The Influence of Podcast and Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) toward the Students’ Extensive Listening on Narrative Text (An Experimental Study of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru in the Academic Year of 2016/2017 - Test Repository





(An Experimental Study of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 2

Banyubiru in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)



Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd.) in the English


Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

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113 13 043








  In the name of Allah, Hereby, the researcher declares that this graduating paper is written by the researcher. This paper does not contain any materials published by other people and it does not cite any other people‟s ideas except those quoted overtly. This declaration is written with the full concern of the researcher.


  Salatiga, September 5 2017 The Researcher

  Naila Rajiha 11313043







(An Experimental Study of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 2

Banyubiru in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)




NIM: 113 13 043

  has been brought to the board of examiners of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga, on September 20


  2017, and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd) in English Education. Board of examiners

  Head : Setia Rini, M. Pd ___________________ Secretary : Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M. Pd ___________________ First Examiner : Hammam, Ph. D ___________________ Second Examiner : Faizal Risdianto, M. Hum ___________________

  Salatiga, September 20


  2017 Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  Suwardi, M. Pd



“You try you fail, you try you fail. But the only real failure is when

you stop trying.”

  • -Leota from the Haunted Mansion-



  This graduating paper is dedicated to, 

  My beloved parents Ali Dzikri and Muzayyanah, who always love and support to me. They are my best inspiration 

  All of my family 

  The members of Youth Association of Bidikmisi Limardhatillah



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praises be to Allah SWT the Most

  Gracious and the Most Merciful who always blesses and helps the researcher, so the researcher can finish the graduating paper. Bless and Mercy be upon great Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the researcher to be truth.

  However this paper will not be finished without support, advices, help, and encouragement from several people and institution. Hence, the researcher would like to express special thanks to: 1.

  Dr. H. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga 2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty 3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. the Head of English Education Department 4. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd as the Counselor. The countless hours of reading and revising are invaluable to this graduating paper. Thank you so much for your guidance 5. All lecturers, especially the lecturers of English and Education Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

6. All staff and officials of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga 7.

  All teachers, staff and officials of SMP N 2 Banyubiru

  8. My big family, who always cares and prays for me, thanks a lot for your love, for your sacrifices

9. All members of Islamic Boarding House of Edi Mancoro Semarang

  Regency, Fadhlur Rahman Pati Regency, Darul Falah Amtsilaty Jepara, and

  Madrasatul Qur’an Boyolali 10.

  All grantees of Bidik Misi Scholarship, thanks for supporting me 11. All of my friends and others who cannot mentioned one by one. Thank you so much for any helps, prays, support, guidance and advises which are given to the researcher


  Salatiga, September 5 2017 The researcher,

  Naila Rajiha 113 13 043



Rajiha, Naila. 2017.

  The Influence of Podcast and Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) toward the Students’ Extensive Listening on Narrative Text (An Experimental Study of the Eighth Grade Students, SMP N 2 Banyubiru, Academic Year of 2016/2017. A Graduating Paper. Teacher

  Training and Education Faculty. English Education Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Consultant: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, S.S., M. Pd.

  Key Words: Podcast, STAD, Extensive Listening, Narrative Text.

  The objectives of the research were: (1) to find out the profile of the students‟ extensive listening before and after implementing Podcast and Student Teams Achievement Divisions towards the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru and (2) to find out the significant difference of students‟ extensive listening before and after teaching narrative text using Podcast and Student Teams Achievement

  Divisions for the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru. The approach of this research was quantitative research and the method of this research was true experimental research. The technique of data collection was test and documentation. The researcher found that: (1) there was significant positive relationship between podcast and

  STAD toward the students‟ extensive listening on narrative text for the first research question could be seen that alternative hypothesis ( ) is accepted and null hypothesis ) was rejected. The value of Sig. (2-tailed) was lower than significant level 0.000 > 0.05 (2) there was significant difference of score between pre-test and post-test. Based on the achievement of experiment, the result of pre-test was 40.81% while the post-test was 70.27%. The significance difference was 29.46%. In addition, the second research question was also clear that alternative hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis ( ) was rejected.



