Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English

Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga












“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We

are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

  Barack Obama


  This graduating paper is dedicated to:  Allah SWT, My Lord Almighty thanks for guiding me to face everything in this extraordinary world.

   My parents, Bapak and Ibuk for showing faith in me and giving me liberty to choose what I desired. I salute you all for the selfless love, care, pain and sacrifice you did to shape my life. I would never be able to pay back the love and affection showered upon by my parents.

   Also I express my thanks to my sister Rista Afinatuz-Zahra L, for her selfless love, support and her valuable prayers. I consider myself the luckiest in the world to have such a lovely and caring family, standing beside me with their love and unconditional support.

   I owe thanks to a very special person, my husband, Achmad Afdhal Ns. for his continued and unfailing love, and support. You were always around at times. I thought that it is impossible to continue, you helped me to keep things in perspective. I greatly value his contribution and deeply appreciate his belief in me. Words would never say how grateful I am to you

   It’s my fortune to gratefully acknowledge the support of my friends, Faza, Adin, Rizky, Diyan, Lutfi for their support. They were always beside me during the happy and hard moments to push me and motivate me.

   Special thanks are extended to Indah Ratna for her co-operation and support that made the completion of this graduating paper possible.




  Assalamualaikum, Wr.Wb

  In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and institution, and the researcher somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

  1. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

  2. Suwardi, M. Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Education Department

  4. Faizal Risdianto, M. Hum as a counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this thesis from beginning until the end

5. All of the lecturers in English Education Department. Thanks for your education.




  Keywords: Morphology, Affixes, Derivational

  This study mainly describes the morphology roles in the video of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009. The objectives of the study are (1) To know how many kinds of derivational process found in video of Obama’s speech about back to school events 2009. (2) To know the functions of the derivational affixes found in video of Obama’s speech about back to school events 2009. The object of this study was the video of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009 and its transcript. The findings of this research are following: There were three types of affixes; prefix, suffix, and infix; but the writer just found prefix and suffix in the object of the research. The prefixes found in the video of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009 are (a-), (un-), (dis-), and (extra-). While the suffixes are (-or), (-able), (-ful), (-ship) (-ment), and (-or), (-ity), (-er), (-ibility), (-less + ness), (-ly), and (-tion),(-dle), (-y), (-ive), (-ily), (-ful), (-ure), (ed), (-ies). In this research, the researcher found four derivational processes, they are verb formation, noun formation, adverb formation, adjective formation.



DECLARATION ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.


ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.















CHAPTER III ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

  A. Method of Study ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

  B. Object Of The Study ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

  C. The Procedure of The Study ..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

  D. Data sources ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

  E. Techniques of data collection ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

  F. Techniques of Data Analysis .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.







Table 2.1 English Infixes …………………………………………………… 11Table 3.1 Derivational Affixes Rubric ……………………………………… 23Table 4.1 Data Result ……………………………………………………….. 33

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of study Indonesia becomes one of several countries that develop English as

  a foreign language. In the newest Indonesian education curriculum 2013, English is taught as a subject material that should be learned to start from junior high school up to university. It is proved that learning foreign language in this case English is necessary for Indonesia as the developing country.

  Learning a foreign language means learning vocabulary. It is important to master vocabulary when we learn a foreign language. If we have a lot of vocabulary, it is easier for us to learn and understand the meaning of the new word we learned. According to Napa (1991:6), vocabulary is one of the components of language and that no language exists without words. Therefore, vocabulary is the important part that should be master by the language learner who learned a new language.

  In the other hand, when we talk about vocabulary we also talk about words. Words particularly formed by current structure. The study of word structure is known as morphology (Katamba, 1993:19). In morphology we will study about morpheme. Morpheme which is study in morphology has several meaning. Katamba (1993:19) states that, morpheme is the smallest units of meaning.

  According to Srijono (2001: 50), morphemes classified into three parts, there are bound morphemes, free morphemes, and zero morphemes.

  Morphemes divided into roots and affixes. Root is a part of a word structure which is left when all affixes have been removed. In addition, affixes are bound morphemes. Crowley (1995: 6) adds that affixes are morphemes that are not free, in that they must always be attached to a root morpheme . They are limited in number, though their numbers vary from language to language. There are two kinds of affixes. They are derivational affixes and inflectional affixes. According to Rachmadie (1992: 23) affixes that can change the part of speech of the root or base are derivational affixes.

