THE TYPES OF CLASSROOM INTERACTION IN EFL CLASS (A Study at Junior High School English Teachers of MTs Muhammadiyah Purwokerto) - repository perpustakaan



(A Study at Junior High School English Teachers of MTs Muhammadiyah


  A THESIS Submitted to English Education Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S.Pd Degree










Bismillahirrohmanirrohim All praises would always be given to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, the Lord of this universe, who have blest me with Islam. Shalawat and salam will be always given to my beloved prophet Muhammad shallallahu’alaihiwasallam. The writer would like greatly and proudly to dedicate the thesis to:

  1. My beloved mother and father, with their love and effort who always pray and support me

in moral and material in life. They always motivate me to get my dream come true. You are

my everything, I’ll do the best for you.

  2. My beloved sisters Eka, Feni, and Laila for her never ending support, motivation and attention.

  3. My best uncle Aji, thank you for supporting me and motivating me all the time. You always strengthens, believed in me and pray for me.

  4. My lovely friend Wahyu who always give me motivation and support. You are my best partner.

  5. Mr. Saefurrohman who supervised and guided me patiently.

  6. All my friends in English Education Department Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto 2014 especially PBI B. Thanks for all.


  They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the


  Al-Baqarah 32 “Seek knowledge and along with it dignity, tranquility ad humility.” Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

“I must do it with blessing of ALLAH STW, put the target as

high as possible to support me to do the best”

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Assalamu‘alaikum Wr. Wb.

  Alhamdulillahirrobil‘alamin. Firstly, the writer would like to say the highest gratitude to Allah SWT for his blessing and mercy, finally the writer finished this thesis entitled ―The Types of Classroom Interaction In EFL Class (A Study at Junior High School English Teachers of MTs Muhammadiyah Purwokerto)

  ‖ as partial fulfillment of the requirement for S.Pd degree at English Education Department of Teacher and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  The writer would like to express a deeply gratitude to:

  1. Drs. Pudiyono, M.Hum, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammdiyah University of Purwokerto.

  2. Aulia Nisa Khusnia, M.A, as the Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty who also gave the writer permission to conduct the research.

  3. Saefurrohman, Ph. D, as the advisor who has always given guidance, advice, support, suggestion in finishing this thesis.

  4. Darsono, S.Pd and Neny Martiningsih, M.Pd, as the two of English teachers at MTs Muhammdiyah Purwokerto who made the writer easier in doing this research.

  5. All the lectures of English Education Department Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto who have been teaching and guiding since the first year of the study at Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto in 2014 until 2018.

  The writer realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect in content language. Therefore, constructive and sugestion is needed for the progress of the next study. Hopefully, this thesis can be useful and give valuable things particularly for English Education, especially for those who are involved in English teaching profesional.

Wassalamu‘alaikum Wr. Wb

  Purwokerto, 12 Agustus 2018 The Writer



  COVER ................................................................................................... i APPROVAL SHEET .............................................................................. ii LEGALIZATION ................................................................................... iii SURAT PERNYATAAN........................................................................ iv DEDICATION ........................................................................................ v MOTTO .................................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... vii TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................. xii LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................... xiii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ xiv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ..........................................................

  1 B. Reason of Choosing Topic ........................................................

  3 C. Limitation of the Study .............................................................

  3 D. Problem of the Study ................................................................

  3 E. Objectives of the Study .............................................................

  4 F. Contribution of the Study..........................................................

  4 G. Clarification of the Term ........................................................

  4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Nature of Interaction .................................................................

  6 1. Definition of Interaction .......................................................


  2. The Types of Classroom Interaction ....................................

  7 3. The Types of Interactional Feature Used by Teacher ..........

  9 4. The Aspects of Interaction ...................................................

  13 B. The Nature of Classroom Interaction ........................................

  17 1. Definition of Classroom Interaction .....................................

  17 C. The Nature of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) ...............

  19 1. Definition of EFL .................................................................

  19 2. EFL Class Management .......................................................

  20 D. Basic Assumption .....................................................................

  22 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Method of The Research ...........................................................

  23 B. Place and Time of the Research ................................................

  23 C. Subject of the Research .............................................................

  24 D. Method of Data Collection........................................................

  25 1. Observation ..........................................................................

  25 2. Interview...............................................................................

  27 E. Technique of Data Analysis ......................................................

  29 1. Data Reduction .....................................................................

  29 2. Data Display .........................................................................

  30 3. Data Verification ..................................................................

  30 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Research Results .......................................................................

  31 1. Observation Result ...............................................................

  31 2. Interview Result ...................................................................


  B. Discussion .................................................................................

  39 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ................................................................................

  51 B. Suggestion .................................................................................




  Table 1 (The Schedule of the Research) ................................................................ 24 Table 2 (The Indicators of Checklist Observation for Types of Classroom Interaction .............................................................................................................. 26 Table 3 (The Indicators of Checklist Observation Use of Interactional Features by Teacher)............................................................................................................. 26 Table 4 (The Indicators of Teacher Interview 1) ................................................... 28 Table 5 (The Indicators of Teacher Interview 2) ................................................... 28 Table 6 (The Result of Observation for the Types of Interaction) ......................... 32 Table 7 (The Result of Observation for the Types of Interactional Feature) ......... 33

  Appendix 1. Observation Sheet for Types of Classroom Interaction Appendix 2. Observation Sheet for Teacher Interactional Feature Appendix 3. Teacher Interview Sheet 1 Appendix 4. Teacher Interview Sheet 2 Appendix 5. Observation Result for Types of Classroom Interaction Appendix 6. Observation Result for Teacher Interactional Feature Appendix 7. Teacher Interview Result 1 Appendix 8. Teacher Intrerview Result 2



(A Study at Junior High School English Teachers of MTs Muhammadiyah


Citra Indah Pertiwi




  The aims of this research were to find out what types of interaction and interactional features used by teacher in EFL class. This study was a descriptive study. The participants were two English teachers who taught at MTs Muhammadiyah Purwokerto in the academic year of 2017/2018. The data were taken through observation and interview. The result showed that the highest type of classroom interaction was teacher-class interaction with 83% and the lowest one was student-teacher interaction with 50%. Moreover, the most common interactional features were confirmation check, clarification request, comprehension check, correction, self-correction, and code switching with the percentage of 66%. Elicitation and expansion were not applied by English teachers.