  TITLE...................................................................................................................... 0 DECLARATION.................................................................................................... i ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES................................................................... ii CERTIFICATION PAGE...................................................................................... iii MOTTO................................................................................................................. iv DEDICATION........................................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................................................... vi ABSTRACT......................................................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................ xii LIST OF CHARTS.............................................................................................. xiii LIST OF APPENDICES...................................................................................... xiv

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research....................................................................... 1 B. Research Questions……............................................................................. 6 C. Objectives of the Research.......................................................................... 6 D. Benefits of the Research.............................................................................. 7


  Hypothesis................................................................................................... 8 F. Definition of the Key Terms..................................................................... 10 G.

  Outline of the Research............................................................................. 12

  CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW A. Preview Researches................................................................................... 13 B. Extensive Listening................................................................................... 15 C. Podcast as Teaching Media....................................................................... 18 D. Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) ..................................... 23 E. Narrative Text........................................................................................... 32 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH A. Setting of the Research.............................................................................. 40 1. Location of the Research..................................................................... 40 2. Time Setting of the Research.............................................................. 40 3. Schedule of the Research.................................................................... 40 B. Research Methodology.............................................................................. 41 1. Design of the Research........................................................................ 41 2. Population and Sampling.................................................................... 42 3. Variables of the Research.................................................................... 45 4. Data Collection.................................................................................... 45 5. Data Analysis...................................................................................... 48 6. Validity and Reliability....................................................................... 49

  CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION A. Profile of the Students‟ Extensive Listening before and after Implementing Podcast and Student Teams Achievement Divisions towards the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru.................................................... 52 B. Significant Difference of Students‟ Extensive Listening before and after Teaching Narrative Text Using Podcast and Student................................ 72 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusions............................................................................................... 74 B. Suggestions............................................................................................... 75 REFERENCES APPENDICES




Table 3.1 Schedule of the Research ………………………………………40 B.Table 3.2 List of Population ………………………………………………43 C.Table 4.1. Name of the Students in Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental

  Group ……………………………………………………………….............52 D.

Table 4.2. Name of the Students in Pre-test and Post-test of Control Group

  ……………………………….………………………………………………53 E.

Table 4.3. Test of Normality of Pre-test ……………………………………55 F.Table 4.4. Test of Normality of Post-test …………………………………...55 G.Table 4.5. Test of Homogeneity of Variances of Pre-test …………………..56 H.Table 4.6. Test of Homogeneity of Variances of Post-test ……………...…..57 I.Table 4.7. Result of Pre-Test ………………………………………………..58 J.Table 4.8. Paired Sample Test ………………………………………………59 K.Table 4.9. Result of Post-Test ………………………………………………61 L.Table 4.10. Paired Sample Test ……………………………………………...63 M.Table 4.11 Evaluation Criteria ...…………………………………….............63 N.Table 4.12. Interpretation of Experimental Group Score………………..…...64 O.Table 4.13. Interpretation of Control Group Score..……………………..…..66 P.Table 4.14. Result of Hypothesis Testing …………………………………...69


4.1 Chart of Experimental Group

  Result……………………….………..66 B.

4.2 Chart of Control Group



  Syllabi B. Lesson Plan and its Validation C. Sheet of Pre-test and Post-test D.

  Learning Materials (An Explanation of Narrative Text) E. Procedure of Pre-test and Post-test F. Table Score of Pre-test and Post-test G.

  Interview Report H. Note of Counselor I. Research Permission Letter J.

  Official Statement Letter from SMP N 2 Banyubiru K.

  Statement Letter from Respondent of the Research L. Profile of SMP N 2 Banyubiru M.