  In addition, derivational affixes are some morpheme derive or create new words by either changing the meaning of the part of speech.

  When the readers are able to identify derivational affixes they will be able to develop their vocabulary significantly.

  There are many ways to enrich our vocabulary. For example, read a book or novel, listening foreign song, and watch movie. The researcher suggests that the best way to enrich vocabulary is by listening and reading. In this study, the researcher analyzes the video of

  Obama’s Speech and its transcript based on Obama’s speech about Back to School Event 2009.

  The researcher uses this kind of speech because from this speech we can increase our knowledge, culture and science and there are many derivational affixes. Therefore, by analyzing the derivational affixes found in the Obama’s speech, we can find the new words and absolutely will enrich our vocabularies. It is because from just one word it can gain many words with different part of speech.

  Based on the background above, the researcher interested to do the study entitled

  “A Morphological Analysis of Derivational Affixes in The Video of Obama’s Speech about Back to School Event 2009” B. Problem questions of the study

  Based on the background of the study above, the researcher formulates the problems of the study as follows:

  1. How many kinds of derivational process found in video of Obama’s speech about back to school events 2009?

  2. What are the functions of those derivational affixes in video of Obama’s speech about back to events 2009? C.

   Objectives of the study

  1. To know how many kinds of derivational process found in video of Obama’s speech about back to school events 2009.

  2. To know the functions of the derivational affixes found in video of Obama’s speech about back to school events 2009.

  D. Limitations of The Study

  In this study the researcher limits her study in order to avoid misdirection of the topic. The limitation of the study is on the analysis of morphology about derivational affixes found in the video of

  Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009. The video consist of 19 minutes duration, and there are 5 sheet of speech transcript.

  E. Benefits of the study

  The writer hopes that this research gives the useful information for the reader. The significance of the study can be seen as follows:

  1. Theoretical Benefit

  This study helps in learning affixes, especially the derivational affixes that change the class of root or base in the part of speech.

  2. Practical Benefit

  The result of the study is to give precious contribution to lectures, university students and future researchers. For the lectures, this study might become a meaningful contribution in teaching vocabulary. Derivational affixes are some morpheme derive or create new words by either changing the meaning of the part of speech. When the readers are able to identify derivational affixes they will be able to develop their vocabulary significantly.

  For university students, this study hopefully can be used to study both the affixes; derivational and inflectional, the result of this study is expected to be a previous study for those who are interested in doing similar field of study.

  F. Method of the study

  This study is in domain of quantitative research. Moleong (1991:11) says that methodology quantitative as procedure the result of descriptive data in the form of written or oral words from person or activity which is researched. Therefore, quantitative research that is research that produce quantitative data. In the quantitative research, the collected data is in the form of words or pictures, so the qualitative researcher collects the data in detail and complex (Alsa, 2003: 51) .

  Furthermore, Alsa (2003: 51) also adds that quantitative research especially contains extensive data, which are uses to reveal the complex phenomena and process . To analyze those data the writer uses non- statistical analysis, which is taken from the video of

  Obama’s speech about back to school events 2009.

  G. Definition of key terms

  To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher gives explanations or definitions of some key terms used in the research.

  1. Morphology Morphology is the study of word formation, including the way the new words are coined in the language of the world.

  2. Affixes Affixes include morpheme. Affixes are morphemes that are not . free, in that they must always be attached to a root morpheme They are limited in number, though their numbers vary from language to language (Crowley , 1995: 6). There are two kinds of affixes. They are derivational affixes and inflectional affixes. Some morpheme derive or create new words by either changing the meaning of the part of speech are called derivational morphemes. Other morpheme change neither parts of speech nor meaning, but only refine and give extra grammatical information about the already the existing meaning of word are called as the inflectional morphemes

  3. Analysis The analysis in this study means scientific process breaking the word into its element (root and affixes) of the new words found in

  Obama’s speech about back to school events 2009.

H. Graduating paper outline

  This research is divided into five chapters, Chapter I is Introduction, it consists of background of the study, problem of the study, objectives of the study, limitation of the study, benefit of the research, research method, definition of the key term, and graduating paper outline.

