The Code Activity Sequences and the Improvement of English Achievement of the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2012/2013 - Test Repository


The Code Activity Sequences and the

Improvement of English Achievement of the

Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tengaran in

the Academic Year of 2012/2013

  Name : Adik Edhitia E. W. Nim : 11308047







There is no limit of struggling

  • -Antoine De Saint-



  This graduating paper is sincerely dedicated for: 

  My beloved parents As‘ad Basjir and Chodidjah, who always pray for me to become person in this life, I love you so much. 

  My beloved sister‘s (Ellok‘s Family, Indah‘s Family, Ayu) and my brother (Filla).  My all family (like Djammal Basjir‘s Family) that always support me. 

  My step family in Semarang (Djoko S. Family‘s) for your advice and prayer.  My beloved heart (Teddy Kurniawan) for your strengthness.  My beloved friends (Mb. Rina, Yuni, Tri, Dian) and all team Plasa Telkom Salatiga.

  Salatiga, 15 March 2016 The Writer Adik Edhitia E. W.




  In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of universe and space. Thanks to Allah because the writer could complete this graduating paper as one of requirement to finished study in English Department Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, guidance and help from individual‘s institution. Therefore, I would like to express special thanks to:

  1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as The Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Mrs. Noor Malihah, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D The Chairperson of English Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  3. Mr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., M. A. The Consultant of this graduating paper. Thanks for all suggestion, recomendation and support for this graduation paper from beginning till the end.

  4. All lecturers in English Education Faculty of IAIN Salatiga. Thanks for all guidance, knowledge and support.

  5. Mrs. Wiji Utami and all Teacher‘s and Staff‘s in SMP N 2 Tengaran for all guidance and knowledge.

  6. My beloved family (As‘Ad Basjir Family‘s).

  7. The big family thank you so much for motivation, support and affection. May Allah always blessed us all.

  8. My beloved heart (Teddy Kurniawan) thanks for everything.

  9. Thanks for those who help and accompany directly in working with this graduating paper, searched book as the references and always gives me motivation (Mb. Rina, Yuni and Tri). Thanks for all support, advice, suggestion and other helps that you all gives. The writer hopes that this graduating paper will useful for everyone.

  Salatiga, 15 March 2016 The Writer Adik Edhitia E. W.




The aims of the research are: 1) to describe and analyze the conditions of teaching

and learning processes when Code as Activity Sequences was used; 2) to describe

and analyze students‘ English achievement when the method was used. This is

Classroom Action Research which was conducted at the Second Grade Students

of SMP N 2 Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2011/2012. There were two cycles

implemented within the research. Each cycle consisted of two meeting comprising

of four activities namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflection. The

data collection method used in the research was observation, test, and document.

The collected data was analyzed descriptively and statistically by mean

calculation. The result of the analysis says that: 1) using Code as Activity

Sequences increase conducive classroom activities. Classroom becomes

conducive because, it colors teaching and learning processes in terms of teacher‘s

actions, students‘ responses, and the use of materials combined with teaching aids,

and expected result

  • – the students‘ achievement in English. The increase can be

    traced from the very beginning, namely from planning, implementation,

    observation, and reflection as seen in each cycle. They were completed with the

    observation sheet along the teaching and learning processes; 2) using Code as

    Activity sequences improve students‘ achievement in English. This can be seen

    from the increase of their English achievement from starting from the mean

    score of pre-test, post-test one, and post-test two (73; 98,73; 90, 83). Even though

    there was a decrease namely from post-test one to post-test two but the scores

    were still above the minimum passing grade (KKM).


Keywords: code as activity sequences, teaching and learning minimum criteria of

passing grade, improvement, english achievement

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study English is an International language used all over the world. People in

  some countries speak English as their first language and some other use it as their foreign language. Indonesia is one of the countries where English is used as a foreign language. English is taught from elementary school level until university with different status in the country. Nowadays, English language is very important in daily life. It is used in formal or non formal communication such as in an office, bank and school, and others. To master the language one should master such elements as: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciations, and the like (Rachmajanti, 1999).

  The three elements above must be mastered, if one wants to have ability in English. The first step for every learner is to master vocabulary.

  Mastering vocabulary means practicing the third elements itself. For example, if someone wants to explain how to say something, of course they have to master vocabulary. The more vocabulary the people have, the more they can do whether in speaking, reading and listening. According to Kasbolah (1993), the one way to make the conductive class is by using media in the teaching of vocabularies.