  Consultation Sheet O. Documentation P. CV

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research The undeniable role of English as a global means of communication

  can be

   the reason that English is accommodated as one of the subjects

  taught at school. The important role of

   English is pointed out by Diem

  (2011, p. 160)

   who states, “To fulfill the needs in the globalization era,

  English will take the

   strategic place in the world.” Therefore, having

  English skills can be

   considered as beneficial. For example, people who

  want to have better job

   opportunities, as well as better chances of keeping

  up with what is new in their

   field of specialty can earn more credit if they master in English.

  According to Prasetyo (2014, p. 93) in Indonesia, English has the substantial role in many aspects of life, particularly

   in science and

  technology field. English as a foreign language taught as an obligatory subject from

   primary school until higher education. Generally, in the

  education field, the aim of the teaching process is in order to help the learners cope with their learning to get improvement in learning English.

  Teaching English for the students has a purpose of gaining a functional attain this, the students should be able to comprehend all English basic skills. Wiyanah (2015, p. 58) concludes that: There are four skills that should be taught to have competence in learning language, i.e: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Naturally, the process of learning is started from listening- speaking-reading and the last is writing. Human cannot speak before listen. Therefore, listening is the main point of developing the skills to enhance other English skills.

  Listening as one of the English

   language skills is the receptive skill

  which is the most common

   communication activity in daily life. It is an

  active activity that involves

   receiving, understanding, and perceiving a

  message from a

   conversation. However, it does not guarantee that the

  student will be able to possess

   good command of English. Lack of

  comprehension about the relation between receptive skills and productive skills cause some points of view that listening skills as receptive skills not too important. Listening is not a passive skill, but also an important means of acquiring new language. Listening skills are same as important as speaking, writing and reading. However, some developing theories show how far the importance of listening. Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 3) state that listening comprehension is the key to the second language acquisition. Listening is one of skill played a significant role in facilitating the students to learn English as a foreign language. By listening the students will realize the language.

  Effective listening is not only hearing and giving attention to the students speaking about but also needing more attention in the active and conscious condition about the sounds, words, and structures. Then, what the students listen is connected to the students background knowledge for getting comprehension. When the students listen to a conversation, for example, listen to lectures, radio, film, TV news, and music they are already active at this moment. They respond to what they listen to. If the students do listening in the proper way, they can give some reactions based on the students listen to. They show their response through spoken directly or show the body language. They may shout, laugh, cry, give some comments in spoken, or only show their gestures and expressions. As the result, the students need more attention and learn English more particularly in listening.

  Mustikasari (2011, p. 155) states “Teacher is the center of attraction in the classroom, since he plays an important role in the classroom.” Unfortunately, the fact has shown that the students are hard to enhance their listening skills because the teacher still give lack of strategies to teach listening. Some strategies were given by the teacher more emphasized the students only how to answer the listening questions than how to do effective listening. Whereas, if they can do effective listening, they not only can try to answer the questions but also they can get wider understanding.

  There were some problems also occurred in SMP N 2 Banyubiru. Based on the interview with the English teacher, the observation, and the


  documentation on April, 12 2017 the researcher took towards the eighth grade students, it has been notice that were found some problems in the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru in the context of learning listening; 1) Some students were rarely used to exercise their listening to the audio related to English materials. In fact, they were not recognize to listen to the native speaker. Therefore, they felt strange to the English sounds. Whereas, more often the students hear, more the students can understand, 2) The students also had a problem in motivation. They lack of attention because the teaching and learning process were referred monotone, the last, 3) They also needed their friends‟ role to help in understanding materials easier by their own ways.

  The researcher limits this research because there are many problems on the students‟ listening competence to be solved.

  Furthermore, the researcher only focuses on how to recognize to listen to the native speaker and how to maximize the role of friends for enhancing their listening skills.