  Chapter II is about theoretical review, including view of underlying theories, which are taken from many books as theoretical review. Chapter

  III is data display. Chapter IV results of the study, it consists of presentation and analysis of the data and chapter V is Closure, it consists of conclusion and suggestion.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. MORPHEME 1. Definition of Morpheme According to Katamba (1994: 20), morpheme refers to the

  smallest, invisible units of semantics content or grammatical function which words are made up of. Morpheme could not be decomposed into smaller units, which were the meaningful by themselves or mark a grammatical function, like singular or plural number in the noun.

  Furthermore, Lieber (2009: 4) adds that morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has their own meaning. It can be concluded that morpheme is the linguistic term for the most elemental unit of grammatical form.

  Morpheme is different with the word. Morphemes could not stand as a word on their own. Therefore, the concept of morphemes and the concept of words are different. Katamba (1994: 41) divided morpheme into two types. They are free morpheme and bound morpheme 2.

   Types of Morpheme

  According to Katamba (1994: 41), morpheme divided into two types. The first of morpheme is free morpheme. Free morpheme is the

  , , ,

  morpheme that can stand alone, for example: wipe head bracelet


  McDonald While bound morpheme is the morpheme that could not

  stand alone. Bound morpheme also could be defined if it is used exclusively alongside a free morpheme, such as /-s/, /-ly/, /im-/, /un-/.

  Lieber (2009: 33) adds that bound morpheme come in different ; varieties. They are prefixes and suffixes the former are bound morphemes that come before the base of the word, and the latter bound morphemes that come after the base. Together, prefixes and suffixes can be grouped together as affixes B.


  Affixes are the part of morpheme. Affixes could be added to other morpheme (base/root) which is constructing a word formation and new meaning. The explanation as follows: 1.

   Definition of Affixes

  According to Fromkin (2013: 40) affixes are bound morpheme that may attach at the beginning, the end, in the middle, or both at the beginning and the end of a word. Rachmadie (1990: 13) adds that morpheme as the basic for words are sometimes called roots or base. Thus, morphemes such as happy, quick, tidy, print are roots. Furthermore, morpheme such as

  • ly, ness, un-, ir- is non roots. They are usually called affixes.

  In the other word Katamba (1994: 44) states, an affix is a morpheme, which only occur when attached to some other morpheme or morphemes such as a root or stem or base. Obviously, by the definition of affixes are bound morphemes. No word may contain only an affix standing on its own. For example:

  • –s or –ed or –al or even a number of affixes strong together like al-s.

  For the definition above, the researcher concludes that affixes are morpheme which attaches the root/base that could not stand alone by their own.

2. Types of Affixes

  There are three types of affixes. The explanations are as follows:

  a. Prefixes

  Katamba (1994: 44) states, a prefix is an affix attached before a root (or stem or base) like re-, un-, and in-. Prefixes occur before other morpheme. For example prefix un-, pre- (unnecessary, premeditate, prejudge), and bi- (bipolar, bisexual).

  b. Suffixes

  Suffixes occur by following other morpheme. According to Katamba (1994: 44), a suffix is an affix attached after a root (or stem or base) like -ly, -er, -ist, -s, -ing, and

  • –ed. For example: kindly, singer, typest.

c. Infixes

  According to Katamba (1994: 44), an infix is an affix inserted into the roots or stems itself.

Table 2.1 English infixes

  bum ili comes from root ‘buy’ (Tagalog, Philippines) Kalamzoo (name of place) Kalama-goddam-zoo Son-in-low C.

   INFLECTIONAL AFFIXES 1. Definition of Inflectional Affixes

  Inflectional affixes are some affixes when attach the root or base do not change the part of speech of the root and they do not create a new word. The only have certain grammatical function (Rahmadie, 1990: 31).

2. Types of Inflectional Affixes

  According to Rachmadie (1990: 31), inflectional affixes in English are indicated as follows:

  a. Plural form, such as: -s book books

  • -en Glass glasses ox oxen Child children

  b. Possession, such as:

  John’s house Student’s shoes Dog’s tail

  c. Third singular verb maker, for example: My sister always eats an apple every morning.

  Ann goes to school early. Bill never reads newspapers

  d. Tense maker, for example:


Andre’s uncle worked hard yesterday. (Past tense)

I have studied the lesson. (Past participle) We are walking around the field. (Present progressive) D.