  Media means carrying messages (Heinich) whatever that can be used to deliver the materials. Teacher can use many kinds of media such as: competitive games like circular cards, flip cards, realia and word cards; and in silent way games, they like mind reading, weed read and word order; or in feeling and grammar games, like did you write that?, who wrote about me? (Mario Rinvolucri and Paul Davis, 2007).

  Based on the pre-observation conducted in the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Tengaran, it was noticed that the students still get difficulties in comprehending English. The fact is that the students often made mistakes in doing the assignments given by teacher. It was caused by some weaknesses of the teaching-learning processes.

  In the interview conducted on Thuesday 24 July 2012, started at 09.00 a.m. and finished at 10.00 a.m., there was much information taken. The writer asked to the teacher some questions. The questions were devided into three categories including general conditions in English class; primarily on student‘s English achievement, the difficulties faced by students in their English grammar skills and their kinds of strategies implemented by the teacher, before the writer offered the Code Activity Sequences in solving the student‘s difficulties in mastering English.

  First category discussed the general condition in English class primarily on student‘s English grammar achievement of the test. Most of student who did not like English class, they gained low competence in English. Besides, they still faced obstacle in following the English lesson.

  They thought English as a complicated then considered that grammar as the most difficult one in learning English primarily on VIII grade which got the lowest score og English grammar test among the other first grade classes. Moreover, the teacher satted that most of them were difficult to pass the minimum criteria of completeness (KKM) concerning the school policy.

  The second category discussed the student‘s difficulties in English grammar. The teacher mentioned the diffuculties in English grammar for some student‘s in VIII were confused in their sentence, when they want to retell, described and explained something that was related to the time and occurerence, which has a close related with student‘s ability in adverbial clause of time. They got sleepy while English grammar lesson because they did not understand and they thought it was a kind of boring activity. The teacher had given sufficient time for students made a sentence base on the form of adverbial clause of time, then they wrote the task which had given by the teacher on whiteboard which had explained previuosly by the teacher, but they still did not understand and felt so confused. Based on those kinds of student‘s difficulties in English grammar, the teacher believed that the major problems arose in they got less of practise and then the teacher also said that she did not find yet an appropriate teaching method to solve those problems.

  The third category was related to the teacher‘s method in teaching English grammar previously to solve the student‘s difficulties in English grammar. It was found that the teacher often took the English grammar materials from student‘s handbook and the English text book served by the school. Up to now, the teacher had been looking for an alternative way to teach English grammar. At last, the teacher suggested the writer to implement Code Activity Sequences in assisting student‘s difficulties in English grammar.

  Those cases faced by the eight grade students in SMP N 2 Tengaran because the method used by the teacher is not motivating for the students. One of the appropriate methods to be applied is Code Activity Sequences. The main concept of this method is that building support and enjoyable classroom environment by engaging students in the learning process through the use of task.

  Based on the facts above, the writer is interested in carrying out a study on ―The Code Activity Sequences to Improve English Achievement of the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2011/2012‖.

B. Statement of the Problem

  Based on the background of study above, some problems related to improve English achievement can be identified. The problems are:

  1. What are the teaching and learning processes when the Code Activity Sequences were implemented for the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2011/2012?

  2. What is the English achievement when the Code Activity Sequences were implemented for the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2011/2012?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  In order to specify the topic, the writer has some objectives to describe as follows:

  1. To find out and analyze English teaching and learning processes when the Code Activity Sequences were implemented for the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2011/2012.

  2. To find out and analyze English Achievement when the Code Activity Sequences were implemented for the Second Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2011/2012.

  D. Benefits of the Study

  The purpose of the study is to give some benefits to the public reader for education such as:

  1. For the teachers:

  a. The study result can be used by the teacher to develop their teaching technique.

  b. The study result can be used to develop some more interests for teacher in explaining English materials.

  2. For the students: The study result can be used particularly to improve their achievement in English and for improving their communication capability.

  3. For the institution: It is one of the teaching methods that can be used to contribute in improving English achievement for the students and is able to make the institution choose the best way in improving students‘ achievement.

  E. Review of the Previous Research

  To prove the originality of this study, the writer presents previous research that deal especially with teaching English. The research was conducted by Shofiyatun (2006) entitled ―A Descriptive study on the Teaching English at SMP N 2 Surakarta‖. Her conclusions are the objective of the Teaching English is to prepare students in mastering English orally or written, to make communication more easily in facing globalization era and the method used by the teacher is traditional or convention method.