  The people have known the proverb had been said by Adam (1761, p. 31) “Practice makes perfect.” Therefore, the more practice the students, the better their skills are. Moreover, they need some attractive and innovative ways in the field of learning listening skills to provoke communication used for conveying and delivering the information between the speaker and listener.” In fact, the teachers need a media to assist the learning process. Then, the teachers also should have a method which makes all the students help another in involving learning and teaching process in order to make the students more active and well- motivated. Thus, the teacher as facilitator should be more initiative in teaching because the students need suitable media and appropriate method to make their listening skills will be enhanced.

  Regarding those previous problems, it is essential for the teacher to arrange an enjoyable ways in assisting the students being involved in the learning process. According to Queiroz (2003) as quoted by Mustikasari (2011, pp. 38-39) states that “The constant and fast change of information and communication technology require a continuous process of development of competencies teacher should have and demands lifelong professional preparation and proper pedagogical training.” One of the worth solution to minimize the students‟ inadequacy in listening scope is applying podcasts and Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD).

  They need such a podcast media. Ashton-Hay & Brookes (2011, p. 17) claim that research studies on the podcast has already acknowledged its potentiality and has documented many pieces of evidence that podcasts can greatly help develop the students‟ language skills, especially in developing the students‟ speaking and listening skills.

  In short, podcast can be determined as a communication media or technology which contains fast change of information to provide some material reviews in developing the students‟ listening skills. Besides that, STAD is one of the popular methods in cooperative learning that is introduced by John Hopkins University. Hopefully, podcast and STAD can become a good combination to enhance the students‟ listening skills and well-implemented to teach listening efficiently.

  Based on the explanation above, the researcher does a research entitled “THE INFLUENCE OF PODCAST AND STUDENT TEAMS


B. Research Questions 1.

  How is the profile of the students‟ extensive listening before and after implementing Podcast and Student Teams Achievement Divisions towards the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru? 2. To what extent is the significant difference of students‟ extensive listening before and after teaching narrative text using Podcast and

  Student Teams Achievement Divisions towards the eighth grade

  C. Objectives of Research 1.

  To find out the profile of the students‟ extensive listening before and after implementing Podcast and Student Teams Achievement Divisions towards the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru.

  2. To find out the significant difference of students‟ extensive listening before and after teaching narrative text using Podcast and Student Teams Achievement Divisions for the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru.

  D. Benefits of the Research

  The researcher hopes that the result of this research can give information about the level of the students‟ extensive listening on Narrative Text and the researcher hopes that podcast and STAD can influence teaching listening. It is also useful theoretically and practically.

  This research is beneficial as follows: 1.

  Theoretically The findings of this research enrich: a.

  The English teaching learning kinds of literature dealing with media and method of English teaching.


  The English teaching learning media by using a podcast for other researchers to conduct further researches. c.

  The English teaching learning method by using STAD for other researchers to conduct further researches.

2. Practically a.

  For the Researcher The finding of the research can be used as a starting point in improving the researcher‟s teaching ability now and in the future.


  For the Students The finding of the research can help the students to know how to enhance their extensive listening on narrative text.


  For the English Teachers The findings of this research can be used as a consideration in selecting the appropriate media and method in teaching and learning process for junior high school the students especially for extensive listening on narrative text.


  For the Other Researchers The findings of this research can be used as one of the references in conducting a research on English language teaching, especially in the influence of podcast and STAD for the extensive listening with subject in the higher students level or the other genre of the text.


  For SMP N 2 Banyubiru

  The result of this research improves the institution‟s quality especially in the English teaching and learning process in SMP N 2 Banyubiru in the students‟ extensive listening on narrative text.

E. Hypothesis

  Kumars (1993, p. 9) suggested “A hypothesis is a statement of the research assumption about the relationship between two variables that the researcher plans to test within the framework of the researcher study.”

  A hypothesis is a provisional answer which is probably happened related to the relationship of the variables. As quoted by Setyosari (2010, p. 123) Tuckman (1988, 1999) explains that hypothesis is an expectation about events, based on the generalization of the assumed relationship between variables. It means that hypothesis needs as a result approximation of the research.