   Derivational Affixes

  The joining of affixes and root sometimes builds a word, sometimes could form a new word with a new meaning and it could change the part of speech of root, which is known as derivational affixes.

1. Definition of Derivational Affixes

  Derivational affixes are the affixes that change the class of root or base (Rahmadie, 1990: 23). Some affixes also change the grammatical category. For example: Singer is constructed by two morphemes, they are sing (base morpheme) and er (bound morpheme).

  Morpheme “sing” is verb category, and -er is suffix. That is verb (sing: to make melodious sound), changes into noun (singer: person who do the act of sing).

2. Characteristic of Derivational Affixes

  Derivational affixes have a special characteristic. According to Rachmadie (1990: 23), the characteristics of derivational affixes are:

  a. The words with which derivational suffixes combine are an arbitrary matter. To make a noun from the verb adorn we must add the suffix “-ment” and no other suffix will do, whereas the verb fail combines only with “-ure” to make a noun failure. Yet the employ may use the different suffixes “-ment”, “-er”, “-ee” to make three nouns with different meaning (employment, employer, employee).

  b. In many case, but not all, derivational suffixes changes the part of speech of the word to which it is added. The noun act becomes an adjective by addition of “–ive”, and to the adjective active we could add “-ate”, making it verb activate.

  c. Derivational suffixes usually do not close off a word, that is after a derivational suffix you can sometimes add another derivational suffix and next, if required. For example, to the word fertilizer.

3. The Function of Derivational Affixes

  The function of certain derivational affixes is to create new base forms (new stems) that other derivational or inflectional affixes can attach too. In this study, the researcher focusing on the derivational process found in the video of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009. There are the functions of derivational affixes that will be analyzed.

  a. Noun formation Noun formation is a kind of derivational process which is formed by the change of current part of speech into noun formation. Noun formations consist of:

  1. Verb into Noun For example: Government  Govern (Verb) + (-ment) = Government (noun)

  2. Adjective into Noun For example: Opportune (Adjective) + (-ity) = Opportunity


  b. Verb formation Verb formation is a kind of derivational process which is formed by the change of current part of speech into verb formation. Verb formations consist of:

  1. Adjective into Verb For example: Off (Adj) + (-er) = Offer (Verb)

  2. Noun into Verb For example: Courage (Noun) + (-ed) = Discouraged (verb)

  c. Adjective formation Adjective formation is a kind of derivational process which is formed by the change of current part of speech into adjective formation. Adjective formations consist of:

  1. Verb into Adjective For example: Understand (Verb) + (-able) = Understandable (Adj)

  2. Adverb into Adjective For example: Ever (Adv) + (-y) = every (Adj)

  3. Noun into Adjective Home (noun) + (-less + -ness) = Homelessness (Adj)

  d. Adverb formation Adverb formation is a kind of derivational process which is formed by the change of current part of speech into adverb formation.

  Adverb formations consist of:

  1. Adjective into Adverb For example: Probable (Adj) + (-ly) = Probably (Adv)

  2. Noun into Adverb For example: (Un-) + less (Noun) = Unless (Adverb)

  3. Verb into Adverb For example: (A-) + Round (verb) = Around (Adv)


  The researcher knows that this research is not the first study in linguistics field. There are some people who have written about linguistics analysis. In this study, the researcher takes previous studies from other studies. As comparison from Sa’adah (2015), The Use of Affixation in English Translation of the Holy Qur’an in Surah As- Sajda, the researcher tried to describe derivational affixes and inflectional affixes contain in the translation of surah as sajda by Abdullah Yousuf Ali. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research to find out the derivational affixes, inflectional affixes and the root from the words in the translation of surah As Sajda by Abdullah Yousuf Ali. The researcher found that a lot of derivational affixes in

  surah as sajda by Abdullah Yousuf Ali, they are re- , un- ,

  • –in, -ion, - ment , -er, -ty, -ance, -ence, -ous, -y, -ed, and inflectional affixes that

  found in the words of translation of Surah As Sajda by Abdullah Yusuf Ali are –s, -s, -s, -ed, -en, -ed, -ing.