  Considering the previous research above, the writer wants to conduct the similar research, but with different subject. The previous research was conducted in junior high school the same as this research but different in topic and research setting.

  F. Research Paper Outline

  This graduating paper is divided into five chapters. In order to get a tidy presentation, the writer will conveys the graduating paper as follows: Chapter I is introduction. It consist of background of study which mentions the writer reason why the writer choose the topic as a graduating paper, then statement of the problem that explain the problem of the study that observe by the writer, next is objectives of the study which mentions the specific problem that the writer explain. Besides that it is include objectives of the study that consist of the aim of the study, benefits of the study that describe the benefits for the teacher, students and for the institution.

  Chapter II is related theories. It consists of related research theory. In this chapter the writer divides into: definition teaching, definition learning, definition achievement, code activity sequences and conceptualization.

  Chapter III is research method. It consists with the research setting and research methodology. Research setting consists with history of the school, teacher and staffs, the students and the facilities. The research methodology is consist with research approach, method of study, research subject, technique of collecting data and instruments, research design and technique of analyzing data.

  Chapter IV is research findings. This chapter deals with the description of SMP N 2 Tengaran, description of the second grade students, data analysis, cycle I, cycle II and discussion.

  Chapter V is conclusion. It is the last chapter it ends the study and the researcher states the conclusion of the study summary.


  1. The Terms of Teaching This chapter begins to deal with contextual consideration in language teaching by addressing the learner variable of age. Each of these considerations is essential to incorporate into your choices of techniques, lesson organization and supporting materials. The teacher have already begun to get a taste of the array of questions, issues, approaches and techniques that must be included in any training as a language teacher a complexity that cannot be covered effectively in a weekend workshop. Part of this complexity is brought on by multiplicity of context in which languages and English more so than any other language are learned and taught. Even if you could somehow pack a suitcase full of the most current teaching resources, the teacher would still have to face the question of who you‘re learners, where they are learning and why they are learning. (Brown, Douglas, 2000)

  The definition of teaching from Dr. Georgi Lozanov teacher from Bulgaria believes from suggest logy. Suggestions can and of course depend on achievement students. In short teaching means knowledge or skills transferring from (someone expert) to (someone/learner). Teaching is supposed to be fail if the learner cannot absorb the knowledge or skills that are transferred.

  2. Teaching Methods Slameto (2001) says ―Study is process to doing someone for get change a new attitude, from the result by itself interaction with the environment‖.

  Muhibin Syah (2006) words of a psychologist named Wittig (1981) in his psychologist of define learning is ―any relatively permanent change in an organism‘s behavioral repertoire that occurs as a result of experience‖

  So learning is a process of interaction of learners with educators and learning resources in a learning environment. Learning is the assistance provided educators to be a process of acquiring knowledge and learning. So it can be said learning theory is an attempt to describe how people learn, so help us all understand the inherent complex process of learning.

  Based on the description above can be concluded that the method of learning is the way or the road taken by the teacher to deliver learning materials so that learning objectives can be achieved. It can also be concluded that the method of learning is learning strategies used by teachers as a means of achieving the learning objectives that have been set. It encourages teachers to find appropriate methods in the delivery of the material to be absorbed well by the students. Teach effectively is very dependent on the selection and use of teaching methods.

  Slameto (2001) says result of the study is process someone to a new get change attitude for their own.

  Learning methods are many kinds and types, each type of learning method has advantages and disadvantages of each, do not use just one kind of method, combining the use of some method that is still widely used in teaching and learning. According to Nana Sudjana there are various methods of learning, namely Methods lecture, Methods FAQ, Method Discussion, method of recitation, Working Methods Group, Method Demonstration and Experiment method socio dramas (role- playing), method of problem solving, systems method squad (team teaching), method of training (drill), Methods field (Field-trip), the community survey methods and simulation methods. For more details, like Ibrahim book‘s (2003) the authors describe several types of learning methods as follows: a. Lecture‘s method is the narrative of the lesson material orally. This method is not always bad when the user really prepared well, supported by tools and media, as well as pay attention to the limits of possibility of their use. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 106) the lecture method is a way of teaching that is used to convey information or information or a description of an issue and a concern orally. This method is often used by teachers to deliver lessons when facing a number of students were quite a lot, but it should be noted that this method will be successful if it is supported by other methods, such as question and answer method, training and others. Teachers have to be really prepared in this case, because if it is delivered only lecture course from start to finish the lesson, students will be bored and less interested in following the lesson, might even be a student did not understand what was being said by teacher. 1). Strength: a). Teachers master classes more.