  In addition, a hypothesis is probable result of the research as Brown (2002, p. 109) defines hypotheses as statements about possible outcomes of a study. It means that a hypothesis is a result assumption of the research.

  Related to the possible result of the research, there are two types of hypotheses, null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Kohtari (2004, p.

  186) explains about Null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses: If the people are compare method A with method B about its superiority and if the people proceed on the assumption that both methods are equally good, then, this assumption is termed as the null hypothesis. As against this, the people may think that the hypothesis is generally symbolized as and the alternative hypothesis as . Based on the statement above, the researcher can take a provisional answer about the influence of podcast and STAD toward the student s‟ extensive listening on narrative text as:

  1. : There is no significant relationship between podcast and STAD

  toward the student s‟ extensive listening on narrative text (an experimental at the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru).

  2. : There is significant positive relationship between podcast and

  STAD toward the students‟ extensive listening on narrative text (an experimental at the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banyubiru).

F. Definition of the Key Terms 1.

  Extensive Listening Renandya & Farrell (2011, p. 56) define extensive listening as referring to: All types of listening activities that allow learners to receive a lot of comprehensible and enjoyable listening input. These activities can be teacher-directed dictations or read-alouds or self-directed listening for pleasure that can be done outside the classroom. The key consideration here is that learners get to do a lot of meaningful listening practice. As it can be seen from the above definition, extensive listening can be done as an in-class or out of class activities, but the important thing to remember is that the students get to do a lot of meaningful listening

  2. Podcast According to Constantine (2007, p. 2) “A podcast is the name of digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program. Podcasts are published on the internet as mp3 files”. Podcast is almost similar as regular audio/ video; the difference is that a subscription from certain websites that offer podcast is necessary so that the new available podcasts can be downloaded.

  3. Student Teams-Achievement Divisions Method (STAD)

  Student Teams-Achievement Divisions Method (STAD) is one of the simplest cooperative learning method and the best model to start with new teachers who use cooperative approach. According to Slavin (2005, p. 143) “STAD consists of five components; class presentation, team, quiz, scoring and team recognition”.

  This method is very interesting activity in the classroom because the method involves the student and teacher to activate their selves in teaching and learning process.

  4. Narrative Text

  Narrative text is one of the genres taught for the eighth grade students at Junior High School. Moreover, Anderson (1997, p. 8) states that

  “Narrative is a piece of text which tells a story and, in doing so, entertains or informs the reader or listener .”

  Narrative text is a text which says the past activities or event which concerns on the problematic experience and resolution in order to amuse and even give the moral messages to the reader. Narratives focus on the action of participant in confronting problem, with a complicating action that results an overall point to the story. Narrative is storytelling whether it tells a true story or fiction giving an account of one or more experiences.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

  The paper consists of five chapters. Each chapter discusses as follows: The first chapter tells about the introduction, which consists of the background of the research, research questions, objectives of the research, benefits of the research, hypothesis, definitions of the key terms, and graduating paper outline. The second chapter describes review of related information about Podcast and STAD. The researcher takes some books written by many experts as references which explain more about extensive listening, podcast, STAD, and narrative. The third chapter extends the methodology of research. It discusses research design, population and sample, instrument, the technique of data collection, data analysis, validity, and reliability. The fourth chapter presents research result and discussion, and hypothesis testing, which were based on the data analysis. The researcher presents the statistic of the obtained data, which was intended to lead to findings of this research. The fifth chapter is closure which consists of conclusion and suggestion. The last parts are references and appendices.

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Preview Researches Related to the development of teaching media in improving the

  students‟ listening, Hasan & Hoon (2012) conducted a research. The research reviewed twenty journal articles to determine the effects of podcast on the

  ESL students‟ language skills and attitude levels. It was found that podcasts greatly support learning not just in speaking and listening but also in other language skills and areas such as grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.