  The second previous study comes from Actavine (2014), in her study of A Morphological Analysis of Derivational Affix in Short Story of Happy Prince. In her study she found many derivation affixes in the short story of Happy Prince. In The Happy Prince short story there are affixes used in two types, prefixes and suffixes. There are not infixes found in The Happy Prince short story. The prefix data appear in different form of prefix, such as Un-, Re-, and Em-. While in suffix data appear in certain form, such as

  • –or + -s, -ful, -er+ -s, -ly, -able, - ship , -ment, -ing, -en, -ly + -est, -ish + -ly, and –er.

  The third study comes from Nur and Kirom (2016), in their study entitled An Analysis of Derivational Affixes in Commencement Speech by Steve Jobs. The study expects to an investigation of

derivational appends in the content of initiation discourse by Steve Jobs.


This study utilized the majority of the words that were connected the

information of prefix and postfix (suffix). This study discovered 69

postfixes and 9 prefixes.

  The fourth study entitled A Morphological Analysis of

Derivational Affixes (Suffix) –Er and –Or in The Jakarta Globe

  This study deals with Newspaper November 1-7, 2012 by Aziz (2013). the similarities and differences between the usage of suffix

  • –er and –or

    in Jakarta Globe Newspaper November 1-7, 2012 , describing the

  characteristic of suffix

  • –er and –or in Jakarta Globe Newspaper


November 1-7, 2012. This research paper is conducted by using

  descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study are firstly, the usage of suffix

  • –er and –or have similarities in the function grammar category. When the word category likes verb and adjective is followed by suffix
  • –er and –or, the grammatical category will change into noun category, and the differences between su>–er and –or are related to the characteristic of each suffix. The second is that the researcher found the characteristic of suffix
  • –er and -or. They are the suffixes
following the verb morpheme, noun morpheme, adjective morpheme in the form of final letter vowel or consonant.

  The fifth study comes from Wulandari (2014), A Morphological Analysis of Derivational Suffixes in Short Stories. This research aims at describing the form and function of derivational suffixes in the short stories. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are words taken from short stories. The data sources of the study are five short stories, they are Blues in the Night by Jenniver Jenkinson (2010), The Birthday of the Infanta by Oscar Wilde (2000), The Devoted Friend by Oscar Wilde (1999)., Staring Me in The Face by Glynis Gertsch (2002), A Horseman in the Sky by Amborse Bierce (2000). The results of the study show that from the whole data 205 are the researcher finds the forms of derivational suffixes. They are verb into noun, adjective into noun, noun into verb, noun into adjective, verb into adjective, noun into adverb, verb into adverb.

  From the five previous studies, there were several differences with the res earcher research. Firstly, Sa’adah’s graduating paper used a

  Holy Qur’an as a subject, but the researcher used the Video of Obama Speech. Sa’adah described the derivational, inflectional affixes and root, but the researcher was more specific in derivational affixes (suffix and prefix). The second, Actavine (2014) used the short story of Happy Prince as the object of the research. The third is Nur and

  Kirom’s thesis (2016). They used the commencement speech by Steve Jobs. In their research, the result is the majority of word that is attaches the derivational process, while the researcher finds the types and the functions of derivational affixes. The fourth graduating paper comes from Aziz (2013). In his research, he focused on the analysis of derivational affixes (suffix

  • –er and –or). The last study comes from Wulandari (2014), she focused on the analysis of derivational suffixes in the short stories. While the research focused on the derivational processes including suffixes, prefixes, even infixes found in the video of Obama’s speech about Back To School Event 2009.

CHAPTER III METHOD OF STUDY A. Method of Study Research is a result of finding, developing, and testing the

  knowledge corrections using method of research (Hadi, 1981: 4). In the other word, when there is the problem about something that has not been clear, research appearance is needed. In order to do the research, methodology is necessary to help find the result of the research. Method represents a compulsion to be used in the study and it is a way that is used by the researcher in the collecting data

  According to Hadi (1981: 221), research methodology is a scientific method to collect the data with a goal and certain application. In the other word, research methodology is the way the research use to collect the data, analyze the data, and make a conclusion from the data which has collected. In order to give valid and reliable data, the research method is very important for a research and for accurate data (Arikunto, 2002: 136).