  b). Easy to organize the seating/class.

  c). Can be followed by a large number of students.

  d). Easy to prepare and implement them.

  e). The teacher is explaining a lesson with good. 2). Weakness: a). Easy to be verbal (sense of the words).

  b). The visual into a loss, the auditory (hearing) is used to receive.

  c). Boring if always used and for too long.

  d). It is hard to conclude that students understand and are interested to teacher.

  b. Confucius is a method of teaching methods that allow direct communication that is two way traffic, because at the same time the dialogue between teachers and students. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 107), teacher asks students to answer or students ask the teacher answered. In this communication seen their reciprocal relationship between the teacher and students. Asking questions can also be interpreted as a method of teaching that enables direct communication is two-way because at the same time the dialogue between teachers and students. Teacher asks students to answer or students ask the teacher answered.

  1). Strength and answer method: a). Questions may attract and concentrate students.

  b). Stimulate students to train and develop the power of thought, including memory.

  c). Develop the courage and skills of students in answering and expressing their opinions.

  2). Weakness and answer method:

  a). Students feel less afraid when teachers can encourage students to dare to create an atmosphere that is not strained.

  b). It is not easy to ask questions that correspond to levels of thinking and easily understood student.

  c). Often waste a lot of time.

  d). Lack of time to provide questions to all students.

  c. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 108), the method of discussion is the exchange of information, opinion, and the elements of experience on a regular basis with a view to get a common understanding clearer and more careful about issues or topics. Thus, methods of discussion is shaped learning methods exchange of information, opinions and elements of experience on a regular basis with a view to get the same sense, clearer and more conscientious about something or to prepare and finalize a joint decision. Therefore, the discussion is not a debate, because debate is the mouth of the war argue, collided understanding and ability of persuasion to win. In the discussion that everyone is expected to contribute so that the whole group came back with the understanding that fostered together.

  1). Strength discussion method:

  a). Stimulate the creativity of the students in the form of ideas, ideas, initiatives and new breakthrough in solving the problem.

  b). Developing mutual respect other people's opinions.

  c). Expanding horizons.

  d). Fostering for deliberation accustomed to solve a problem. 2). Weakness in the discussion: a). It takes a long time.

  b). Cannot be used for large groups.

  c). Participants received limited information.

  d). Controlled by people who like to talk or want to highlight themselves.

  d. Demonstration and experimental methods are highly effective teaching methods, for helping students to find answers on their own based on the true facts. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 109), demonstration in question is a teaching method that shows how the process of something. Demonstration method is a fairly effective method of teaching because it helps the students to get an answer by observing a process or a specific event.

  1). Strength demonstration method: a). Avoid verbal.

  b). Students are more easily understand what is learned.

  c). The teaching process is more interesting.

  d). Students are stimulated to actively observe, adjust between theory and reality and try to do it yourself.

  2). Weakness in the demonstration: a). Requires special teacher skills.

  b). Lack of facilities.

  c). It takes a long time.

  e. Experiment methods, this method is not just a teaching method but also a method of thinking, because in the experiment may use another method of pulling data begins to draw conclusion. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 110), experiment method is a way of presenting the lessons, in which students conduct experiments with the experience and prove you something Learning (Djamarah, 2002: 95). Demonstration and experimental methods are highly effective teaching methods, for helping students to find answers on their own based on the true facts. Demonstration in question is a teaching method that shows how the process of something.

  1). Strength experimental method:

  a). Making students more confidence in the correctness or conclusions based on experiments.

  b). Fostering students make new breakthroughs.

  c). The results of the experiment worthwhile can be utilized for the welfare of mankind.

  2). The weakness of the experimental method: a). Tend corresponding scientific and technological fields.

  b). Difficulties in the facility.

  c). Demand precision, patience, and fortitude.

  d). Each experiment does not always deliver the expected results.

  f. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 111), the method of training is a technique of teaching that encourages students to conduct the exercise in order to have the dexterity or skill that is higher than what is learned.