  On the other hand, Tiantong and Teemungsai (2013) explored ways to enhance the learning achievement through Student Team Achievement Division (STAD). This research was about experimental course for the undergraduate students using Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) instructional model for developing that consisted five steps: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The research showed that the learning achievement of pre-test score are found to be significantly different from post-test ones at the 05 level and the efficiency value of the lesson was at 83.05/80.40 according to the E1/E2 Formula, which higher than the determined value of 80/80. In conclusion, Student Team Achievement Division technique was applied successfully.

  Moreover, Tran (2014) conducted the research which investigated the effects of cooperative learning on the achievement and knowledge retention of 110 first-year primary education the students toward the psychology subject over the eight weeks of instruction at An Giang University. He used the experimental research. The students were divided into two matched groups of 55 to be taught by the same lecturer. In the experimental group, cooperative learning was employed, while in the control group, lecture-based teaching was used. The results showed that after approximately eight weeks the students who were instructed using cooperative learning achieved significantly higher scores on the achievement and knowledge retention than did the students who were instructed using lecture-based teaching. The research supported the effectiveness of cooperative learning in Vietnamese higher education. Surely, cooperative learning may be also significant for the students in other countries.

  Based on previous researches above, the researcher believes that this research is different from those researches, dealing with the methodologies, objects, respondents and theme. This research focuses on the influence of podcast and the student teams‟ achievement divisions (STAD) toward the students‟ extensive listening on narrative text. It is different from those preview researches because it is experimental research which tries to combine between podcast and STAD. This research completes the other researches which already exist to provide more information about method and media of English language teaching for enhancing listening skill.

B. Extensive Listening

  According to Brown (2004, p. 120) extensive listening is referred to develop a top-down, global understanding of spoken language.

  Extensive performance ranges from listening to lengthy lectures to listen a conversation and deriving a comprehensive message or purpose. Listening for the gist, for the main idea, and making inferences are all part of extensive listening. In addition, Ducker & Saunders (2014, p. 383) find:

  Through extensive listening (EL) language the students can increase their listening proficiency by having exposure to large numbers of aural texts. Benefits of extensive listening (EL) include naturalistic language acquisition, better coping with speech rate, Therefore, extensive listening is used to get general understanding or being involved in massive amounts of text.

  The importance of extensive listening is obvious in language learning. According to Ellis (1994) as quoted b y Onoda (2012, p. 175) “L2 literature indicates that a large amount of exposure to input, whether visual or aural, is vital for language acquisition.” This suggestion seems to be supported by the researchers stressing the importance of quality input in language acquisition. Krashen (1985) as quoted by Onoda (2012, p. 175) advocating the Input Hypothesis, argues that humans acquire listening skills and language by understanding language that contains structures slightly beyond their current level of competence (i+1): comprehensible input. He suggests that it is important for the students to listen to a large amount of spoken English that is relatively easy. Easiness, in his opinion, is another key factor that helps the students improves listening skills and language. Easiness and interest may be factors that determine whether the students is actively involved in listening, or not.

  “Affect” (the students‟ motives, interests, needs, attitudes, or emotional states) thus functions as a filter that subconsciously screens incoming language, or input. Thus, the teachers should try to lessen the students‟ anxiety about listening to English, and select input that best suits the student motives and attitudes about listening. Krashen‟s suggestion supports the idea of Extensive Listening approaches that are usually employed based on materials the students want to listen to according to their interests and the levels of difficulty of the listening materials.

  Drawing partially on Krashen‟s arguments, Nation (2007) as quoted by Onoda (2012, p. 175) proposes the four strands teaching approach in order to improve language skills effectively. These are meaning-focused input, language-focused learning, meaning-focused output, and fluency development. He suggests that a language course, ideally, should have about 25 percent of each of these four strands.

  Different kinds of activities can be used within each component to promote language learning.

  He suggests that listening skills will improve when the students engages in meaning-focused input and fluency development tasks that include extensive listening to easy and interesting materials. According to Nation (2007) as quoted by Onoda (2012, p. 176) extensive listening must meet the following four assumptions of the meaning-focused input and fluency strands: a.