  The researcher uses the quantitative descriptive study to identify, describe, analyze and classify various types of derivational affixes in the video of Obama’s speech about Back to School event 2009. Johnson and Larry (2004: 359) state that quantitative descriptive study is designed to provide systematic information about a phenomenon The researcher does not usually begin with a hypothesis, but is likely to develop one after collecting data. It can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical form, such as scores on a test or the number of times a person chooses to use a- certain feature of a multimedia program, or it can describe categories of information such as gender or patterns of interaction when using technology in a group of situation.

  In this study the researcher uses descriptive study to get information about derivational affixes in the video of Obama’s speech about Back to School event 2009. While the numeric data or the quantitative to present the data numerically so the result of the study well understanding.

B. Object of The Study

  The researcher uses educational issues found in the video of Obama’s Speech about Back To School Event 2009 as the object of the study. This study contains a speech transcript of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009 as the sample of the study. The researcher chooses this speech because of the influence of Obama, the American Ex- president.

  Obama is not only popular as a president of America but also popular for his literary works. He has some literary works especially his popular books, such as Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, the Audacity of Hope, Change We can Believe in and others.

  His books can insipre others. One of his popular book is Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. In his book he tells everything about his life, his journey to some cities and countries. He describes them well and can hypnotize the readers (Setyowati, 2014: 263). In her book Setyowati (2014:264) continues that Barack Obama is charismatic leader and a good listener, he wants to listen to criticism and learn from experiences. He has attractive style that can impress other people as well. He is popular for his pragmatism, flexibility, humility and outreach. Obama is totally practical and no ideological man. He is an extremely disciplined thinker, very intelligent, very efficient and he is very cool to face pressure. Obama has methodical and disciplined approach to make a decision.

  th Barack Obama was born on August 4 , 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

  His father was Barack Hussein Obama senior; he was a black American from Kenya. His mother is An Dunham, she is a white American, she is from Kansas city. His wife is Michelle Obama and he has two daughters, Malia and Sasha. Obama had great educational background, through the educational background he can be successful. He studied at Occidental College (2 years), university at Columbia University in political science (1983). He continued studying at Harvard Law School, in Boston he graduated in 1991. He began his career as a community organizer in some of Chicago‘s poorest community. He was the first African American president of the Harvard law review. He was a state- senator from Illinois for 8 years and he was a United States senator in 2004 and in 2007 he announced his candidacy in the U.S presidential elections.

  Obama is an ambitious president but not overreaching. His fans like his pragmatism, his willing to listen to criticism and learn from experience. He is a new figure that can bring new things and changes for American and the World as well. As a president, Barack Obama has his own ways to build international partnership. He made sympathetic approach on his trip to Port of Spain, Trinidad, and other 33 nations. He shook hands with Venezuelan president Hugo Chaves. It shows of his humility and outreach (Walsh, 2009: 13) in Setyowati, 2010: 5).

  This speech transcript was chosen as the object of the study to analyze and identify as many derivational affixes in this speech. After analyzing and identifying the speech, the researcher wants to apply the ideas of the study, so it can be used by others in writing other speech transcription. The video of Obama’s speech about Back to School Event 2009 consist of 19 minutes duration and there are 5 sheet of speech transcript.

C. Source of Data

  Arikunto (2010: 172) states, data sources in subject where the data acquired. Data source should original, however, if the original source is difficult to get, photocopy or imitation is not be a problem, as long as the evidence can be acquired. Arikunto (2002: 19) states that the collecting data techniques include questionnaire, interview, observation, test and documentation. In this research uses observation and documentation to collect the data.

  Moreover, to analyze the derivatio nal affixes found in the Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009, the researcher used the data sources both from primary and secondary data describe as follows:

  1. Primary

  Primary data source is the result of something found in the field (Kurniadi, 2011: 10). It is the result of field observation.

  In this research, the primary data source took from the Obama’s speech transcription.

  2. Secondary

  According to Kurniadi (2011: 11), the secondary data source is added data as an elaboration of primary data and as a reference seeing the setting of the problem. The researcher used several references to support the data. The researcher took from several books related to morphology in this case derivational affixes

D. Techniques of data collection

  According to Azwar (2007: 36) there are many ways to collect the data, such as observation, the use of instrument for collecting data and documentation. Moreover, data collection is very important in this research. So, the writer uses observation and documentation as the technique to collect the data.

  1. Observation Observation is a complex process which is composed from the biological and psychological process. The most important for both are observing and remembering (Hadi in Sugiono, 2013:145). In the other word, observation means an activity to collect the data by concerning in observing and remembering the object of the research.