  1). Strength exercise method: a). To obtain a motor and mental skill.

  b). To gain proficiency in the form of associations are made.

  c). The formation of habits and increase the accuracy and speed of execution.

  d). Utilization of habits that do not require concentration. e). The establishment of more automatic habits. 2). The disadvantage in practice: a). Inhibits the talent and initiative of students.

  b). Potential static adjustments to the environment.

  c). Monotonous, is boring.

  d). Establish bad habits.

  e). To cause verbal.

  g. Recitation method is a method of presenting the material in which the teacher provides specific tasks so that students learning activities.

  According to Ibrahim, (2003: 112). 1). Strength of the method of recitation:

  a). Stimulate students in carrying out activities of both individual and group learning.

  b). To develop independence.

  c). Establishing responsibility and discipline students.

  d). Develop students creativity. 2). The weakness of the method of recitation: a). It is difficult to control.

  b). Special task group active specific students.

  c). It is difficult to give the assignment appropriate individual differences.

  d). Causing bored. h. Methods field (Field-trip), field here means a visit outside the classroom. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 113), the field above does not take place away from the school and does not require a long time. Leisure in a long time and a place far away called the study tour. Through this method, students are invited to visit certain places outside the school. Places to be visited and the things that need to be observed has been planned in advance, and after the activities of the students are asked to make a report.

  1). Strength field method:

  a). Have the principles of modern teaching by utilizing the real environment.

  b). Make the relevance between what is learned to the needs in the community.

  c). Stimulate creativity of students.

  d). Materials and actual broader lesson. 2). Weakness in a field: a). Lack of facilities.

  b). Keep careful planning.

  c). Keep in coordination to avoid overlapping of time.

  d). Ignoring the element of the study.

  e). Difficulty arranging lot of students. i. System method squad (team teaching), is a method of teaching two or more teachers work together to teach a group of students, so classes faced some teachers. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 114), system squads many kinds, because for a team is not always the teacher formally, but could involve people beyond as may be necessary in accordance with the expertise we need. j). The method used to teach values and solve problems encountered in social relationships with people in the family, school and community.

  In the execution of the students are given specific roles and carrying out this role and to discuss it in class. (Ibrahim, 2003: 115).

  1). Strength methods socio dramas:

  a). Train students to train, understand and remember the content of the material to be acting.

  b). To train students, and creative initiative.

  c). Nurturing talent.

  d). Growing and fostering cooperation.

  e). Got a habit to share the responsibility.

  f). Fostering students grammar. 2). Weakness socio dramas: a). Less creative for children who did not participate in the drama.

  b). A lot of time-consuming.

  c). Requires a large place.

  d). Interfere with other classes because of the noise. k. Simulation methods, simulation is derived from the word meaning Simulate pretend or act as if. According to Ibrahim, (2003: 116), simulation word means imitation or acts that mock. Thus, the simulation in teaching method referred to as a way to describe something (teaching materials) through the process of imitation behavior or role play about a behavior that is done as if in a state that is factual. l). Advantage of Simulation Method

  There are several advantages of using simulation as a method of teaching, which are: a). The simulations can be used as a preparation for students in the face of the actual situation in the future; both in family life, community, or the world of work.


  Simulation can develop students‘ activities, because it is through simulation students are given the opportunity to play a role appropriate to the topic being simulated.

  c). Simulation can cultivate courage and confidence of students.

  d). Enriching the knowledge, attitude and skills necessary in dealing with various social situations are problematic.

  e). The simulations can increase the excitement in the learning process.

  2). Besides weakness Simulation Method has advantages, simulation also has weaknesses, including: a). The experience gained through the simulation is not always appropriate and in accordance with the reality on the ground.

  b). Manage unfavorable. simulation often used as a means of entertainment, so that the learning objectives to be ignored.

  c). Psychological factors such as fear and shame often are affecting students in conducting simulations.

  3. Language Teaching Method

  a. Grammar Translation Method (GTM) This method involves the method of learning grammar Latin and Greek.

