop their creativity and become independent learner.

  “Proses pembelajaranpadasatuanpendidikandiselenggarakansecarainteraktif, inspiratif, menyenangkan, menantang, memotivasipesertadidikuntukberpartisipasiaktif, sertamemberikanruang yang cukupbagiprakarsa, kreativitas, dankemandiriansesuaidenganbakat, minat, danperkembanganfisik, sertapsikologispesertadidik”. Based on the government policy above, interactive is proved as one of the principles on teaching and learning process which should be considered in handling a class (Sanjaya, 2006: 131). The principle of interactive here means that being able to present teaching and learning process which can encourage students to actually learn in the classroom. There should be effective interaction between teacher and students, student and student, and also students and the material that can greatly improve students’ activeness in joining the process and also support students in achieving the goal of learning in the classroom.

  Regarding to the importance of it, it is expected to transform the principle of interactive in every teaching and learning process including teaching reading. It is important to enhance learning atmosphere in order to motivate students in joining reading class and effectively develop their reading skill.

  However,someresearch on reading show that teaching and learning process in reading class still seem delivered as traditional and conventional reading which cannot motivate students in learning reading. One of them is described by Ermita (2007: 21) that states teachers still use conventional teaching and learning reading where teachers only read the text then answer the questions of the text without developing students’ competence in reading.

  They focus less on teaching how to read effectively and encourage students to be active in teaching and learning process.

  More over, the obstacles in reading English text sometimes also make teachers focus more on language instruction rather than reading instruction.

  According to Yan (1999), teachers seem to focus more on explaining words or analyzing sentence structures in order to make the students understand about the meaning of the whole text that actually it is not enough to learn reading by only understanding it.

  Those typical instructions on reading class will tend to show the role of teachers as the center of teaching and learning process while the students tend to regard reading as a passive and boring activity. It will absolutely influence students’ motivation in joining reading class and also their learning outcome.

  Besides that, teachers are also spending too much time managing students through materials by assigning them activities and asking questions and too little time engaged in the kind of teaching that will help students into independent readers. Based on those cases, it can be seen that reading instructions have not facilitated students to develop their comprehension in reading class. They less to support reading activity with comprehensive and meaningful activities that will make students to not only spoon-feed but also can actually learn how to read successfully and become independent reader.

  Based on those phenomena, the writer is interested to know about teaching and learning reading that presented at junior high school in Banyumas regency, especially the implementation of interactive teaching and learning in reading that also considering the comprehension of students.

  Therefore, the writer wants to conduct the research entitled “A Descriptive Study on Comprehension-Based Interactive Reading at SMP in Banyumas Regency”.

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

  There are some reasons why the writer chooses “A Descriptive Study on Comprehension-Based Interactive Reading in Banyumas Regency” as the tittle of the thesis:

1. Reading is one of language skills in English that should be mastered by

  English learner in order to understand text written in English. It is important to be noticed since by reading, learner can improve their ability in English and also access a lot of knowledge and information surrounding the world. Therefore, the writer is interested to know more about teaching reading.

  2. Knowing about the process of teaching and learning which is expected as interactive and comprehensive activities in succeeding the goal of target learning.

  3. Many analyses of the research literature show that teaching and learning reading in the class still seem traditional and conventional. Therefore, the writer is interested to do this research.

  C. Research Problems

  Based on the background of study, the writer proposes the problem as follows: How is comprehension-based interactive readingimplemented at SMP in

  Banyumas regency? D.

   Aim of the Study

  Based on the problemabove, the aims of this research is to describe how comprehension-based interactive readingis implemented at SMP in Banyumas regency.

  E. Contribution of the Study

  The contributions of the research are on the following: 1.

  It can be useful for the learning process in general. It can be used to evaluate the teaching and learning process in order to be better so the result of students’ learning reading will hopefully increase, 2. For the writer, it can givenew information and knowledge about how to teach reading interactively that also concern with comprehension,

3. The result of the research can be used as the references for those who wantto conduct a research in the teaching and learning reading in the class.

F. Clarification of Terms

  The title of this research is “A Descriptive Study on Comprehension- Based Interactive Reading at SMP in Banyumas Regency”. To avoid misunderstanding, the key terms of the study are clarified as follows:

  1. Comprehension-Based Comprehension refers to the ability in understanding and giving the meaning to something.From Bloom's point of view, it is essential that learners be able to comprehend information in the process of teaching and learning. It means thatactivities in the class have to make the learners remember a definition of a term and also give meaning to that term (comprehensive activities)

  2. Interactive Reading Aninteractive reading is an active teaching and learning reading which provide opportunities to students in participating the process of learning. The basic idea of interactive readingis focused on the process of learning reading that not only presenting information but also encourage students to construct their own meaning of how to read effectively.