  In order to get the qualified data, the researcher utilized the step in doing the observations. The steps are as follows: a.

  Read the Obama’s speech transcript about Back To School Event 2009 b. Watch the video of Obama’s speech about Back To School Event 2009 c. Analyze the derivational affixes found in the Obama’s Speech

  d. Classified the derivational affixes found in the Obama’s speech video about Back to Event 2009.

  e. Classified the data according to the rubric of the types and the function of derivational affixes. The rubric can be seen bellow :

  Table 3.1.Derivational Affixes Rubric No Word Part of Speech Roots Part of Speech Derivational Affixes Note Prefix Suffix

  1 The word which is found derivational Affixes Coding : PxLy

  affixes. They are :

  A. Verb maker (noun/Adj/Adv turn into Verb) B. Noun maker (verb/adv/adj turn into noun) C. Adjectve Maker (verb/noun/adv turn into adj) D. Adverb Maker (verb/noun/adj turn into adverb) f. Reducting the data by decrease the unappropriate one.

  • P : paragraph
  • L :line
  • x : the number of paragraph
  • y : the number of Line kind of part of speech of the word Roots of the words Part of speech

    of the root

    Prefix found in the word Suffix found in the word The function of derivational

  g. Determine the classified data become the data the researcher used to find the result of the research.

  h. Present numeric data to support the result of the observation.

  2. Documentation Arikunto (1990: 321) states that documentation is an action of getting the data about the cases or variable as note, transcripts, book, magazine, etc. To obtain the data, the researcher uses the transcript of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009 as the data source and focus on the derivational affixes in sentences of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009.

E. Techniques of Data Analysis

  Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes and other materials that is accumulates to increase our own understanding and enable you to present what you have discovered to others (Bogdan in Sugiono, 2013: 224). The researcher concludes that data analysis is the activity that is heavy enough within formulating easily digest by thinking logically.

  In the research, the researcher chooses four techniques of data analysis. The explanations are as follows:

  1. Data Collection Data collection is the result of data collecting technique on observation and documentation.

  2. Data Reduction Data reduction is the process to choose the main data to focus, to focus on the most important data and throw up the unnecessary one. The guideline of the data reduction is the objectives of the research. Data reduction is a process to think sensitively, the high intelligence and the broad knowledge.

  3. Data Display Data display is a process to arrange the result of the data reduction done by simple explaining, draft, and relation inter categories and flowchart. The data display help the researcher to understand what is happening and to do something further analysis or caution on that understanding.

  4. Data Verification/Conclusion The conclusion verify by see back of the data reduction and data display after collecting the data, so conclusion that is take did not deviate from the problems of the research. On the whole, to analyze the data the researcher must find and collect the data in the field and then the data is being learned. The writer choose the relevance data toward the study to solve the problems

  In the other hand, according to Miles and Huberman (1994:87), there are several procedures in the analyzing the data as the concept of data analysis. The procedures are called The Logico-Inductive process.

  The Logico -Inductive processes of data analysis are as follows; a. Analysis is logico-inductive.

  b. Data are mostly verbal.


c. Observations are made of behavior, situations, interactions,

objects and environment.

  d. Becoming familiar with the data.


e. Data are examined in depth to provide detailed descriptions of

the setting, participants and activity (describing).

  f. Coding pieces of data.

g. Grouping them into potential themes (classifying) which are identified from observations through (reading / memoing).

CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION A. Data Display After analyzed the object of the research, the researcher got the data result

  from the video of Obama’s speech about back to school event 2009. The data result can be seen below:

Table 4.1. Data Result

  Derivational Part of Part Of Affixes No Words Roots Note Description Speech Speech

  Prefix Suffix Old English middel; Middle compare Old 1. Noun Mid Adj -le Noun Maker Frisian middel, Dutch middel,

  (P2L2) German mittel 1350

  • –1400; Middle English: orig., Understandable 2.

  Adj Understand Verb -able Adj Maker capable of (P2L3) understanding; mid-15c., "plausibly," from 2).

  3. Probably (P2L3) Adv Probable Adj -ly Adv maker As a general purpose qualifier, 1610s Middle English, 4. Longer (P2L6) Adj Long Adj -er Adj Maker from Old English lang before 1000; Middle English o