  GTM method used to speak, read and write Latin. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 121), this method is divided into two parts: first, the rules and the model pattern. Second, a sentence to be translated into and from the target language. These methods include learning the rules of grammar, grammatical word learning, and learning to use rule (formula) in interpreting the sentence. This method is used by the United States in 1890. In this method the target language vocabulary, learned through a direct translation from the original language. Then the translation discussed. The virtue of this method is to focus on the translation of grammatical forms, and memorizing vocabulary. Then the lesson that way is very simple. This method simply combining learning activities grammar and translation. The result is language learners are not able to use the target language to communicate. b. Audio-Lingual Method (ALL) This method was introduced in the United States in 1940. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 122), although this method is considered to be very old, but many teachers are still using this method. In technically, this method is supported by tools related machinery such as a tape recorder and a language laboratory. Audio Lingual Method in this language learners are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for effective communication in a foreign language. Then the language learners are also required to understand the language and culture of a foreign people whose language they are learning. Initially this method was introduced to prepare people to be an expert or master a foreign language orally in a fast time and language are emphasized, namely short, especially in the language in oral form. This method assumes that speaking and listening are the main chance, then reading and writing into the second.

  c. Silent Way Silent way is the name of language learning method invented by Caleb Cattegno. This method uses a rod or map numbers in learning. In this method, the rule is that the language was relatively fewer teachers so that learners (students) it became more active in generating language. Teacher only serves as a guide, source and appraisers. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 122), language learners are usually accustomed to think concept before the language is spoken. They must understand what they are going to say before they say it. The first understanding, then speak.

  d. Community Language Learning (CLL) The name of this method was introduced and developed by Charles A.

  Curran and colleagues. Curran is a specialist in Counseling and a Professor at the University of Chicago Loyoya. This method is also called the learning counseling. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 123), present language learning community using learning theory counseling to teach a foreign language. The term counseling itself refers to the relationship between counselor and client. In this method the teacher as a counselor and students as clients. CLL is the view that the language learner is the entirety of a person's self which includes psychology, among others emotions and feelings.

  English teacher used to adjust to the conditions and circumstances in which the language learner to learn a foreign language. Then learning how to deploy vary by culture, skill level, and the state of the classrooms.

  e. Total Physical Response (TPR) Total Physical Response is one of the methods developed by James J.

  Ashers, a professor of psychology at the University at Santa Jose, California. Dr. Ashers start of developmental psychology, learning theory and language learning procedures. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 124), the opposite of the previous method, if the TPR is believed that the learner must understand the language of the target or targets before speaking. Language learner can learn through the act of observation itself. By observation and appearance, they will understand the language being studied. They will also understand the language of view and hear the action. In this TPR teachers will practice what will be taught. For example: when teaching he would touch her nose.

  4. Teaching models

  a. Direct Method Direct means directly. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 145), direct method or the direct model is a way to teach material foreign language lessons where the teacher directly using the foreign language as the language of instruction, and without using the language of the students in the slightest in teaching. If there is a word that is difficult to understand by the students, the teacher can interpret by using props, demonstrate, describe and others. This method rests on the understanding that the teaching of foreign languages is not the same as teaching the exact sciences. If teaching science, students are required to be able to memorize certain formulas, think, and remember, then in language teaching, students / pupils are trained directly practice saying the words or certain sentences. Even if the words or the sentence initially was foreign and not understood protégé, but little by little the words and the sentence will be pronounced and can also interpret it. Similarly, if we look at a mother teaches her children wet directly with teaching him, led him to say the word by word, sentence by sentence and his son obeyed, although still seen funny. For example his mother taught "Father", the child calls "Aah" and so on. But over time the child identify words and finally he understood the point anyway

  In principle, the direct method (direct method) is very major in teaching foreign languages, because through this method can directly train students proficiency without using the mother tongue (language environment). Although initially seem difficult to speak, but is interesting for the students.

  b. Berlitz Method Berlitz Method (Berlitz method) is there a direct method (Direct Method) is always used in schools Berlitz as the primary method.

  According to Douglas Brown (2000: 146), all schools Berlitz using the direct method (direct method) is in the teaching of foreign languages in school and more other schools in America and Europe who routinely apply this method. They have been convinced that this is the method most suitable and most successful for teaching foreign languages in order to achieve a more harmonious and active foreign language capabilities. Because of the direct method is also called the method of Berlitz, for Berlitz schools more popularize the use of these methods continuously and they do indeed work very well.