  The students listen to what is largely familiar to them in terms of vocabulary, content, and discourse features, b.

  The students focus on meaning (intrinsically interesting texts), c. Pressure is applied to the students to perform at a higher than normal speed, and Closely examined, these assumptions (except the third) reflect suggestions made by Krashen.

  Based on the statements above, the teachers should apply soiate ways in teaching extensive listening. Related to this research, there are many ways can be implemented in context to enhance the students‟ extensive listening. This research is expected to give a good improvement to the students‟ listening skill particularly on their extensive listening.

C. Podcast as Teaching Media

  Firstly the researcher tells about what podcast is. Podcast is recording or something that you can download from internet and listen to on a computer or MP3 player. According to Oxford dictionary (2007, p.

  39 9) “A podcast is simply an audio and sometimes a video recording made available online. The word is a combination of the words broadcast and iPod, Apple‟s MP3 player.” However, the word pod does not mean that we need an iPod or even an Apple to listen to existing podcast, or to make it ourselves. According to Deal (2007, p. 3):

  Podcasting is a means of publishing audio and video content on the web as a series of episodes with common theme. These episodes are accompanied by a file called a feed that allows listeners to subscribe to the series and receive new episodes automatically. Some people use the term podcast to refer to any distribution of and subscription model of file delivery is what differentiates podcasting from simply posting files on the web. Therefore, podcast is a new technological approach to enhance the students‟ skills. It has brought the learning process to come out from the school, colleges and classrooms to the students‟ hand and pocket. It is a method of spreading information in audio or video form, according to the convenience of user‟s time, place and medium. Through podcast listener can select his favorite program according to his convenience and listen to it. It is a user choice technology. This conclusion is strengthened by Rajpal & Devi (2010, p. 259):

  English, though a second language has attained the position of a global language. It has also become a principal language of learned class. In olden days, English language teaching used to be grammar-oriented. Its scope was limited to words and much stress was not given to phonology. But the changing scenario of professional world clearly says that there is a great difference between language learning and language acquisition. Native language is acquired whereas English as a foreign language has to be learnt with proper vocabulary and pronunciation. Those who are keen to learn the English language for improving their communication, they can download files where they can listen to speeches, debates, audio books and other audio clips. By this the user can enhance his listening and speaking skills. Commonly, Podcasts available on the Web fall broadly into two types: “Radio podcasts” and “independent podcasts (Paul & Man, 2004, p.

  117).” Radio podcasts are existing radio programs turned into podcasts, such as those produced by British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). “Independent podcasts” are web- based podcasts produced by individuals and organizations. According to

  1. A basic podcast contains only audio and is the easiest to create and listen to.

  2. An enhanced podcast has both audio and slides (like a narrated PowerPoint presentation on the web).

  3. A vodcast (or video podcast) contains video and audio and is the most difficult to create and view.

  In this research, the researcher applies a basic podcast which contains the audio material because it is available more in internet or website. It is also easiest to use and makes the students focus the content when they listen because it is only an audio type.

  According Paul and Man (2004, p. 117) “The first podcasts appeared in early 2005

  .” ELT educators soon joined the movement, and since the second half of 2005, there has been an upsurge in the number of ELT podcasts on the web. Teachers have three ways to look for suitable ELT podcasts for their students. They can start with “general” podcast directories. A podcast directory is a searchable database which is linked to sites that house podcasts.

  The teachers can type in a search term like “English,” “ELT,” “ESL,” TESOL,” and they will be given a list of ELT podcasts. An example of a general podcast directory is To narrow down their search, teachers may go directly to directories of Education Podcast Network:h claims to be the first U.K. directory of educational podcasts. There is now such an abundance of ELT podcasts on the web that podcast directories specializing in ELT are also available.

  These are directories which cover ELT podcasts only. One example is http: // maintained by the Internet TESL Journal.

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