  c. Natural Method Methods (Natural Method) so called because in the learning process, the students were taken to nature as well as their own mother tongue lessons. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 147), in the implementation of this method is not much different from the direct method (direct) where the teacher presents the subject matter directly in a foreign language without translation at all, except in certain cases where the dictionary and language students can be used. Feature of Natural Methods include: Sort lessons initially given through listening / listening (listening) and then the conversation (speaking), reading (reading) authored or (writing) the last new grammar lesson presented initially introduced the words simple known by the students, then introduce objects ranging from objects that exist in the classroom, at home and outside the classroom, and even get to know foreign or foreign countries, especially teaching aids and dictionaries that can be used at any time is needed, for example, to explain and interpret the difficult words in a foreign language and expanding vocabulary or enrich vocabulary as a key condition to master a foreign language therefore the ability and fluency reading and conversing highly preferred in this method, the lesson grammatical (grammar) less attention.

  d. Conversation Method The teaching foreign languages such as English, Arabic or other languages is a direct way of inviting students chatting / talking in a foreign language being taught this. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 148), begins with the words or sentences or phrases that commonly apply to the activities of everyday life, such as: Good Morning, How are you? What are you doing? Can you speak English? Etc; or sentences, conversations in classrooms around the school, at home in the office and so forth; increasingly widespread and diverse. Whose name speaks it is to talk (as a principal function of language); The second role then read / understand the article or book. So the main function of learning the foreign language proficiency is active, oral communication or conversation. That is the main purpose or principal target of learning a foreign language, followed by the ability to read and comprehend or passive mastery.

  Therefore, the main method and first in foreign language teaching and learning activities that should be the method of Conversation (Conversation Method). This method is in line with Direct Method and Natural Method, which is the implementation by implementing the functions and principles of the provisions of each of these methods. In developed countries like the US and Europe, the applying party this method as the main practice coupled with props / audio-visual aids are sufficient and harmoniously so that within one half has been able to visit the country of the language of the learned, learn and practice during 1 year have been directly able to write with in a foreign language. So in addition to matching methods, media and books are complete, the teacher has high capabilities, his students also need to earnestly learn and intelligent.

  Without these four conditions are met, the person for years, even dozens of years of learning a foreign language.

  e. Hear and Say According to Douglas Brown (2000: 149), this method prioritizes ear training and training speak that way of serving foreign language lessons through listening exercises followed by exercises pronounce words and phrases in a foreign language being studied. Phonetic method can be said to be a combination of the two methods Natural and Reading above.

  f. Practice-Theory This method is as the name suggests, more emphasis on the practical ability of the theory. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 150), comparison can be a practical material unit 7 and 3 units of theoretical material. Learning a foreign language first and primarily practice, then followed by the theory (grammar). So the emphasis here is how the student / students to be able to speak a foreign language it is practically not theoretical. Therefore, teaching should be directed to the communicative abilities or conversation, grammar can be taught while passing. In the early stages of matter of practical lessons can be selected and applied to things simple, whether it's through everyday conversations that had to do with the world of school students or households and the wider community, or can also mention the details of the names objects and words ape establishing the spoken language. While at the advanced level on the subject matter developed more extensive and complex through conversations theoretical and scientific reasoning.

  g. Reading Method Method of reading (Reading Method) which presents the subject matter by way of first priority to read, the teacher first read the topics of reading, followed by the student protege. But sometimes teachers can directly appoint students to read certain subjects first, and of other students notice and follow suit. Mechanical methods of reading (Reading Method) This can be done by the teacher directly read the subject matter and the students were told to pay attention / listen to readings teacher well, after the teacher pointed to one of the students to read, by changing (rotating). After each student had a turn to read, the teacher repeats reading it once again with the participation of all the students it is mainly at the level of first-rate; and then the teacher recorded the words difficult or new, unknown on the board to be recorded in the record books to enrich the vocabulary and that furthermore, to complete the topics that have been set / determined. Douglas Brown (2000: 151).

  h. Oral Method This method is similar to the method and reform phonetic method, but the scrambled method is focused on exercises verbal or narrative direction by mouth. According to Douglas Brown (2000: 152), train to be able to fluently speak (fluently), harmony and spontaneity Coaching oral / mouth so that the pronunciation of the foreign language can sound right, does not sound awkward. Exercises sound system through the lips, trained precisely esophagus discharge letters, the letters at the end or at the base of the tongue and so forth. Exercises to arrange the words make their own sentences and so on, all the talking is done by enabling oral, oral, speaking The target to be achieved through this method is quality and verbal fluency or oral talk or communicate directly as a primary function of language The principle of this method is: Teach the language, do not teach only about the language. i. Pattern - Practice Method

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